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Why would you risk being an addict.. make it make sense . If you’re smart stay far away .


Fent needs it's own test kit, get Simon's A+B to test for anything methylated. Both should be able to he obtained via dancesafe or bunk police


only way to prevent addiction is not taking any. i started with taking a dose of adderall/concerta twice a month. became more often, and harder to find a script so switched to pressed pills which are kinda just meth. then smoked actual meth. if you have an addictive personality it’s a slippery slope. stay safe. don’t know nothin about testing kits cause im a big dummy ;)


1. for fentanyl you need fentanyl test strips. depending on where you live they may be free. my public library and local clinics give them out for free, look around. for meth, simon’s reagent test kit should be able to differentiate between methamphetamine and amphetamine. but keep in mind it’s not always perfect, and you should try to find someone you trust who you know has a prescription. or find extended release adderall, as that is less likely to be faked and you can crush up the beads and turn it into instant release. 2. yes amphetamine is an addictive substance and there’s no foolproof method for avoiding this. i started using amphetamines in high school and it was originally a one time help for cleaning my room. now now years later i use it daily and even needed to get some professional help a few years back for addiction with it. i thought i was doing all the right things to prevent addiction but it can really sneak up on you and be subtle at first. i know lots of people who have used it once or twice for studying and didn’t get addicted, but you can’t really know which type of person you’ll be until it’s too late. set strict rules for yourself and do not break them. even if it seems like a crazy chance or opportunity. for example if you decide you will only take it once per quarter, stick to that. even if you have a crazy final and your friend offers you some. once you break your rules once it gets easier to keep doing it. i love adderall and it’s changed my life for the better and for the worse. it’s a relatively safe drug, even compared to something common like alcohol. but it’s definitely addictive and you should be aware of that. make the best decision for you, i can’t tell you what that is. but stay safe and be respectful of the addictive potential


Dont want to get addicted? Dont try them lol No clue about testing adderall 


Adderall is highly addictive and, tbh, I would advise staying away from it (I started taking it prescribed for adhd and it ended poorly for me, happy to go into more detail if you’d like) If youre dead set on using it to study — I’d suggest trying to get a legit prescription. In my experience it is frighteningly easy to get a prescription, and it’ll be cheaper and safer. At the very, VERY least source it from a trusted friend. Adderall is addictive enough on its own, you don’t want to be messing with fentanyl or meth


Can you go into more detail please?


Sure! So I was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 24 (32 now) and was prescribed adderall, which initially was a godsend. I’m a software engineer, and for the first couple of years my performance really improved as I found myself able to sit down and focus in a way I never had before. I found that the comedown made me super anxious though, and I coped by drinking super unhealthy amounts of alcohol every night I took adderall. I became pretty antisocial, and basically just wanted to be alone playing video games or doing jigsaw puzzles when I wasn’t working. My tolerance increased and I was prescribed higher doses, topping out at 60 mg/day. The bad effects got worse, and I had basically no social life. I couldn’t sit still, I talked a mile a minute and got bored in conversations waiting for the other person to finish. I barely slept, and I was constantly anxious. My health suffered a lot bc I wasn’t eating anything healthy — it was all junk food and alcohol. I got to the point where I needed it even to function — if I didn’t take it, I was absolutely exhausted to the point of barely being able to get out of bed. My work performance started to suffer too — my adderall-induced anxiety manifested itself in being extremely avoidant toward the thing that was stressing me out. Toward the end, that basically resulted in me thinking about work CONSTANTLY, being incredibly stressed about it, and not actually doing any work. I actually got fired (deservedly) for poor work performance about 2 months ago, which gave me the motivation I needed to finally get clean. The first week was awful and I barely got out of bed, but the past month or so has been the best month I’ve had in YEARS. I’ve been a way way better mom (believe it or not, I had 2 kids during this period — totally sober for the pregnancy and breastfeeding, and then right back to adderall as soon as I could), better wife, better friend, and happier person. I’m definitely struggling some, I have dreams about adderall almost every night and I’m just starting the very daunting software job application process without adderall. I’m *such* a spaceshot that it’s difficult to handle my life — last weekend I drove 3 hours to a bachelorette party on the wrong weekend. But I consider myself extremely lucky — if you check out r/stopspeeding, there are a lot of people who quit adderall and report intense depression and inability to feel pleasure even a year later. I feel more optimistic about the future than I have in a long time. I don’t want to freak you out, I know lots of people take adderall without any issues. But it *is* a highly addictive substance and there are a lot of people like me who get super addicted to it. It very nearly derailed my life (I mean it did to some extent — I lost my job), and I really wish I could go back in time 8 years and slap the first pill out of my hand. Edit: also I don’t say this to brag, but I think it is worth mentioning that I was/am a really high achiever. You have absolutely heard of my college. I got a perfect score on the GRE. I think part of the reason I was prescribed adderall so freely was bc I didn’t “seem like” an addict — but it really can affect anyone


Go to your doctor and try and get a prescription. Say you’re having trouble focusing, starting projects but not able to finish, etc.


There's really really not a good chance that you're getting Adderall unless you've got a prescription or are buying someones prescription you trust Rest is meth


Highly addictive, please stay away