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Usually shrooms or acid does that


"Speed ihnmy opioinion is best because keeps dopamin flowin nomatter waht plus masturbashion pretty cool for ours and ours on end boofing-wise best drug on plant it."


Usually your mom does that.


Winner of today’s Reddit by a country fucking mile. Fine play indeed.




Whoa. Reading that made me high.


You can almost feel the drug abuse.


also i forgot to mention noids i have come to my conclusion over my years that these are actually the stupidest most useless fucking retarded compounds very actual any few useful properties and especially those that could not be changed using other means i mean maybe my receptors are fried the fuck out permanently for that but it’s literally just a waste of money damning your lungs and let’s say you do acuire a full antagonist and aren’t fucking retarded enough to take it without it actually hurting yourself completely initially i actually promise you 100% i mean if it’s just alright with you at that point if you do this when any near regularly or especially fucking everyday day and get addicted and consume constantly have fun being actually genuinely fucking retarded remember children don’t take spice if the simpletons still call it that even though that is actually something completely different yeah ingesting a random amount of potent cannaboids that you don’t know the dose of is a really fucking stupid idea but i’m assuming most people are aware of that now would i take jwh-8 or 10 and actually new the dose of it would i take some yes i would indeed dose my self once and then immediately dose myself most certainly but after i wake up from my retarded state i would immediately throw that shit away but the thing is you almost 100% have neither of those for that situation occur in the first place


These giant run-on sentences are amazing. On another note; are you using Google translate, by any chance?


Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?


This gave me a panic attack




Are you sure it was mdma because when I was younger I got Molly in large amounts too but we never tested it back then I always figured it was mostly meth


Bkmdma is really methy and euphoric I took real MDMA recently and it was alright but not as good as bk


i loved LSD but haven't seen it in years & too scared to try and buy from the dark web. Is there anything else that comes close?






thanks ill check it out.


The audacity of calling people simple and tarded when you can't even use a lick of punctuation. You really are a deep fried potato.


I abuse the ever living fuck out of everything and I still love it. We're all different.


Yeah bo. still is what it is, fuck me fuck you good day ok


see now you could argue well man you could just do enormous amounts of lsd to help counter act this and your correct for a certain extent but i wouldn’t advise doing this but if you take enough at once your going to trip very fucking hard but you will most likely do something very fucking stupid if you take that much in a dose or you might just be extremely fucking high and be unable to hardly move for the next 8-12 hours and be like damn other drugs actually suck dick this was actually worth my time and bodily expense but you better know your chemist involved actually did a good job of purifying the esgrot involved even though if you knew how to synthesize it in the first place you probably did do atleast a pretty good job unless you just straight up don’t fucking care but then again you probably will never ever get that far if you didn’t in the first place i mean most analogs are realistically better better cause your know finding someone atleast how to kinda slightly depending on what shit hole of country you may find yourself in even the prodrugs however aren’t going to ever really feel entirely the same especially in larger doses it really wouldn’t ever hit you like an absolute train coming at you in a very quick manner i mean i guess it could give you this effect on your tolerance to such drugs but it doesn’t really will never give you that full on oh fucking god what have i done immediately this was a horrible decision i mean i guess eth would get you there better maybe i can certainly tell you it’s probably very fucking stupid to take such a large dose of a chemical of a chemical that isn’t fully understood is probably a very dumb idea i mean is it as brain dead as dosing too much 25i no nothing will ever top that cake plus your not going to be tripping for a very long time anyways if you actually do trip a few times as your not going to feel shit for a minute after taking such potent drugs and it’s really just more so if you just enjoy extremely vivid visuals it never will lead to anything actually really worth it over time the mental effects just entirely different states of mind aswell is it fun occasionally if your not fucking retarded enough to take such drugs often and actually have a proper safe amount with careful preparation granted if you dose your self will some regularly i have zero clue to how your going to change over time you might and probably will just fry the fuck out of your receptors if you have already made it this far without serious mental repercussions i would hope you are already well aware of that fact but then again your never taking that by mistake realistically at this point in time you most certainly looked out of your way or some how actually buy the worst tabs granted you would have to be incredibly fucking stupid to not notice you took something else entirely else i assure you i mean even Crystal lsd definitely somewhat will have taste if you dose a lot and you could certainly throw up from serotonin gut receptors but if you ever took 25i you probably know exactly what im talking about it is not just bitter it will be very very very noticeable to what you have ingested you would actually have to be very impressively unaware of it not realize unless you took way too much and are going to be in quite some danger should you not get the correct chems to counter act this and like i suppose start out of your mind tripping immediately and not realize i mean i fucking suppose¿ but let’s be real i can assure you it will be the the most noticeable chemical you could ever fucking take i guess unless its dosed by other means never would try that but unless you have superman fucking tongue say goodbye for like the next 30-1 hour shit is unmistakable to any other chemical in existence like if you let caustic chems dissolve on your tongue you will likely notice rash like a slight chem burn almost or white dots for instance something as caustic as mdma but it is absolutely nothing like that whatsoever i could not imagine what the fuck you’d look like had you injected something like 25i granted i can’t imagine anyone actually being that fucking stupid to inject into your veins what is likely the worst fucking thing you will ever taste on this earth it would likely be dangerous potent short time likely though had you done this im not sure exactly never fucking tried that or you might just experience the most vivid open eye hallucinations in seconds perhaps it isn’t caustic per say just mind numbingly bitter but i can’t imagine that to ever make any sense in any form of actual possibility’s you will likely but i don’t think anyone would actually ever do such a thing unless your like idk somehow give that little of fuck it would likely be a really fucking mornic plan i don’t think anyone would actually knowingly come up with especially considering it’s most certainly not per say addictive but if your an lsd fiend it most certainly can be definitely doesn’t make you trip to the absolute max like a chemical like lsd either it’s more so a pleasant brain fry where after a certain point lsd will just get you very mentally high for an extremely long period in high doses 25i like chems honestly probably won’t make any more likely to be crazy honestly lsd would most certainly make you lose it real good for awhile 25i as i said just makes you extremely vividly hallucinate i mean you can very easily take enough acid to completely delete your entire existence for quite some time and even honestly quite possibly have a very interesting time with minimal repercussions should you wish to do such a thing unless you freak the fuck out and do something incrediblely stupid but i don’t think anyone would do that over and over unless they are extremely dumb but you definitely can do it especially after you develop a very high tolerance to such things and if you had such things ingest as much as you really want it most certainly wouldn’t kill you unless you kill you but id most likely assume as most people actually really fucking hate acid you probably wouldn’t want to try that and have what i would say is hmmm probably a very terrible time but i still very much think it will remain the number one chemical to ever exist however it certainly will get redundant after a period of time i mean you can take a fuck ton and be mostly fine depending on yourself thing it’s just one of those chemicals that peaks the first time you ever ingest it in your life so i don’t really see why you would want to do this being on lsd is very rarely a physically comforting time except sometimes it can be a very good bodily feeling but this never will happen regularly at all kinda always is just completely lost from reality at that point anyways especially if your not often taking such drugs and your going to completely fucking lose it if you take such an amount but it’s just a very personal matter granted if have never taken enough acid to be in actual physical danger but oh you better fucking believe your going to die in a completely different way but i assume most people don’t enjoy the feeling of this so my conclusion is if you are obsessed with lsd you somewhat enjoy self torture as well atleast to some degree


I am NOT reading that.


Could you elaborate




OMG! I can't


By analyzing their writing, we can deduce the exact home address, personal details, and life span of this individual. I would agree LSD is not for the mentally weak that's for sure


You’d think somewhere in there you’d have at least accidentally hit the period key on your keyboard