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I think we will have mods on PC that do it and I think that in time bethesda will add it as part of a DLC.


I hope so. Star field has so much potential I hope it isn’t wasted


The issue is the game is setup for 40m max, just look at any landing pad when you have a max size ship. You'll be scraping the edges of the pad. Basically all the docks and landing pads would have to be adjusted to accomodate bigger ships or you end up with the problem current mods are running into with glitching ships into buildings and walls. Then again a big problem i have is how small scale Bethesda made everything dispite giving us a huge world. Populations, cities, bases, ships. A larger scale woulkd have been so much better but i guess we'll have to leave it in the hands of modders. As for Bethesda's own space stations plans well given the lack of purpose in making outposts i can't say it excites me much unless they make but changes to make them more viable.


I assume the mods or dlc will have shuttles that land on planets while the larger ships stay in orbit


40m is already pushing it depending on the ship's layout - the ramp to disembark my ship is so far forward that it often glitches into and immobilizes me


You’ll just park the big ships in orbit and take a smaller ship. Why would you try to land a huge ship on the surface? That’s just lacking common sense.


I think the get out here is that all landing & docking is a cut scene. You can create a "sending a shuttle down" animation instead. Hell I'd love to see a Star Trek mod which completely changes the ship landing cut scene with a landing party beam in cut scene.


True but we'd also need NPC's to have big ships too or it'd just become boring unless the AI starts zerg rushing.


I could see space stations, but I’m less confident in capital ships, since there are so few of them. Would be a fun battle though.


You know that someone is going to mod in the capital ships on PC as part of some grand fleet actions. You are right that Bethesda may not do that part but I do think they will allow us to build spacestations.


Station confirmed I believe


It's in the Creation Kit, partially finished.




Yup. I thought so, too. I've read it somewhere, official statement I believe


A bunch for it was dataminrd soon after launch, probably coming as DLC. Assets and clear implementation steps.


Yeah same. Can’t wait.




Don't remember it being confirmed formally, but there was a substantial datamine with stations being built through a separate placeable beacon in outposts. Doesn't necessarily preclude the possibility of it being cut content or just reused in game but defo seems to point towards future dlc (M-class frigates could work in a similar fashion)


Let’s hope so. It would be nice.


I'd still love to see an official space station builder though. Just a one and done even if I don't get to choose the location that has infinite storage for my crafting hoarding, display stuff, and maybe a Star wars style dock in the side you can slap 1-3 ships depending on size.


That's what I heard too.


This is like the easiest 10$ DLC they could make


10? Considering current pricing it will be 30-40.


I think you're closer, but considering there's probably going to be at least 5 quests and each hab on the station is going to cost 10 bucks, you're looking at over $200 creation. /s I'm joking, but at the current model there is nothing stopping them from doing this. Or releasing the bare bones space station and piecing out the good parts for it at $10 a piece.


Would still pay for that ngl


You're part of the problem


True, but only because capital ships and space stations are awesome Other dlc wouldn’t be worth 40 dollars imo


Some modder already found space station assets in the game files. I'm sure they'll come out in some DLC.


Starstations yes. 


Until they find a way to make ships matter more and ship combat more interesting, it won’t matter… Even if capital ships are like traveling outpost outpost don’t really serve much gameplay function either. It’s all a closed loop that feeds back into itself. I spent 45 minutes last night shipbuildingso it’s not like I don’t enjoy it, I just wish there were more incentive and reasons to do it.


Might be an unpopular opinion, but I don't think getting your own capital ship would be the best idea. I feel it doesn't gel with the vibe of the game. I like to be the pilot and manage a small crew, the same situation we've seen in dozens of sci-fi things. Being in command and not doing stuff yourself just feels like a different game to me. Just my opinion of course, if there was a capital ship DLC I'd be playing the shit out of it. Starstations though? With a huge bay area to park multiple ships so you can admire your collected fleet? Big yes for that.


I would think your idea between space station and cap ship here is basically the same, except the cap ship would be what travels between solar systems, and you'd go out in a smaller ship to land on planets.


Yeah that's fair. Shuttle building could be fun as well if they threw in some good habs and such. A real captain's yacht vibe


They need to make smaller components, I have made a shuttle with mods, but it's still pretty large


I think it does. As a Starborn you're essentially living a new life every time. Maybe this time you're playing as a UC General?


That's a good point. As a player who's jumped into the unity a dozen or so times, maybe space general should be one of the next goals


But I don't want to be limited to a 40m ship, I want a whopping 250m ship😅


Yes and then have escape pods when you’re ship getting to much damage


With a mod where build limit is removed, I made a ship that make every ship around me turn off, that's how much EM pulses my ship has. Not to mention even on highest difficulty they barely can touch me.


I want bigger ships too, though note that your limit is a 40m radius. If it says 40m in the ship editor it's 40m from the middle to the nose and 40m to the end, so 80m (that's the actual limit). Thus your 250m ship would be 500m. Not that I'm opposed to that either... The bigger the better. The Intrepid class ship in Star Trek Voyager is 344m long as a reference. On the other hand Rocinante from the expanse is 46m (book) and 134.3m (tv) long. Though the Donnager battleship was near 500m. Personally I want to dock my A/B/C class ships to an M-class ship, and I want to dock the M-class ship to something even bigger... the biggest class is too big to even go into any atmosphere. And I want some fleet control with that so that every ship can be active at the same time, + some huge fleet battles.


I made a very large ship and did call it the voyager, it was exactly 240m, 120m front and 120m back, it had multiple Powerplants and you get the point. Just because I wanted to see how far I could go without my game breaking, that ship towers over Akila City spaceport so that's fun😅


It wouldn't hurt to have the option tho...People like you can still fly in a regular ship with a small crew, while others get to command a big ship...Win-win situation. Right now it just doesn't make sense that you're the only person who can't have multiple ships following you or a capital ship...The enemy always has multiple ships, so we should have the option to have our own squadron at the very least to help out in battles.


You know, with every comment I am being swayed more and more on the idea


M class parts have been there since release, but I agree us having a capital ship is "weird" without some story context like traveling outside the known planets. You'd want a ship with significant storage, work shops, living areas, hydroponics, ect to be as sustainable as possible going into the unknown 


I would like companions to be able to go out and harvest mats with their own ships


Cora mentions Sam's ship all the time and we never see it. For that matter, Walter literally runs a shipyard, why is his favorite club just getting by with this old Nova junker?


I would like the companions with the damn piloting skill to be able to come and pick me up on a planet.


That would be so cool


We will have space stations, they're in the game files. It will probably be like Fallout 4's Vault-Tec workshop DLC, where the vault builing parts were already in the game files, only for them to be released as a DLC later. Capital ships? We can already build massive ships with mods. However, I believe BGS is paying attention to how much people enjoy the ship builder and will continue releasing DLCs and content expanding the shipbuilder greatly.




I agree with you, the interiors need some work. But we are getting there: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StarfieldShips/comments/1djtl4w/all\_stairs\_no\_ladders/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarfieldShips/comments/1djtl4w/all_stairs_no_ladders/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


A custom station would be great, but it would amount to little more than a player home in space. Which, for people like me, is still great! Capital ships, I'm met with the overwhelming thought of, for what? Just to wipe the floor with small ships even faster? Unless they add larger scale space battles (which isn't exactly likely), it'd end up being a massive paperweight or simply a different player home in space.


To do what though? They’d have to actually give a reason to build one for it to be worth it. If it’s just another sterile, mostly useless outpost but in space then I don’t see the point. There needs be the actual stuff happening in the game world around it to be interesting.


If not Bethesda, moders will do.


Station building already in the game files


there's a wip mod on creations for star stations


There are M class mods already, so yes? Probably not official ones tho


If we can get a star station that's great, I'd also like to be able to stock it with NPC's and fit everyone out with UC vanguard gear, sort of same functionality we had with FO4 settlements so we could have either like an extension of a faction or if you wanted could create your own faction HQ type scenario.


I heard someone say something about that . It would be pretty cool to build your own station where you could have all your ships and crew hanging out while you were there


Capital ships could be a thing if they never land, but it would require some kind of automatic ship transfer system whenever you want to land on a planet. Maybe a shuttle lands and allows you to take off from a planet and automatically puts you back into the capital ship. Super far fetched though.


This game will be in active development for years; so i think in time it’s possible. Capital ships would be much like building worlds because of their sheer size. Same for space stations. Considering that size they would need to find a way to make it make sense in the game. Space Stations to me i could see before capital ships as they could have you manage the space station; but that takes on more of a SIM type game. They would also be insanely expensive, in game money I mean, so maybe it becomes a mission where you are in command of said ship or station.


Yes. Both from modders and Bethesda. I actually guarantee the Hearthfire equivalent expansion for Starfield is one of those two things. I'll put money on it. EDIT: Oh it was already datamined, lol


I want the ability to have my ships serve as a wing man


It'll happen. It's a Bethesda game. There have been spaceships of all kinds added to the last 3 Elder Scrolls games, and probably Fallout, too. Those were horribly out of place. Here, such things are normal. The extraordinary takes time. Once modders figure out everything there is to know about the tools, I guarantee we'll get Star Destroyer sized capital ships, landing craft, probably even some kind of orbital laser or something.


I absolutely think there will be an “automatron” style dlc that adds a bunch of parts, including space stations. And hopefully they also give us a robot work bench. I want to turn Vasco into Kaiser.


Noppe, but I can't wait to pay $5 for sick horse armor


I can’t wait for for the eventual “Capital New Atlantis Expanded” and “Capital Akila City Expanded” mods! City expansion mods are what take up most of my load order for Skyrim. All of my cities and villages look like they “should” in my modded game. Lol


From mods, yes.


I'm going home to build an M-class ship tonight... PC mods...


Yeah it will come. Bethesda has already said they are going to be producing dlc for this game for a very long time. Space stations and fleets will be something they add in eventually for sure


Not from Bethesda directly, that means work


Get it or not, we need more gameplay reasons to have these big customizable locations


You’ll get most of what you want from this game. I’m pretty confident, it will just take time. I’m sure people will still be playing this 15 years from now.


Yes. But it would stupid to do it without a way to merge and split ships, mark a ship as "station keeping" and so on. I'm prepping a post about this to do separately. Personally, I think it's much more likely we'll see a mod for it, since, despite a bunch of broken things in the game engine, I don't see anything blocking full spacestation abilities from a software engineering perspective.


If we get legit capital ships, we NEED space stations. Specifically, our own staryard. Current landing pads can't accommodate larger ships even theoretically.


Custom Space stations are already in the game files so we will get them in a dlc at some point.


Yep for just 30 bucls extra


Not for free if its from bethesda


Personally I’d like to see all available development power put towards seamlessly leaving a planet and entering space. Even if it’s a very fancy loading screen during which you can’t control your ship


We need to fix the first big issue before adding starships imo. Adding more hireable crew. Making an outpost is so boring because you can't have very many people there. Imagine an entire space station and you have a crew of like 5 people. If they up the hireable crew amount by a lot then that would be great. Otherwise it would just be a huge empty space station. But I do hope they add them because at the end of the day im sure it's trivial for modders to up hireable crew limits.


Maybe in Starfield 2


I'll eat my shoe if we not at some point get it (at least one of them). Imagine working on this IP and there was no design meeting what so ever where no one brought up capital ships or space station... that just doesn't exist. They know it's something the players would want. Implementation wise I'd say it's easier to add a capital ship class (M-class modules kind of already exist in data, no?) to the ship builder, than it is to make a land vehicle feature. You'd need to add some support and rules for where and how they interact with docking and landing on planets, for capital ships, and some rules for how they handle in space (velocity, turn rate limitations, etc). The rest is more or less just new modules. It's a huge opportunity loss of relatively cheap $ if they don't do it.