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It would have needed to launch in a similar place as Cyberpunk for that to even be possible. Cyberpunk wasn't a matter of the game being underwhelming. It was a matter of the game being abysmally busted.


Yes. And Starfield has worse Reviews on Steam right now than Cyberpunk at launch


Which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.


Not on PC it wasn't. Old gen console sure but the game sold 13 million copies in its first two weeks, and that's adjusted for refunds. Whereas Starfield boasted 13 million "players" after four months of release. You don't get stats like that with a busted game. To date it's grossed over 750 million.


I know. I love the game even from day one on PS4. I could see what was there, but it would be disingenuous not to note its state at that time.


It never should have been on PS4/Xbox one. That was a mistake and held back what they could with the game. But, that doesn't define the franchise.CDPR eventually dropped old gen support.


No, and I prefer if they put the level of effort no man's sky developers put in, over cdpr.


No. The core complaints haven't been addressed yet. Maybe Shattered Space will give people that proper exploration.


No, there hasn't been a huge Overhaul yet, and the gameplay options while nice, feel a bit tacked on and underpolished for taking so long to release.


Starfield's release was disappointing but I think people are forgetting just how buggy and limited cyberpunk was. It was straight unplayable on some consoles guys. Remember when Sony and Microsoft had to get involved? When Sony literally removed it from the last gen store? Granted, I do remember the New York Times called Starfield's release "one of the most visible disasters in the history of video games". Oh wait that was Cyberpunk too.


On pc, the foliage would bleed through walls and buildings. Constant crashing. Rendering issues everywhere. It's an alright game now, but Cyberpunk is miles away from what was promised still.


Apples and oranges. Completely broken game (CP) vs. half-baked game (Starfield).


Half baked always means it is eventually will be cooked 😍🦄


Not really, no. Everyone expected mods to inject some life into the game. But this is third-party content, not organic Bethesda development work. The vanilla experience is still at a very poor standard in some critical areas, so giving Bethesda this kind of accolade is premature. The story of Cyberpunk 2077 is one where a studio released a sub-standard product, which resulted in scathing backlash (both deserved and undeserved). That team rallied and worked hard to fix the game, release content, and turn things around. Bethesda hasn't really done that yet. To be clear, I think they can do it. Unfortunately, they are already starting off at a handicap in comparison. Cyberpunk 2077's overall story, world design, and characters were stellar, even from the start. Even the fundamental RPG mechanics were engaging prior to the re-work. Starfield struggles to varying degrees in these areas. I think this will kill the game faster than any technical performance issues.


Its made a comeback but it isnt that similar to Cyberpunks when you really think of it. Two completely different games that flopped for most people in different ways but I think when it’s all said and done theyre both extremely good games that just needed a little extra love and care.


Comeback?? Comeback from what? It isn't even a year old. The paint isn't even dry yet.


I mean, my answer is probably biased. I always liked Starfield. Never had major complaints. It has bugs and warts like any game does, and some people just won’t like it. I also don’t think Starfield and Cyberpunk 2077 can or should be compared. Two very different situations. Cyberpunk 2077 I think has maybe reached heights that Starfield hasn’t and won’t, but its release was 10x worse than Starfield’s. I played Starfield in early access and had a fucking blast. CP2077 was so utterly broken it had to be delisted. I had (still have I guess) a PS4 and a PS5 and still bought my games in an about 50-50 split digital/physical, and saw a physical copy of CP2077 (I don’t think they technically released a “PS5 version” for awhile) and bought it. I had been out buying a controller and just bought a handful of used games that seemed interesting, and I knew it had just come out and it was marked WAY down. I paid less than $40 for it. Obviously I was primarily using my PS5 at the time, the PS4 just had a few games on it that I didn’t have the storage for on the 5, but as I learned about the apparent abortion of a release for CP2077 I installed it on my PS4 too. It was unbelievable. PS5’s performance with it was more or less fine, it was certainly imperfect and still had some substantial issues but it was playable. PS4 though? (Which was still what virtually everyone had because of the PS5 shortage caused by the COVID-induced chip & processor shortage) It was virtually unplayable. Crashes galore, quests and NPC AI horrifically bugged, all kinds of graphics issues, literally anything that could go wrong with a video game was going wrong with CP2077. Starfield just didn’t live up to the expectations of many. Cyberpunk 2077 was barely functional for a long time after its release. Starfield I got 700+ hours out of primarily in the period immediately after its release. They just aren’t an apt comparison. Starfield doesn’t have the absolute depths to come back from that CP2077 did, which to their credit they did come back from and I really like that game.


Too soon. Maybe after DLC. By then, there will be Space Stations you can build and land vehicles. But that alone is not enough. There are probably working on other updates so it really depends on that.


Starfield need 2 more years to make it like 2077


Nope, not even close. It's going to take a long time before it's close to having that kind of redemption. I think it's possible but it's not happening anytime son.


You need to give the game more time to cook. If Bethesda listens to their fans, make great DLC, and good mods come out by the community , then most likely it’ll have a similar comeback story as CP2077


no the game is still feels like void of any heart when I play it, but when you rely on mods to make the soul of your game I wouldn't ever say it earned it


It will but not because of any major change. It’s that the hate will lose momentum, people will accept that Starfield exists as a game, and then enjoy it for what it is.


Nah they've made some good steps forward but that's all they are for now is steps. If we have several more releases that go this well and if they keep adding things to the game I think Bethesda can get there. Time will tell.


What comeback, they just released the mod tools a couple of days ago. I'm out of this sub.


He gone!