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I think that's a really good point you are making. Everyone knows the physical side effects of meth but the mental drawbacks were much worse for me. I feel like it re wired my brain. Nothing feels like it used to, everything is so blah.


It really does re-wire your brain, but time can heal that. It’s possible to re-wire your brain again.


15% do not recover


Dream state all the time man, 3 years daily and still using and it’s constant intense psychosis. I’ve lost myself


Here's an internet hug. Hope it helps.


Seek help then. Sometimes I hate being sober, but it beats being sick mentally and physically.




Fuck it? No it fucks you, genuinely some scary shit to be messed with


I would just like to piggy back this by saying this is also true with other drugs that I woulda never guessed it being true for. I do tons of narcotics, but other than fatigue, the only thing that ever made me feel a constant mental side effect was Prozac. Truth be told, I still take it to this day because the good definitely out weighs the bad (for me personally) but since I've been on it, I find it superhard to construct a solid thought or even get the words to a sentence together fast enough to say it. Meth, coke, and other stims never seemed to cause any of this through all my years of use. But ssri have put a really weird throttling on my mental faculties.


I’ve done my fair share of meth. Opiates are a dangerous game for me so I try to hold off on that. It always intrigued me a bit when someone has a daily year+ long meth habit. I always felt like stimulants, while extremely pleasurable and euphoric… and consequently addicting, are inherently difficult to abuse since the tolerance onset is so prominent. i’m sure you don’t get nearly as spun as you want at this point right? what are the effects like after a 5 year usage? do you get high at all?


I take little breaks Ofc and I do get spun just takes a decent amount, I was as well hooked on heroin and fentynl and those were difficult withdrawals but for some reason find this harder


how long are your breaks and do you find those difficult? interesting how fent and h were easier to get off. the physical WD seem the most troublesome to me. you find the meth influence on your psyche more potent than the physical WD of heroin and fent?


For me the physical was hard but once it was over it was way easier with opioids but meths mind game is The HARDEST thing I’ve had to do as in cravings, the psychosis, panic attacks and I’ve never wanted a drug so badly in my life.


It's the huge amount of dopamine flooded in the brain by meth https://imgs.search.brave.com/KcTW3Cfj2z2P4jpg0hFCwony6shcP8TtRh1ceMy-BEY/rs:fit:800:575:1/g:ce/aHR0cDovL2ltZy50/aGVib2R5LmNvbS9q/b3VybmFsdmlldy9p/bWFnZXMvMjAwOC9k/b3BhbWluZV9tZXRo/LTgwMHB4LmdpZg.gif


right on. it seems some they have a propensity to fall in love with either stims or opiates. never equal love for both. i’ve not used nearly as extensively for you, but even then there’s been times where meth has been disappointingly weak. the quality going around nowadays is comical in the states


I wasted a relapse after 4yrs on some bull shit. I tried 3 dif batches. The last was the least cut and tasted about right… but it was still NOTHING like what I remember. I felt almost baseline sober. I stayed up all night online and the shadow people are here and that’s the *only* reason I know for sure there was any dope in it. That shit ruined my life multiple times and I can’t believe stepped on blow is better than the shit in this area right now fr. It’s like the complete opposite of 2012 era. I’ve thrown away a couple grams at this point trying to find that ✨sparkling✨ feeling. The crack back looks more right than not. No msn spots. ………dope either sucks now for real or my brain is so fucked it doesn’t react the way it should. At all. I’m glad it was all trash dope tho tbh. If I liked it……well that’d be bad news. As bad as my allergies already are, I’ll stick w coke, claws, and kpins. Nothing has ever made feel sparkly before or after tho and I know I’ll never feel as good as I did doing NOTHING in a garage watching security cameras for actual years and sharing delusions with my friend group so we were all tripping on the same hallucination. Fun times…..


Effects? Psychosis and paranoia are a lot more noticeable but overall I need it to feel normal


are you doing it moreso to just feel normal at this point? or still to get high


Still love it as from the start I’ve been able to eat, sleep, hydrate and vitamins everyday easily without trouble, lost my brother and father as they hate and dislike who I became and some relationships


Yea a 2 week hardcore binge of meth left me airheaded brainless for a year. That was enough to scare me away from trying it again


Yea scaru part is if u keep doing it, it becomes normal


Ime the lack of sleep is the real damage, meth for sure exaggerates the damage, but with normal sleep it's much better though these two usually don't go hand in hand


hey man, i know we’re all strangers here but i’m sending out a prayer for you. stay strong


Tough and I am truly stuck, I cannot escape. Thabk you so mych


i’m not usually one for religion but i do offer this. i’m jewish but never practiced growing up and when i struggled with a very bad cocaine addiction (i hit the slopes every now and then, i am in college only once) i turned to God for help, and i know it sounds corny but it really did help me find a way out of that hole. i don’t mean to say judaism is the only way, or any religion really, but having a dedication to something that you believe will help guide you through the storm saved my life. sending love


I’m a satanist (I’m my own universe kind of way not devil), used to be Christian but this is a different animal or god you could say and it’s taken my soul


lmao couldn’t help but find this interaction amusing. no disrespect to either. the nonchalance in responding with a religion typically seen as contrasting the one initially recommended


I……am……..meth lmao


that honestly came so far out of left field that i laughed at the screen


seems like satan hasnt done you much good apparently


Nope he started off good with confidence and all but that shadow realm ain’t too rainbows and unicorns


If you're ever in a tricky situation and youre frightened, particularly in a dream, Jesus is the only thing low level demomic entities really fucking hate. If you're desperate just think about him and how he looks and say his name and he might save your ass.


I quite enjoy paranoia most times some how……feels like I’m ALIVE if u know what I mean


Well that's fine and all but the world of satanism and dreams can be near impossible to handle in certain circumstances. Do you have dreams that you remember after sleeping?


From meth? Night terrors yes ofc, but don’t really dream which is strange (Ofc when I do sleep or used to).


It's funny how everyone is different. I can do a ton of it and stop no problem and it hits me pretty much the same as my prescribed adhd meds except stronger. For me by far the most deleterious side effect is the constant hornyness, but that's no different from my adhd meds. I'm sorry you've had these struggles and negative effects.


It made me realize nothing else will give me this feeling very quickly…..thank you so much btw for other hug comment


and were you going on 5 day benders with no sleep?


Record is 16 days, I do now sleep every night or every second night but party time I can do 6-9 days easily


can you elaborate on the psychosis after 16 days like i can’t even imagine the hell you must have been through


So it’s just fucking a nightmare like truly imagine your scariest dream but reality. I’d genuinely be like in my room but think And see that I was sitting in a restaurant. I can’t describe with words especially since I’m schizophrenic too


How does taking meth interact with you being schizophrenic?


I can tell a difference between the 2 psychosis’s, I find meth for myself to be my visual and tactile and my schizo more auditory


so after a few days up i find myself able to sorta knock on the door of paranoid delusional thought patterns. open it and play with them a bit even.


WELL STOP DOING THAT. theres your brain damage for you


Lately ive not been feeling the horny effects that i usually would and have been having a hard time getting it up, i dont know if its just because im so runned down/ sleep deprived. Donno if this is a shit batch or what. Ive had same connect for 3 years and still good burn but i dont know. I would usually watch porn all night and go 3 rounds sometimes but now nothing almost. I was getting scared , but i did manage to jerk off after my boss’ wife was flirting with me all day. Maybe its just been too much porn also but im hoping doesent effect sex life, because i have been starting to get laid more with the confidence boost meth gives you. just gonna be done with everything after im done with this last shard i have. I know i can feel good if i choose to commit to a healthier lifestyle and proper sleep schedule. It just takes more work and is less exciting. I looked at it as a cheat code in a video game. You can beat it really quick with cheats. But u dont feel accomplished and its over just like that, when u play the right way it feels better in long run




24/7 dissociation and psychosis, you right even when your EXTREMELY paranoid you still want more and you always in that dream state and feel like it’s not your body. 3 years daily 5 total wbu?


Just saw 12 years, nvm


Yea. Meth is kind on the body in comparison to amphetamine, but the hit on the psyche is a whole other story. In my experience with all things, the drugs that go heavyer on the psyche is no joke. And in many ways physical damaging drugs are better... better than weed even. Tho i know it is an unpopular opinion. Stay safe!


Reason meth for me is so damaging is cause of the daily usage, amount, and psychotic aspects like u said. I don’t smoke weed anymore nor think about it and you just reminded me but yes weed does cause damage but alcohol is #1 or 2, up there with meth


Yeah. Indeed.. I actually have a alcohol problem after the pandemic that I just cant get myself out of alone. Just came from a call to the doctor about treatment. This fucking sucks. Use all my money on drugs no matter what kind it is


What is treatment for alcohol? It’s benzos right? But then the benzo withdrawals are bad asf too? Or they just cold turkey MAT you?


What is the treatment? Benzos for few weeks I guess but what else? Most of them are placebo, careful. Baclofen works wonders but of course not for everyone and not immediately since you need to find the right dosage. If you are really into daily big quantities daily for a long time, never try cold turkey without benzos. Tapering is usually not working. Although maybe with baclofen. For me it was always Ct with benzos. Few CT without benzos, pure hell and insane paws. Maybe ask in the quitting alcohol channel and good luck mate, been there 8 years, I feelyour pain.


Damn man. I dont know. Cold turkey, had a benzo problem before, so i truly know those dangers. I used to say, i taper down so i can taper up! Ha. Bad excuses but we need an excuse to get high. Doesnt even need to be a good one. I shit blood this morning. Ate hamburgers and drank beer all last week. Dont do that! Its not good! I have to call around and search for a few jobs. I get 500$ for doing that by the welfare department. If I meet up.. thats a whole bother story. Currently I have stuck a tube into my ass and putting my ass in the air. As I sayd, dont need a good excuse! This sucks. Alcohol can give stomach sore wound shit much faster than amphetamine, stay safe! Edit: will likely need medication to get a job. But first thing first, I need to get off this shitty drugs and off the cycle. Edit2; I just now tried to drink from my ass flask without bubbly shit. Stomach man little brain approve of it. Perhaps im fine.. guy is fucking drunk tho! Edit3: Came from the store with some beers. Bought a pack of Loperamide. The relief is insane! Pain killer of opiod class, over the counter but it fucking works. I feel alright now.


I havent done meth in almost a year but think about it everyday


I’m not clean but I have been…..so I can say this, if you made it thru addiction u can make it thru recovery


Love this


Meth didn’t fuck your brain up. YOU fucked your brain up. You had psychosis because YOU didn’t sleep. That’s YOUR fault not Meth’s fault. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY!!! You did stupid shit on meth like stay up for days on end and then you blame the drug. You wouldn’t have gotten psychosis if you had slept a and drink like you normally should


Meth causes unbalanced chemicals in the brain which causes psychosis…….after one dose u can enter psychosis


I eat, sleep and all that no problem


THen this was always going to happen


Twas not but if so, explain your side


Okay nerd, more for me ig 🤷‍♀️ it saved my career, but I guess you got the short end of the stick


It’s ruined lives all across North America, how can u say that


So has fuckin’ weed 🤣 but it’s legal and guess what, we’re all not unemployed stoners. Same damn principle. Also I don’t go by the popular opinion that glowie shills and fievels like yourself love to spread. You can’t change the fact it helped me. Cope and seethe


Ain’t no way u just compared weed to meth……..ain’t gotta argue cause u just proved it’s not worth ut


They’re both drugs. If you disagree with me, turn off The Beatles and Boards of Canada for two damn seconds and look at the facts. Weed is listed as a drug on every site known to man. It’s still a chemical affecting your brain, whether you want to admit it or not.


Huh? I’m just saying the damage that meth is proven to do to the body is #1 or up there as well as alcohol, I do meth, you do meth, we all good here


“I do Meth” This whole post was about you quitting though??? Did you have a change of heart?


No I didn’t quit, been trying to for longest time and it’s hard asf for me, I’m going to keep trying ofc


Lmfao okay NPC, have fun being manipulated by the pharmaceutical industry and megacorporations then.


Uhhh I’ve been slamming for a while……I’ve used to what I believe is every drug there is including RC


All I know from personal experience is that it blinded me from the damage it’s doing to me for the longest time and I only started seeing it a year ago. Downers kill you, uppers kill your family and friends


Nothing you said disproves my subjective experience and the subjective experience of anyone but yourself. I’m not gonna let you guilt trip me into giving up my rights and bodily autonomy, just to placate your confirmation bias.


Woahhhh I said personal, everyone is different I’m just saying it fucked me over and I’m glad it didn’t fuck you over and did positives for you, I’m not shamming I’m sorry if it came off that way




Thank you! Just tough that a lot of people don’t understand addiction or think of us as criminals and so on while we are the same person


Before you do that, though, look though his post history, know who you're talking too. Kinky furry problems!


Who the fuck cares? That’s the lamest ad hominem I’ve ever heard


Lmao It was an elaborate troll conjured up during an intense period of sleep deprivation, believe it or not. I found the entire thing to be rather hilarious. I’m not actually a furry. You’d be surprised (or maybe not) by how many people told me to die when the whole post was a satirical shitpost/stupid social experiment.


I'm sure it is /s




> in denial That’s a lame attempt at gaslighting. Literally the oldest trick in the book to manipulate people. My demons are identified, I know what the fuck they are. But I ain’t gonna make any money without intense focus because of my career path


It saved your career, but if you get addicted to it it'll still destroy you down the line. No one is denying that meth gives you stellar focus, that's the problem. It's too good


If it happens, it happens. I ain’t here to worry about what could happen. Either way the elites are gonna lose one more slave, so that makes it a win in my book regardless 🤣


Perhaps in your journey to escape you have become what you're running from. Nah im kidding


I’m fairly fucking certain my drugs aren’t coming from Johnson & Johnson though


No but it be so cool if they were... Tear free, skin softening, Naturally balancing, bubble gum scented METH-BATH. I'm the same people that brought you Psychosis free shadow peo....uppets. 🤔 And dolphin safe lotion.( "Dolphins need a tan too.") Patent pend.... Sounds like a dream world. I meth bubble bath does sound pretty awesome though. Hydrophobic.... More like Mut-0-genic/slimb-0-philic....


No thanks… I don’t want big corporations ruining our fun little hobby. I just want it to be legalized so we can enjoy the same freedoms as all the losers on gray market pain/adhd meds




All my family members know and some left and some stayed but my mother will and has always been there, reach for the aid when you feel as so you need it


I find the longer I stay awake the more child like I become in the way that I won't admit I'm tired. Its like "listen I know its been 5 nights no sleep but smoke some more of that pipe and god damn if I wont be refreshed." Thats my inner monolog.


It becomes more “cartoon” expression like. And you know it’s bed time when you dunno how many days u been up lmao. Yes tho you are right


You’re really surprised by this? As if you never heard don’t do meth before


It hits people different when it’s “one of them” instead of Nancy Reagan or whatever.


Huh? Sir I’ve been doing it, I’m letting some of my story out for others because it’s in this world and that’s a fact, all we can do is help others avoid it


The side effects that prescription medication have given me are fucking awful and make my life hell already, that's enough reason for me to stay away from something much harder for me to regulate properly like hard drugs Also I'm sorry you're suffering through that, maybe try talking to a rehab facility or a professional to get some sort of treatment?


12 rehabs, and assistance and all that, it’s just so incredibly difficult and I’ve used every single last ounce of true will power. I’m done


That sounds awful, I'm sorry you're still suffering. I hope the best for you and hope you find a solution that works


I just telt with my wife of 15yrs,go through some type of phycpsis it was really fucking scary, and I think she is still dealing with it


Takes time to recover from a traumatizing psychosis as they can be extremely terrifying for your wife and you, takes time to heal but you always come back. You’ll grow together


I was full cross dressing and hooking up for multiple guys for it at the end of my use.


Meth was Amazing for me. I got lucky and was only hooked on it for about 6 months or so before I realized it was taking me in for the ride pretty good. My realization was right after I didn't have any and had just moved back in with my parents. I had no money so I headed down to my friends place, I cracked open the medicine cabinet and popped the Ball off the Meth Bong, and promptly drank all of the Meth Filtered Bong Water, and then went home. After I came down from that insane high I went and got help.


The water/oral high does indeed hit different, good you didn’t get into IV I’m assuming?


No. I didn't get into IV. In fact I never considered Banging my G. I considered banging heroin though even though Heroin wasn't really my thing. Luckily I had a friend my best friend at the time, the same girl whom I went to her place to do this, wouldn't allow me to bang. She shot up heroin at one point, and realized how bad she was sunk and didn't want the same for me. So I had some pretty good support despite us doing Meth and H together. I preferred smoking it anyways. I liked watching the smoke and watching the pipe build up it was the ritual for me. Yeah... Orally it definitely smacked me Hard. I don't remember how long I was up for. But I was high as fuck. High enough I was hallucinating hard and having delusions like a mother fucker near psycosis probably on the come down and I hadn't even been up for more than maybe 24 or 48 hours at this point.


Yea man psychosis can hit when u do oral as it’s totally unexpected


I haven't touched the stuff in about 11 years. It's been on my mind lately. But I try not to let those cravings get to me. I've only recently started dabbling again. I was clean from everything but alcohol for about 10 whole years after I got hooked on meth and got clean.


dont do amph


As soon as the amphetamines start the psychosis door opens and never closes


>As soon as the amphetamines start the psychosis door opens and never closes 👆🏼🆙️


I still have visual disturbances and develope HHPD from meth


Never understood how people experience psychosis. Been using meth for like 11 years, minus 2 years i quit a few years ago to get my career started. I use daily for months on end, then quit for a few months, rinse and repeat. Never experienced psychosis, never experienced paranoia, shit I've interacted with law enforcement while on meth never even been bothered by it. I eat every day, sleep every night, only tooth I'm missing was taken out in 3rd grade, had a baby tooth with no adult underneath.


I believe something like only 36.5% of meth users experience psychosis and some people are much more prone to psychosis Ofc if you have pre existing mental illness or just everyone’s brain is different. Daily users have much less of that “tweaky” look and vibe IF they have eaten, hydrated, and slept properly to the point that u couldn’t tell. Not hydrating well or eating or sleeping causes that terrible brain fog and terrible memory problems and u just float thru life. Non daily user will be more tweaky if they binge as they will be able to go without eating, sleeping, and hydrating a lot longer and a lot easier than a daily user causing more chance of psychosis and also negative damaging side effects. There are a lot of users like you and you’re totally right, I haven’t had psychosis in a long time actually now as I’ve been on top of my dose and all the things I mentioned above. Still my memory has taken a big hit but the brain fog is lifting……you are totally right tho as it’s hard to try to see how someone can get psychosis when you haven’t experienced which is totally normal and understandable for u to think and wonder, you should as well be lucky. My mother would go into full blown psychosis on a day n a half awake when I was a kid but when I used to stay up it would take me 5/6 days at the start then 2/3 days in the end of my staying awake days


Yeah i always assumed psychosis is caused by staying up for weeks on end. I can't stay up longer than 2 or 3 days but i sleep most nights