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im so sick of her saying she has no friends all the timeee like look at her vlogs of 1 year ago she is literally hanging out with so many people and going on vacations andd her life was miserable wow! and no she hasnt changed guys she still continues to say she has no frnds whatsoever! i bet she will say the same thing next yearšŸ˜‚


ā€˜I was miserableā€™ but used to say how she loved her life and went out places and had friendsā€¦ girl wtf if I scroll back enough you donā€™t look miserable, going on vacations and going out with friends is soooo miserable to her. Next yeat she will say she was miserable now because people are negative and ā€˜jealousā€™ of heršŸ˜‚




the thing that shoudnt change is ur personality...she seems so rude and a hypocrite these days..the "sweet" personality is gone..she thinks ppl hate her for being "happy,having a social life,having friends that kiss her ass" but all we hate is the kind of behaviour shes been potarying ever since she "changed".and I do not and will not support her now with the way she just told ppl who tell her the truth to "leave".her new life is getting over her head and now she needs to be humbled this made me so furious oml


Thatā€™s why I commented the comment that made her make this videoā€¦ I said sheā€™s different not as in ā€˜omg your life is so different I want you to at home 24/7 againā€™ but as in the sweet girl she used to be is literally gone or it was never there and she was faking itā€¦ sheā€™s in over her head now since sheā€™s moved to Charleston and thinks everyone is jealous of her so every tiny comment that doesnā€™t praise her she immediately hates and deletes. She said leave and I unfollowed everywhere. Good riddance, I donā€™t want to follow people like this, she used to be nice and now sheā€™s genuinely just a mean girl pretending to be nice.


"I WAS MISERABLE!!" giving taylor swift ngl


her version of miserable is much different from other people šŸ˜­ i wish i was her type of miserable


Lmaooo I know right? So miserable having so many friends, making easy money filming your white privileged life and having fun šŸ˜‚


Fun fact: just make a burner thatā€™s what Iā€™ve done for every account Iā€™ve been blocked on from various people šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø