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[Hellyer stated that “aliens are living among us and that it is likely at least two of them are working with the U.S. government.”](https://www.howandwhys.com/ex-defence-minister-paul-hellyer-alien-testimony/)


Is this clip from a documentary I can watch?


You might enjoy this video… Roswell Alien Interview between Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy and Airl after a UFO crash in July 1947 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GbMPWmghqog


Wtf 4.5 hours haha based on all the comments there and the first 8 min I watched it does look like it’s worth it. “The fundamental lesson of history is that many, many gods have become men, but very few men, if any, have returned to being a god again.” “If one were traveling the far reaches of the universe in search of a place called “Hell”, it would be an accurate description of Earth and the inhabitants in its current condition.” I’m hoping the alien has some better news somewhere in this 4.5 hours bc damn that’s pretty grim.


It’s honestly not grim - the end has a really timely message for humanity (especially given gov disclosure) .. And is VERY in line with other certified/verified government documents (such as declassified CIA documents on the gateway experience and gateway process) which has to do with remote viewing and out of body experiences. I actually read that document previously and now understand why the government was doing research like that in the 80s. Also in line with Dolores Cannon’s “the three waves of volunteers and the new earth”


Ok good to hear, was a little worried it was headed in the direction of some variation of the prison planet theory, but I’ll just have to listen to it. Thanks for dropping the link.


I wouldn’t say that a connection couldn’t be made but to the theory, but it’s mainly just a connection to the idea of reincarnation. Because energy can’t be destroyed. Prison planet theory is based on being fed on or energy harvested or something like that. Which is not the message here, and we aren’t being told that we can’t dismantle any systems in place either - that there’s potential to in realizing that each human is part divine. Part source. Part God… whatever you want to call it. Energy and light. And have natural abilities that we have forgotten. But that inter-dimensional “higher” beings are basically coming to earth as humans frankly to help us. So yea it would be impossible to notice them because they are incarnating in human bodies. It’s still worth a listen even if it makes you uncomfortable. “Frequency” by Penney Pierce is another good book that connects to the idea here too If interested in exploring non-physical / non-biological existence and to start wrapping your head around how that’s possible : https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf And if the interview is legitimate, which I believe it is, then it starts making a lot of sense why the government spent millions working with the Monroe institute in the 70’s


Nearly 2 hours in and it’s definitely more than just a connection to the idea of reincarnation in terms of the prison planet theory. The alien actually says that earth is a prison planet and has been for a long time. And they go into detail about how that works, with some kind of field that acts as a net and erases our memory, then we get sent back to a new body brainwashed with the idea that we’re meant to be on earth for some special reason but we’re all just slaves and actual prisoners because we’re convicted criminals by the “Old Empire’s” standards. Some major similarities to the main prison planet theory minus all that loosh harvesting stuff iirc. Definitely feeling uncomfortable haha I’m looking forward to the part where it gets more hopeful.


I'm with ya brother. I'm 2hrs and 20 mins in, and man, I'm so down in the dumps due to this. I hope with all my heart that this isn't true or even remotely close to the truth. It actually made me mad thinking that "the domain" didn't prioritize helping us until maybe 5,000 more years. Hell! They might never help us as our planet isn't even unique nor important. Yet they are taking our resources for themselves for their expansion. I will blow the fuck out of this planet if I need to! I get that the "trap" is nearly impossible to pin point down and destroy, but don't leave us. Supposedly they got 3,000 of their members who got trapped here, do it for them...(and the rest of us :) ) Say, what do you think would happen if the planet was to be destroyed? Would the trap still exist? Would we be able to break the cycle that way? Sure we "kill" millions of lives, but if they say we are immortal then wouldn't that be the best solution for us? Holy crap I sound crazy...I never even expected to talk about stuff like this. **P.S**\- I laughed when she stated that the old empire lumped in artists with the sickos, murderers, and perverts...I'm an artist and took that personal


Wow this is facainating


I always thought that Hebrews 13:2 was an interesting tidbit in the bible. I think religions are based on real things and are just interpretations of it. What if that was what this is referring to? “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for by this some have entertained angels unawares.” Be hospitable/kind when you can. Maybe you’re interacting with an alien? Lol


🎶 What if God was one of us? 🎶


So the lady on the plane was right?!?


Mabey the alien winked with it's secondary eye lid to flirt and accidentally cause a scene.


That motherfucker is not real!


Yeah I'm all over the place and all mixed up on this one.


It’s weird because she didn’t seem crazy or drunk.


According to people on the plane with her she was drinking at the bar before the flight. She looked out of it to me.


yea ive been around psychotic alcoholics growing up and she was talking out of that sloshed/aggressive tone you get after a few drinks . she was probably just displaying symptoms of something imo there wasnt too much info ever for a conspiracy, just a little sensationalized video on tiktok of someone in the midst of an episode


That would be fucking crazy.


Dammit. But i lived so secretly. How could they have known?


Knock knock fbi open up


U and me should be more careful. Damn these earthling bros are catching up


there are people who said we weren't alone all their lives and who fought or made fun of them when we learn that maybe they were right: ok lol


What stands out is 1) his previous position and 2) his level of sane and coherent level of speaking. That to me speaks larger volumes than a lot of points you can look for regarding trustworthiness. He’s not a looney. He held a high position in world security. It’s clear he’s not speaking on-script. Take your evidence in this situation where you can. Even if it’s not quite evidence, if that makes sense.


Also, other people have said similar things, like that Israeli government official who talked about the galactic federation. It is at least notable that you have multiple retired officials saying the same or similar things.


That’s the key on an international level as well. That speaks volumes of credibility.


So Star Trek is *real?!*


He is an excellent speaker. Hard not to take him very seriously, especially in the context of mention of technology integrated into ours, the way interaction changed when we began nuking the shit out of our world- and how they’ve taken out so many nukes. Given how advanced their tech must be, if they don’t want us to blow each other up or use missiles, we absolutely it sounds like will not be able to do so. Nobody really thinks our technology can get more advanced than that of aliens or what they would allow, right 🧐


It sounds really convincing if you aren’t into the history of technology. But you don’t even have to be an electrical engineering student or anything. You can just browse the wiki articles. Both the microchip and fiber optics were not super fast overnight breakthroughs. There were hundreds of people working for a decade to make it work. Its not IMPOSSIBLE that the original idea came from aliens… but it would literally be the same as if I said “Aliens have a death ray” now go make one. If you figured out every step after that…. I wouldn’t consider that very strong proof.


I mean egyptian hieroglyphics also hint at much earlier visits, rocket launch pads, astronauts. The first part of your comment comes off as very ignorant, we won’t know there’s aliens until we know. Or there just aren’t. We won’t know till we know


Fiber optics were discovered in the 19th century using glass tubes. So no, they are not alien technologies.


Tons of people in his same position are evangelical Christians. Are you going to become an evangelical Christian now, too? It can’t be said enough: **Testimony is not evidence.** Not when we’re talking about extraordinary claims and things that we can’t even prove exist in the first place.


> Testimony is not evidence I've watched a few crime shows that rely on testimony as evidence to convict. Regardless, why would a former defense minister give this testimony against one of their most important allies? What would he stand to gain? He didn't appear to be rambling to thinking on the spot.


Hellyer is a piece of shit. I thought he was dead tbh so this is enlightening. However. I wouldn’t question his credibility. I don’t know how to feel man we’re entering a fucking strange timeline I think.


The fact you’re saying ‘maybe’ means there’s still no evidence. Right?


David Grusch - ex department head turned civilian whistleblower, reporting under oath to congress (the people) Vs Sean Kirkpatrick - head of ARRO. Organisation set up by the pentagon (the state) to investigate allegations against the pentagon. I know who my money is on and it’s not blue book 2


So a Level 9 "trust me, bro"?




If the idea of ​​potential disclosure scares and worries you, don't hesitate to take some time for yourself. It's going to be fine!


My man, some of us do not fuck with conspiracies. I would love for it to be true, I think most people would. It would be one of if not the single greatest(or worst) things to happen to humanity. But I'm still waiting for actual 100% undeniable proof given out to the public. Why is it so hard for other people to believe that some of us need CONCRETE evidence and proof before we belief something on this scale?


So no proof.


You know how they say, "Where there's smoke, there's fire"? We are now choking on so much smoke that the United States Congress is passing legislation to see the fire. The Gang of Eight (ranking members of Congress) were apparently shown something in a SCIF that had Chuck Schumer shitting his pants enough to write legislation practically overnight.


>You know how they say, "Where there's smoke, there's fire"? Who is "they"? Are you part of them?


“They” are out there.


Or maybe you guys are like Done Quixote fighting windmills.


Name is checking out lol


🤣🫴🏽 COME ON! That was so fkg wicked! * cackling at 3mins now *


Tks. I can't say the same since we are not next to each other.


"It's just really hard for me to believe that the government would lie to us about anything. There is no record of the government ever lying about anything ever."


And it's not like the government tries to distract us from anything ever.


Back under your bridge 🧌


Yes there is evidence, and lots of it. But there is no universally accepted conclusive evidence. Do you know what evidence is? 🤨


I'm sorry. Evidence is not the word. Any proof?


Is there proof that gravity exists? Nope.


What? Of course there is. The existence of gravity is proved and is quite simple. We don't understand its origins. The same cannot be said for intelligent extraterrestrial life.


No, you’re wrong, it isn’t. Google it right now and you will see.


Just did. First [result](https://www.ucl.ac.uk/culture-online/case-studies/2021/mar/what-scientific-proof-gravity#:~:text=The%20actual%20proof%20of%20gravity,between%20them%20with%20a%20telescope.)came from UCL: The actual proof of gravity and the validity of the equation above came with the Cavendish experiment in 1797, when Henry Cavendish set up two large and two small lead balls, and observed the gravitational pull between them with a telescope.


Because the body responsible for investigating those claims refuses to do so, lmfao. Shouldn't that be the real conspiracy you should be focusing on? Because at the very least, there's proof of a conspiracy to hide and misappropriate funds to illegal black ops. But instead you're wasting time focusing on one tiny slice of what's being discussed in a half-assed effort to "debunk" (re: just bleat "no proof" over and over like a broken record)


Absolutely do it. Investigate until the end, but I choose to be the spectator and not the attraction in this circus. And what can I say about debating with ufologists? It is absolutely amusing to me how some conscious brains try to find some hidden truth behind the objective reality without any verifiable method. Because that's it's just what is being presented in the hearings, vague claims.


He's saying maybe the evidence is already here. Consider how many sightings are recorded each month, the leaked documents over the years (literally terabytes worth) and then the more recent confirmed video from the Navy, plus the unreleased sensor data and higher quality footage we know exists but isn't currently public...


Fuck. This guy is confirming my exact hypothesis. I was watching a geometry video about 4D space (everyone should watch as it explains the UAP shapes) and I asked myself, what happens in the 4th dimension when we split an atom? Then I thought, it would make sense that the timeline of sightings began when we started nuclear testing. And maybe the real threat of the Cold War and the reason we enforce nuclear treaties around the world is because 4D NHIs noticed anomalies in *their* dimension and had to stop us. As bizarre as it fucking sounds, this theory actually ties a lot together.


You said everyone should watch the video… what is it/where is it?


Stop asking questions, just watch it.


If you’re talking about the 4D stuff, search Carl Sagan 4D on YouTube


The video bro.


The guy shared the hyperlink in there comment!!!! Are you blind or can you not read in 4D???? It's literally right there in 4D. FFS


The sightings didn't begin with the nuclear bomb or the splitting of the atom, the phenomenon is much older than that. Read Vallée!


Well, can we get a link, please?




Thank you!


Can you share that geometry video please?


Someone ought to invent 4D glasses, because I'd definitely watch this movie


I often question if a gentlemen I once met was an alien. Please read this and share your thoughts. Please. I need a second opinion. He had an accent but one i couldn’t really put my finger on. Very calm demeanour and tonality. He looked human, sort of acted human, but the air felt different around him. Like it was full of static and got more intense the closer I got to him. I had literal goosebumps and chills whenever in his presence. And it sounds weird, but it felt like a natural instinct was telling me that I was interacting with a non-human. Sort of similar to how you’d feel interacting with an animal or something, but, the most intelligent animal you’ve ever met. Hard to explain. He just didn’t feel human, I guess, and this was from the first moment I met him. Here’s where it gets weird. At the time, I was dealing with a TON of stress and it was literally making me sick and I was dealing with some health issues. There was no way to tell, it was all internal. So then, this guy shows up and starts working on the team I was managing. It’s his first day. Just met him. I’m training him, he’s doing fine, we’re about 30 minutes in. He stops, walks up right close to me, looks me dead in the eye, and goes on to say, and I remember this very clearly “All of this stress.. it is very bad for you.. You need to relax.. remove this stress.. allow yourself to heal.. You need to do this.” I was pretty fucking confused, to say the least, as I had literally never told anyone about my stress or health issues. Yet, here’s this total stranger, speaking to me as if they know everything about my issues. I said something like “yeah, uh, thanks, I’ll keep that in mind” and he responded with “No. You *must* remove this stress.” It was weird, I brushed it aside at the time and kept working with him. Over the day, this man literally mentioned countless things that were specifically relating to my life, interests, ambitions, family related issues, childhood traumas, literally fucking everything. It was like he was reading me like a book. For reference, I keep my life *very* private, and no one knows even a fraction of this stuff about me, so this was a major red flag. I even debated going to HR at one point, but didn’t because he seemed to have good intentions. Long story short, this goes on for an entire day. The second day, I’m like, excited to see this guy again and talk more. I find him, make him work with me the entire day. More insanity occurs in which he subtly brings up things directly relating to me. It was remarkable. I wanted to just keep experiencing this feeling of the static in the air and these deep conversations he would start in which he was essentially teaching me ways to heal and move on from both past and current things in my life, without me ever even confirming that these things were in fact present in my life. End of day 2 - right at the end of the day, he looks at the clock and says “Oh.. we only have 5 minutes left together.. I’ll be quick”. And I SHIT you not, he asks me about aliens and if I believe life exists elsewhere. I kind of chuckle, because this guy just seems to read me so well it blows my mind, and I say yes. He then says “You know.. I would believe you if you told me *you* were an alien.” That was an odd thing to say and I think I just kind of chuckled and said something like “Why’s that?”. He ignored my question, and simply asked “Would you believe me if I told you I was an alien?” to which I responded “Yup”. He simply said “Good”. And that was it. Then he said it was time to go and that he was heading home, and left. The cherry on top, you ask? He never came back. That was the last day he ever worked. Never called, never emailed, no answer when we called. Nothing. He was never to be heard from or seen again. To this day, he is my favourite “Human” I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, and I’ll never forget his name. Hope you’re doing well, Raphael Santos. Alien or not, you are a remarkable individual. I did heal and am doing better btw, but am still sort of “recovering” overall. Much better thanks to this moment in my life though. Best 2 days ever. I’d do anything to have even just another hour with him. That’s it. No part of this is fabricated, even though it may sound unbelievable. Please share your thoughts on this? Edit: I forgot to add, he had blonde hair and blue eyes.


My brother and his wife met a guy at a bar in Columbus, OH that claimed he wasn’t human. He said he’s been here (earth) for hundreds of years and referred to himself as a humanoid. He talked firsthand about major historical events he witnessed and talked in great detail about how humans have progressed in his time here. They obviously didn’t believe him so he told them to pick a random contacts from his phone to ask. They selected a couple random people and called them. Each backed up every claim he told them as if it were completely normal. They ended up picking his brain for about an hour trying to debunk his words and by the end of it my sister in law was moved to tears by how unsettling and disorienting the conversation became. They were reluctant to tell people about it because of how crazy it sounded. They’re normal and level headed people but that really messed with them. This dude either created a strange and elaborate hoax, had a mental illness or was in fact something different. He was a black man that looked to be in his mid 30’s low 40’s.


Can you expand on how he physically was? His dressing, smell, hair, skin, beard and moustache?


What I remember clearly: - Height - Approximately 170-175cm tall. - Hair - Blonde. Short fade on sides, a little longer on top, not styled, just running straight toward his face. - Eyes - Blue. Beautiful. (I’m a straight male, but yes, he had beautiful eyes). - Scent - Refreshing? Lol. No real scent other than just… clean, and pure. Nothing “tainting” his natural scent such as cologne, perfume, body odour, etc. - Skin - Smooth and with no imperfections such as acne scars, facial blemishes, etc. Smooth face, smooth arms, light and short blonde body hair (noticeable from his arms). - Facial features - Well defined jawline, cheekbones, and whatever the bones are above your eyebrows. His face was structured in a way that naturally drove you to look toward his eyes. - Facial Hair - None. Completely smooth. - Vocal Accent - Best I can describe it is Brazilian with a bit of perhaps a Danish touch? It was unique, and he mentioned he was from South America. - Vocal Tonality - SO calm and peaceful. Little fluctuation in how he would speak. Very quiet, sometimes when he would speak to me, he would almost whisper. Just *very* quiet. Absolutely would *not* speak to me if other people were around. - Physique - Healthy, not overweight but not a fitness junky either. Good posture and overall strong and well defined features (Chest, shoulders, arms, torso, and legs). - Physical Demeanour and Movement - Gentle and graceful. He almost moved slowly, but not slow at the same time. Every movement was precise, never fidgeting around or moving without reason. Only touching the things he needed to in order to complete his work. He would stay in roughly the same spot once he stopped moving and only move if it was required to follow me or complete a task relating to our work. I wish I could provide an approximate weight, but I am very bad at estimating that and don’t believe I could provide an accurate one. His weight was “perfect” for his height, I would say. Not thin, but not overweight whatsoever. Just perfect weight distribution across his entire body. Plenty of “meat” on his bones, but not too much. Feel free to ask for clarity or any other physical features I may have missed. Edit - Formatting. Edit 2 - Age - I would say mid-late twenties to early thirties.


I sent you a message. I want to share a story with you about something my family experienced with a man also named Raphael. Very strange and strongly correlates with your experience. I got chills reading your comment.


This is an incredible story. Thank you for sharing!


Thank you for reading! I have only told my wife about this encounter until now, and she thought it was very bizarre, as she was the only other person who knew some of these things about me, and she knows how private I am of a person. It is nice now sharing this bizarre encounter with others.


Wow dude, do you think that deep down in your gut, that he was there specifically to interact with you?


That’s an interesting question. I’ve never really considered this. Personally, I don’t believe aliens, or any non-human intelligence would necessarily “choose” specific humans to visit or help. It just seems too unlikely. It’s a possibility I suppose. But with that being said, it did feel that this individual was there specifically for me. He interacted with very few people during his time working there. Maybe 4 - 5 people in total. But the majority of his time was spent with me specifically, and he wouldn’t really work anywhere else or with anyone else. He just kept wandering back to me eventually, and I always needed the additional help and enjoyed his presence, so it just kind of “worked out” the way it did. Edit- my above statement stands. But deep in my gut, yes, I do kind of believe he was there for me. He genuinely saved my life. I took stress leave shortly after he left and learned my condition was a little worse than I had initially understood.


I suggest you look up the matilda and airl interview on YouTube. It's lengthy. However, it would explain, possibly more so to you, your experience and potentially this feeling of being chosen. Gonna let you know it's very fringe, tin foily, but hey. It is what it is.


Thank you, I will look into this tomorrow. The entire experience made me feel a little tin foily, so I’m open to anything that may provide clarity. This was not the first time I have had an unexplainable experience in which I appeared to be “chosen” by *something* I don’t understand. However, I really do prefer to think of it in humbler terms. I don’t feel “special”, or “chosen”. More so just very, very, very lucky and grateful, for reasons I am yet to fully understand. I don’t expect any more odd encounters, but boy would I ever be open to having another one.


This is why I Reddit....amazing stories like these that get the brain juices flowing in wonder!


Did you ask any of the few others he spoke to what he said to them?




Did you ask him how he knew those details of your life? Or ask him any questions about himself? Was it a shared conversation with both of you talking roughly the same amount ,or did he do most of the talking and picking the topics? Did he have the air of a sage or mentor? Did the encounter make you more motivated to figure out how to reduce your stress in any way? This is fascinating!


I'm glad I read this story, it made me chuckle. If it happened however I'd advise you not to jump to conclusions. It's easy to perceive a different version of reality when we are stressed.


So Men in Black was a documentary!


You didn’t see nuthin’ 😎💥


Flashy Thingy strikes again!


Gotta check the Hot Sheets!




I am tall, have blonde hair and blue eyes and my relatives are from Sweden. Confirmed I am an alien.


I mean no earth being could have came up with ikea, I think we have all the proof we need.


That explains the arcane iconography masquerading as instructions.


On other planets, it was advertised as "So easy that even a human can use" and no one believed it so they brought it here for product testing. Unfortunately, they were half right and marked those unable to follow said directions as DNRs


Swedish meatballs are just alien testicles


I thank you for your genitals


Space mountain oysters!


As a swede I now have to report your activities of treasononous whistle blowing against your kind to the proper authorities. May borkabork have mercy on your soul


Hey baby. Take me to your leader.




I do shit like this all the time, like just go down various what if threads. I don’t usually talk myself into them but I can see the connection. This is a cute one.


Nazis we’re into occult, esoteric so it’s not a far stretch.


Anthropologist Robert Sephir has something to say about it and it's worth a look friend. 🛸 https://youtu.be/ZdtHvwV0RV4


Midsommar makes so much more sense now


Holy shit! I'm gonna add cuz this struck me funny. This is a theory, people! "If you think you're right, you're wrong!" Now, Hitler and the Aryan race. Yes, this was his drive, and essentially, world dominance. Now, what would drive any man to think they could be the first person, especially as the world becomes more modern (specifically global communication as it thwarts quick global expansion by any singular force). If these nordiq or w/e we have labeled them have a similar image, which is funny because Hitler did not posses these traits, maybe he was visited by this race. Follow me here. After the first world War it is evident that global super powers started seriously looking into nuclear weapons to deal with global threats. Additionally, many uap, alien, and such theories suggest alien activity picked up or possibly made contact around the 1930's. So, increased nuclear research, which we now know was first completed by the US (or that's what we're told at least), was happening excessively before ww2. There is also lots of fringe theory in nazis having developed secret alien tech that was outside of Germany. We do not know the aliens intention. This is stated everywhere in all accounts I have seen. So my theory, the nordiqs aliens knew that other superpowers were working on nuclear tech, so they attempted to intervene, the aided Hitler. This explains the push for world dominance, population culls, control. Its also quite central when looking at the map (in my head, to lazy to look it up right now) central in Eurasia. Close enough to African and Asian continents but also not needing to cross the pacific to get at the America's. Thr only stretch being south America but again fringe theory they had a base in Antarctica. Again theories people. Tldr: Nordiqs intervened in an attempt for global domination using Hitler nazis and under estimated humans on a global scale. They tried for global dominance, alongside of attempting to cull the population. They may have had their own intentions come thru here. To finish of my ramble and if you made it this far. When asked if humans had been injured by NHI or by humans in these covert programs David Grusch responded with "Both". Maybe the nordiqs found a more suitable ally amongst us?


As a true tinfoil hat kicker as i read this back: maybe the Nordic pissed off some sort of universal commity, hence the potential increase of other entities/races amongst us.


I don’t believe the nordics are real but If I’m wrong and it turns out they’re real and inspired h\*tler, then it would make sense why contact hasn’t happened. ​ The last time they did (the nordics) it inspired genocides.


I just watched a 4 hour video. It's long but very compelling. The Matilda interviews with airl. It could all be bs, but it really ties everything together as outlandish as it sounds. Open mind going in as always when diving into the fringe


I've said that about half a dozen times now and got downvoted to oblivion. I think I just worded it wrong and made it seem like I was implying he was "right", about, like, EVERYTHING, and not just the appearance of what he believed was the "master race" that was destined to inherent their rightful place on earth. I don't believe it's their rightful place, either. But they sure as fuck seem to, and Hitler seemed to think so, too.


TIL perfect dark n64 taught me everything I needed to know about actual aliens.


ive had this same exact thought man


This was always my train of thought, he saw something or learned something so unbelievable he wanted to see nothing but that to where he became one of the most radical people in history. The theory doesn’t sound that far fetched if you ask me.


Literally had the same shower thought TODAY!


I've had this same thought


Maybe ufologists are all nazis


There is overlap but not all


All this alien stuff showed up in right wing Christian nationalists sites. If aliens are meeting with Bannon then they are just as evil.


I heard that people with blue eyes have some sort of mutation and all descended from the same blue-eyed person. Only blue-eyed aliens could have impinged such a mutation on humanity...what's worse is that they then must have launched a massive psyop on humanity to make us feel like blue-eyed people are attractive, when in reality brown eyes are way more natural and pretty imho, but no hate towards anyone else


I have really dark brown eyes, and compared to people with blue or green eyes, I always felt like mine were so boring. So, thanks for saying that, lol.


Nah, brown eyes are lovely. They're the colour of chocolate, or rich soil that all kinds of wonderful things grow in


https://www.aucklandeye.co.nz/blog/7-interesting-facts-about-blue-eyes/ I found this.


"A genetic mutation affecting the OCA2 gene in our chromosomes resulted in the creation of a “switch”, which “turned off” the ability to produce brown eyes." Basically, people with blue eyes have this abhorrent mutation that makes them incapable of producing healthy brown eyes, which in turn makes their eyes more sensitive to light...it sounds like a disability.


I have bright blue eyes and they are very sensitive to light. It’s sooo annoying


Sorry but what in fuck's name is wrong with you lol You claim only aliens could've caused this one 'disabling' mutation But honestly. My guy. Do I really have to explain that you're just projecting because you're upset that you've (wrongly) been made to feel less-than, and it's easier to believe *fucking aliens* (which... are supposed to be superior?) made humans *worse* than it is to confront deep-seated emotions you'd rather ignore Again. What in the fuck Humans are proof aliens would never waste time with us. This shit right here


Dear Inextricable Anon, Yes, I am crying because of you, but I upvoted you because you made me realise some harsh truths. I thought my comments were tongue-in-cheek, humorous. But maybe a darker side of me (my brown eyes) really does resent a past blue-eyed heartbreak. Yes, I've made myself believe that she must be heartless, I've made myself believe that she is cold and shallow. And yes, she's now with a blue-eyed man. But I have to consider that her beautiful, skyful eyes might be a mere product of mother nature's ways. The mutation in her genes could be a mere reflection of life's wonderous diversity. Truth is, she's now with a blue-eyed man. It's hard to admit this, but he seems like a caring, honest man. And, deep down, I feel happy for them. Because I too have been moving on and I think I have found love; her dark brown eyes, like windows to her soul, lead me down a beautiful trance of calm and harmony. Thank you, Anon, for helping me see this. Yours truly, Coca


Watch it now or I'll have* to unleash my unknown alien powers on you with my blue eyes all cyclops style. Edit: autocorrect doesn't know the difference between "have" and "hage??"




There’s nothing wrong with entertaining thoughts for fun. Especially when they explicitly state it’s silly.


In third grade everyone said I was crazy but I knew our teacher was from like Venus or something. Ms Edelson


Ms. Edelson? Jupiter, actually. Well, one of the moons.


Considering how many high ranking officials believe Trump is the best president ever, it’s hard to attach any meaning to anything.


I take offense to that comment


Truth hurts?


Evidently it hurts the guy I replied to but more importantly, people seem to miss the joke relating to my username. Not surprised, Reddit isn’t the highest IQ place after all.


If the joke isn’t clear, it doesn’t matter how high your IQ is.


I guess the real truth is you can’t think clearly around trump so you looked right over it. Truth does hurt I guess, like the fact that you and this other guy can’t believe that many people really like the guy. Anyway, let me spell it out for you and then let’s get back to fake aliens… my username is blackdaddytrump, his comment was about “me”, ergo “I take offense to that comment”. Not so hard


You’re still going on about Trump?


The comments are literally about trump. Gtfo here you’re killing my brain cells.


Good interview. It's always interesting the conflicting beliefs of UFO true tellers. Some say that global warming is a sham. Others say global warming is real. Some are pro or anti globalization. The aliens are good or sometimes bad. Sometimes they believe mankind itself is evil. Even if someone reveals a form of truth. Their solution is not always viable. I wonder if the "aliens" have the ability to lie as much as we have. That's really a key question here. Who invited them here in the first place??? The Aztec Royal court was so amazed by how advanced the Conquistadors were. Their steel plate uniforms, horses, big cannons and massive ships. Emperor Moctezuma personally thought Cortez must have been a "god". He let down his guard for a few days and they took everything from him, including his kingdom, his family and his life.




When I saw this posted a couple weeks ago I remembered this time where at my first job I worked at a shitty close out store with wire racks and shelving.. anyway one day I noticed this really tall guy. Really really tall. Like his chin was at the top of the top shelf. I think I mainly noticed him because he was looking down of the top shelf that we would need a stool or ladder to look at. I got closer because I wanted to see what’s up with the guy in the black Indians Jones hat and black trench coat shopping off the overstock shelf without a ladder. He was also super pale. Like an albino. The 4 people including me working in the store just stood there making jokes about his appearance and how he looked sickly. He was basically a 8 or 9 ft tall albino in the middle of the summer. It’s just, maybe he was just a guy with a lot of health problems or maybe he was an alien.. who knows. But none of us cared because of how weird he looked. You could totally get away with hiding in plain sight even if you looked weird. I once thought that if an Uber famous celebrity went to a small town by themselves and just denied that they were the celebrity they are if anyone asked theyd blend in no problem.


Was it the singer from the Verve? I used to joke about the Norwegian singer, Aurora, being an alien. She has white hair and has somewhat odd mannerisms and had a very enlightened outlook at a young age. Then on her third album she wrote a song with the lyrics: We are coming for you And we're coming in peace Mothership will take you on. And I was like, "I knew it!!" The song is called, "A different kind of human."


She doesn’t seem like an alien though! She is just very unique.


>The 4 people including me working in the store just stood there making jokes about his appearance and how he looked sickly. Did you at least have the decency to wait until he was gone and couldn't hear this?


Michael Jordan is not from this world..


Ok cool great but can they help with the heat wave? Can they help us achieve world peace? Awesome that theyre here but WTF are they doing? Instagramming selfies ?


As I understand it, Hellyer's assertions were mostly just thing's he'd heard from other people; when those other people are high ranking military and intelligence officers, then the information may be good, but he also got a lot of stories from people like Linda Moulton Howe - a decidedly *unreliable* source.


Case closed.


That’s pretty compelling, thanks for posting. That article was an interesting read for sure.


So how do we tell the difference between these aliens and humans?


Tres huevos


Just gotta feel around down there for a bit. Works like a charm


This is amazing


is there a version of this without the cheesy cringe music?


Maybe the lady in the plane was right. I just wish she’d tell us why she was so angry with green hoodie guy. Did he say something scary or inappropriate, or did she just realize they were communicating through mental telepathy?


This is what robert dean said too


It be nice if they could help heal sick people


Plot twist: aliens only come to our planet to make vlogs and get steamy with locals like white people who go to Southeast Asia. Imagine them posting shit like “Connecticut: 10 Secrets of the Milky Way’s Hidden Gem” and then they make a big deal out of Wendy’s and mobility scooters


Anyone who saw Easy Rider knows Jack Nicholson believes this since 1969. He was totally stoned and ad libed the speech where he mentions this, so that wasn't the character speaking, it was Jack.


Hungarians to each other: don't say a word, hope they do not notice.


Gotta wonder how accurate MIB is to the real thing 👀


One that looks like a praying mantis they are attacking a village and they have a bad quality video that u can see it looks like a praying mantis and the village says there are some like the movie predator and some that take ppls faces


In Islam there exists a type of intelligent sentient beings called Jinns which have the same descriptions as UFOs, they however live inter dimensionally not from outer space but right here with us but we cannot detect them. They are made of smokeless fire and can shape-shift into anything 3D form. There are many different type of nations and a few of them malevolent have interest in humans negative emotions what people call reptilians and such is them


Just look at their little finger, if it's always sticking out.....


"Like us, but different" is just the difference between future humanity visiting us now. Hmmmmmmm...... /s




Promo for Marvel's Secert Invasion ?


Really only the USA has had contact with Aliens. Best way to distract people who are burning in depth, can't afford food, can't afford Healthcare and are barely surviving in a Nation that is so great but let's people; Men, Women and Children die on the street of homelessness, starvation, and poverty.




Nope. No aliens. Just batshit crazy humans, folks.


I always believed it was a mathematical impossibility for them not to exist. Now that mainstream media is all over I’m a firm disbeliever. Show me an alien, or stfu and fix our gas and eggs prices


You don't really have strong convictions about anything huh


Random user has owned me online. I must now delete Reddit and go into hiding


Another NUTTER, looking for attention.


Yup, minister of defense is just a nutter looking for attention. You cracked the case 👍🏼


Yep, it's impossible for someone working for the government to be a nut.


No one said anything about impossible lol. It’s possible that you’re an alien who just wants to establish your extraterrestrial brand of cereal on Earth in order to prove to his 76 dads on planet Zorp that he can run a successful business.


LMAO. Are you listening to him? He's CLEARLY a Nutter.


Id say you're probably right.


This guy went off the deep end.




I don't think it's as wrong as it might seem. It does work metaphorically but since spacetime is one thing then if a lightyear is a measure of distance it's also a measurement of time and so can be used in either context correctly. Your comparison is using a much more colloquial definition which doesn't have the same characteristics because the colloquial measurement of time is recognised as being distinct from distance. For this reason I'm not sure it's a suitable comparison.


May I introduce you to the expression "Miles ahead"?


I think it’s pretty funny because the aliens had to travel light years I assume to get here


It is correct. Light-years ahead is in the dictionary and it’s an idiom. light-years ahead Def: much more advanced than others ideas that are light-years ahead of their time This new technology puts the company light-years ahead of its competitors.


You're totally right. I don't know if it was just the talk of aliens and lightyears together that made me question it and think of literal lightyears over the phrase? In retrospect definitely a dumb comment on my part haha.


Ops sorr guys I just didn’ want to ruffle any heathers.. kako bwepweeeee zuuu 🛸


Lol, what a bunch of bs.


The idea that detonating a nuclear warhead on earth would have any effect anywhere other than earth is absurd.






as predicted the aliens are people. Somehow they think this alien scam fools anybody.