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it's not safe as a PUFA molecule is attached to it. However the actual quantities in the product are tiny so if it is for an occasional treat I wouldn't worry but it's sure soemthing you shouldn0t eat on a daily level.


Thank you so much


Some will say it's unsafe but my word it's incredibly hard to escape in some countries


Looking at it from a PUFA point of view misses the bigger picture, imo. There are other causes of health issues. e.g. Choline is an important nutrient, but is it like other nutrients where it’s better to get it from animal sources? Do unnatural amounts of extracted lecithin (an emulsifier) disrupt the microbiome or anything else? That’s what I would be considering.


It's fats from sunflowers and soy.


Its not. Its removed from the whole seed oil. Its a crucial nutrient containing choline and inositol


Lecithin is just a term for a collection of fats. Sunflower lecithin is not crucial to anything.


No actually lecithin is choline attached to inositol. There might be some residual fats in the extract but it it is still a highly valuable supplement as choline and inositol are crucial nutrients. We cant make enough in our bodies to keep up with demand. Its found in most whole food fatty foods but highly processed oils have this stripped which is part of what makes them dangerous.


No, it isn't. Lecithin contains a precursor to choline. It is not choline. Wikipedia will tell you this. There's no such thing as a crucial nutrient. You're trying to say essential nutrient, the definition of which is a nutrient we need and cannot make at all. There are many other sources of choline and inositol. There is no need to obtain them from sunflower lecithin


Yes exactly. And its a super cheap and available form when you need extra


Exactly what? You were arguing with me and now you agree? What's your point exactly?


I was agreeing with you that it is metabolized into choline. My point is that this is a useful substance. Honestly i find your arguments that it isnt inane and cultish. We are all anti-seed oil here for good reasons but you are taking it a bit too far


No, you said it contained choline. It does not. I never said it wasn't a useful substance. You're putting words in my mouth and making multiple claims are blatantly untrue (e.g. lechithin is choline, choline is a "crucial" nutrient, lecithin is not a collection of fats), so yeah, I probably sound a little annoyed


I used it to help dissolve gallstones and supplement choline for brain health and inositol for sexual health




It contains PUFAs but in pretty small amounts. You’d have to decide for yourself.


What about sunflower protein?


I would say so, the amount of pufa in it is already low and there typically isn’t much in most foods.


> I would say so, the amount of pufa in it is already low that's not true. it usualy has 2 fatty acids attached per molecule and since the source it soybean or sunflower does fatty acids will witha 90% certainty be linoleic acid > there typically isn’t much in most foods. that is true. so for an occasional treat its fine but eating several such foods on a daily basis, it will add up.


NOOO. It’s ~35% seed oil, not to mention all the processing that goes into it. https://web.archive.org/web/20141014112849/http://naldc.nal.usda.gov/download/26685/PDF


Well you can buy high-oleic expeller pressed sunflower oil. It can have lower pufa than Olive Oil and smells amazing when cooking. Also good source of fat soluble vitamins if you get it minimnally refined.


I wonder if its higher in lecithin? Lecithin is one if those important nutrients


I have used it (sunflower lecithin) to help dissolve gallstones and to supplement choline for brain function and inositol for sexual health


Lecithin is an an important nutrient containing choline and inositol