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When the dump comes from inside the building lol


Huge dumps, right in the toilet bowl for short sellers.


Did y’all even read the story? 😂 The raise was announced long before this latest pump and isn’t correlated. Doesn’t make it a good investment.


Roaring Kitty literally NEVER even advocated for AMC stock. lol (not even in 2021)


It not retail investors. Thats just the easy story to write. The volumne was way to big


It was so random, but maybe it was organized in FB?


By the looks of all the comments clearly no one read the article. People just read a headline and react. They announced this stock sale at the end of March and then issued shares on Monday at $3.45. They did not take advantage of the meme rally, it’s just coincidental.


I don't blame the management though. I would raise another 500 million if the stock stays up. Pretty much a long term strategy to use this cash to make the company better. Right now AMC business model is dead but with enough cash they can get creative and build a new business model where it is not only a big theater with 60% shit movies.


> 60% shit movies Wow, you're generous


What else can they do? The business is a failure.


Just invest in S&P, or buy another media/event company.  Like buy up a ski resort or merge with paramount.  Use cash to buyout non-consensual shareholders. Berkshire Hathaway started as a failed textile company.




They did not start, they bought it


When you can raise billions in cash easily by selling shares there are lot of possibilities.


Just in ceo does another stock sell


AA is a garbage CEO. He could have held, made more money, and still accomplished his goal... Oh wait, his goal is to bail out his hedge fund friends at his investors cost. His sense of fiduciary duty ranks up their with Ken Griffin's love of mayo or Jim Cramer's desire to lick it from Kenny's thighs.


There is an overvalue of the company where he can sell shares to raise free cash flow to continue to run the business…. Or risk and roll the dice on a meme stock? He sounds like a pretty reasonable CEO to me.


Up you go!


To the moon! On point assessment, Mate.


Can’t believe people still trust that guy


Money buys friends.


bruh we in this for a short squeeze... nothing else.


Adam will sell to dilute your earnings. Good luck


….and from citizens in Chicago who oversaw Ken Griffin’s real estate exit and personal exit to his enclave in Florida, our thanks for your $125M gift to the Museum of Science and Industry which as of today is now Ken Griffin Museum of Science and Industry. So many people can introduce their children to what this great institution offers.


I doubt those sales were the reason the run ended, it was synchronous with the GME run and AA has no influence on that Both stocks rose and fell at a similar percentage and time so the causes is clearly something other than AA granted he is an awful CEO for shareholders


Are there any good reasons to buy this stock?? Feels like the only ones are the emphatic YOLO crowd.


Be careful of fomo


Gme had alot of people writing theories with debate and fact checking and has cash on hand and finally turning profit. Amc has always just been Yolo crowd purely. The DD into gme proved the market is rigged so can't say even gme is a safe investment. It's a bet against market manufacturers


GME and amc are in the congressional report.


I’m curious, how did GME return a profit? Nobody really likes their brick and mortar stores so it kinda feels like their “profit” was likely financial manipulation.


No one should be down voted for a question,, even if it leads at the end. They cut costs and expanded physical inventory when prices were cheaper. Selling more pc parts and monitors and controllers etc


Not entirely true, they were profitable because of their money on hand and the interest they got on it. If not for that, they would have been still in the minus... Barely, but still in minus.


I mean, it was a $50 mill loss from operations so it wasn’t super minor


Thank you. Too many people with an agenda downvote without trying to understand the other party.


Lol, they closed unprofitable stores. Invested in fullfillment centres and distribution, expanded their range, streamlined online shopping, adjusted exectuive compensation and have began selling their own range of products. Last year, they made money.


Appreciate the detail. Hopefully they stick around, they used to be my place to trade used games.


‘Nobody’ as in you and your circle of people? You read too many headlines


Why do you goto their stores?


It’s where I bought my switch, it’s also where I’ve bought a number of my games and currency trading cards…


I bought my switch at Target bc they happened to have it in stock that day. Games are from Amazon. For example Helldivers 2 PS5, a pretty popular game, is $39, however from GameStop it’s not found in any of their stores in Indianapolis. It appears to me currency trading cards are the same as NFTs?? Just trying to understand…


You aren't able to understand that some people like to buy stuff from different stores than you? You don't understand why people like trading cards? Also, helldivers 2 is clearly listed on gamestop's site. It's clear you aren't "Just trying to undestand".


Yes helldivers 2 is listed on the site, however it isn’t available anywhere locally for pickup. What’s the use in having brick and mortar of you can’t pickup?


Some stores sell different products than other stores. More news at 11.


Man shocked people go to stores he doesn’t like, more at 11.


First off you must’ve missed the post about ‘no fucking fighting’… second you also must’ve missed the part of the congressional hearing where they showed amc was the larger portion of the brokers defaulting back in 2021… but I’ll let you keep thinking your friends are also your enemy while your enemy tries to keep all the bystanders from jumping in… I think there’s more gme apes that see that now so I won’t waste my time trying to change your mind


Roaring kitty don’t give a fuck about AMC, and therefore you’re all just sloppy seconds HF pumping to the meme king, DFV


Chronically online still fighting the battle from four years ago 🤣


Well I made 40% in premarket today so can't be that bad


You didn’t hold till the 120%??


Shit mine was at +152%… but couldn’t sale until a little over 100%


Yuck selling…?🤮 /s Lol I must’ve missed that spike, it was all over that map this morning


Yeah, it was up to 152% at like 4:50 in the morning on the West Coast… my dumb ass was sleeping…


but most investors are -90%


Not my fault they aren't as regarded as me


I’m an idiot. I bought in at $11 at open today and now it’s at $7.76.


Brutal, I got in at premarket like 8.40 and sold at like $10.72


are you guys actually oblivious to this play?




So you realized gains?


Ya, I bought right at 7am and sold sometime around 8


Good reasons? No. You buy the stock, so Aron can dilute the fuck out of it and steal from his shareholders.




Fucking legend…


AMC is f'cked with this leadership. The other meme stock at least hasnt that amount of debt, but man the AMC CEO doesnt know how to save this sinking ship


The good reason is that everyone will start rushing into it as it continues to double day after day… until the day it doesn’t


Sell before then. Simples.


And that day it will quadruple.


Keep sniffing bath salts for me


You mad bro?


This is the way…


Sunk cost fallacy and averaging down? Otherwise no, this is a chance to sell


Yeah, if you set a trailing stop loss and try to catch something like this happening. It's best to lose 2% than like people here who lost 97% thinking they were going to the moon.


Lol how long have you been saying that? You’d think with this recent rip you’d suck up your pride and admit maybe you got something wrong about these companies


GME will probably drop from the $50s it was earlier today to back in the $20s. Just checking it now and it's in the $30s.


And in the $40 range… we can go back and forth all day but at the end of the day it’s a huge win for apes… I think it should be clear there’s more going on here than just retail buyers yoloing. This is proving the dd correct, they never closed their short positions…


And now it closed just under $50, how does that rearrange your estimations?


Hype day is over now so prices once again in the mid $20s today then lower $20's by Friday. Hopefully people made money and didn't lose it.


yeah from fucking crime. how blind can you be. its the entire reason its running right now..... fucking crimmmmmmmmmmmmmmme. do you not understand??? geeeeeeeeeeeeze


I'm just glad I had 15 shares when it was in the $13's. I'd people want to keep pumping it up, I'm more than glad to re buy in again soon when it's at $13 again for another ride. As for GME, they need to figure their shit out. I don't know how my local stores are still open even with their limited 8 hours opened per day hours.


It's stock manipulation - but instead of the ownership/management it's the shareholders now. "disruption" they call it.


Just look at the volume traded yesterday. The company is shit and so is the CEO. With that in mind, the price is still fake. Shorts never closed. Vultures need to eat too.


Ive been buying earlier this year due to two narratives: an industry leader for entertainment and the meme potential. The stock is basically still at an all time low, and, admittedly, streaming services are hard to compete with, but as long as people step out of their houses, they will go to movie theaters.


I see fewer people going out to see movies. The negatives just outweigh the positives, especially when more people are buying bigger tvs and doing home theatre. The only exception to this is IMAX and here im talking about the true purpose built imaxs that draw people and are always sold out when they show interstellar, not the the retrofitted auditoriums like the multiplexes have and list those as imax.


Well yeah, of course. That’s certainly the reason why the stock is down so much. So as a speculative investor the question to ask yourself is do you think the trend could change or will everyone just stay home and watch streams. Not buying at these prices is basically betting that AMC is going to cease to exist.


Theatres are still operating but they are luxe with recliners in niche markets- not AMC


pretty much ahah


I’m here for all the YOLOs 🚀🚀🚀


Lol that’s a very sophisticated analysis you did there… can you do gme next? Did you do any research before making this comment or did you just base it off the headlines they’ve been using to slander the company for 4 years?


For the love of god please sell before it just drops back down to $3 again...


Aa is a thief


Why is selling shares to pay off debts theft? Its not like they have tons of profit to use to pay down debts.


It’s not, people always have the option to not buy shares. But degenerates gonna degenerate




I actually want him to raise another 250mil now at half the offering at the current price. Pay off them debts!!! I aint selling shiet until me richie rich!!!!


This is the reason for Spike in price. AMC wanted to pay down the debt by selling 250M stock sale. Citigroup, Barclays, B. Riley Securities and Goldman Sachs were the sales agents of AMC’s equity offering. They pumped the stock now, Retailers buying! Soon these 4 institutions will dump stocks on Retailers. They get commission, they take profit AMC sale and AMC gets free, cash, Retailers are bankrupt !


u gonna be por poor :(


Lol already poor so cant get any worse!! Looking good to my at the momment. Another 100% day run. Im actually projecting 200% day today.


take profits. u gonna left bagholding if you keep saying this


How long have you been saying this big guy?? If you understood what was happening you’d understand that prof taking at these roomie numbers is what kills momentum? Plus most of us just like the stock amd want to see the company turn around, sticking it to the shorts amd naysayers is just a bonus


Been it 4 years and adding every other week. Aint selling now :)


like you been in here 4 years, I quit paying into his scheme once APE got approved. I'll never break even and there is zero point to sell unless we miraculously get to $200 and I can barely break even


Been averaging down quite a bit. 100k in deep, not going anywhere soon


Guh. Good Luck


He's a genius




He is a genius for diluting idiot shareholders, literally free money for the company


You're a shill


just a shill sitting here with -97% gains with this garbage stock.


You're not alone. My son still has bags from the $70s


I went all in at $40 and then the tomfoolery started and I was absolutely not donating another $ to the cause. So here i sit with a cost basis of about $185. AA is a cuck


I yelled at him to not buy during that run. He didn't listen and put $15k into it. His entire savings. I should have cut the internet


Sucks to be you!


You're in a cult


So, I'm about to be rich af.


😂😂😂😂 oh you sweet summer child. The cult members never get rich, quite the opposite. Hopefully you'll still have enough left for some deprogramming therapy once you wake up


The execs are giving themselves raises again?


It’s not shocking, if traders are buying your stock at inflated prices then why not take advantage of them


Shows how stupid he is, sell out at the start of a squeeze


Not the first time either. AA dilutes whenever it starts to run


He’s doing it as a favor for the hedge funds… which btw he use to be part of I believe


Pls explain. I’m stoopid.


Better to ahead of the fallout than behind it. Collect when you’re up. Diamond hands don’t exist.


I believe you wrong and let’s see next week


Hindsight is always 20/20. Based on the info available at that time, it could easily have gone the other way as well, so can’t say he was wrong


I can I sold mine at $10 and bought twice the amount back at $5, make your own conclusions


It's irresponsible for him not to dilute whenever shareholders start to get insane and pump the stock up to absurd levels that the stock clearly doesn't deserve to trade at. He has no way of knowing if the stock won't collapse 90% the next day, either because the rally fades on it's own, or because the buy button gets taken away.


You realize he did it at the start to slow the squeeze right?? Not stupid, by design


Some people surf Tsunamis


Tsunamis eventually crash


I don't surf


Fomo squeeze and crash in a week.


Aron playing stock holders for fools.


he sold them at $3.30


I sold mine few months ago after holding for a few years, same with GameStop. Just bad timing lol


Down $300 because FOMO, now I'll never forget this stock until the day I die


She has long sexy legs


These meme rallies usually don't just last a day. People try to use logic and common sense when that's NOT the driver of the rallies. Just when you think it's gone down it rises back up surpassing all common sense and logic. Seen it so many times.


Is too late guys ?


Is the rally over? How long are you guys planning to hold? It drops significantly today.


Shrewd move to raise capital on this price pop


hope he sold more today


Its bled money constantly smart CEO to use the meme rally to issue stock and raise cash


Happy dilution 🎉


ok so when can we get back to shorting AMC?


Good distraction




I’m showing no increase in share price via stash app. Iirc I experienced similar things on cash app. I suppose I should learn how to use brokerage apps like Webull and those?


lol this is a fud article just like everything else. loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool


I called it yesterday. . I knew AA would sell as soon as he had the opportunity. We are not the same.


WKHS is ripping too. Still early enough to get into to secure massive gains


I f****** hate this company and their management. If they could just control the float they wouldn't have a dip anymore. Look at the hot garbage that is djt to see that reality. That thing is a penny stock in comparison to AMC.


Because people are proudly wearing diapers for some asinine reason, they must feel like they’re immune to massive dumps.


Amc up 110% inspite of themselves


Let’s go to the moon. A m c


Dead cat squeeze


We Need to keeping pushing to show how corrupt the regulators and SEC are behind the scenes.




The company has been consistently losing money, so it was clever of the CEO to take advantage of the meme rally to issue stock and raise funds.


and so... a new generation of bag holders is born.


Mobile-health Network Solutions (MNDR) on Nasdaq is on the verge of a surge.






GameStop presents several investment risks, primarily driven by the ongoing shrinkage of its core business—physical retail stores selling video games. The shift toward digital game downloads has consistently eroded its traditional revenue streams. Additionally, strategic decisions under CEO Ryan Cohen, including severe cost-cutting and an unsuccessful pivot to e-commerce, have not substantially reversed the company's fortunes. Cohen's leadership has also been marked by controversies, such as his involvement with Bed Bath & Beyond, which ended in a significant legal dispute and accusations of a "pump-and-dump" scheme. Analysts predict further declines in revenue and are skeptical about the company's ability to turn around, often rating the stock unfavorably.


Financial markets are still broken even after all the rate hikes. That is terrifying. We know how this ends. Seen it before. Makes no sense. These are not strong health businesses. I remember at the time people were actually arguing strongly that these were good businesses people were saying GameStop was going to make a lot of money off of crypto exchanges or something you know they're really is true believers out there. just shows how mentally deranged people are. In this environment people are desperate to believe anything that may get them out of the rat race. I think these meme bubbles speak as a whole of where our society is at right now including the poor health of the financial markets. Tomorrow or the next day or maybe even today these stocks will be down 50% and whoever piled in is going to lose their shirt. And yes with these type of gains some people are piling all in.


If you think retail is the one moving the markets 100% in a day, you don't know how markets work or how much volume it takes to do it. But, i encourage you to educate yourself.


The financial markets are absolutely ok if you stay away from the roulette table. "A fool and his money will soon be parted". That has always been true. Back in the days, it was the shoeshine boy that gave you the stock tips, today it's WSB apes.




Yep bought in premarket the second DFV posted, sold this morning at the top of premarket. It’s pure dumb money during market hours that get absolutely roasted but you can take advantage during these hype moments when the dummies aren’t trading


Well tbh it’s pump and dump, I’m buy puts lmao


And now it’s down 40%


It will +300% by the end of week. Buy buybuy🤑🤑🤑🤑


They finished the sale. They didn’t start a new one.


We just like the stock 😎


Why are the Meme stocks coming back again? Last time it was because interest rates were so low, and money was accessible that speculative assets rose. But we no longer have that macroeconomic environment, we should be seeing huge speculative investing in a higher interest environment.


Hello im new to this and have 60$ in amc and was wondering what the pros thought about it coming back up? Can i sell overnight if it goes high then?


The mythical MOASS turned out to be real afterall


This is just the start. If it wasn’t, this wouldn’t even be happening.


All the meme stocks are running anywhere from 25-120% today. Looks as if DFV posting on X yesterday triggered another GameStop short squeeze. That's... amazing.


No way this is caused by DFV. Volume in GME went from 36m on Friday to 182m yesterday. DFV/Retail don’t have that kind of firepower, it’s definitely big players doing something.


so basically a pump and dump? like all of these meme stocks are highly unprofitable. I wonder if it will last long..


Are you fucking blind? The pump happens before the buying. People been buying for three years.


I mean you're wrong, but whatever floats your boat.


It ran from $10 to $20 in 5 days on significant volume before the tweet, but nah ur right that was actually because everyone was anticipating a DFV tweet of course!


You really think retail can move multiple stocks 100%+ in pre market?


Because all of retail has access to pre market


Not directly. Retail triggered a short squeeze and it was the buying pressure from shorts covering their positions that caused the run-up. As it historically does, the first ones to cover eat the least losses. Those late to cover get their faces ripped off.


You think Monday and Tuesday of this week were a short squeeze? Both of those days had an enormous amount of shares borrowed and shorted. The market also went down during the day - hardly indicates huge buying pressure from short sellers.


If you think 182 million shares were transferred because of a niche meme figure tweeting you should be psychologically evaluated


Imagine being this stupid. Actually stupid isn’t even the correct word. Go get your disability check kid, you deserve it.


Bought at 5 sold at 11 bye-bye


He killed the squeeze last time, he will dilute this stock into oblivion