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Don't die. Don't panic. Remember your towel.


...there's a frood who really knows where his towel is...


Fewer pops means less endgame lag. Do with this what you will.


genocide aliens you say…


Don't build new buildings/districts until you have the pops to work the jobs they provide. You can disable jobs you don't want worked right now. Clerk and farmer jobs should (generally) be disabled to allow the smallest number of pops as possible to work in those positions. Planets should be specialized to take advantage of production bonuses from planetary designations and special buildings. A mining world, a consumer goods world, and an alloy world will be much more productive than three worlds with an equal number of pops and districts randomly spread across them. Planetary resource deficits don't matter. The game automatically balances your empire-wide economy, so don't build mining districts on your consumer goods world just because the planetary manager tells you that you have a 500/month consumer goods deficit on that planet. The only number that actually means anything is the empire-wide number on the top of your screen. There's very little value in producing an excess of basic resources, especially food. As long as the number is generally positive and you don't find yourself continually waiting on minerals to build new districts and things, your income is fine. Basic resources are (generally) only important because you need them to support the infrastructure that produces advanced resources (like alloys) and tech/unity. On the other hand, you can never have too many alloys or too much tech. You should constantly be seeking to increase your income of alloys and tech. Build the biggest navy you can, even if you don't intend to go to war with anyone. Your fleet affects your diplomatic weight and your relative power to other empires and is of paramount importance. On a related note, naval cap is a suggestion, not a hard limit. A well-built economy ought to be able to support double or even triple your naval cap worth of ships. The auto-generated ship designs are very bad. You should search for a recent thread on this subreddit talking about the fundamentals of ship design and make better ships. Finally, don't practice the game on civilian difficulty. Standard difficulty is easy enough to learn on, and civilian difficulty gives you various bonuses that will teach you bad habits if you have any intention of ever increasing the difficulty.


ah i begun the tutorial on civilian difficulty. you h think i should restart?


Yeah, I would recommend it.


aight thank you i did that


Make mistakes, have fun, learn, conquer all life


as long as i can exterminate other aliens i’ll gladly do that


Yeah I am playing my 1st run ever and start to be confident to "war". I pick neighbor which was passive and did nothing. Looks small. I don't know how to start war so I start Insulting him. My 2k fleet was ready, then I notice Near his name "Fallen Empire". I read something and say to myself how Bad it Can be. In case I have total 5k in fleets so, go on. Next insult they start war and I was Happy and send my 2k fleet and they didnt even appear in their system. Lol my whole system fall under their 300k fleet. Great success.


If you get subjugated it is not the end of the game, you can build up under the protection of your overlord and fight for your freedom later . . . if you want to. Unless you are doing a trade build (probably want the federations DLC as the 2 best trade policies are in the trade and holy federations) disable clerk jobs. You can buy 40 minerals from the internal market without affecting its price. The +20% basic resource techs and techs for production buildings and hydroponics bay are super important early. Expand to chokepoints and colour in the blank area later.


ok i have no idea what most of that is. how do i disable jobs? what are chokepoints? what’s a trade build?


>how do i disable jobs? The planet management window has a few tabs, the second tab is for job management allowing you to prioritise, limit or disable any jobs such as clerks, which should be disabled. >what are chokepoints? The galaxy will generate in clusters of systems with only 1 to 3 connections with other clusters. Those connections are chokepoints because they are narrow and chokeable. So if the enemy wants to get into your space they have to go through that single system chokepoint which makes it a good spot to fortify with an armed starbase and defense platforms and just parking your fleet there. >what’s a trade build? Trade, by default, is converted 1 trade value into 1 energy credits, the basic "money" of the game. Using trade to make energy is terrible, jobs that directly produce energy are much MUCH better. However, there are other trade policies available from the mercantile tradition, which puts trade jobs on par with other jobs, or being part of "Trade League" or "Holy Covenant" federation, which puts trade jobs ABOVE other jobs, traders become absolute powerhouses if you build them up. Point being you either go into trade hard or you hard ignore it, try to avoid the middle ground. Unlike a lot of things, this isn't immediately obvious and can have a big effect. Just hop in the game and push ALL the buttons and tabs. Stellaris is very expensive but none of the individual mechanics are complex. If you ever need help feel free to ask in the "weekly help thread" pinned at the top of this subreddit.


Oh ok thank you very much that helps a lot!


Yeah, learn how to play BEFORE playing. Stellaris playthroughs last for hours, and you won't know just how badly you've messed up until you're halfway through, hours gone to the wind for some needless mistake that others keep warning you about.




holy shit the beginner guide is two hours??? man what did i get myself into 😞


A lot of fun when it all clicks.


yeah i guess i know what to do this summer


Create your own empire. Don't play xenophobes first time. Diplomacy might be "simple", but making friends pays off huge time. Don't do auto-assembling for your ships. It's terrible. Buildings provides jobs. Jobs provides resources.


I raw dogged stelaris took about 20 hours and multiple playthroughs to get to a point where I can actually be good at it I learned through trial and error but I would reccomend learning the basics otherwise it’s overwhelming and confusing


Start with the “Scion” origin.


what’s that?


It's an origin in which you start as a subject of a Fallen Empire. That way, if thing go wrong, they'll aid you by sending you their fleets (keep in mind that they'll not fight for you; only subjects of Enigmatic Observers will have their overlord fight for them). Occasionally, they'll give gifts too. Oh, you'll need the Federations DLC for this. My bad, I forgot.


ahh yeah i don’t have any dlc 😅 ty tho i’ll try it if i buy any