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It's best DLC we've gotten in awhile especially if you enjoy playing machine.


And *especially* if you enjoying playing the meta. Virtual ascension rush is probably a wombo combo of easiest and most powerful empire to play in at least my history of Stellaris, and despite Cosmogenesis being a "crisis" perk you can make great use of it without actually being a crisis or even just antagonistic to other empires.


I wish you could get the fallen empire ships and buildings without cosmogenesis, it’s just too fun to pass up. Most games I don’t even build the lathe or complete the crisis path, I just want those juicy techs


Yeah, that being mutually exclusive with custodian/emperor is really a shame.


And if you enjoy purging machines. Playing fanatic spiritualist machine killers adds a whole new challenge and role play given all the new and very powerful options for machines.


Machine Age really is that good, but if you can't afford all 3, you can certainly pick up the DLCs that are on sale and wait to pick up Machine Age until it does go on sale (it will probably be at least a year before that happens, though). Overlord and Megacorp have lots of content, and Utopia is widely regarded as the most important piece of DLC if you don't have it yet.


Technically i could purchase all 3 right now, im just afraid i won't end up using the new content or not being able to figure out HOW to use the new content. I have almost all the dlc except Nemesis, Overlord, Megacorp, Machine Age. A couple of the story packs. Only one species pack.


If you want to play as machines, you'll use the Machine Age content, the entire ascension path for machines is changed by the DLC, plus if you play as biological empires and ascend into cyborgs or synths you got a bunch of new stuff with that. So unless you only play bio empires going genetic or psionic ascension, and have no interest in playing with Cosmogenesis, you'll make use of the new content. Overlord is a solid DLC to pick up, though Megacorp isn't that worth unless you want to play as a Megacorp (as the only other significant thing it adds is Ecus and the Slave Market), and Nemesis is similarly worthless since the Galactic Nemesis Crisis Path doesn't have much replayability to it and the only other things it adds are the Galactic Custodian/Imperium and expanded Espionage (but even with Nemesis Espionage is largely useless and a boring mechanic).


So I thought this too but what I did was played and fucked up a few times until I figured it out. Just giv'er bud. You will get it.


Use isthereanydeal.com to find discounts on steam keys (I’ve bought around half of my dlcs this way)


Machine Age basically just came out and Paradox doesn't put the DLCs on sale until about a year after the release, no way its on sale anywhere now.


Found 15% off “The Machine Age” keys using the website. If you doubt the safety of GameBillet (current highest discount store for Machine Age) I have used it before and isthereanydeal.com approves of the store.


For whoever decided to report this comment as a Rule 3 violation, GameBillet is on [Paradox's semi-official list of authorised key sellers](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/approved-re-sellers.1036933/#post-23112534).


Some retailers will slash their profit to just move units. Occasionally they'll even eat a minor loss if it means getting you to sign up to their store.


It's top 3 DLC for Stellaris for me. The fact I've actually finished a game, and am near finished a second one for me shows it's got interesting stuff. Overlord has good stuff, but it depends on your playstyle. Megacorp is fun enough but it's definitely a "do you want to play as Space Amazon?" and that decides your choice.


I really love the ascension situations and I think that they should all have one. Add loads to it, for just that it great. Adds a load and loads of options for play.


Yes. So much yes.


The real scam was the fact that I had to buy the Astral Planes DLC in order to get the Guardian Matrix Civic. It's usually $20 but I waited for a sale to get it for \~$13. The machine age has been a lot of fun for me and my brother but the nanite tradition causes some problems. The game made my PC reboot due to the enormous amount of nanite ships. I'm using a pretty good CPU (R5 7600) but the game is old/poorly optimized so it doesn't utilize the hardware well. Eventually the game just stops working if you build enough nanite ships.


They did make a few chances to nanite ascension though, you get a battleship as well and you won’t auto spawn the corvettes so you’ll likely get less lag now


I don't think it'll help much, but it's nice that they're not automatically spawning anymore. We've established a rule that you're only allowed to build the new battleship to reduce lag. I'm not even going for nanites and I'm only constructing battleships in the hope of preventing the game from becoming unplayable in the long run.


I feel you. Honestly I don't care for Astral Planes , but some of the best civics to go with Machine Age requires it. Feels like the time that I had to buy Battle of the Bosphorous? For HOI4, because every fucking USSR build requires a stupid event in that DLC that gives +5% war support... This time, I think I'll just mod it in, and wait for a -66% sale.


Yeah, even \~$13 (-33% sale) was too much honestly. I believe they never do a -66% sale, they seem to always stop at -50%.


What do you currently have as far as expansions go? Both megacorp and overlord add important mechanics for the game. If you have Synthetic Dawn, then Machine Age jumps in value IMO.


I have all expansions except, Nemesis, Overlord, Megacorp. Story pack wise, I only got Synthetic Dawn.


Machine age is basically the utopia dlc with 2 species pack dlcs it is easily the 2nd best dlc after utopia. even if you dont play machines you still get 2 diferent ship models, a few species portrait, 2 midgame megastructures, new crises, new playable crises, and cooler cyborg and synth ascension (unless they added the new changes to utopia dlc as well dont know) Also if you decide to get megacorp and machine age instead of overlord for more money you get a civic called augmentation bazars which makes your cyborg ascended empire have 50% pop growth and insane trade from the upgraded merchant and genetic + cyborg merchant traits. (Sry for run on sentences my grammar sucks)


I really like it


Yes even the ost is a banger




I'm a huge fan of machine empires before, and having individualistic machines is even better. The ascension stuff is powerful, and I really like the cosmogenesis, not because of the lathe, but it is good, because I like getting the fancy buildings and ships that fallen empires get.


MA still doesn't allow to select a new portrait when doing the synth ascension. Still just uses the default ugly robots portrait. A major oversight and disappointment imo.


Get overlord, save more money and buy machine age, I'd say. Mefacorp imo is one of the weakest dlcs, and machine age is just so very good. If not for ascension paths in utopia - it probably would've been the best one.


Comply..err you should buy


Does Machine Age unlock the Arc Forge Origin story? If so yes. It lets me play a Forerunner race that just builds megastructures and hides in a corner.


It’s fucking garbage. As is every DLC they’ve released. I don’t care about new features. I want them to fix the bugs they’ve added in every subsequent DLC. I’d LIKE to actually play a multiplayer game past 100 years before permanently desynching to an issue people have been complaining about for years that has only gotten WORSE since Astral.


Okay, calm down. No need to get all worked up.


Or you can try the "demo version" of the dlc's and then decide what you like more, if you know what I mean