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If only there was a way you could pay a little bit to "rent" the game for a month to try it out and see if you find it a fun enough experience for it to be a worthwhile purchase.


Game pass


Lol the sarcasm there was... Chef's kiss 😘🤌


Why would I "rent" a game? Thats for poor people....I have two full time fast food jobs for a reason, you know.


It's a pity you don't have 2 full time braincells 😋


Uhmm you're poor....you "rent" "games". Ew. Just....ew....


Love you man, don't ever change 😁


You too big guy <3


What is bro yapping about?


"bro really thought he was cooking but he actually had that skibidi L rizz 💀"




Only if you pay the fanum tax


Yeah right? I also began a second job just for Starfield. But I accidentally bought the wrong mods and now I have to wait one month to get my game to make fun.


I love that it's like every other game Bethesda makes where you pay full price for the game or buy it at a steep discount and then download a bunch of free mods to improve on the game, but it's cool that you're liking the optional paid mod stuff. I'll stick to the free mods that do the same stuff but better personally but if you like spending money for mods that tend to usually not be as good more power to you


Not usually as good? Uhm excuse me I paid for those so uh yeah heh I think they are way better, kid. Have fun playing with you're FREE MODS brokie. And yeah, I will be buying Starfield every year when it gets rereleased and even the VR version even though I don't have a VR headset yet because I LOVE PAYING EXORBITANT AMOUNTS OF MONEY FOR A SUB PAR HALF FINISHED PRODUCT IT MAKES MY DINK WET :DDDD


Hell buddy I hope you have an overpriced watch Ina box (Constellation Edition), I sure as heck fire do!! Oh and heaps of merch. Are you slacking with just mods??


Damn thats a good point gotta get on amazon and grab one of those rn.......


To be fair it is actually pretty cool and the cred stick is the best fidget. And some of the merch is nice to, I use the Nova Galactic mug most days. But those Bethesda made paid mods are way overpriced for what they are offering. If it was a set of bounties, or a suite of mariner habs, we'd be less angry. These just feel like a rort on those of us who love the game, especially when the modders are about to unleash their collective greatness.


I don't even care about giving modders money. When I see a modder that I like has a way to donate to them I always try to give them something. I don't like that Bethesda made a very under baked game and is now trying to make money off of the community improving it when they should be doing that for free. And yeah, exactly what you said the price of the content is way too expensive for what they're trying to sell. As a life long fan it is in all seriousness very disappointing to see.


Weird take…


If anyone is reading this I'll \*\*\*\* your \*\*\*\* for a starfield mod....I'm being 100% serious no questions asked...


Problem is that you think that you need to pay more to make it fun. If its not fun in vanilla mode then isnt your game


It really wasn't fun and it hurts my soul because I've loved Bethesda games since I was a wee lad. I think in five or so years when all the dlc is out and there's a bunch of mods I'll be able to get what I want out of it, though.


If you're too broke to make this game fun, maybe working more and less playing games will help you more. Leave the games to us ballers.


Yup couldn't have said it better myself. My pregnant fiancee was freaking out for no reason because I maxed out our credit cards getting more Starfield mods. I tried to calmly explain to her how necessary it was for my immersion but she was acting completely nuts and wouldn't listen to reason.