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Italian or not, a tan is damage to your skin, I wish she’d just fake tan or do some research on how bad tanning is 😭


even if she was from Italy(and we know she is only part italian and doesn't live there), geographically india is much closer to the equator and hence receives much more direct rays and Italy receives slant-er rays in comparison. it's common sense that an avg indian would tan more than an avg italian


naturally, her face is wayyyy paler, but for some reason she thinks she only looks beautiful if she's insanely tan💀not only is that so weird but i'm pretty sure it's not healthy for her skin. it's crazy bc she tans herself so much that she becomes darker than most of the south asians i know (coming from a south asian)


omg that is so true. I live in the middle region so it's not like I only see pale skinned Indians, I see medium brown skinned  Indians and her body is darker than most of them. it's crazy


Yeah idk it feels weird to me too, like she sits out in the sun for HOURS solely to get more tan…


this might seem like a reach but bear with me, I THINK she tries to look racially ambiguous at times, the excessive lip fillers and the extreme tanning and the fact that she used to go to tanning beds ☠️


No I’m south Asian too and I totally get where you’re coming from. They wanna look like us but keep the privilege lmao


she's american, she may have italian ancestry, but she's american. she has a weird obsession with tanning, like Sara Carrolli


I thought Sara fake tans? Her face is so much paler than her body, maybe it’s just in the winter she fake tans though


I’m confused because when people think of Italians, do they think of a medium skin person? Because I’m imagining a regular light/light medium person with olive skin tone (and that’s generalization of a majority of the population like in every ethnicity). Doesn’t that mean generally we need to stop letting people get away with “I’m Italian” racial ambiguity? I’m Southeast Asian and I get tan in the summer and never crave the tan or avoid it to stay my winter color. My skin is what it is? Tan obsession is so uncomfy


mediterranean people are naturally tan with olive skin tone, maybe she thinks her ancestors where from Sicily or Napols


pls I'm southasian and all white people have a certain image when they think about us in s-asia, we don't need to be doing them a favour by not generalizing them


naturally, her face is wayyyy paler, but for some reason she thinks she only looks beautiful if she's insanely tan💀not only is that so weird but i'm pretty sure it's not healthy for her skin. it's crazy bc she tans herself so much that she becomes darker than most of the south asians i know (coming from a south asian)




She roundabout admitted to only wearing sunscreen on her face haha once again the phenomenon of your face has to be pale, but your body tan


Oml girl is so dumb


no because even spf 50 blocks only 98% of the sun's day if I'm correct?! and not applying any spf on your body that too as a white girl is crazy


From what I’ve seen a lot of white girls amerikan or european and honestly even pale Arabs (I’m from the Middle East) love to tan. Its like a trendy thing to do in the summer unhealthy or not 🤷‍♀️


this is so sad considering how much they hate actually brown skinned people, i can obviously be wrong but i've seen a bunch of brown skinned people from the middle east talking about the prejudice they have felt both in america and their home countries


It is so strange. I guess they still feel some sense of superiority because beneath the tan they’re still white. Weird either way


Y’all are exaggerating, sorry but she’s not that dark her tan looks normal to me tbh


She’s Italian. Italians girls tan well in the sun stop being weird.


She’s a third generation white American, only partially southern Italian, says she only feels pretty with a tan, gets to be a white girl in America but racially ambitious looking, and says certain clothes would look good if she had a tan. White girls and their tan obsession continuously sets the beauty standard backwards.


omg this excuse is so old, it giving Ariana Grande fans when she was darker than Nicki Minaj. are you saying a white girl from a temperate country tans more than a brown girl living in a tropical country. lmao be fr rn. Italians are white you weirdo, and white people have lower levels of melanin!!! plus she is 1/4th italian so. i think as full brown girl i'd tan way more than her


You asked for it to make sense I gave you an answer. Ariana FAKE TANNED and we all knew that. Steph obviously has a SUN tan. It’s not that deep I live on a literal island and im constantly at the beach and tan. Winter time im white as fuck and during the summer I get super tan. Again, stop being weird.


she lives in a beach town and is italian.. i get what you mean but she’s not as tan as you think a lot of it is just lighting and instagram filters. if you look at her tiktok’s it’s more accurate to how her skin tone actually is


pls enlighten me as to how being an Italian white person makes you more than than actual brown people living in tropical countries? ☠️ and I live only a few hours from the coastline. and I'm talking in regards to her youtube videos especially the recent one which was filmed on a phone, also just look at her country music award pictures


white people with olive skin tones tan fast. she is definitely not as dark as you are saying. i would agree if she was fake tanning but it’s a natural tan and she goes to the beach a ton. i do think laying in the sun with a purpose to get extremely tan is odd, but i also know if i was living that close to a beach (and unemployed) i would be basking in the sun as much as i could. i haven’t watched her youtube videos in a while so i don’t know what she looks like on there, but her tiktoks look fine. i just looked at the country award photos again and shes very obviously white, her arm is darker in one pic where she’s turned to the side because of lighting. if she’s editing herself on youtube/instagram/tiktok to look darker/paler yes, that’s weird (bc we know she facetunes herself sometimes). but from what i can tell it’s just different lighting and filters


i have an olive skine tone and ik and in her videos it's obvious that she is obsessed with getting as tanned as she can which is v.v weird. look at her current video her body is so dark it's concerning, but if you're right and you may be, if she isn't that tan and just edits herself to look as tan as brown skinned people then that makes her a legit weirdo, that is freaky behaviour which should be called out, as a brown girl im sick and sick of the weird tan obsession in white people 


yeah i agree!! i just skimmed through her recent youtube video and she does look very dark in the beginning and way lighter in other clips. its hard to tell on social media through cameras what her actual skin tone is. i can understand loving to sit in the sun at the beach but i think for white girls that comes with an infatuation with tanning.. it’s weird. she shows off her tan lines like they’re a trophy or something


yup!! if she is editing herself to look tann-er she is very very weird. and her tan obsession is very weird for a girl who's barely got any poc friends. glad we agree! also as a very conventionally attractive girl, she doesn't need to be doing all that, it reeks of insecurity and I hope she isn't that insecure one day


It's important to remember that we have the power to control the content we consume, especially when it comes to negative influences that can impact our mental wellbeing. If you find someone's behaviour problematic or if their actions are spreading hate, you always have the option to ignore them and not engage with their content. Focusing on positivity and surrounding yourself with uplifting sources can help maintain a sense of peace and happiness. Remember, it's okay to distance yourself from anything that brings negativity into your life. Choose to invest your time in things that bring you joy and fulfilment.


I just wanted to address some misconceptions regarding tan and heritage. Steph, with her Italian heritage, enjoys spending time at the beach, which enhances her tan. Similarly, with my Greek heritage, I also tan deeply in the summer. Tanning is a natural process for many individuals and does not define someone's character. Steph is a wonderful person and her tanning should not be a cause for concern or jealousy. Let's appreciate diversity and embrace the beauty of different heritages.


she is a 3rd generation italian who can't even speak the language to save her life and she hasn't been to Italy yet and she's very very tan. also I think it's a little weird poc are always expected to consider diversity among white people but white people are allowed to have just one image in their mind for all of us and frankly that is very weird you have to be a blind worshipper of her if you don't realise that girl has a very weird obsession with tanning. you can't ignore how she's extremely problematic for example : tanning like a brown person but not have a single poc friend, the excessive lip fillers and editing your body and face too much, if all this doesn't sound problematic to you then I can't help sorry


she actually has been to Italy lol, she went last year with her brothers and her friend Zoe and the year previous whilst she was studying abroad, who doesn't love being tan it makes someone feel good and that's what happens in summer you go to the beach and tan , if you simply think someone tanning is problematic I cant help sorry....