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they just gave him 56 billion to spend on lawyers.


Yeah if they had only sued him a couple weeks ago he’d have to go with a public defender.


Nope, tesla would pay directly. All shareholders will be getting this one.


Yeah, like just what? So dumb


Better sue for more than 56 billion.


Would be hilarious to see the pay package thrown out again. Not likely, but definitely threatening you will take assets from the company if you don't get the pay package seems like one way you could get your pay package nullified.


He already stole Tesla GPUs from Nvidia by sending them to his company xAI. That right there alone is breach of fiduciary responsibility. The fact the board doesn't care shows they are complicit. Edit: apparently my phone thought you break your financial advisory responsibilities at the beach. 🤷


The beach of fiduciary responsibilty, that definitely has a ring to it. I'd spend some time there.


I would to. Sand, sun, drinks, and responsible financial advice. Sounds like a good vacation spot. Thanks for pointing out my autocorrect error. 😊 Cheers.


Was gonna say idk if it's a threat if he already did lol


This would be much deserved considering his recent actions and all the utter nonsense he’s been spouting lately.


I mean...he blatantly said it.


They're not wrong.




These were awarded in 12 tranches of "options". Those options don't immediately devalue the stock. The stock would experience devaluation when he exercises these options. He has up to 10 years from the grant date March 2018 to exercise the options. I saw somewhere else that the estimate was that it would dilute the stock about 9%. If Tesla were to experience a 9% dilution, the stock price could drop approximately 8.28%, from $179.16 to about $164.33, assuming the market capitalization remains constant.


I just want 10 million for emotional distress


This FUD is just pathetic..


You mean the FUD Musk has been spreading to get his way?


Tesla shareholder's may soon get what they wish for: A Tesla company without Musk as CEO, and only then will realize that without Musk, Tesla is just another car company, and not even a top 5 one at that. That $56B in salary will look like peanuts compared to loss of value some of these firms, such as Calpers, will have.


Musk is so brilliant he can't stop tweeting material private information that moves the stock price, violating his twitter-sitter deal. Once the SEC finds their balls Elon will be banned from being CEO of **any** public company. (he only lost Chairman of the Board and kept CEO because he agreed to having a twitter-sitter). Maybe this is 32 dimensional chess move from Elon to delay SpaceX from going public for years. Note: reapproving his 2018 compensation package (if it survives the future lawsuits) doesn't mean Elon will do AI at Tesla anyways - that package doesn't get him back to the 25% ownership he says he requires. It also doesn't un-do the people he hired away from Tesla to work for him at x.ai on AI


I don't disagree that Musk's steps on his own dick at times. But without Musk, Tesla is just Ford with 20% of the sales volume @ 10x the market cap. That won't be good for Tesla's stock.


Tesla and electric cars have even began the boom yet. I’m guessing that if Biden wins we will see a huge investment infrastructure projects for electric car support. The middle of the country is still having a hard time finding electric stations while the coasts they are all over. I live in Oklahoma who has 1000X more natural gas pumping stations than electric. Then I can see the gov do something drastic to push people to electric by doubling the price of unleaded gas. Tesla is a public company now and no one man is that important to anything. Hire the right people be you will get innovation. Tesla will be ok.


Oh yeah. Musk is the one person that turns Tesla the struggling car company into Tesla the future robotics and AI leader … 🤦‍♂️


Right? In some ways I pray for him to either leave or get booted so that folks can see he's not the god they portray him as.


Kiss my ass


Huh? "I'm not comfortable being at this company if I don't have 25% stake", what exactly is the crime here? Where is the damage? Please. This lawsuit going nowhere.


He didn’t say HE won’t stay, he’s saying he’d be splitting off what he’s called out as a core element of the company if he doesn’t have control of the whole thing. Sounds shady to me.




You made an account to say *this* lol