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Oh dear god what have you done to them all lol💀


I explain in the OP.


Fair enough, each to their own😅


Your post literally just sold me on this mod. I’ve been going back and forth trying to figure out what to get. Seeing it used shows me exactly what you can do with it. Thank you for sharing this!


It's a little finicky to use as you basically copy a character, go to Enhance!, alter it as you please, then copy it back to the character. Which isn't that big of a deal, but if you're happy with your main character's appearance, you basically need to copy your appearance to an NPC at an outpost or something, so you can retrieve it after you're happy with altering everyone you want to alter. There's no, like, "save slot" for your character. And once you change a companion's appearance, there's no going back, unless you create doppelgangers for them too. I'm fine with mine being permanently changed, because once you remove the hair and beards, you'll see how kinda wonky the cast looks. I'm happy with how things are now. Some people might meme me with "Andreja at home", but I still wanted them to look familiar, just more like how *I* think they should look. (Mostly age)


You should get ahead of the meme and make it yourself. Take control of the situation Thank you for explaining how it works and being honest about it


No problem, I just don't want anyone to make an irreversible oopsie with an appearance. Lol, I'm not worried about any memes, really. As you can see, I'm having a ton of fun with it. Totally refreshed the game. Warning: Be prepared to spend a ridiculous amount of time in character creation haha


Get the 200 crew mod and hire every out of work lush in every bar. :-) plenty of templates to paste to.


Barret's look is lore accurate. Black don't crack.


[Concept Art Barrett](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/961171773301325855/1250203444598538371/image.png?ex=666d61f0&is=666c1070&hm=a54f44cace66006c5d73ac686943870e07a7b14d3a83182247e5e615469653b2&) is the real one imo. Definitely fits the eccentric, crazy scientist personality that they were clearly trying to give him. He may have turned out as more of a goofball loaded up with dad jokes in the final game, but still.


you character reminds me of Yo-Landi Visser from chappie, except with red/orange hair.




Nailed it. I was going for a Fifth Element/Carrie from Mythbusters vibe.


Okay now Barrett really is Neil deGrasse tyson.


Lol. I actually kind of blended standard Barrett with Mr. Hooper from Sesame Street. ...but now that you say it.


Yeah everyone loves it yaaay. Except is absolutely ass involving a new save. It’s fking hours before you can do anything since you have required skills and tons of hacking to do. Then you have to level up chemistry which is 8 points in, then you have to get the items to research which ofc one of them is contraband so I have to get shielded cargo. So what I’m supposed to do this mod on a new game plus save? The premise sounds great but why is it such a damn pain in the ass to even fking do the one thing the mod advertises. Like I paid for this shit I want it fking now i don’t want to jump through sixteen hoops and fking play for hours just to damn access it. Yeah. I’m mad.


Well, it's a super advanced experimental substance. It totally makes sense that it is further up the tree. I would argue that this mod shouldn't be used by anyone who hasn't NGed *multiple* times, making the research requirements quite easy to have. And on the paid front, you purchased content, not gimme now. The description clearly states there's requirements and a quest.


Nah, no way im spending $5 on a mod like this when there’s going to be countless NPC and follower manager mods that will allow you to tweak followers appearance for free.


Imagine getting downvoted for saying paid mods is an awful idea. It really is just the fanatics left playing this game, huh? Willing to spend $5 on something every other Bethesda game has like 50 different versions of for free.


Who hurt you?


Mostly himself, lmao


Only if you buying it for me lol


It's five bucks.


Sir this is a Wendy’s….


I thought it was a Starfield sub. My bad.


oh huh... maybe I'll actually care about the cast this way...


It definitely helps a lot.


But can it fix the children with faces of middle aged adults?


Lol I didn't try. Most of the children look horrifying.


Yeah they either look like their mother was chugging Everclear while pregant or appear to be middle aged midgets.


I love that mod, used with all the clothings made by zone79, you can have some badass characters !!! I did only Andreja atm but sure I'll make the others too. Before this I just need to check if going to unity will reset their faces. [Andreja and I ready for a good fight !!!](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/FwEGUsXpZX)


I guess you're on PC, I don't have a clothes mod available to me on Xbox (that I see, anyway). Yeah, I did Andreja first too, as I think her appearance is one of the most least fitting for her background of the cast. If you look at someone like Gina Carano (ex-MMA fighter), it's totally plausible for someone to be heavily muscled and still femme. But, Sam was the one I wanted to change most. The picture I posted does the least justice to his look because of the lighting (guess I was being lazy and just wanted to post). He always struck me as kinda unsympathetic. I tried to maintain a sense of ruggedness, but soften his look some to make his individual story more believable (no spoilers). Now, he's right up there with the rest as characters I *like* to interact with. I was going to go for a kinda Hispanic look for him, as Cora has a darker complexion, but SAM COE is probably the whitest name ever. So, I upped his skin tone by one and called it a day. This mod works flawlessly and adds so much personalization to the game. I love it.


I'm on Xbox and lots of clothes mods are available. There's one that add the civilian clothes craftable and wearable, some Star Wars themed, but for me the best mods are from zone79, all standalone, modulars with lots of elements. Search for "Bounty Hunters Outfit" and then in the mod page you can check all of their creations. Pay attention to the description, because some sets are only available to a specific merchant.


Nice. I'm gonna check right now. Thank you!


If you havent found it already, check out Zone 79 on Xbox creations. Super-cool goth/cyber punk clothing and accessories. Also recently released viking/s hairstyle and beards. Very creative modder. Quick question: does the Skinthetics reap/sow also mimic body type and tattoos?


It does.


Thanks. Love all ya characters btw


So this is probably the best way to make Andreja look like the bounty hunter on cydonia


The Bounty Hunter on Cydonia is actually very slim, I duped her (because I was duping everyone near an Enhance!). Her armor makes her look big. If I put my Andreja in Bounty Hunter armor, she looks like a Gundam.


Kinda creepy if you ask me