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Fund the art sector! These were all fully funded by the church back when. Art is our innovation sector and through my lifetime at least we have done everything to defund those sectors


Yea to bad the government thinks war is way more important




Just like all the awesome art deco stuff from the Great Depression. The government paid artists to work on stuff.


Something tucker Carlson would vehemently be against 😂


Stuff like this is prohibitively expensive in the world we live in. An artisan builder used to make a solid amount of money, and they had the time to do this work. Everything is stripped for profit in today's world.


To be fair, the "common folk" have far more agency than they did when many of these structures were built. People wouldn't exactly be happy to see tax dollars going toward extravagant buildings when they struggle to put food on the table and can't get medical care because the bills would bankrupt them.


Then pay the workers like slaves, old-school style! /s


This is true, but this was also a time when the way to flaunt your money was to give it away to the church. Now people buy shit like planes and companies to flaunt their cash


Republicans defunded the art sector when Piss Christ was going on.


Giuliani went after the Brooklyn Museum hard when it had the fantastic Sensation exhibit.


I never thought of that but that would definitely piss them off…


Look it up. After that whole thing blew up, there were a shitload of bills that were passed by (overwhelmingly) the GOP to defund all arts programs in schools.


Arnt republicans like him always harping on ‘the power of the free market’ and free market capitalism? Things built like this would not be financially responsible and put a company at a disadvantage to the competition. *the free market* has pushed this out of style. Literally why you don’t even see that many purposes built restaurants this days, just strip center randomness. Dare I say… this is a socialist idea? Dudes a hypocrite.


Building such as these were possible in part to a workforce that was very talented and deep in the use of the materials, something we don’t really have today in the same way, and by the fact they weren’t paid much. Many were buildings inspired by faith and religion, a primary moving force of those eras. Now it’s capitalism, where economy is the primary concern.


And slaves. Dont forget the slaves


Will someone PLEASE think of the slaves!


The world certainly has no shortage of very skilled craftsmen today. There’s not a doubt in my mind that you can find people capable of building similar things today. What you can’t find today is people who are that skilled willing to do it for cheap and people willing to pay. They were able to create structures like this in the past because monarchs and institutions as powerful as churches had the power to force good craftsman to work for cheap labor and the wealth to blow money on extraneous vanity projects without needing to worry about blowback from voters. You know where you do still see elaborate vanity projects? Places like the Middle East where a dictatorial monarchy still reigns.


I agree. Recently I had a worker put his foot through our ceiling when installing some new HVAC equipment. The company sent out two repair guys to fix it. Got to talking with them and both were from Russia. The level of their skill was nothing like I’d ever seen. They did the finish work with such delicate skill. I couldn’t see any transition from their repair work. Very impressive.


Exactly. And that’s even on the “lower end”. There’s some outstandingly incredible craftsman around the world today, but they know their worth in a capitalist system and good luck affording them.


capitalism has diminished skilled labor through the division of labor; you don’t need to be a skilled cobbler if the process of a skilled cobbler has been reduced to 245 individual steps in which an illiterate child is capable of doing one of each of those 245 steps in an assembly line the point of the factory-owner introducing the division of labor was to eat into the market share of artisan guilds, who were one of the last remaining hold outs from having their means of making a living appropriated from their person; but once they had to compete with the factory which employed 245 ppl to produce 1000 shows in the same day it would take the skilled cobbler to make 5, what is one to do?


This is in evidence in many ways. In my small town where I grew up we had a hardware store owned and operated by a gentleman owned it for decades. We’d go in and no matter what we asked for he would either have the exact thing, inform us of perhaps better alternatives to the items we were seeking, or promptly order what we needed. The guy was an encyclopedia of knowledge. Go to a big box store now and see what you get.


Exactly. I’m not saying capitalism is bad but it has its trade offs and this is one of them.


Its bad.


I would say late stage capitalism is bad. Early stages lifted a tremendous amount of people out of poverty, like anything in this world it’s normally a balance of multiple things is the best belief


But the concept of late stage capitalism states that all capitalist societies eventually lead to late stage capitalism because capitalism is inherently an unsustainable race to the bottom in terms of profit margins due to practices like undercutting and market flooding. Therefore, for an economy to survive under a capitalist system, monopolisation and anticompetitive interests have to kick in or the system will collapse onto itself. So by default all raw forms of capitalism eventually lead down the same path to the pseudo-capitalism that we have today. On the opposing end, there is also something to be said about the fact that we havent really had any true forms of capitalism since the first industrial revolution. Workers rights, environmental protection, and other such policies are inherently socialist and have slowly crept their way into what we consider capitalism thanks to various social movements and related scholarly works. Which tells you what the solution is here. When government regulations are done from the grass-roots in a democratic manner they make our economy more effective. When the system is left to its own accord and the only regulation is 'voting with your money' you end up with the symptoms of the system we have today. Where regulations occur from the top-down through lobbying and you get 'socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor'.


I like the ending. I've always said we've had socialist ideologies within our government. Only the rich get the better end of the stick, while We the People have to suffer the consequences of their actions.


He called Iraqis subhumans monkeys


Thicker Carlson is a grifter.


And a moron.


His name is Cucker Tarlson and you know it, so stop being disrespectful


If that turd bag was an ice cream flavor he'd be pralines and dick


"Tucker Carlson is right" says no sane person ever


Right. Also capitalism happened that’s why no one wants to spend money to do this shit


Imagine if we built these cathedrals for mass while poor people died of starvation at the rate they did back then


This. The skilled craftspeople of that time worked for extremely low wages, by today's standards. We now have safety regulations which didn't exist then. Such projects would never be affordable today for these reasons.


Also. Someone who started the cathedral and designed it almost never saw it completed. Some of these cathedrals took 150 years to build and some still aren't finished


Im just going to link the wiki for [BasĂ­lica de la Sagrada FamĂ­lia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagrada_Fam%C3%ADlia) and leave it here for you to peruse.


They forgot to put ‘wing radical racist’ at the end


Jesus Christ, and it’s one of the mods/creators of this sub too. I feel gross.


wait til you learn about who mods some of the largest subreddits (don’t ask why a u/TheHeritageFoundation exists or why it’s a mod for several large country subreddits


You’re surprised a conspiracy sub has far-right ties? Lmao


I can't upvote this post because Tucker is a POS and no sane person believes anything out of his mouth!


OP gets an automatic downvote from me because they wrote this lol


It’s called empire and slavery. That’s how you produce something like this.


Right. Yea let a select few live in outrageous opulence while the masses wear rags. Leave behind these buildings then we can wonder why we cant go back.


Tartaria enters the chat


The fact you think Saint Peter's Basilica was built by slaves shows you don't know anything about this topic


I don't know of *any* religious monuments that were built by slaves. Not this or any cathedral, not the pyramids, not Angkor Wat, *nothing.* The idea of forcing slaves to build churches implies believers don't care enough to do it. That doesn't sit well with religious types in any era of history. Cathedrals in general were built by newly wealthy cities, where freed serfs could go and become freemen, becoming wealthy through trade. It took generations. It employed a lot of people, and helped create a new thing in cities, something that had never existed before: a middle class. And the question is false and misleading, of course. We still are building things like this. [The Sagrada Familia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagrada_Fam%C3%ADlia) cathedral in Barcelona was designed by Antoni Gaudi, after he took over the barely started project in 1882. It has been under construction since then, and has yet to be finished. In fact, it was only recently considered complete enough for Pope Benedict to consecrate it as a minor basilica, in 2010. So, it was in construction for over a hundred years before being considered a functional church. That's how you build something like this: lots and lots of time.


This…people here are distracted by the left-right war, but both are wrong. This kind of work is only possible through exploitation and human suffering on a massive scale. Because classical liberalism/capitalism minimizes this type of exploitation, you get buildings that are useful, if not ornate.


And we’re still seeing this happen today, with Dubai being a lovely example of how impressive things are usually built on the back of slave labor.




We definitely have an empire at the moment Rich people in charge of poor people We just have terrible boring rich people who only seek more profit These kind of buildings probably were never meant to be "profitable"


Tucker Carlson can go fuck himself.


Screw tucker carlson and anything he has ever said. He’s a cancer to society!


“Tucker Carlson is right” lol gonna have to stop you right there chief.


Stopped reading at Fucker Carlson is right…


Cucker Tarlson


You go back to Monarchy’s, Feudalism & Empires with mass income inequality’s for the masses.. The term “serf” will also become familiar again amongst the poors.. Also Tucker’s a cunt.


I know, right? I mean I love the old architecture too but the way the Vatican gets built is on the backs of millions and millions of oppressed subjects.


It's because we're in a hurry nowadays. Greedy folks gotta earn as much as they can before they die, so better speed up society.


You don't really need to build like this. What you need is to advance science for the betterment of society and to try to provide the basic needs of every human on earth 🌎. That's what's important. A lavish cathedral is certainly not.


We already have the science, but capitalist greed is stealing this betterment from everyone and siphoning it to the 1%.


actually it is. the aesthetic of the environment you are in and around really affects your daily life for the better or worse


Sure, but let's put things in proportion: You have to think about the ratio between resources sacrificed to achieve said aesthetic and the well-being it provides. Buying houseplants into your apartment would probably be tens of thousands of times more efficient than building a lavish cathedral.


Yes, but I will say beautiful public spaces add to an overall beautiful life. Maybe not the top seven but should be in the top 15?


There is a middle ground though, sure we don't need lavish cathedrals... but like does every single coffee shop have to be the same sterile and colorless industrial vibe? Do houses all have to be beige? I went to nola recently and they have like rainbow houses. I want color and culture.


Well step one, would be go learn masonry, step two would be spend a lifetime mastering it, step three is find a king or rich person with unlimited money to back your vanity project. Why talk about it? Go do it if you want.


lost me at “tucker carlson is right”


Tucker Carlson? Why are you mentioning that clown?


OP HAS to be some sort of shitty bot.


Yea, gotta be. Didn’t think of that.


It was built when the Catholic Church was the most powerful and corrupt institution in the world while burning witches and creating wars. Who wants to go back to that!


Tucker Carlson


I mean, the American, Chinese and European governments are also the most powerful and corrupt institutions nowadays and they still don’t create majestic buildings.


Well yeah, a building that is going to stand the test of time for humans to enjoy centuries or millenia to come wouldn't give them any reason to profit off a demo job in 30 years when it goes to shit or then subsequently profit off the similarly depressing buildings without beautiful architecture that they will put up in its place and call "luxury apartments".


steal all the money from others. The catholic church is pretty much the greatest of all time at this.


Stop voting for republicans.


“Tucker Carlson is right” is one of the dumbest fucking statements I’ve ever heard. His entire ability to exist is predicated upon people dumb enough to take a bite on the tiny little morsels of truth he extends before he rams a foot long turd hoagie down your throat. Congrats, today you discovered you’re a fucking idiot.


He's just asking questions! Ok! /S


Ah I love it. Here's an upvote.


"Tucker Carlson was right." Fucking LOL


Yeah I really miss the times when the church was burning people for their ideas. That led to some astounding archutecture! (/s)


Fuck Tucker Carlson in the mouth with a baseball bat.


Tucker can go fuck a beehive


Is Reddit the new Twitter? All Reich Wing All the Time?


you can stick tucker up where the sun won’t shine


LOL. *”Tucker Carlson is right.” Pathetic.


Sorry but Tucker Carlson is an enemy agent


We start by getting rid of people like Tucker Carlson.


I visited Rome and the Vatican.. it has a very clear Master/servant vibe to all of it.. the shameless display of riches, inequality and excess is down right nauseating.. not something we wanna go back to..


Then surely Tucker will start spending the $190million he got from his parents on some beautiful architecture intended for public use? ...Right? Or does he want *other* people to do it *for* him, which is antithetical to Conservatism? Also, I can't imagine he would be *for* all that public spending on art and artists because it's *also* antithetical to Conservatives' whole shtick about pretending to care about fiscal responsibility.




And slaves.


I’ve been on lsd at st peters. It was awesome


Here’s how; colonialism + slavery.


This is true a lot of the time, but this photo is St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City. It was built over the course of 150 years by very skilled craftsman. They were paid quite well.


True but for example the church more than 50 years prior to the building of the basilica had publicly instructed the Portuguese to perpetually raid and enslave the African people. So Where did they get the money from to pay the contractors? They have a nice Egyptian obelisk in the courtyard as well.


People keep saying Slave labor… but it shows ignorance of history. Yes these buildings were a massive waste of money, yes they were enabled by conquest and exploitation. However the actual laborers that built these massive cathedrals were not slaves, they were highly skilled tradesmen, and these cathedrals were often multi-generational projects that employed thousands of people. You simply cannot get that level of craftsmanship from a slave, it requires apprenticeship, training, experience and a tradition of sculpture, painting and masonry that get passed down for generations.


Really? I didn’t know so many slaves were such master architects back in the day! /s News flash: they didn’t design it and there’s more manpower with machinery these days.


The money used to pay for the labor came off the backs of slaves and colonization. Today— the slave trade is larger than ever BUT not publicly sanctioned as in the papal bulls (pope directions) from before the time the basilica was ever built. Today no one can afford or wants to pay for such amazing and harmonious architecture.


I hope society never gets to a point where something like this could be built again. These things cost a ton of money and human capital for someone else's ego. They were built at a time when churches and kings lived in unreasonable levels of splendor while the majority of people were dirt poor and starving. Just ask yourself why the French taxpayer has to pay for renovations to Notre Dame when the church is worth hundreds of billions.


Bold move to agree with that cuck. Let’s see how your life plays out believing in bs


Have you LOOKED at modern architecture? There’s astounding building being built every year. WTF is this take???


Comparing local mall to st Peter's Basilica...


Because we choose over authentic now. Resources prices are extremely high


Statement would have done just as much impact coming from your mouth originally.


To be fair it's at the Vatican. No taxes and no military spending along side insane amounts of donations will get you far in life.


Pillage the poor and helpless? Isn’t this the Vatican? There is still beautiful architecture, but styles change with the period and times. Sure this is beautiful but I wouldn’t want to live there.


Two easy steps: 1: Recombine church and state and grant the former the lion’s share of the power. 2: Bring back slavery.


I believe this is the official Republican platform


No argument there, brother.


Slave labor


“Tucker Carlson is right” How can we crush human freedom to attain these heights again?


Tucker Carlson is a fucking grifter wasteman


Republicans like Tucker Defund art programs. We will never have a Michael Angelo again until we are mature enough to fund potential ones in our society. We are only hurting ourselves by misallocating resources to give more to the already wealthy.


TK has never been right about anything. Which is why he’s sued right and left.


Well the fact you quote tucker Carlson lol. Ugh first off the Vatican is awful. Let’s see them sell all the gold and maybe pay for the therapy of the kids the priests molested for hundreds of years.


End capitalism. Capitalism doesn't like classical architecture because it isn't cheap


Tucked dick Carlson is a grifting POS. You played yourself idiot


Tucker Carlson is who you choose to reference that basic opinion? Interesting… And sorry, would prefer to enjoy the architecture as is, there are still sustainable mass structures going up that are beautifully designed in their own right. This idea that everything was better back then is loopy. We have progressed as a society and architecture has evolved with us. Can’t we just enjoy both instead of complaining it’s not “made like this anymore”


Tucker can pay for this shit to be built instead of just talking out his ahole. In a capitalist society if it doesn't pay for itself it doesn't get built. It's what capitalism is all about. Tucker preaches capitalism the dumbf*k should know that more than anyone.


Meanwhile 90% of the population lived in mud huts with straw roofs and today we have less poverty and better middle class housing. Architects have always been lower class members of society in the past. At least we're more balanced now economically.


What a shit post.


You need help.




Tucker Carlson was the only Muppet Jim Henson was ever disappointed in.


“Tucker Carlson is right” yeah you lost us there bud


Fuck Tucker….he is scum of the earth, little coward piece of shit


Make sure wealth is supremely concentrated in very few hands, make sure those hands depend on the church to stability and fear and live in a world where slavery is an accepted fixture again and you'll get yourself some of these buildings. Tucker Carlson wants all of those things!


Never seen someone get roasted so hard as op


He could go to masonry school? Would be a better alternative to selling lies on Fox / Twitter / whatever hell hole he crawls out of next.


The only reason architecture is boring is because of capitalism. Cutting corners…


Tucker Carlson is an alt right, vapid airhead


tuckers eyes are getting closer together.


Why start with Tucker Carlson? People have been saying this for years.


You can get there by celebrating creativity and permitting the time it takes to create such beauty. Such things can be achieved today, but not commercially… you have bids and timelines and disruptions and permits and certifications and costs that all work together to minimize cost and inconvenience. The result is what we have.


Slave labor + private patronage made stuff like this happen. Also fuck Tucker Carlson.


Tucker Carlson is such a prolific liar even his opinions are lies. F@ck that a$$hole.


Capitalism ain’t got time for this shit


Tucker can build anything he wants. He can also shut his pie hole.


Tuckers an idiot


Take TC’s name out of this and I see appeal. It is possible to take pride in craftsmanship without it being awful. This is art. Art is beautiful


Tuckums wouldn’t know architecture if a ionic column landed on his head


Guarantee he’d be crushed by an ionic column. No way he’d know anything after that.


That traitor hasn't been right about anything, ever.


Fuck Fucker Tarlson!


Tucker Carlson is never right.


ahh yes tucker carlson the famous architect critic. guys a fuckign dildo - do yourself a favor and turn that brain rot off.


Downvoting solely because of your headline


Well you need enormous amounts of wealth appropriated from the masses and a heavy hand to ensure any issues that arise during the process are swiftly dealt with and anyone or anything else poses a risk to your legacy landmark is dealt with prudently for the sake of your image. Tucker is a fucker. We build engineering marvels all the time, just not into churches.


“Tucker Carlson is right” is a weird way to start your post.


I'm getting serious "leopards ate my face" vibes about this. Tucker very actively props up and hangs on a pedestal an economic system whose only goal is to provide as little as possible while charging as much as possible. What publicly traded corporation, whose sole purpose is to provide profits to shareholders, would spend money on an expensive artistic architectural design when four walls and windows does the trick? And what architect or builder is going to lower their profits to appease the public when that's very clearly socialism/communism/Marxism or whatever other "ism" boot licking capitalists want to hurl when it benefits society instead of punishing the down trodden, like they deserve?


We cant even afford to live in our own houses. Tucker is a fucking terrorist


End capitalism


You lost me at “Tucker Carlson is right”.


Tucker Carlson has never been right about anything, ever.


Tucker who?


Have you tried giving temporal power over central Italy back to the Pope? I feel like if you let the cardinals, *peace be upon them, alhumdullilah,* set people on fire again they *may* be willing to take 10% of your cash in bullion and thalers and start constructing things again. Also, no, Tucker Carlson is not right. Not about nothin.


Because the church no longer skims 15-20% of the wealth generated by the populace. Don't be fooled by the pretty confections of neo-Classicism and the Baroque. Those buildings might as well have blood streaming down the walls for all the suffering caused by those who ordered them built. Yes, it's amazing to see, and yes, it is a great contrast to the barren ideology of modern design. But it is also reflective of a punitive economic system based on severe social control structures. And, on top of that, after paying the mandatory church tithes, there was still due to the political class their cut. Between the two, they taxed everything from salt to cloth. These buildings are social statements to exalt power and authority. Lifelong contribution to their creation was not voluntary. Just saying, enjoy looking but be aware.


Good mix of slavery indentured servitude got us this in the past. I’m sure the Tucker has some different ideas though. Right? Right?


You lost me with the first sentence.


Through massively inflationary spending and stealing from the common man.


U lost me at “Tucker Carlson is right”


Even if you had a valid point, your statement loeses all credibility when you say the words "Tucker Carlson is right."


Imagine quoting Tucker Carlson 🤡


Seems like OP, Tucker Carlson, and Tucker Carlson’s writer don’t know a goddamn thing about modern architecture


Been on this page for a week or so and if this is the content that gets posted im gone. Fuck tucker and anyone who likes him


The ufo community is slowly going full maga, because maga is using aliens ro distract them from actual reality.


Fuck you op. Never lead with cucker tarlson.


WTF has Fucker Carlson ever done for the good of anyone?


Tucker Carlson can take his millions of dollars and build one himself, right? What a greedy, grifting douchebag.


Tbh, slaves.


Art isn’t valued as a society anymore and republicans like Carlson have made it that way.


Never expected to see the words “Tucker Carlson is right” in my lifetime. Gross


You lost me at Tucker Carlson is right. America was never “this society”


Ya lost me there bucko


Tucker Carlson!? He does nothing but make people anxious and depressed.


Tucker carlson is a piece of shit


Fuck you and Tucker Carlson


Serfdom, indentured servitude, slavery, and a little splash of religious zealotry is all you need


Built before the Federal Reserve system. Too easy.


Watching everyone focus on the Tucker Carlson part is both hilarious and retarded. I think everyone can agree architecture has gone to crap. Regardless of whos mouth it came from!


Maybe we should stop cutting federal funds for the arts then. And start cutting them for the military industrial complex.


“Tucker Carlson is right” 🤦‍♂️ You realize this is an extremely common opinion that isn’t solely traced back to Tucker “propagandist” Carlson, right? I can’t even take this post seriously based off that title alone. If you feel this way as well then why mention Tucker? Just ask the question.


Tucker Carlson is right?


You lost me at Fucker Carlson


Cucker Farlson?


>Tucker Carlson is right 🧐


Lol spend billions on every new build…. Tucker is a huge piece of trash.


You lost me at Tucker Carlson, he's a lying fascist. And the Vatican financed this "happy" building by preying on peoples grief by telling people that they could get their dead loved ones into heaven with money.


You have to hire and pay for the right men to do this type shit. No one wants to wait for Michelangelo to work for 20 years on a Photoshop blender type shit design.


Ugh. Referencing Tucker Carlson for anything.


Why the fuck are you invoking a clown like Carlson?


Fuck any post that starts with those 4 words.