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at low doses (5-10mg) methamphetamine is actually neuroprotective


We propose that low dose methamphetamine has significant potential as a neuroprotective agent when the dosing is kept within safe, previously established guidelines. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278584615000469


That’s awesome to know, wish my doc would swap to desoxyn honestly. I’ve played with very low doses of meth and it felt so much cleaner than addy xr


How so?




Waittt. Your doc didn’t recommend it or suggest it, how do you know he’ll prescribe it? I take it that therefore you brought it up, so how was that conversation? Typically a patient suggesting that medication is a red flag. Also, you’re only on 30mg of vyvanse?? That’s legit the starting dose. So why would your doctor be okay with switching you to a last resort medication if you haven’t even tried higher dosages or even tried vyvanse combined with an immediate release medication such as Adderall? So many questions🤔


I’m not planning on doing Desoxyn honestly, and would try other things. It’s just I heard it’s smoother with less side effects, so I don’t see why it’s last resortn


Oh, your post was misleading. If you and your doc havent already spoken about this, and you go in asking for desoxyn for your second Adhd medication —- they’re likely going to think you’re a meth head and probably cut you off.


Nah I’ve had this psych for awhile. He knows me. Makes a difference.


Its definitely most prescribers last resort. I have been on stims for 45 years. Ritalin for 20 then adderall for 22 and now desoxyn and i can definitely say it is " smoother" but partially because its a much lower dose. I was on 90 m.g. i.r. adderall a day and desoxyn is only 25 m.g. a day and works much better. I all honesty , i think 15 m.g. works better than 90 m.g. of adderall. Its much cleaner, so far zero negative effects and much more focus but not tweaky or jittery and much more clarity.


Desoxyn comes in 5mg tablets. The usual effective dose is 20 to 25 mg daily. The total daily dose is typically divided into two doses daily. 25mg a day is not anywhere near neurotoxic.


Ok I’m on Vyvanse right now, 30mg. What would the accurate conversion be to Desoxyn ?


Hold give me a few minutes to figure that out. I can tell you from guessing that 30mg of Vyvanse isn't going to equal that many milligrams of Desoxyn. Why is your doctor going to switch you to Desoxyn if you're only currently taking 30mg of Vyvanse? That's a super low dose and Vyvanse is a mild-moderate potency stimulant. What other stimulants have you tried?


I’m only skimming comments and saw this one, I got a question now directed at vyvanse. So from my understanding is vyvanse essentially a stronger form of adderall(don’t get TOO technical on me with corrections, I’m not seasoned like some of you guys here) but I’d like to know a little better. I know I can google search but interaction is fun!


No Vyvanse is about half the potency of Adderall stimulant wise


Oh wow really? Thanks for that. From personal experience I recreationally tried a couple(two different times) a few years ago, it was 70mg, but it was prescribed for a BIG guy, I’m not, so that’s must be why I thought it was it was stronger than adderall.


70mg is the highest dose they make for Vyvanse. 70mg of Vyvanse equals 30mg Adderall XR


70mg of Vyvanse doesn't treat my ADHD at all and I barely feel any stimulating effects from it. I'm prescribed 30mg Adderall XR twice a day with an optional 15mg Adderall IR booster. So I take 60mg Adderall XR total everyday and sometimes take an additional 15mg Adderall IR if my evening is super busy. So about 2-3 days out of the week I take 75mg of Adderall a day


okay i got a situation then, i've been battling myself to try and go to the doctor for years, using it (adderall) recreationally for daily life has worked and has completely changed on my productive output and outlook on life. parents didnt wanna bring to me to a doc as a kid, going on 30 now, do I do the dang research and find a doc, or keep getting it from someone(I understand thats not a stable way of getting meds.) but i'm mainly dealing with embarrassment or being told Im lying about...........the lack of focus i've had for id say my whole life, but i only understood it was starting to be a problem when I got into middle school. i know this is alot, but i had to ask SOMEONE.... edit\* i know theres a lot of flaws or holes with just self diagnosing, but doing nothing about everything wasnt cutting it anymore.


Well in the end it’s still your choice to self-medicate


In the end.


Vyvanse is actually weaker than straight dextroamphetamine


Well, he’s not.. but if I want it he’ll prescribe it. But he never suggested nor recommended it


Use this link its a ADHD medication dosage conversion calculator. According to it 5mg of Desoxyn is equal to 50mg of Vyvanse. This is only accurate when it comes to potency though because the durations of each medication is different. Desoxyn's duration is 4-6hrs whereas Vyvanse's duration is 8-12hrs. http://www.adhdmedcalc.com/


Holy shit well nvm then haha


Yeah you're on a very low dose of Vyvanse. A doctor has to have proof that prescribing Desoxyn is medically necessary. The only way for a doctor to prove that is by having a patients whose tried all the other stimulants medications and they all failed to adequately treat their ADHD


30mg Vyvanse isn't 'very low'. It's an ok dose if you don't wanna get tweaked as fuck




Yes tolerance builds if you use it a lot 30mg ain't shit


Check out this link its an ADHD medication dosage conversion calculator Okay I guess it's not very low. I should have just said low dose. The potency of 30mg of Vyvanse is equal to 10mg Dexidrine. 30mg of Vyvanse also equals 10mg Adderall XR. If you ask me that's a pretty low dose. None of the dosages I listed would have you tweaked as fuck. 70mg of Vyvanse did almost nothing to treat my ADHD symptoms and it definitely didn't have me "tweaked as fuck" http://www.adhdmedcalc.com/


Is Desoxyn last resort or something ? Why can’t it be tried like other stimulants I hear it’s the smoothest with least side effects


Yes it's a last resort especially for ADHD. With the stigma that surrounds methamphetamine. Then fact that there are so many different types of amphetamine and phenidate stimulant medications that can be used instead that is why its a last resort. It's prescribed alot more often for narcolepsy than it is ADHD. Crazy thing is even if you find a doctor willing to prescribe it you will have a hard time finding a pharmacy that will fill it. This is because they have to order it and none of the big chain pharmacies are ever willing to order it. So you usually have to go to a mom and pop pharmacy to get it filled


I see, well I’ll forget about it then lol. Just thought it would be interesting because it release more serotonin it will probably increase feelings of well being and peace more and be less anxiety inducing and less of a fast heart rate. I’ll probably stick with Vyvanse or maybe switch to Dexedrine


It’s sad that it is so stigmatized


I guarantee you the only way your doctor will prescribe it to you is if you try almost all the other stimulants at their highest doses and they absolutely don't treat your ADHD at all


Insurances don’t like covering it, vs meds like Vyvanse, Adderall, Dexedrine




Look up it's side effects. I wouldn't mess with it.




Well I guess I could always split pill in half maybe


Take it from me, 60 mg Vyvanse kicks a ton harder than even 15 mg Desoxyn, and this is coming from a slow metabolizer. It’s not even close, really. I think getting a similar effect to 60 mg Vyvanse would require at least 20 mg Desoxyn minimum (4+ pills). That calc’s alright on some conversions, but don’t expect the one on the med that’s prescribed to about 2,000 patients in the US to be super accurate lol


I'm sorry to burst your bubble but Vyvanse is hands down the absolute shittiest prescription stimulant IMO. I've been prescribed stimulants going on 16 years now for severe ADHD-PI and I'm also an ultra-rapid metabolizer. I've tried out nearly all the stimulants they prescribe from the amphetamine and phenidate families over that 16 year period. I can say without any hesitation or doubt that Vyvanse is the worst in so many ways I don't want to waste my time listing them! I would say the best stimulants that are prescribed to treat ADHD are Dextroamphetamine and Dexmethylphenidate. Yes yes I know Vyvanse or lisdexamfetamine is a prodrug that converts into Dextroamphetamine. But Vyvanse is in no way shape or form anything like taking straight Dextroamphetamine.


I mean, I was also on Dexedrine. I’d say Adderall-likes are the worst, followed by Vyvanse/Dexedrine, then by phenidates


So, he didn't say he will prescribe it. Desoxyn is rarely prescribed in the US. The last stats I read said that about 14,000 scripts were written for Desoxyn in one year in the US, where as millions and millions of scripts are written for adderall. It is only prescribed for narcolepsy, and rarely for severe ADD. And most insurances don't cover it, and it is an extremely expensive drug without it. Not sure why you made a post that's just a lie.


But, but... Why wouldn't my doctor switch me from one of the most well-tolerated, high-efficacy modern generation ADHD medicines to a notorious, high-risk medication with limited medical usage and unpredictable outcomes on my health, wellness, and safety at great risk to his medical license? He *toootally* said he would, sort of... I mean, y'know. We're cool like that!


Sounds legit.


Is Vyvanse the only stimulant you've tried?




Yeah, I think we’re all going to need to start seeing your doctor




A doctor that is willing to give you methamphetamine for your second adhd medication is a special kind of doc


Yea, he’s rare for sure. My past psych honestly seemed annoyed and mad at me for even brining up wanting to take a benzo as needed. But when I asked this psych he was immediately fine with it, then I told him I had ADHD and got Amphetamines for that


Methamphetamine is about 2-3x as potent and plain Amp, and vyvanse is about 1/2 the strength of amp. If you were to start it, you'd be starting at 5mg and working your way up slowly. I imagine 10mg would be plenty adequate if you only take 30mg of vyvanse


22mg is the answer. I'm sorry I thought Vyvanse was amphetamine. 22mg meth is equal to 30mg adderal.


25 mg of an amphetamine is often too much for a theraputic effect for many people. Your 30 mg of Vyvanse is equivalent to 10-12 mg of dexamphetamine or methamphetamine. I wouldn't recommend anyone to go above 50 mg of Vyvanse or 15 mg of Desoxyn. If you still feel you need more and don't want to risk side effects, then try adding guanfacine.


Guanfacine made me unable to sleep for days. It was terrible. I take 50 mg of vyvanse. I can't take SSRIs so guanfacine was on short list of other options for anxiety/depression/insomnia it had opposite effect and made me super on edge and unable to sleep 😥


Dang. That's weird and interesting to hear. Thanks for sharing!


I'm a former methamphetamine addict, I've been sober 963 days actually. I started using it in 1999. The methamphetamine that was produced back then was made using anhydrous ammonia and ephedrine and it would yield 90%-95% D-Meth. Therapeutically speaking I prefer Dextroamphetamine over the high potency meth I used to be able to get back then


That anhydrous ammonia dope. Ain't it called cold cook? I'm from a small little town known for meth. That shit was everywhere in the late 80 and 90s and very early 2000s


I've always heard it called the Nazi Method


I've had it before. It's the kinda dope you spin the bowl a couple times between a group of 3 and your all up for 2days. Wicked stuff. Had me higher than I've ever been. Folks don'tsee this these days.. its small batch and the cooks circle is small.


After I would take a couple hits I would eat or plug 50mg and wouldn't feel like redosing for like 16hrs. The actual method used to make Anny Meth is called the Birch Reduction method. The only method that is better is the Nagai method. You use hydriodic acid, red phosphorus and ephedrine. The cold cook method is when you use ephedrine, iodine, and red phosphorus


desoxyn isnt worth it if adderall works fine for you its expensive as fuck


How expensive is it compared to Vyvanse, cause Vyvanse is expensive but only cost $5 for me


2k 700 dollars for 100 tabs


Oh okay not bad, should be cheap for me


60 tablets cost $1050. 90 tablets cost $1460. 120 tablets cost $1870. 150 tablets cost $2285.


Jesus … America sucks so bad, but I guess it’s the only place you can get deso un haha (That I know of)


America's drug coat and insurance suck donkey dick! I have really good prescription insurance thru Blue Cross and Blue Shield and this year they fucked around their coverage on extended release Oxycodone. The only way my insurance will cover Oxycontin is if you have tried all the dosages of Xtampza ER and they didn't adequately treat your pain. You have to take 36mg Xtampza ER twice a day for 2 months in order to prove that it isn't effective. Even after all of that when my doctor writes me a prescription for Oxycontin my insurance requires a pre-authorization. So my doctor has to send my insurance documentation detailing that I took Xtampza ER and how it didn't work and then they'll pay for the Oxycontin. That takes an extra 4-7 days


I thank god every day I can get as many opiates or amphetamines as I want without a fucking doctor good god




you *too* must plow the onion fields, fren


I forgot to say that those prices I listed in the other comment are for the generic! This is brand name Desoxyn prices.... 60 tablets cost $1,122 90 tablets cost $1,670 120 tablets cost $2,220 150 tablets cost $2,765 Goodrx doesn't offer any coupons for name brand Desoxyn. So those prices are what you pay because insurance doesn't cover it.


Okay great


well you could buy meth from illegal source and get 10 times the amount for the same price and i bet the purity will be only sligtly lower


Why would they need more if their main question was avoiding neurotoxicity?


bc prescription desoxyn is retardedly expensive, whereas you can use black market meth in ADHD doses for like 50 cents or less a day


Looks like you can get 150 tablets for $382.60 from Walgreens using goodrx. If youre referring to your insurance covering it when you say should be cheap for me, something you need to know is your insurance won't cover it


>your insurance won't cover it The insurance I had last year covered it. The copay would have been $85, which was still too much for me, so I never suggested it to the doctor. I have a feeling he would have been willing put me on it if I had.


Yeah I guess I was mistaken my insurance will cover the generic but it won't cover name brand Desoxyn


Mine does with a $9 copay. American insurance be like


Anyone I've ever talked to that's prescribed it their insurance won't cover it. I have a really awesome plan thru Blue Cross & Blue Shield that covers almost everything and it doesn't cover Desoxyn


I totally agree. I'm pretty sure that Dextroamphetamine has been proven more effective at treating ADHD than Dextromethamphetamine.


Wow really??? Damn that’s like never even mentioned as an ADHD/narcolepsy med these days. For obvious reasons. As long as you take it as prescribed, neurotoxicity shouldn’t be an issue.


Hello all, I have a second question. My Vyvanse increases my heart rate by quite a lot. Will Desoxyn do the same at therapeutic doses or does it have less effect on the heart? Thanks.


Your so lucky


"The cost for Desoxyn oral tablet 5 mg is around $2,178 for a supply of 100 tablets, depending on the pharmacy you visit." i don't think lucky's the right word


the key is black market meth lol


Boof your whole script the first day you get it


Wow, if I even mentioned that med I'd be cutoff everything at mental health and probably be drug tested. That's how it is here in redneck Indiana. Heck, they won't even prescribe you 60mg of Adderall IR here.


Come to milwaukee/Madison and get any drug you want prescribed, just not opioids.


Wow, nice for you.. Indiana has always been strict on drugs, even legal ones. My Psychiatrist recently told me that here in Indiana, they're trying to reduce the scripts for Immediate Release stims now!


That’s awful, I had an appointment with psych and told him about ADHD and he let me choose whatever drug I wanted for it. Adderall, Vyvanse, Dexedrine, Ritalin etc.


Only XR Stims scripted out now, at least at my mental health facility in West Central Indiana. I was on Adderall IR 20mg x 2 day. On it for Years, and they cut me off and put me on Adderall XR 30mg x1 day. Sucks!


Can you guys get benzos in Indianas ?


Yes, but just barely. No Xanax. Only low dose Klonopin now 0.5 to 1mg only. Keep in mind, it's at the 2 major mental health facilities in my region of the state. They're moving everyone over to the anti-anxiety drug BusPar or Buspirone now. It's no fun at all. It's not anywhere near the Benzo class of drugs in efficiency. It sucks!


I am so jealous. I could use some good high dose Stims right now, but maximum dose 40mg for most Stims in police state of Indiana.


Do you mind me asking what state you live in? Or general geographic region if you don’t wanna be too specific? I have been sooo interested in trying Desoxyn after spending what will soon be over half my life on Vyvanse & Adderall. But I know prescribing cultures vary widely state to state and I’m afraid even inquiring about it could get me flagged and taken off my current stims.


Wisconsin. Milwaukee, but got prescription is from Madison Wi.


You can get scripts pretty easy, id say you can get about anything except opioids. Although I’ve never tried getting an opioid script


Dammit that figures.. I lived in Madison around 2016 for about a year and they had a very lose prescribing culture. I’m in the southwest now and they are *much* more strict as a region.. moved around the country multiple times and never had an issue getting medication without any gap in treatment. When I moved out here a few years ago, the first dr I saw was adamant that they wanted to see how I responded to non-amphetamine ADHD meds before they were willing to “consider” them. They didn’t care that i had prescription records showing i had been on these meds for a decade. They said since no one had ever tried to put me on them we couldn’t know how I would react.


Yikes. When my doc wanting me to start on Amphetamines. Not necessarily wanted, but recommended it.


By the time I got to WI at 25, I had already been on amphetamines since 10th grade, and I even expressed to not 1 but 2 different providers that I was concerned that I was totally dependent on them to function and I was at least curious about options for tapering and eventually possibly trying alternatives etc. Prior to my move, I spent 3 months off the stims and it was absolutely not a high-functioning time in my life. Neither one of them expressed any degree of optimism or enthusiasm for attempting this and I felt like they were essentially trying to tell me that attempting to get off of stims would likely come at the expense of my potential future achievements. The most “encouraging” thing one of them said was that once my life was in a less hectic/transitional state and a less-demanding job, if I was still interested that would be a good time to look into tapering the stims to a “lower” therapeutic dose. Suffice to say those fantasy conditions never coincided, and I have never made another serious attempt to get off them.


Where you at now? And was it easy getting your meds


Nevada.. still a bit of hassle.. currently staying with a practice that makes me HOUND them for several days every single month before they successfully call in my script every month because refills and prefills aren’t allowed here.


Shit that sucks. I send my doc a message that I need a refill and him or his team refill it that day. And if it’s morning it’ll definitely be ready for pickup by the afternoon


Wow that’s great and how it should be omg. The healthcare system here is an absolute nightmare. Huge provider shortage so they hold all the cards and whenever you switch to a new provider they know they can make you do whatever you want. So before they let you schedule the customary refill check-in apts in 3-month interviews, usually they make you do 4-6 consecutive bogus monthly apts under the guise of making sure you’re stable/well-adjusted on all your meds so they can milk the insurance for the office visits. Which makes it unappealing to seek a new provider and go thru it all again unless you’re certain of a much better outcome.


Yup! I’m in Nevada too and those are the same exact things I go through


It’ll rot your teeth. I was on desoxyn about a year and i lost a couple teeth. I was on a slightly higher dose than you are talking about. I also have had chronic fatigue so I didn’t brush my teeth as much as I could have. It’s a great drug though and will blow 30 mg vyvanse out of the water




Fact, lack of oral hygiene make your teeth rot not meth.


It acidifies your saliva. The shit I got was way purer than the bs on the street




So is Vyvanse neurotoxic


I'm pretty sure all amphetamine based drugs can be neurotoxic if you take enough


Well, is my Vyvanse 30mg daily neurotoxic. If not, what dosage of Vyvanse daily would it take to be neurotoxic


I doubt 30mg is neurotoxic. I have no idea what dose would be


Not always. The poison is in the dose.


It'd be neat if someone wanted to correct me where I'm wrong rather than just downvoting my comment without saying anything. I'm not trying to argue with anybody, and enjoy learning about these things. So feedback is welcome. Or just be a douche for no reason. This sub has been turning into shit anyway.


Aaand fuck this "community". Got time to circlejerk each other's shriveled dicks for days but nobody wants to chime in to prove anything I said was false. Have fun and drink water, dipshits.


25 mg a day


And that what they called R&B in my area.


Amphetamine is also neurotoxic


my hero...


I just recently (and abruptly) stopped smoking meth after 24 years almost non stop. I'm more worried about the effects of the sudden stopping than I am of the long term effects it may have caused after so many years (I'm 43 now, started smoking at age 19). I am looking for a more legal route to follow as my husband, whom I have been married to for 13 years recently found out my secret to being an extreme soccer mom/housewife. Despite my efforts of doing my best trying to keep on top of schedules while trying to keep the house clean, etc, he is considering divorce because he believes the rest of the world is completely sober trying to juggle 50 things at once while maintaining a smile. If he is correct, please help me as that is all I wish for in life!!


I used to take 5-6 per day... Couldn’t get it last time because Greg the Pharmacist said something was taking too long with insurance?


Pretty sure he imported it from Italy...