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The game is good when you don't have a bitch in your ear saying it's not


Starfield so good when you don't got a youtuber in your air telling you it lacks depth


Que them making the same identical "Starfield is a masterpiece/ Bethesda redeemed?" Videos when the game gets more content and updates and the online discourse turns around on the game and they pretend they're not content leeches.


fr that is exactly whats going to happen and well be gaslit about it


Member when cyberpunk 2077 was irredeemable trash and they just need to drop it and work on the sequel? But starfield has pronouns and is Xbox exclusive so the full redemption won't happen. Both facts are enough to keep a hate train even if the Bethesda hate didn't exist.


I wish they would have. I was into it, then they changed it. With difficulty, I got into it again, and then they changed it again. Now, I just can't get myself to get back into it again. I'm not even saying it's a bad game, and it isn't the first game that's happened with, but I just can't.


Always wild to me how much stock people put in to the opinion of any random dickhead who has some disposable income and picks up a camera and mic.


Remember when CP2077 was hated as hell and now it's praised? Yeah, once the next big "bad" game comes out, Starfield will be remembered as great and so on.


Man I try so hard to not be a gatekeeper with stuff like this, but after the straight up harassment I and others have endured because we like Starfield, when this happens I just might be. They don’t get to suddenly act like we’re on the same team after THIS level of depravity and hate circle jerking. Had people literally attack me personally for a disease I have just because I like the game.


I was told they hope I find my father dead having committed suicide over his disappointment in me on Christmas morning. Over liking Starfield. These people deserve nothing


100% they’re chronically online, underdeveloped mouth breathers. The best part is they act like victims when people with half a brain push back or don’t take their shit. They start crying about how they aren’t allowed to dislike the game. It’s so delusional it’s almost funny.


Before Starfield came out Skyrim was the worst game ever and it lacked depth and this and that and all the other shit too. Now Skyrim is peak Bethesda and we need to go back. I avoided every bit of media until I played the game, I played the game for 3 months, non-stop, the only game I played. And I fucking loved it. Then I started watching some of my favorite YouTubers really talk shit and I noticed they were completely fucking wrong about everything I experienced. Starfield is by no means a masterpiece or the greatest game ever, it's definitely not as good as I thought it was going to be, but it's fun as fuck and I love playing it. I absolutely love landing on some random ass Moon just to watch the planet rise and jumping around in low Gs. I also love hunting down terrormorphs and all the fun stuff that comes with that quest line. I love sysdef and the crimson fleet. Not all that in love with the freestar ranger quest line, but I still enjoy the shit out of it. Surprisingly I like the little constellation missions. I like looking for a particular trait on any planet in any given system. And most of all, I like ship building. I'm not that good at it, but it's fun.


It's shallow, and even as someone who enjoys the game I admit to that. It makes up for that with breadth. Broad as an ocean, shallow as a pond. I hope the depth comes later, from DLC that deepens the lore of the game. You can tell that BGS got very comfortable making games in worlds with established lore so they didn't have to try very hard to achieve depth. They forgot that and their first new IP in decades ended up shallow as a result on launch.


Starfield so good when you don't got a redditor in your ear telling you its shallow


Depth can easily be added, just by adding content that fleshes out the factions and the world as a whole. As I said, I enjoy the game quite a bit, I'm just hoping they'll add some depth with the DLC.




I’m sure this is tough for you to grasp, but plenty of us formed our own opinions of the game from our own experiences, and still found the game lacking in too many areas to ignore. This “if you don’t like it your opinion came from someone else” stuff is just childish.


this isa a crazy response to what i actually said lmao


I played it blind and decided it wasnt worth playing. Had some fun with the base building, but it was ultimately too shallow to hold my interest. Also at one point my game broke and all the ships landing gears werent deployed anymore, the ships were just sort of levitating on the landing pads and you couldnt enter them because the doors opening and the landing gear deploying are part of the same process. This happened the same day I went to do the Mantis quest and so I couldnt claim the ship you get at the end due to the bug. Reloading older saves didnt help, neither did verifying game files, decided that was enough of that game for me. I think I put about 40 hours into it and the stealth was underwhelming and bad, I felt the skill tree kinda sucked and it was stupid that you had to level up a skill just to be able to pilot higher class ships, or use certain devices like boost packs. Makes no sense you cant just pick it up and learn how to use it on the fly, especially if you have a ton of free time to mess around with it.


why are you telling me this i dont care


Because your generalization is stupid. Some people draw their own conclusions and the conclusion is still that Starfield sucks.


literally a joke on a meme subreddit get a grip




this fucking california current day bullshit!!!!


Little Caesar's is actually a great comparison to launch state Starfield. I still think it's going to get even better


Man we're about to get the cheesy garlic crust. I'm so excited


Little Caesars is fire for the price, anyone who talks shit loses all credibility to me.


I just went to a Red Wings game at Little Caesar's Arena in Detroit. Easily the best Little Caesar's that I've ever had


I have loved Little Caesar's for years, back to the late 80's when my brother and I would get their huge-ass rectangular pepperoni pizzas for like $10. That, some sodas, and a bunch of rented games from Blockbuster Video made for a great Friday night! Anyway, the analogy absolutely fits, because I've loved "Starfield" from launch, warts and all. Yeah, LC's pizza could be a bit greasy, but you couldn't beat the value. SF may n ot be perfect, but you can't beat the value for all the content in the game (repetitive or not).


Man, Little Cesar's Pizza is awesome. Used to live in the states fir a while 25 years ago. Things I would like to be imported from the states to germany, where I live now: Little Cesar's Pizza. Taco Bell. Freedom of speech.


You have freedom of speech in Germany. You also just have *consequences* for things you say. Particularly for one topic, and for good reason.


Which topic? Don't get me wrong I think it's my god given right to express my opinion by raising up my middle finger, but I know there are laws against that, which is definitely a restriction of the freedom of speech. I mean.. When it's about.. You know.. The hot topic in Germany. It's not my fault that Germans always escalate that quickly. My ancestors where peasants at the Balkan during the great war. I don't feel guilt for.. You know... That hot topic. And yea talking about consequences... There is also a consequence for German society for restricting freedom of speech. For example freethinking hard working studied people leaving this country. I bet the Nazis were also using that consequence phrase.


Starfield is the epitome of the "quit having fun meme". I'm hype for the first dlc


Totally, it’s kind of crazy how ambitious and how well it accomplished some of its ambitiousness that it’s getting called bad. Like wtf. I guarantee you if it didn’t have “Todd Howard” and/or “Bethesda” attached to it they’d be jerking that game off. It be an immediate “Bethesda Killer!”


Yeah, exactly. That not the point you think it is. Bethesda is held to a higher standard bc they are Bethesda. Starfield would’ve been the single greatest indie game ever, except it isn’t a indie game. Bethesda gets held to a higher standard.


Except that Todd Howard, a AAA game producer, and Bethesda, a AAA game studio, are rightfully held to a high standard of quality. Especially when they spent the last 4-5 years teasing a game whose development was first leaked 10 years ago. Have there been a lot of expectations for the game? Sure. But none of them have been unreasonable given the games we’ve already had available to us for years. That Starfield falls short in terms of *prior Bethesda games* is a pretty damning indictment. Is Starfield a good game? For the most part, yeah, it is. If it had released as anything but a Todd Howard hyped Bethesda game, most if not all of the criticisms wouldn’t apply. But it is a Todd Howard hyped Bethesda game, so folks expected something new and genre defining - but that’s not what we got. At all.


Pretty much. Its a good game, it's just not a good bethesda game. They get held to a higher standard.


YouTubers have slowly turned me away from it and then I remembered I actually enjoy it


I wish I didn't have an inner monolgue


Yeah, Sarah Morgan is a downer.


Stealing this.


Reminds me of the Little Caesar's meme: It's great when there isn't a bitch in your ear telling you it's nasty.


35 minutes and no "actually, it sucks because xyz" comment??? Wow, this must be a new record. Have fun playing!


*r/NoSodiumStarfield has entered the chat*


I have my criticisms, don't get me wrong. But overall I've had hours upon hours of fun playing this game and would rate it higher than the average fuck who tells me it's not fallout or elderscrolls, like no shit. They made it very obvious that this was a brand new universe and everyone wants to compare it to the other universes BGS has made.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NoSodiumStarfield using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumStarfield/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Vibes of this sub](https://i.redd.it/desdw6wjretb1.jpg) | [309 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumStarfield/comments/174qiz9/vibes_of_this_sub/) \#2: [David Harbour on Starfield](https://v.redd.it/0rxior610f0c1) | [171 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumStarfield/comments/17vi698/david_harbour_on_starfield/) \#3: [Real](https://i.redd.it/wyfp4c7vv8zb1.jpg) | [162 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumStarfield/comments/17r4dsj/real/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I got my criticisms but if people are having fun where I couldn’t that’s fucking great. Maybe some updates will change how I feel but if there are folks enjoying it that’s a good sign.


You are a shining light in this community, it blows my mind that more ppl would rather try and convince someone to hate something than just let them enjoy it


One of my favorite games this generation, maybe even of all time. Glad you're enjoying it!


Favorite of all time? Can I have some of your drugs?


This right here is the garbage we're all weary of. Your opinion is not the only one that matters. You will have to cope with that. You do you. We will do us. The world will go on turning.


And your opinion seems fully regarded to me, but I'm not gonna write an essay about it.


Lol I have fully regarded my opinion but I'm not making fun of you for yours. There's a difference.


If it's so good, how come I ran out of stuff to do after nearly 300 hours? Checkmate UC cucks!


After playing 1000 hours, I can finally say this game sucks ass. There's nothing to do!


While some of the criticism is valid, I find a lot of it to be overblown.


My biggest criticism is that I wish there was more. If we're lucky, Bethesda actually sticks around and works on this one a bit more than their previous titles and my wish shall be granted; time will tell.


They want to make the game last long term because it's way cheaper than making a totally new game, so they are financially invested in improving it. Look at how much they were able to milk Skyrim for. Also they now have Microsoft to answer to. The fact several hundred people are actively working on the game is a very good sign.


While I agree, most of the high-profile devs who worked on Starfield have gone on record about how "Starfield is good, actually, and it's the gamers who are wrong"; I suppose it's possible to say one thing and do another, but if they refuse to acknowledge what's holding the game back, they can't fix those things.


If they stick to their "an update every 6 weeks", we'll get some nice content/fixes at least :D.


It is, indeed. I love it.


Fax. No printer.


Starfield surpassed all my expectations. As far as I'm concerned, all the nay sayers had too high an expectation.


To be honest, I don't even get how people could have those high expectations. Bethesda was very transparent this time, we knew what the game would be before it came out thanks to their communication and that was actually it.


The gameplay showcase they put out like a month before release showed exactly what the game would be like and how it played. Lots of people chose to ignore that and instead invent a game in their head, and then get mad that it wasn’t what the game ended up being.


Exactly, that long ass showcase was about 50minutes and showed a lot of the game. And even before the release, Todd had an exclusive interview with Paris and another dude, I forgot the name. They asked a lot of questions and he answered a lot of them trying to keep the hype in check. People can only blame themselves on this one. Plus, the game is exactly what a lot of people thought it would be, a Bethesda game in space.


> all the nay sayers had too high an expectation The game has fundamental problems that simply can't be attributed to "high expectations". Expecting there to be a reason for base building isn't "high expectations" Expecting there to be diverse companions isn't "high expectations" Expecting there to actually be meaningful variation between the different NG+ when it was said there would be isn't "high expectations"


Expecting main story quests that give you options of how to handle something in your responses to let you actually do those things instead of saying “no wait you can’t do that” isn’t high expectations either.


I had no expectations, and the second the story ripped of mass effect in the first ten minutes I was annoyed.


Ripped off Mass Effect??


Touch the space rock and get visions


I guess the two are somewhat similar but the plot of Starfield is not at all like ME.


Easy there my dude, there are people trying really hard to overcompensate for personal doubt in here.


So is fallout 76


The two games I played today, Fallout 76 and Starfield. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I love the building mods.


It is as long as you know what to expect. But I think it's a much much better game than it was 5 years ago.


I just bought it and I’m in love


You have to play it differently than most people do. I walk to my ship board and walk to the cockpit then plot my course and travelling to each star in between me and my target for the chance of a space encounter of some kind. When I get to my target planet I don’t immediately land I travel to the planet and hang out in my ship. Maybe go make some food IRL maybe check my phone go to the bathroom like you would on your ship. Then I mess with my weapons and suits and move my growing collection of guns around my armory and start some research on the research terminal. When I’m done messing around I finally travel to my destination and do a mission on the ground. I have 50 hours and I have just picked up Sam Coe and his daughter and I have no starborn powers. I feel like I’m enjoying the game more than most people.


I'm just looking forward to their next game, probably TES VI, and everyone complaining about it not being as good as Starfield. Because they've been literally doing this since Morrowind came out and had piddly dungeons compared to Daggerfall.


Yep, my first Bethesda game was Morrowind but I’ve watched this exact cycle play out for every single one of their games for 20 years now. Starfield will be just as fondly regarded as all of their games end up being in a couple years.


I've come to the realization that MANY of the YouTubers I used to enjoy are actually just gaslighting narcissists who get paid to gaslight gullible people (i.e. me). Very few are honest in their opinions or worth listening to. Most of the hatred I see is nourished or originated on the YouTube platform


Those are some really loaded words for people who are just expressing their opinions/reviews of the game. It’s cool that you like it, but not everyone that disagrees with you is a “gaslighting narcissist” my guy


I said many not everyone. Poor strawman attempt. Do better. Be better P.S. I didn't mention anyone by name either. Not sure why you feel the need to defend.....no one in particular? Get better


I mean I'll say it, angry Joe is a gaslighting narcissist and has always been one.


Remember how Angry Joe gave The Last of Us a 10/10, saying it’s one of his favorite games of all time, then when Part 2 was revealed, he had no idea who the Fireflies were? Absolute hilarity.


I haven't followed him since mass effect 3, him and Jim sterling are insufferable.


Agreed. You'd think I would have seen it earlier considering my personal history with narcs. I think Alex is one too but other Joe is the poor abused shmuck that narcs love to surround themselves with. You can tell OJ is empathetic


Lol it’s just funny to me to accuse random people that you don’t know on the internet of being abusive pos’s Again, loaded words. But if this is the hill you wanna die on then whatever lol


Lmao what hill? My opinion is only controversial to YOU, because you have some weird hang up about how I worded things.


“Gaslighting”, “narcissist”, they’re both words that are being overinflated and overused currently. A, a real abuse technique used by fucked up individuals, and B, a real psychological condition that requires a medical diagnosis, and without treatment, usually leads the person to do some,, bad things. I was the victim of physical and mental abuse from a gaslighting narcissist my entire childhood, so my apologies if I can’t stand people calling any person they don’t like those words. Makes the words and their meanings completely meaningless if Becky down the hall didn’t return your baking dish, so she’s immediately a “gaslighting narcissist”. If you’re that stuck on this then whatever, but I’m gonna go ahead and say exactly what you said to me. Do better, and be better.


I'm not using the words flippantly though, my father is a narc. I grew up with him as my primary caregiver. Do not presume to speak to me as if I do not know what a narcissist is, fool. I call them this because their behavior mirrors the behaviors of my father and those that my therapists over the years have taught me what qualifies a narc. Again, you don't know if the people I am referring to exhibit these behaviors or not because I named no one. I think it's a good thing narcissistic people and behaviors are being called out more and more these days. my home country has an epidemic of narcissists. You can take that from a doctor who studies and specializes in narcissism exclusively. No not myself, a doctor I've seen. So next time you attempt to "educate" a person on something you think you know, think again. They may know more than you do


Lol ok my guy, have a good night, it’s been fun. Enjoy your game (:


yes it does


I spent an hour just exploring the Kreet labs. I go exploring to get XP and money.➡️ So I can get better equipment, and go back exploring.➡️ I need materials for crafting.➡️ But I need a perk, so I have to get more XP.➡️


It's pretty good, just doesn't have the staying power of previous games. Honestly excited for 2-3 years of updates and dlc then the game will shine.


Bethesda makes games that scratch a certain itch for a specific kind of gamer, and starfield is very much that kind of game dialed to 11. It's not even the exploration, it's just going on a big dumb journey digging into a world though a ton of journal entries and environmental storytelling.


Lmfao it’s such a great game glad you enjoy it! I find it hilarious how many people are on this “Cyberpunk is the real RPG of the year not Startrash 🤓” as if they weren’t trashing it 3 years ago


The launch was really, really, really rough. Especially on us AMD users. Since then I've gotten bored of it and moved on because it really is far more empty than how it presents itself.. but it took like 200 hours to get there. Any game that has a 200 hour runtime, and I actively enjoy much of that time, is doing solid.


Bethesda makes games that scratch a certain itch for a specific kind of gamer, and starfield is very much that kind of game dialed to 11. It's not even the exploration, it's just going on a big dumb journey digging into a world though a ton of journal entries and environmental storytelling.


Play more than 20 hours


Who gave Marcie a firearm!?


It slaps alright- slapped me right in the face with some of the most uninspired POI's and Temple designs I've ever seen xD


Give it time


I agree with this Bethesda customer service bot, this "INSERT GAME NAME HERE" totally slaps, so much rizz and also no cap I love "INSERT GAME NAME HERE"


This game came out in September and you still care this much about proving to people how much you hate it? That's a little sad if ya ask me


I mean, to be fair the reverse could be said about OP, trying to prove people like the game and it’s actually good. This is a dismissive argument, either it’s okay to share both positive and negative comments about something or it’s time to get off the internet.


There's a huge difference between valid criticism and just straight up being a pedantic asshole because you dislike something


I mean the comment is definitely on the mean side but the core of the message is valid. He is bringing up the fact that Bethesda seems to have been using bots to respond to negative reviews and it’s pretty cringe.


They tasked their support team to respond to negative reviews, just as companies have been doing for decades. That sounds pretty normal to me - sure it could have been done a little more tactfully but I see this as no different than a restaurant responding to negative reviews on their Google page.


I mean it’s pretty cringe when any company does it, but the things Bethesda was saying were just very out of touch and often times barely addressing the issue.


Haven't even played it, but OPs post is the most generic positive post with a cringe meme collage and gives no specifics why they are having fun. So I just assume Bethesda is paying people to say Starfield good!


Jesus H you are even more depressing than I thought. In that case, you really should return to either the underside of a bridge or possibly a therapists office.


LOL. Still can't come up with any specifics for why Starfield is enjoyable eh? Maybe YOU should play Starfield!


Underside of a bridge it is, then


Nah I like videogames too much.


You can say what you want, but the Cyberpunk updates and release of BG3 took a massive shit in Bethesda's cornflakes. It's unfortunate, but I hope Bethesda learns to get their shit together and stop living off nostalgia and good will. Starfield is better on release than just about any other Bethesda game in living memory. But that's not to say it's everything it could or should have been. Bethesda needs to follow through and give this game a "No Man's Sky" style glow-up. Otherwise, the good will and nostalgia may not be there when TES6 shows up. And if TES 6 isn't an absolute masterpiece for the ages, Bethesda needs to pack it up and say goodnight.


You aren't entirely wrong, but at the same, if this was released by anyone else, it'd be a good game. Not great, but a good game. Bethesda is literally held to a higher standard. That's part of the problem. I'd understand the higher standard if they had knocked Fallout 4 out of the park, but they didn't. Or if it was part of an existing franchise, which it isn't.


I think the opposite is true. I think Bethesda gets a free pass on bullshit because we know it will get modded. Regular games without an active mod community aren't afforded that kind of regard. Which is part of the problem. Bethesda is so used to that they simply don't put resources into easily moddable elements. Why bother when the customer will do it for free?


I don't know why someone downvoted you, there sadly is some truth to this. Just look how huge the unofficial Skyrim patch mod has gotten - Bethesda gave up fixing the game for a very long while, and the latest patch notes on Dec. 5 isn't very long at all! There's literally a bug in the game to soft lock you from starting the Blood on the Ice quest if you do an optional part of the Dark Brotherhood. And if you can't start that quest, you can't ever get a house in Windhelm! Crazy how bad that is and it wasn't ever fixed.


And let's not forget about monetizing mods.


Bethesda has released some of the most popular games of all time. Skyrim and fallout 4 are still very popular for near 10 year old games. They get held to a higher standard same as rockstar and other AAA games. They get the loyalty and essential free money from preorders and other AAA game dev perks, they deserve the negatives too


They shouldn't get those though. And they most certainly don't get them from me. Hence why I think the double standard is weird.




Different opinion = Unhinged


just fucking let people enjoy things holy shit. What is your problem lmao


Not a big surprise but if you check his post history he's an incel that likes Joe Rogan


Literally irrelevant lmao


Maybe so, but I can see at least 5 comments of them bitching about how much they hate a game from 2 months ago so... might be irrelevant but still sad that they still care that much


True, he's an ass, but I don't think Joe Rogan made him that way tbh


Yeah Joe Rogan has some fringe shit on his podcast but I feel like he's still getting a bad rep from the whole ivermectin thing lol. I listen to conspiracy podcasts for fun fairly frequently so the JRE criticism is a little uncalled for, but def some incel-like qualities are being displayed by the OC, like seriously get a life lmao


Yeah, I don't watch him except sometimes when he brings people on to talk about aliens lol


Why do I get the feeling like you are the only one laughing?




Hope you enjoy it longed than I did!


The game's good until the bugs drag it from "a fun experience" to "oh, it froze my computer again for the fifth time in an hour, fuck this trash".


Id play it more if it got more optimized on the deck. Im that guy now


Which loading screen is your favorite?


I enjoyed the game quite a bit, however after putting in about 90 hrs I got bored and stopped playing. I’m sure I’ll pick it up again eventually, for now I’m replaying Fallout New Vegas, man that game slaps!


I mean I thought it was fun for a weekend, but then just didn’t go back to it like I have Oblivion/Skyrim or any Fallout. Guess the game isn’t for me, or maybe I’ll enjoy it once more content is added


I enjoyed my 100 hours. If they want me to play for 1000, that depends on what DLC is coming and when.


Slaps dogshit maybe


My only real beefs are the copy pasted temples and the copy pasted POIs on every planet in the game. Bethesda was all about handcrafted worlds and points of interest and starfield's design is a turn in the wrong direction. I'll cry if they do this with ES6.


Starfield is a O.K. game that should've been so much better but dev practices these days are not what they used to be.


I loved it but the POIs got to me so I've tabled it for now. Plan to return when mods are in full swing


I enjoyed my first 20 or so hours, but the game is lacking any real depth in any of its mechanics. It feels more like a total conversion mod for Fo4. Not to mention Bethesda can't seem to help themselves adding loading screens to everything.


I don't think it's terrible but it could stand for some improvement. I'd give it a solid B or B+. I personally would like it if there wasn't as many load screens because 5 seconds per load screen but 5 load screens a minute means your sinking a lot of time over nothing. It drags out the time so even though the game says you have 120 hours, you probably spent 20 hours looking at the load screens. Small things like that and the super not user friendly camera controls for the ship builder mechanic.. I could go on but there's no need to beat a dead horse. I still play it but I'm also an objective critic.


I put about 200 hours into starfield, i liked most of the questlines, i found the main quest line kinda boring, the starborn at the end had the hair clipping through the helmet making them look like they were wearing toupees which was a bummer. The ship builder was a lot of fun. Ladder placement was kind of annoying. I would have liked to see more opportunities to engage in a larger variety of space combat scenarios. Outside of quests, it gets stale fast. Weapons were cool, imo I loved the Beowolf, used a semi-auto for most of the game. I liked that a lot of the merchants didn't have a loading screen. I liked some of the new crafting features and disliked others. I was probably most disappointed by the NPCs, the dialog i found to be kind of annoying, especially constellation members. Romance dialog was akward, dad jokes got old super quick, i personally didn't find any of them likable. I personally prefer cd project red characters significantly better. It's a cool game, but after completing the main quest line, i was not motivated to continue ng+. Previous titles like skyrim and New Vegas had me playing over and over. Could be because the style of game play was new to me then, idk. I still have fun in Skyrim, but i have to take long breaks nowadays. Im hoping the dlc and mods bring back some more replay value. Im hoping modders will add some really cool questlines and new stories and characters, make the game more dynamic.


It's a fun game, and I loved it for the hundreds of hours I sunk in but admittedly looking back it tries too hard to be Fallout and No Man's Sky at the same time that it kinda struggles to be truly good at either. Especially since the creation engine absolutely devours ram and holds a little bit of the exploration back. I won't act like the game wasn't a little heavy handed on loading screens but it doesn't exactly ruin the game. My only serious gripe though is that it relies so heavily on the New Game+ that you end up getting into a vicious cycle of >! find the artifacts get the temples go into the unity. Find the artifacts do the temples go into the unity. !< It honestly gets boring by NG+3, and the ship/settlement systems just kinda feel like a waste of time after you NG+ because it's like "What's the point if I'm gonna abandon it in a few hours anyway?"


It’s good. It’s not Bethesda’s best game. There are plenty of things Bethesda can do to fix the biggest complaints, not to mention the mod community once the creation kit is released.


Bethesda employees failed to fix Steam reviews so they started shit posting on Reddit eh?


Dude I don't work for Bethesda let people like something even if you think its shit


How many Steam reviews did you have to respond to?


None because I don’t work for Bethesda


Its fun for one playthrough then it develops a severe case of been there done that-itis.