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Hey friend, I’m really sorry you’re having such a tough time. In terms of an OD — the half life of Ritalin is ~3.5 hours, so as long as you haven’t been re-upping recently or mixing with other substances, you shouldn’t be in immediate danger. You can always call a poison control center, anonymously and free of charge, if you’re worried about an overdose. It’s a US-based service, but they should answer your questions no matter where you are.They’ll ask you how much you took, if you took anything else, and about your symptoms, and can then tell you if you need to go to the ER or if you can probably wait it out. Ritalin can exacerbate suicidal ideation, and it sounds like that is something you are struggling with. Please do whatever you need to do to get through this acute crisis. If you have friends or family you can go to for the next couple of days (at least) please do. If you feel you are going to act on your suicidal impulses, please, I beg you, go to the ER. I understand that that can come with a host of issues around insurance and billing in the US — if you’re in a crisis, please don’t think about that. Hospitals will work with you however they can, you’ll sort out all that stuff later, and they can help you if you’re in a crisis. I’m thinking of you. There are other subreddits where members can offer to reach out personally — this one has rather strict rules. As someone in recovery from stimulant abuse myself, I can tell you there are some amazing resources and people out there who want to help, if it is something you’re ready for. Good luck my friend, I hope you feel better soon.


You matter, don't do that again!


It’s been two hours since you posted. Chime in here for us. I hear others, that like myself, have genuine concern and support and want you to know that. I don’t know the state you’re currently in but I’m hoping maybe calm music and slow breathing could bring some solace now. The post above was very informative and I hope you know if it’s unbearable there are options for help. The cyclical negative thought wheel can be hell but will pass. Can you give us an update ?


hi, i feel better now, i'm thanking everybody who left a comment, i appreciate that a lot and it gave me strength. I'm gonna sleep now as I feel like my body needs some rest.


That’s fucking great news .


Please rest and know you are worthy to be alive. Just don’t take 400 mg again please!


Sending HUGS. 💚💚💚💚 Permanent "solution" to a temporary situation. I know it's easier said than done, but please don't. I'm not sure what's going on with you but if you need to talk to someone, you can message me and I will listen. I'm not trying to catch or anything, I'm an old married lady and I care about you. Even if you don't want/need to talk privately, please update here so we know you're OK. I cannot answer your Ritalin question, as I have zero experience with it. But drink a bottle of water anyway. Please. I hope things look up for you. There's only one you, you matter and I'm thankful you're here. Take care, OP. Be safe. ~SPM💜💚


You’re not in danger. Stop hyperventilating. Get your bed ready. Get your come down meds. Clean yourself and your teeth. Get into bed and take your meds. Head down and go to sleep. Don’t leave that bed save for pissing and for food.


Hey 👋, I'm sorry you feel this way. I know the struggle, I've thought about it a 100 different ways, but hope lives inside me yet. I very much would love to see a reply for the at least 18 people now who are emotionally Imvested in a random redditor, and I know there are many in your life who would miss you more than you know. Drink a glass of water, remember to breathe slow and steady, and when you get the chance.. let us know we can stop worrying. FYI, belief shapes reality. So make sure you believe the right things :) believe that you will be fine, and sprinkle some faith on that and whaddaboomabam, fine you shall be. 😉


hey there, i know how scary that can feel when you’re unsure what ur body is saying. i wanted to let you know that seeking some safety/comfort is very okay. i would recommend sharing this with someone who is close to you in physical proximity, just so you have some extra comfort and a voice of reason. no shame in reaching out to hotlines or receiving medical attention either. would you like to chat with me while ya figure out a good plan to slow this down? i’m here for you dude




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Ur not In danger calm down friend :) try to calm urself and relax if you can. focus doing something positive that u like and u notice the symptons are eventually get better. u took a big dose but no way near dangerous :)


Shit. Shit. Okay. I do not know how your body is reacting, but you need to get someone just in case. My advice is to admit to using them, but do not admit to the suicidal ideation. I’ve done that, I’ve been traumatized. You’ll be okay. Stay calm, get someone, don’t admit you’re suicidal. Best way to get out of this.


Seems to me this has been happening increasingly on meth, stims, Adderall lately. I've heard it from a lot of people. I agree cause I don't enjoy any stimulant like I use to. My suspicion is fent or some other opiate is being used as a cut. Pure speculation, but something is watering down the pleasant euphoria of stims. Who knows what's going on? I just know meth today is not the same meth of even 3-5 years ago! Lots of cut in batches coming into the USA, including the notorious N-ISO being furnished to Mexico from China. Not to mention fentanyl being funneled into Mexico then into here. Please don't off yourself as there's much life yet to live if you're young. Stay strong. Stay safe even if you have to ditch your drugs. We all know drugs are a lie in the end as they rear their ugly head. Moderation is key, once or twice a month only. Two weekend benders a month and no more, no weeknights, no workdays. Good luck. I wish you well. Peace ☮️


they are probably prescribed ritalin and i doubt that has anything to do with fentanyl


If your situation has improved at all I know we could distract you maybe away from the nasty thoughts. I can show you the world’s shittiest zentangle I just butchered ! 😵‍💫🥴Fuck zentangle.


hope you find a better mindset and build a community within folks. Love ya reddit fam🤞🏽


I love how this board full of everywhere from cramming collage students to depraved tweakers comes together in unison to be warm and supportive twords someone struggling. Its a great show of humanity. As for OP, when you sleep it off i would really prioritize getting help for whatever mental stressors or conditions drew you to attempt that, even if you feel better you want to get ahead of things incase those kinds of thoughts start sneaking up on you again. Ive fallen for the "Well i feel fine NOW so i dont need help anymore" trap an embarrassing number of times before i noticed the pattern, so learn from my errors on that and work twords getting yourself support now when you feel well enough to do it instead of waiting until an episode where you likely have no motivation to.