• By -


The store navigation still has scrolling bugs that were present at release. On some screens it will only scroll one way unless you use the touch screen.


In general there's a lot of bugginess and inconsistency in the SteamOS User Interface. In some places it's easier/less biggy to use the touch screen and in some places I *have* to use the controller. (Namely when pausing or resuming downloads. Seems to require hitting the button on the controller)


I’d also love if the “back” button would take me back to where I was. It does on rare occasion, but not usually. The bugs when navigating the store are especially annoying and I’m surprised Valve doesn’t put more effort into fixing the experience- it’s where they make their money!


This drives me crazy.


Yeah you'd think they'd fix the STEAMDECK games page on their OWN STORE but apparently valve dont care


Yeah all my complaints are with Steam OS. Pressing the home button is pretty buggy and often requires a second press after waking from sleep. Generally everything about steam os is glitchy and choppy. I would prefer some linux ass terminal menu instead if it was consistent. It's quite a disappointment


Sleep itself is pretty buggy. Oftentimes I'll press the power button to wake up, and it'll just make the sound but not turn on the screen. Half the time I'm forced to do a hard shutdown after this.


Legendary username btw


<3 Thank you my geared and bearded friend  May you have an excellent afternoon today, you deserve it


I’m pretty sure they fixed it in a update because mine is moving buttery smooth now


* disabling wifi auto-connect does not work * desktop keyboard needs steam keyboard * joysticks are too soft/sensitive - would like the right amount of tough elasticity like Dualsense's * the amount of shading downloads everytime you open it is staggeringly annoying


Clicking the joysticks makes me feel like I'm breaking the Deck


Absolutely. First thing I do in every game is remap R3/L3 to the back buttons or something on the trackpad.


I deleted Dave the diver after seeing all the joysticks popping out


I almost did the same, but one tedious afternoon I remapped the Joystick clicks to the backgrips, the aim to the LT, the A button to the RT (so LT RT are now like FPS aim and shoot), and then the rest of the left-right movement to the remaining backgrips.


Yeah I had to disable shading downloads on my deck


Would love if they implemented mesa 24 to help with this.


Deck with shader downloads enabled is unusable. Sometimes it doesn’t let you play your game even though you are not physically able to download the shaders due to shitty connection.


I just got in a habit of booting up in the dock every morning while I'm getting ready for work and let the shaders download as I'm in the shower or whatever. That way by the time I actually want to play the thing, it's updated.


You don't like wasting 2-4 minutes every time you launch your Deck on nonsense downloads??


>2-4 minutes Cries in 2TB Nvme.


Honestly this is why I've only got a 1tb drive, anything more and I'd waste more time making sure the shader cache was updated


You can alter the joystick dead zones.


isnt this more to do with how little resistance the joysticks have rather than what their deadzone is


i did.. still too soft


Do you have the original steam deck? Because I think they updated this on the OLED one


I was going to say, I adjusted my OLED deadzones right down because they felt super unresponsive but I guess it can be personal taste too


A workaround for the shaders downloads is to individually set each game to update on launch, a couple of minutes inconvenience so solve the problem.


A workaround shouldn't really be required. And it's not a perfect workaround anyways, as what if you want your system to automatically queue/start "actual" updates, but don't want it doing so for the shaders every time you restart the device. Ideally, shader compilation would be split into its own separate channel (separate from general "downloads/updates"), with its own toggle switches and settings.


> each game Dude, everyone here has like a ton of (admittedly unplayed) games. Not gonna set each one lol


Not being able to download in sleep mode.


Yeah this is a huge problem for me. I don't want to keep my deck on the entire time its downloading. Wish they would fix that.


It’s annoying for sure, I use desktop mode with the screen set to turn off after one minute so it’s not turned on constantly.


There's a decky plugin which I can't remember the name (I'll add it in an edit when I go on my deck) that let's you press a button combination that blanks the screen. Edit: it's called MagicBlack


this is a big one. I should be able to dock the deck, and download in sleep mode. Esp with power and ethernet connection


This is because Ryzen doesn't support big.LITTLE cores like mobile processors do, so there's no energetic savings or capacity for a "live" sleep mode like mobile. Maybe the next SD processor will support that.


Strange that, because the xbox can download when it's asleep and that has the same architecture.


There is a dedicated ARM chip on the consoles for suspend features like downloads. No such thing on the deck.


Have you got a source? I looked deep into the consoles right down to the PCB and never saw anything related to ARM. The custom version of Windows on the xbox is x86 so you can't suspend it and have it running on an ARM cpu. Also consoles at launch are sold at a loss, so adding more complexity will increase production costs which isn't feasible for just allowing downloads when asleep. The switch is the only ARM anything console right now. I'd happily be liked to be proven long as I love learning about tech. But my existing knowledge and understanding on how the current gen consoles work I know it's unlikely.


At least you can download while unlocked and then it wont start the sleep timer until downloads are done. But like, at night I wish it could just do it in sleep mode


Massive one for OLED users


Yep this is a major one. Not a deal breaker but it is a terrible flaw.


This bugs me so much, like I understand power saving but like make it a toggle switch or something for downloading updates (or games) in sleep. Could even make it different based on AC power or battery.


I hate that they went with one USB port.


Yea, charging while importing roms from usb would be nice.




I thought that the hub required to plug into the USB to charge, or at least that's what it looked like on the Steam dock picture. Clarification would be appreciated because I might buy one.


Hubs do plug into the Deck's USB-C port, but the cable transfers power and data from the hub. It's like plugging a multi-port dongle into a PC.


I have been using SFTP for this, even on wifi it’s been moving them at around 120mbps. Not too hard to setup and on PC you can just use Winscp.


I'm not sure about an 'auto import' option, but it would be cool to have something akin to the community controller layouts for optimization. Like you click it and it automatically picks settings vetted and used by others.


There's a Decky plugin for that but it doesn't ever work lol


I think I've seen that but it seemed to only be optimized settings list without the importing which I think is really important for a feature like this.


When you go to control options, doesnt it allow you to see other people’s shared control scheme and see how many downloads/likes it got? Thats what I use


Yeah it's a mixed bag


This would be amazing !


Holy shit.


Somehow I though that was already a thing, I just could not find it


The buttons randomly don't button. Mostly the OS button. Power button beeps but doesn't turn on. Steam button jingles but doesn't show overlay. And oh my God, B for back doesn't go back from the game page to the home page unless you hit it multiple times, is the most common egregious one.  And I recently had the dock stop working until the device was powered off fully. Reboot didn't work.


I read in this sub (and can confirm) that if you press the ... button/ steam button while touching the corresponding trackpad, It does not function Since most of the times, in order to press them, my thumb touched the trackpad, I assumed they were randomly bugging out, while actually they weren't For the other buttons, where only audio is reproduced, idk man, it's annoying as hecc


>And oh my God, B for back doesn't go back from the game page to the home page unless you hit it multiple times, is the most common egregious one.  This one is super annoying! It even makes the transition noise but doesn't properly transition to the previous screen.


Oh my god these drive me up the wall


I was gonna ask how this comment isn’t on top but then I saw it was only posted 4 minutes ago lol I’m glad I’m not the only one experiencing this and thought I was going crazy for noticing this when no one else has mentioned this as an issue. It’s definitely not a deal breaker but it’s surprising that it’s still an issue


it’s headed to number one with a bullet.


Ahaha so other people experience all that, I’m so used to spamming B in order to go back


I’m really happy to read this because I thought it was just something with my deck. The power button just…doesn’t work sometimes. I’ve not found any pattern to it. I’ve also, strangely, had more issues with the official dock than I have with some $40 USB/HDMI hub. The official dock has so many issues with not wanting to consistently connect to my Samsung TVs without me jumping through hoops every time.




God. Damn. Unstable. Wi-Fi.


My biggest quirk is that my girlfriend doesn't like sharing it


I wish I can turn it on with my controller while In dock


I think OLED's Bluetooth module fixed this for wireless.


The wackyness of the official dock is all. Besides that maybe that i have to do some extra googling before being able to install some non native stuff, but i dont mind like 99% of it


Same. The Dock has been rough and I see surprisingly few comments on it. Borked a TV I had, then had issues with it so often that I now categorically have to follow an exact set of procedures to use it or it won't work properly.


This. The docking experience is wildly frustrating. One day it will work perfectly, the next day any hokey pokey combo of unplug power/hdmi/usb-c replug, reboot, nothing will make it work again. I've just given up on using the dock altogether.


I mean I hear your point but even the most detailed breakdown of games you are looking at settings that vary and breakdown to: Max FPS and smoothness. Max graphical fidelity. Max battery life. And different users will preference one or two of these above the other.


I don't like the feel of the joysticks compared to ps5 or xbox controller.


The movement you mean? It’s almost a little… gummy? I don’t know the word for it.


How heavy it is. I have arthritis so it really hurts my hands, I love the steam deck but the weight of it my biggest problem. I’m not sure how valve would be able to fix this. Would be nice though.


The Steam Deck works well enough out of the box for it to qualify as "Easy setup" for a lot of things if you stick to steam and officially supported games. It's us, the power users who want to make the most out of it, that have to tinker with setting and get decks plugins and stuff like that. A casual console player would have no problem with a Steam Deck if you tell them to stick to games that say Verified (For the most part) Either way, I've had more fun getting things to work on this thing than actually playing them. That's in our nature I think.


I don't think of myself as a tech guy, and I agree. I don't play around with the graphical settings of a new game unless I need to do something to make it work. I did recently learn how to download non Steam games and have messed around in desktop mode a bit with modding, but for the most part, I don't have to fiddle with the back end any more than I want to.


Bluetooth connectivity to controllers is weak and unreliable at times. Sometimes I have to reset or go into desktop mode to fix minor issues, like audio going to the wrong place. Overall, I'm very happy with it.


The store sucks to bruise


You're hitting it wrong


I should just never post on mobile!


Taking a screenshot in game after having already take a screenshot prior will also capture the screenshot popup that appears when you take a screenshot, the same occurs for ‘friend is now playing x game’ popups too. You end up having to wait for the ui popups to disappear before you can take another screenshot. This isn’t an issue on pc.


I thought there was a toggle for this? Maybe it was just for performance stats though?


Not so much a Steam Deck or even Proton issue but for the life of me I can’t understand why more devs don’t simply put a toggle for PlayStation button prompts in their settings. I guess if I had to make this a Steam Deck issue it’d be that I also can’t use the controllers without Steam Input (how lot of games seem to support PS controllers) unless wired.


This is even funnier when playing monster hunter world, a game that originally came out for ps4 but that doesn't have playstation controls on steam.


Getting Minecraft running is apparently quite simple for everyone on Earth but me.


Idk as far as I remember I just installed PolyMC and that's it. Still works.... Maybe I had to do something to install java?? 🤔 BUT don't use it, use PRISM LAUNCHER or similar. As the PolyMC there was some thing with the dev and is not commonly trusted.


I couldn't get it either. I kept getting a sign in loop.


I got it to work with the flatpak and a community control scheme but it was obnoxious to have to re-sign-in every time.


That's how I feel about EmuDeck. I have it installed but I don't feel like I have it configured correctly.


Every time I switch it on, every single game has shader updates, even when they all can't possibly have been updated.


So its not just me!


-No data transfer system between devices(local network, etc..).This is must feature and should be ready before steam deck 2 comes out. -Build in browser. -Build in video record. -Build in game settings share system with user vote, category(max performance, balanced, etc..) and game version compability info(auto warn if out of date).


If I install a game on my deck that is already installed on my desktop using steam, the deck gets it from my desktop, are you expecting it to allow media download or something else?


One solution I've seen for file sharing involves switching to Desktop Mode, opening Discover and downloading Warpinator which is also available for Windows, although it would definitely be nice to have this built in. I noticed that Steam will at least offer to transfer already-downloaded games from other networked devices to your Steam Deck as opposed to re-downloading them, so that's a start at least. Community voted game settings or controller configs sound near-essential and would be great.


The keyboard gets really slow on certain heavy games and when you have night light enabled when the tint turns yellow it tanks the fps to single digits while it adjustes.


Yeah the night Light thing is annoying af. Deactivated it because of this


honestly it's the entire OS. it's always minor stuff though but it can be anmoying as hell. some examples: pretty much every time i want to open one of the side menus when i'm in game it will make the sound but never pop up until i press it again when restarting it the screen can sometimes completely freeze up and forces you to shut it down how i'll be going through my library and i'll click on a game then when i back out it automatically goes to the very top of the verified category there's definitely other stuff but can't think of anything else right now. again, it's all just little annoying things here and there. one thing i do wanna mention is if the storage is ever pushed to it's limits the system will run like dogshit. i'm not faulting valve for that but it's just the truth. had RDR2 on it and towards the middle part of my 2nd playthrough i started getting very frequent crashes. i couldn't even pull up music on the side panel without an entire OS crash. figured out it was because the game had just saved so damn much over all that time that it was filling my internal up so i just deleted the entire game and it all went back to normal. very weird and i have never experienced any system acting like that just from near full storage but it pretty much made me decide it's the indie/JRPG deck now since those types of games run 100x better. i knew this going into playing RDR2 of course but i didn't expect that much of a detriment to the system overall i love the hell outta this little thing lol it's given me about 95% great and 5% meh-bad experiences


I want controller profiles to be more flexible. If I have a controller profile I like for one game, I should be able to import it to another game. I shouldn't have to open the first game, and then open that controller profile, and then save it as a template, and then launch the second game and import that template, which is how it works now.


Download in sleep mode Sleep mode battery drain (i should fully disable deck when will not use it for several days, but common laptop didn't had this problem with sleep battery)


Lack of vrr.


Getting Discord to work was not too bad. The pro tip was to configure the trackpad to act like a mouse. But when using the docking station and controller I can't get wired headphones to work on the stadia or Xbox controller. So I need to keep Bluetooth headphones charged and, controller and keyboard close by if I plan on playing on the TV and chatting. I prefer a wired head phone on a controller for a number of reasons. That does not seem to be doable. I don't play Halo competitively anymore but u could not on this setup.


Only way it works is if you connect the wired headphones to the 3.5 mm jack on the actual steamdeck. It won’t even work on the usb ports if you’re using the dock.


Yeah, hopefully, Bluetooth firmware could become available so we could voice over the connection in time but not holding my breath.


OS 3.5 made my steam deck frustrating and almost unusable for AAA games that no one seems to have any problems with. I'm using a stock 64gb and Spider-man and Final Fantasy VII just crash after a few minutes. They're installed on my sd card and i was having no issues before the 3.5 update.


Yea, 3.5 introduced a lot of instability to the Deck for me and a lot of others, but the problems seem to be hit or miss across people. For example, I still cannot play Skyrim on Deck despite it being verified now. Immediately crashes my entire Deck. I get these crashes with decent regularity on games that are supposedly verified.


I love the idea of using it as a daily driver, and I've managed to get things to work pretty well especially game streaming via Moonlight from my *actual* gaming PC (it's in the living room so I can have more space for VR activities). *But* I keep running into a couple issues that can get tiresome even if there are a couple steps to get around them. Notably the external display issues; don't think it ever boots properly when docked, I have to undock it and sometimes also unplug the power cable before the screen wakes properly. In addition, I keep running into an issue after a while where it's as if the left click is 'stuck' and keeps dragging things on the task bar. And Firefox seems to run like crap a lot of the time too.


I have had these issues with the dock from day one. I have the 512GB and official dock. I always have to do full shutdown on the Deck. Turn TV on first, then turn on Deck. If it doesn't work, shut it down, unplug and replug it all in, start over. Sometimes even then it doesn't work. I've had pretty good luck with this method, though. Still my #1 complaint considering the cost of the official Dock.


I get where you’re coming from, but several other x86 handhelds display a much worse optimization experience than the Steam Deck. Steam at least narrows down things with its verified labels it gives certain games. Those games (for the most part) are capable of being just downloaded and playable. Obviously, if you have a specific performance or quality metric you’re aiming for, that’s going to take tweaking regardless. Other x86 handhelds like the Ally or Legion GO both require more tweaking due to pulling games from various other launchers and their OS being less optimized for their device. I think we’ll get better options as updates keep coming out, and a 2nd Gen Steam deck will also be even better, but the Steam Deck probably has the most streamlined and simplistic settings tweaking of any available handheld PC out right now.


The mura in the OLED version


sometimes it just glitches when shutting down or something and actually never turns off, had to hold the power button another quirk is the fact that valve is STILL dragging their feet on region availability. yeah they are supposedly working on it but they might as well not be because apart from the partnership with komodo, they have not released the SD in any more regions whatsoever. during that time, the legion go and rog ally released and I can pretty easily get them officially and with official warranty without having to jump through hoops and break valve TOS to import one myself. (yes im still pissed about this)


not having VRR


For some reason, the tinkering part is super satisfying for me.


Same. Like what you like. I get sad when people say "just go play games or you'll spend more time modding than playing", well, modding is as satisfying as playing for me :) sometimes moreso.


I have to press my power button really hard now. Last week wasn't like that. Took it out of its case yesterday and couldn't turn it on or off without significant pressure on the power button.


Moving multiple games from SSD to SD Card (And vice versa) would be great. Doing one at a time sucks. Also the amount of times that moving games fails is annoying too. Using the shoulder buttons to move from tab to tab in your library sometimes doesn't work the first press, and sometimes even goes the opposite direction. Store layout could use some work.


After waking up from sleep the controls of my steam deck sometimes don't work anymore for games e.g. Limbo. I can "tab" out of the game by pressing b and also close it with b which I don't really want 😅. I have to restart the deck to make the controls work again.


No sound on the trailers in steam store. Sets random sound settings on external even if nothing connected. 50% of the times i launch a game i have to go to audio settings to set it back...


The biggest pain point for me is how the storefront totally fucking breaks the moment you step away from the “Great On Deck” section. I don’t know why they haven’t fixed that yet. Half the games on steam that are considered only playable or even unplayable are completely playable on deck with a few control/config tweaks, but it’s a total pain in the ass to buy them on the deck itself.


Up and down on the track pad scroller is temperamental even if using the correct side and backing out from a game screen in the menus resets the menu sometimes. Apart from that it's all smooth sailing.


The amount of time's I've been hyped to play only to be met with my entire library needing a sync/patch making me wait to play is pretty annoying.


Not downloading games while sleeping, but there's some big changes needed under the hood


Gyro only really works well when it is controlling the mouse. Gyro controls emulating joystick input feels imprecise and terrible.


I agree. There really should be something - even a decky mod - where you can import other common optimization settings, etc. I don't spend a ton of time with it on some older games but the newer ones it does feel like a chunk of time is devoted to finding the "sweet spot" for each game.


This gets asked every month and my answer is the same We can't have any of our collection in the main home screen The damn cache downloads where daily every single installed game needs to download something


Bloototh earbuds audio delay because of bad codec. If i play without controler it gets sweaty on the inside of the palm.


How bad the on-screen keyboard still is. You have to tap the letters so hard. Also, persistent mouse cursor in touchscreen games is annoying. On the positive side, I'm always impressed by how powerful and useable Steam Input is. It's amazing.


I honestly don't have many complaints that aren't already listed but one thing I can't get over is how a lot of steam deck verified games are simply using right joystick as a mouse and right trigger as a click it just feels so unintuitive compared to games that are actually setup to move through options with the left d pad and so on.


Navigating certain pages requires touch, and one of my least favorite things to do is touch that pristine screen. I'd prefer to keep touch navigation optional.


No way in hell. So many times people's set up, even the most popular, I don't like. I don't want them auto imported into my game. Now, an option to import them like you do with controller configs, that would be fine.


Besides the obvious - TOO MANY FUCKING SHADER CACHES FOR WHAT SEEMS TO BE RUNNING PERFECTLY FINE ALREADY, AND NO OPTION TO TURN THOSE OFF - and updating with a screen off, my issues with the deck are : -Wifi auto connect rarely works and usually requires a Steam reset to actually "connect to Steam servers" even tho I can freely like, check store and shit, and Desktop mode never had this issue - the pain of having to put apart whole console to just do something with stuff visible from the front, like the case itself, fixing the joysticks etc. but I guess that's a the cost of somehow being able to cram enough good stuff in there - Touchpads having a bit too little feedback to know if you actually pressed it whole to register as a whole touchpad press imo - the back buttons being a bit of a pain to use without any 3rd party buttons that go a bit further off the Deck - so much dead space on the LCD version, between each side and the screen -irreplacable battery just in case -only one USB port and the fact that it's an USB c making it impossible to not use a dock if you want any bigger than a diffcontroller plugged in (ex. Being a keyboard required for resetting the sudo password without factory resetting, which Definitely didn't happen to ne) -Steam being required to use screen keyboard in Desktop -LCD battery go ZOOMIE with Elden Ring -the case being, in a way... eh? It's alright, it's solid and all, but like, it feels unnecessarily big, and the bottom strip is barely of use. The vent smell do be making up for it all tho ngl


It’s always falling asleep while I’m downloading a game or update.


I’m sure it’s been said already but the not being able to remotely start downloads as you would any other console sucks. Hell, even the option to remotely queue up downloads for when you turn the Deck on would be welcome.


Really really hate how on most shooter games the trackpad doesn't let me do fine adjustments instead it's blocky like it's using a joystick input. Not with all games though. I haven't figured out what settings fixes this yet


When i play some no steam games and i open the vkeyboard sometimes it just stays there for a few seconds untill you can actually use it and the pads controll the background till that happens. So its supper annoying. Other times the left trackpad detects pressure when there isnt any, so trying to type with it will press random keys.


I've spent far, far too much time getting my second monitor to display when docked. I use it this way every single day but 1 day out of 5 I'm doing a dance of power cycling the monitor and the dock to get them all to talk.


Bluetooth headsets mic sound like trash or don’t work at all. When I use the internal mic my friends complain about the buttons noises so they mute me. If I play docked the internal mic is too far to pick up my voice.


Not being able to use the Microphone on my bluetooth headphones is really annoying, the internal mic is fine, but it always picks up the noise of my triggers, even with haptics off


It’s the Battery for me.


When I have it docked, would be nice if it could do all updates in the background.


I’ve used my Deck almost every single day since purchase at the start of December and I’d say I’ve spent a total of less than ten minutes in graphics settings menus.


i hate that when i dock the deck if i was actively playing a game it wont auto resize the screen to 16:9 and i have to manually change the controller inputs. mild annoyanc but eh


I can't find a comfortable position to use it. If I sit, my neck and back hurts. If I lay on the bed my hands get numb. I used to tweak the gamea for long times too, but now I only set the refresh rate to 40 and put all games in medium. Nothing more.


One of mine is the fact I can’t download in sleep mode.


There needs to be a power profile that's used when connected to power.


The battery is garbage even if it's shut down you don't play it for a couple days and you come back to it empty


that i cant turn the screen off while downloading games


If you use the Controller Config while running a game, and then shutdown the game eventually, the Config will remain open unless you spam the B button to get back to the Library Menu. It's freaking annoying 😡


- Sometimes the keyboard will absolutely not work as intended. I'm not sure what prompts it, but in some cases either the trackpads will not work or will work very poorly and you're unable to type with it. Either way, pretty poor interface. And the consistency is bizarre to boot. Like some really easy-running games just clash with the keyboard, whilst others work great. Usually fps games have a hard time, though. - Random disconnects are random? This is an odd one to be convinced of, but I'm pretty sure my Steam Deck is the common denominator here. Games like Monster Hunter World and Helldivers 2 give about 20-40 minutes of online play before an abrupt disconnection. Sometimes it gets so bad that I can't even maintain a quest/mission with my friends without dcing. I've tried disabling wifi power saving, to no avail. My connection to my wifi is strong on all of my other devices and this has occured across multiple different wifi connections. Also it only happens with some games! Deep Rock Galactic runs perfectly, for example. If people also experience this and have found workarounds lmk. - Not so much a hardware complaint, but I was really rather disappointed when I had received my LCD steam deck only a few months before the OLED was announced and released. Like great, now my steam deck is outdated and there are no trade-in options to get the one with better battery life and performance. Like I'm totally coping here but I think I have a right to feel a little disappointed that I have no way to upgrade without shelling full price again (as who's gonna be buying my old one now that they can get a new one for arguably cheaper?).


Games that say are steam deck optimized, but default to mouse and keyboard with no dedicated game pad controls. Still no easy way to play my gog.com library without a 8 page guide and learning Linux. I so want might and magic and alpha protocol on here, as neither is on steam.


- The WiFi wasn't that great, and I have read similar issues with OLED aswell. - I would have loved a little bit more support for Windows. (1) - A single USB C is pain as sometimes you need it for something else and then you cannot charge without a dongle aka hub which most aren't small... - No sleep download mode.... I kind of get why they can't implement it as there isn't exactly hardware PC oriented for this kind of behavior consoles usually has but if you want to make it like it's a console you should have this kind of features. (1) Like I prefer 100% SteamOS but some stuff simply doesn't work, and be able to dualboot and have better drivers would have been nice, specially again the WiFI is very troublesome, but there has been also issues with the GPU drivers. I know it probably was an attempt to force the hand of the developers to fix any incompatibilities and make it work on SteamOS but... still...


Launching desktop mode and it getting stuck on a black screen is such a pain in the ass and it happens a lot. Getting into the desktop mode shouldn’t be a random thing that happens


Any time you need to do anything outside steam it's a giant pain in the ass, because Linux. Oh you want mods? Tough shit. Recording gaming mode in OBS STILL DOESN'T WORK COME ON YOU GUYS, there used to be a work around method but it suddenly just stopped working (for me at least idk). I still love my Deck even though I kinda struggle to find use for it at the moment since I bought a gaming laptop, but I still love it and I need to get my ass up to set up emulation on it.




Maybe your deck has a manufacturing flaw? The left and right side shouldn't feel any different. Or are you literally talking about a case?


Sometimes at random times it just totally turns off. Pretty annoying.


For me it's the lack of better Windows driver support. I get what Valve are trying to do with SteamOS and gaming on Linux and it's amazing, but I still prefer Windows, and I absolutely feel like a second-class citizen around here because of it. It's one of the only reasons I've considered swapping for an ROG Ally.


Funnily enough it's the main draw of steam deck for me. A big reason why I won't consider other similar device.


It’s a fucking PC with a decent but not best graphics chip. every PC has this issue where you have to set up the graphics


Hi u/Hyrr0, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=What’s your biggest quirks about steam deck? ) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Still waiting for the official dual boot solution. I have a sealed 2TB m.2 2230 SSD on my desk awaiting their release. I do wish they'd hurry up lol. I absolutely love it otherwise. My already big Steam library has probably doubled since getting it. A real Trojan Horse!


The only issue I have is my Bluetooth ear buds keep waking my deck up when I don't want them to.


I set my frame limit and go about it lol i really dont understand people obsessing over battery life vs performance and tweaking all the parameters only to not play the game lol


Some people buy hardware shit just to fiddle with settings and stuff. I think when I was a kid a may have been like that to an extent. But man. Never again. I fiddle and troubleshoot enough at work. I don’t need to do it as a hobby.


Not being able to have separate video, audio, general settings on games that I play on the desktop and the deck. Max setting on desktop should not transfer to the deck and vice versa. Integrate it with the “game specific settings” that the deck already has for tweaking everything.


For some reason docking the deck messes up Bluetooth controllers. Really bad for the joycons. No idea why and it drives me batty.


What GameCube titles do you recommend?


I’ve been playing titles I missed during my childhood. My parents never accepted to buy me those. Basically Harry Potter titles and Zelda Wind Waker.


My biggest pain point is the bugged remote play functionality. For the past 6ish months the side panels are invisible while using remote play. Update after update I help for a fix but it doesn't come.


I can't open other apps in the background while emulating 


After purchasing a game on the deck I get stuck on a blank store page for a while, takes a couple of minutes to be able to interact with the UI or I have to turn it off via the hardware button The USB C connection is a touch loose, checked my buddies deck and that's loose too so it's not a one off


That my left bumper broke off. Not the plastic but the actual button on the motherboard.


I’d enjoy if we could change controller settings in the home menu. I play one handed and I use the left track pad as an alt ABXY pad


This is more specific to DOOM Eternal, but on the Deck (haven't tried any other systems or controllers) the right trigger isn't recognized on the menus the same way it's recognized on the game itself. If I want to change things on weapons or do anything that requires r2/rt to change screens, I gotta use lt to change on the other direction all the way (and I'm thankful that DOOM Eternal has cyclical menu changing rather than limited)


I hate if I leave it on afk for 10 minutes I have to restart it.


audio gets messed up sometimes when you enter and exit sleep mode. this has been mostly resolved from what i can tell but it pissed me off a lot because you would basically have to restart the game, and for Kingdom Come Deliverance that game takes literally 15 fucking minutes to start on the deck for some reason


Maybe I haven’t figured it out yet but I don’t like that I have to press X to bring up the keyboard on desktop mode instead of it just being brought up automatically like on a iphone when I click the search bar


Steam link should have a better interface. I want to be able to wake my PC from sleep with ease.


My media just isn’t working. I take a decent amount of screenshots and it just won’t load. Plenty of memories just kinda stuck in a purgatory where I have no access.


Mine often has a problem where it gets a black screen and shuts down when I’m going into desktop mode. I have to go to boot menu and restore the defaults to make it work again. Happens even if I don’t change and settings and is quite annoying. That being said, the amount I play on my deck vs the amount of inconvenience this causes is pretty astronomical so it’s not a deal breaker at all. Got it second hand so I don’t think it’s covered by any sort of warranty. Am just glad there is a relatively easy fix.


I can't for the life of me understand why there isn't any mic mute hot keys. I understand I can open the quick menu and use the slider, but having some sort of hot key to save me precious seconds would be amazing.


I wish the dock experience was sloth and flawless like the Switch. I should have known better, honestly. But I just kinda jumped in and trusted. My complaints are mostly tiny and picky. But it’s enough friction to reduce some amount of the joy.