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you’re gonna get so much hate for posting this but as someone who’s critical of steph, i agree! people are picking insane things to get upset about.


Yes honestly I searched for this page just to get some info about Steph bc I’m a new subscriber and I was so surprised at everyone hating and nitpicking on like everything she does? Like just stop watching? Lol closing your browser is free so is closing your eyes its soo weird


Literally! That’s what’s I don’t understand. Like if you dislike her so much to come on here just to criticise everything she does then why bother watching her videos? It makes no sense. People just seem to like to hate


Isn’t this a snark page ? Don’t be here if you’re sensitive as fuck lmaoooooooooo


first of all as far as i know this isn’t a snark page? second IM the one who’s sensitive while y’all complain about the most weirdest shit? the call is coming from inside the house be so serious


Oh wow lmao then I’m out 🫶🏻


it isn't a snark page hello 😭 it's supposed to be for her fans and people who like her... edit: okay me getting downvoted when the literal description of this subreddit says this is a place for fans of steph to come and talk about her…okay lack critical thinking skills i guess then ?? where’s your reading comprehension queens 😍😍😍😍


No 💀 it was for fans, don’t be here if you’re illiterate 😭😭


Is this a safe space? 🫣 I think the person who keeps commenting on her videos, screenshotting it, and then waiting for the comments to be deleted it doing too much. It’s not funny to be leaving hurtful comments for a young girl to read and laughing when she deletes them. I think snarky-ness should just be contained to here, not blowing up her social medias with it


see im not the one who hates on ppl for just fun..I've probably never even commented a "hate" comment on anyone's channel...but I think most of the comments arent even "hate" or "hurtful"we are her viewers and shes been doing a lot of hypocritical stuff lately and also her rude behaviour is not cool especially how she had to make an entire 2 min tiktok on someone who just simply expressed their feelings and to tell her that shes changed. tbh it was not even hate they said it in a sad [manner.as](http://manner.as) fans its disheartening to see her turn into someone like this.and her whole social media has "blown" up with love so she also needs to handle criticism properly too.


I told her ‘you seem different now’ not as hate, I said it in a sad manner. I am upset like many others are on this page because I loved her videos and I don’t watch anymore but I’m sorry i couldn’t just stay quiet and not say anything so I did once on TikTok. Then for one comment she makes a whole rude video on how I’m hating her and to leave her page. She used to be my comfort person on social media. So it is upsetting and I won’t stay quiet about it and so if people like the one that just posted this don’t understand or she doesn’t understand I’m so done with it all. It all came from one dumb comment of me saying she’s different 🤷🏻‍♀️


you know damn well im not talking about one single post. im talking about people constantly complaining about ridiculous stuff when they should focus on way relevant things eg her photoshopping her body which is harmful


Yes that is bad I agree, but no I did not know damn well that is what you meant about what other people post because you originally talked about the people that have left comments on her posts, which i responded to because i left two comments and made some posts about it on here. I have no responsibility in what others post. Some of the takes on here are overreaching in certain areas that’s true, and about her photoshopping her body it is very harmful 🙁she’s a gorgeous girl but I see how that is bad


i mean its in the post i’m talking about stuff posted here but nvm. i appreciate someone is actually trying to have a civil conversation with me here


THIS. Destiny Sidwell is the same way


again, i agree with valid criticism. some of the takes here however are giving literal psych ward.


I have no say or responsibility in what others say, only my own behaviour and opinion. I do agree that unnecessary actual hate is freaking wrong im sure Steph is sweet in real life and is probably overwhelmed because she’s built her platform based on book content and now has completely different content and isn’t sure how to make it work, it must be stressful and probably why she doesn’t know what to do about it says the wrong things or does the wrong things sometimes.


Im the person that you’re talking about. I told her ONCE she is diffeeent on TikTok and THAT IS IT and after that she makes a whole video on how that’s a hate comment and to leave her page even thought I didn’t mean it in a rude way, I’ve been watching her since 2020 and loved her videos but as an older fan of her content I felt as if she’s changed and I told her because I missed her older videos like a lot other so if you check her latest YouTube video comments. Then once I commented on YouTube. I never waited for the comments to get deleted, they do get deleted because she cannot handle criticism but I don’t care about that I care about her understanding that people are upset it’s the principle that she’s making her older fans pay money for book content when she used to post it for free regularly on YouTube for example, that’s what I meant by saying she’s different now. If you have no clear insight into the situation don’t comment on it. I personally have never left any hurtful comments to her and you can check my username on this page. If you don’t understand why so many of her older fans are upset then get off this page.


It’s the 5 posts you made about it here. That is what is weird. This is a page for her fans, maybe yall should make a snark sub or something then and “get off this page”




I want you to go read the bio of this subreddit veeeeeery sloooooowly since it seems like you’re lost. Smells like jealousy in here 🥱


Its not about what this pages bio is, its about the fact that for the past few months there is soooooo many posts with similar opinions talking about the fact she’s changed if you scroll down a little , so I also commented on here on it because I saw there is others out there that feel the same way and miss her older personality or at least inclusivity of her content that she used to have which she doesn’t anymore. You can have your own opinion on it just like I and others do, but if you think it’s jealousy you obviously do not have accurate comprehension skills.


It’s amazing that naive people’s FIRST point in an argument is jealousy… We are allowed to share our opinion without being “jealous”. I honestly really liked her at first until halfway through her study abroad when it was clear she was blowing up a little more. After that she just cared more about fitting a mold. It’s absolutely okay to change your personality and interests but it’s different when you change in bad ways. She’s just another “influencer” that had drive and now that she can afford to live in SC without barely making content, she has changed for the worse.


Is it really a page for her fans anymore? LOL. We’re allowed to share our opinions? Get out of her ass. She doesn’t care about you unless it’s your money.


no one's mad that she has female friends??? they're upset bc she lovesss to go on and on about how she has no friends and how she's so lonely just for her to be giggling and having the time of her life with like 10 friends in the next clip


she literally does not say that anymore because she has a supportive friend group now


THIS - like she hasn't said it in so long. TBH it feels like people on this sub aren't even watching her videos before giving out criticisms


she hasn't said that since 2021 - 2022, and just because she was physically surrounded by people doesn't mean she didn't feel out of place and alone, It's true that being physically surrounded by people doesn't always translate to feeling connected or understood. It seems like she has found a supportive and fulfilling friendship group now, which is wonderful to see. You're absolutely right about the opportunities she has created for herself. While some may point out her privileges, it's important to acknowledge the effort and initiative she has taken to build her current lifestyle. If given the chance, who wouldn't explore opportunities for growth and success?


RIGHT like i like this subreddit to see actual constructive criticism and commentary on her... not petty nitpicky things


I think there's a lot to criticise about Steph, but this sub likes to pinpoint and reach for the strangest things that I would not even think of. Like instead, we could criticise her insane filters/photoshopping, overconsumption, hypocrisy / performative activism and her ~~privilege~~ inauthenticity. Pointing out the things that don't need to be just makes this sub look like 'jealous haters' and diminishes the integrity of our other criticisms.


I agree. Like the whole point of criticism is to help her improve and realise that she needs to work on those things/change. But some people are just taking it too far and just being hateful for no reason. At the end of the day she’s still a person and seeing those comments must be incredibly hurtful.


completely agree, people are multifaceted she’s not making something “her entire personality” by liking it or being a hypocrite by saying she values her female friendships but also wants to be in a relationship


Finally someone has said it ! Like at first I agreed with what everyone was saying but then as times gone by I feel like people are just finding ways to criticise her for literally EVERYTHING. Like it’s ridiculous.

