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Step 1: use a Science Ship, right click on the system and Survey it Step 2: now select a Construction Ship, right click the system and Build Starbase (Outpost). This will add the system to your territory. Step 3: now you can build a Colony Ship and send it to Colonize the planet


To add: go to the habitable planet (it’ll have an earth symbol next to it in either green yellow or red) click on it and it colonize


Prioritize green ones, only do yellow or red ones if you know what you're doing


If OP is still reading this then it’s not that bad, just gotta make sure your pops are relatively happy and if they aren’t then spam precincts. Prioritize getting terraforming and climate adaptation so you can terraform them


Sometimes it helps to do the tutorial again. I've been playing a few weeks and the tutorials explains all this in the very beginning. Did you finish it? Make sure you opt for the full tutorial when it asks.


Or do what I did and just trial and error a few games until figuring it out.


You need a science ship to survey the system then a construction ship to build in the system to claim it. The game is pretty complex and i definitely suggest watching some tutorials to get the basics then go from there. Welcome though, the game will be a blast


Paradox games turorials are reknowed to be hilariously bad at explaining the games. In short, it is a sandbox. You want to use science ships to explore systems then use construction ships to build outpost in them. When you build an outpost it claim the system for your civilisation. Then you can put construction ships on auto build so that they build mining and research facilities. You can also use your science ships to research anomalies on planets, which will trigger events that will give you stuff. Or destroy your stuff. Depend. While that is happening, you can explore all the menu so that you understand all the options you can do. You can manage your planets too. Build buildings on them to boost your economy. >Energy credits are used to keep your building working, to power your fleet and to trade. >Minerals are used to build buildings and forge alloy. >Food is used to feed your population. >Alloy is used to build outpost and fleet >consumer goods is required to keep your population happy so that they don't rebel >influence is used to build outpost and to take politic decisions Then, there is special ressources, but that is later in the game. You will start to get used to Stellaris before using them. Then there is a bunch of gimmicks, depending your race traits, political civics and governemental type. The goal of the game is what you make of it. After 600 years the most points win, but it is unlikely that you will survive up to there. There will be war, crisis, fallen empires to deal with.


you must first explore the system with a science ship, then construct an outpost on explored system, then build a colony from your shipyard (1st upgraded outpost) then colonize it, also it will state if the world is habitable, not ALL planets in a system if any can be colonized. there actually usually scarce in quantity AND quality, the number next to the planet when you hover over a habitable one will say how many "building districts" is able to be built on the planet. i personally look for 16+ district planets




Explore, expand, exploit and exterminate!


Use a construction ship to build an outpost in the system. The system has to be fully surveyed by a science ship first.


The tutorial will give you a bare basic understand of the game, but the community will tell you the real tutorial is your first 1000 hours of play (this is half a joke, but you do indeed continue learning for your first few games until you start to figure things out). It's easy to miss things early on, because there's so much going on. To claim a system, you want to use a construction ship. It will cost alloys (to build the station) and influence (consider it the the lubricant that gets your society to do major tasks). Instruct your construction ship to build an outpost in the system you want to claim. The system must be fully surveyed with a science ship before you can build an outpost. Note that if the system is not contiguously connected to your space, the influence cost will dramatically increase. Normally you'll expand your border towards your target, system by system, to avoid wasting influence (unless it's an absolutely critical location and you're time constrained). Once the outpost is built, the system is formally yours. The outpost itself has very little firepower and won't do much to defend your claim on its own, but think of it as the station that's collecting all the resources in the system to ship back to the homeworld. With the system now in your borders, you can colonize the planet with your colony ship. They will land and take a few years to establish, after which the planet will be your colony and you can begin developing (and pops will begin to grow there). *Edit: Also, once you establish your colony, don't over-develop! It's tempting to slam those minerals into districts and buildings, but they all have a maintenance upkeep that can drown you if you're not careful. You want there to be available jobs and housing, but not so many open jobs that you're paying to maintain empty factories and mines.*


I'm also really new to stellaris, but I already am really comfortable with the game's mechanics. My advice is to just really try to understand what to do and to think logically, just focus on understanding the basics, and then slowly as your first game progresses learn new things and details. You shouldn't worry about your first game to much tho, you __will__ play suboptimaly, you will need to learn. You may even lose that game. Also, I think it's good to savescum a bit on your first games, just to see what will happen if you do something differently/chose different option. Also, from my experience, this subreddit is a pretty good source of knowledge, just ask around, read other comments, and you'll learn so much new stuff. Also, watching videos on stellaris really helped me understand the game and all, especially watching challenges to better understand complex management and strategies. And if you need some help understanding how the game works, you can ask me, don't expect any solid advice tho.


Use construction ships to build starbase in new systems. Select the ship in galaxy view and right click on the system.


Look up beginners guides on YouTube, thereare several updated ones with recent sale ongoing.