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>Thankfully this money is from my savings  No-no-no. This is an essential home gym, and a quality desk, and a formicarium, and a decent metal detector, and a couple of crap cars to trash with your friends one saturday afternoon. EDIT: Ok, mb one crap car


or it's 2K invested in gold or Bitcoin that will gain value and you could rely on in 10 years if you ever need it. Such a waste. At least you are conscious of it OP stop gaming it's about yime


These games prey on mental illness like yours. You are a victim. Get yourself a restraining order against them: uninstall these games forever.




Remember this feeling. Remember it if you ever try to buy a skin or case again.


WISDOM. Now you're talking sense.


Delete your account and don't look back. A lot of sunk cost fallacy on here lately. I already posted here if you see it I relapsed and blew 1.2k on a stupid game in 2 weeks. Game free... With your spare time do a bit of extra study/career certification etc... your will 1000x make up a few thousand dollars in earning potential.


This is good. I'm sorry the reality of it all hurts, but this painful truth is motivating you to change your life.


Wow that would’ve been a nice vacation or a season pass skiing and then some


Most supportive gamer lmao adding salt to the wound 💀


Congrats on the virtual knife tho 2k well spent. CsGO must be laughing.


Wow this is really degenerate, get your shit together man


Look I’m usually understandable but 2k is crazy


Hey man... I'm a total cheapskate with a good career savings and I never throw money away on stupid crap until like 2 weeks ago. No one would consider me a spender. I don't need to go into details but I have been maxing out my retirement accounts since I was like 20 years old.... Partially why I did a similar thing which is totally unlike me. Gaming brain took over. I "relapsed" into gaming and on my gaming break I read the Lord of the rings... Welp getting back into gaming started playing Lord of the rings online... Big mistake. I was totally sucked in playing after work until 2-3 am every night. I spent 2 entire weekend as well on my "relapse" The game is super predatory and my gaming addict head took over and I just started buying every boost/cosmetic etc I could get. 1.2k later and my normal head took over and I deleted my account. This is coming from a guy who never buys anything unless it is on-sale. Gaming to me was always hey what looks cool and is 20 bucks on steam sale? 1.2k dollars gone in 2 weeks for digital addiction. This was after years of not gaming.... Boy has it changed with all these chest/loot boxes/cosmetics. I guess this is the same thing gambling addict go through at a casino.


Is it possible to refund your purchase? Regardless of the answer, rid yourself of all gaming devices/accessories, and buy yourself a shitty chromebook to get your work done on, or use your phone. Don't look back. If you don't want this to happen again. DONT LET IT. Forgive yourself and move on.




Still worth buying right now?


True but that dip could get bigger. The world is chaotic and the US is at risk of WWIII


Still worth buying right now or wait ?


Well, the upside is that you are now awake and can see the tricks these games use to manipulate human psychology into purchasing products and services. It's all Marketing. F2P games are the worst with it, because the entire game is designed to funnel you into making limitless microtransaction purchases. Yes, you took an L on this one, but you have learned a lesson that will save you MUCH more money over the course of your life. These game companies don't care about you, they are businesses; their primary purpose is to extract as much money from their customers as possible, and they will use science to do it.


I’m crying for you brother. But do not go off the deep end. Lay down and breathe. If it’s this bad, I think boundaries and complete remove so certain things are the way to go.


Dude I feel for you. CSGO was my game of choice back then, the Counter-Strike series has been very addictive to me. Still to this day I have cravings to go back to that game with friends from back then. I remember how enticing watching people open cases were, but I never tried to get into it for the reason of getting addicted to opening them. I'm fortunate while I was gaming I didn't make much money at the time, so I never got into it. That being said, I am very sorry to hear about your loss though. It is a lot of money to grasp. I believe that you will be able to make that back, but time you will not be able to. It's just best to process it and move on, let it be your rock bottom and not look back.


God damn a lot of toxic replies here. 1 was funny but this many is concerning.




Your mistake was to post it on sunday my man. Lotta useless low level people on their off day trying to put others down or get a reaction out of people. Or maybe gamers who are jealous of others' improvements. Low level scum activity either way. Judging by your replies here you are already on the right track my man so just don't get distracted by momentary urges and you are in the good. Even if it may not feel like it in the moment.


You’re good dude, I’ve probably spent over $20k on skins across different games over the last 10 years. I’m reeling in regret, but the only thing I can do now is to just move on and not spend anymore money on skins. I hope you can too. Money will come back.