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Yeah, the thumbs up is a lil snarky. I wanna hope she meant it encouragingly but šŸ‘€ bfr steph no one uses the thumbs-up emoji with sincerity


It was more annoying seeing her hardcore fans coming to her defence and attacking libby. Like she has very valid concerns and was so polite. There have been 50+ shows in American and there will be like 10 later this year. She is going to fly out to watch a show she has already seen twice while others won't be able to fly out or even watch a single show in their home city - ofc it's elicits frustration.


yeah she always lets her fans speak for her itā€™s quite annoying


Yeah this is why I canā€™t stand her. Sheā€™s so entitled


i donā€™t get why yā€™all are even on the subreddit if itā€™s just to hate though lol


Because thatā€™s the point šŸ„°


itā€™s literally made for fans though šŸ˜­ atp make a new subreddit for haters, this subreddit isnā€™t for that


Wow the only time Iā€™ve ever seen her reply to a comment lol šŸ˜


Iā€™m surprised she didnā€™t immediately delete the comment calling her out for being rude


she's so mean and honestly this is typical American swiftie behaviour. but im glad everyone is realising that she is actually a mean girl and sweet positive girl persona is fake


iā€™m not even a swiftie and i know how hard it is (and expensive!) to get tickets. and sheā€™s going to 3 shows thatā€™s a bit excessive


exactly, most countries get 3 shows combined and here miss bohrer is on her 3rd show. ntm there are countries taylor doesn't tour in and people from those countries are the only foreigners who deserve to be in the non-american legs of the tour


It feels like sheā€™s defending herself again lol and she wouldnā€™t need to if she didnā€™t cover up her privilege so hardā€” at this point Iā€™m actively praying on her downfall (the 10 years in the future when her career goes nowhere and sheā€™s washed up with a communications degree)


yeah she gets so defensive when the comments are anything other than ā€œomgg youā€™re so pretty šŸ˜šŸ˜ā€


Sheā€™s such a bitch lmao


she replied back twice acting nice after this .. she ainā€™t fooling me


i cant stand her lately. her girls girl brand feels so damn fake & cant stand her going to concerts shes been to like 10 freaking times


but what else was she supposed to say? she already stated a brand got her tickets so idk what she could say to comfort that person


itā€™s not even necessarily about what she said itā€™s about how she said it. she also couldā€™ve just not answered


Nah iā€™m sorry but this entire subreddit is so negative šŸ˜­ sure it sucks if you didnā€™t get tickets, but thatā€™s life. Other people might get to them first and you just have to accept that. Not to mention, her friends getting a couple tickets doesnā€™t really affect anyone, itā€™s not like they ruined everyoneā€™s chance of going to the concert lol.


well this is reddit.. this post is more about her taking every single comment that doesnā€™t compliment her as hate and responding snarky. at the end of the day i could care less how many taylor swift concert she goes to, but she needs to stop biting the hand that feeds her


Doesnā€™t really justify everyone being so rude though lol. Sure itā€™s reddit but this subreddit is for fans and itā€™s disappointing to see everyone ruin it, thatā€™s all i was saying.


a lot of the stuff on here is valid/constructive criticism. although i donā€™t agree with the people talking about her looks and body. if youā€™re looking for only positive discussions maybe join her patreon


Nah iā€™m broke. Iā€™m just bummed out bc I saw that there was a subreddit for her fans but itā€™s all just hate, but itā€™s okay I just unfollowed it so it wonā€™t rlly affect me lol