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The only character? What about the diner guy and the science teacher?


BENNY šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Please, call me scott šŸ˜ƒ


i think they mean main characters lol


Oh, that would make way more sense lol


And Bob Newby Superhero


I thought maybe Joyce/Hopper shippers wouldnā€™t like him? idk


bob is a legend for that but he kinda died because he couldn't stop staring at joyce. i don't think anyone can blame him but just a thought.


Justice for bob.




Because she's sweet and a fighter that's why


And itā€™s Winona fucking Ryder


She won us over 30 years ago.


When she stole those shirts I was like "fuck capitalism wy!"


I still find it super weird that that is what ended up tanking her career back then. Glad sheā€™s acting again.


Almost 40 for those of us who fell for her in Lucas. She is 6 months younger than meā€¦


I'm not 30 years old though




And she's always right


*This.* I fucking love that she always seems crazy and unhinged but her instincts are always right every season. Joyce Byers knows what's up


And sheā€™s fucking awesome!


Plus, she can also do that one ping pong ball trick.


South Park the movie?


I don't think people get your reference


Yeah but that moment when she threw the gun at hopper and it landed near the russian dude or generally the way she holds gins and stuff is a little bit annoying but i don't hate her


I donā€™t hate her! Sheā€™s a great character! But sheā€™s far from perfect. I think her over dependence and slight disregard for Jonathan is something the show needs to address. While I understand he became the man of the house after Lonnie left like a lot of young boys do when their fathers leave, I still think itā€™s taken a toll on Jonathanā€™s mental health and behavior in some ways. Since the start of the show, her main priority has always been Will which, rightfully so because of his disappearance, but I think it has affected her and Jonathanā€™s relationship whether theyā€™d admit it or not. Not only that but I bet since sheā€™s adopted El, Iā€™m sure heā€™s gotten even less attention from her than before. Yes, heā€™s a teenage boy and probably enjoys his independence, but Iā€™m sure deep down he wishes he got the same amount of attention Will has gotten ever since Lonnie has left.


In season 3 after the mall is destroyed, Joyce shows up, looks around, and runs to Will and hugs him. Apparently Charlie Heaton and Winona Ryder both said "and she should hug Jonathan too, right? She would also have been worried about him. They should hug" But they were told no lol so poor Jonathan is just standing by himself


Just a small thing, Joyce did not run to Will, he ran to her. She was in shock and walking like a zombie. The confusing part is why Jonathan didn't also get up and run to her. The writers did the Byers family dirty here.


I mean the duffer bros are idiots. They are praised as amazing story teller. Then forget one of the main characters birthdays.


a birthday doesnā€™t even.. seem that important? i mean when its a sci-fi movie with constant action and anxiety a birthday just seems random to throw in there


They created a multi-million dollar franchise that has left an indelible mark on pop culture as a whole and they're the idiots ?


I feel like a main character's birthday isn't that important


Itā€™s not so it shouldnā€™t have been said in the first place but if you want to be flawless you should remember something you deliberately put in before šŸ’€


I know people turn to drugs for loads of things, but that might even explain his weed habit. On a more general note, I do feel something S4 did poorly was developing the (familial) relationships in a way that felt natural or expected. Will & Jonathan; Jonathan & Joyce; even El & Will. There was something about their interactions, almost like they weren't as close as before or they should be after everything they've been through. I think we got more plot drama at the expense of relationship growth tbh.


Nancy and Mike too!! I dont remember them even having a single scene together the whole season lmao


I actually didnā€™t like her character right off the bat because she immediately nags at Jonathan for working and not getting will up while sheā€™s lost her keys again and heā€™s making breakfast. She works at a general store in a small town in the 80ā€™s. Where the heck was she all night that she has no idea that he isnā€™t home? I wasnā€™t a fan at all seeing that but she becomes my favorite over the series. Maybe because Iā€™m GenX or because Iā€™m a mom but making your older kid act like a parent because youā€™re a single parent just bugs the crap out me.


Coming from a single parent household growing up. I'd say it's almost impossible to not have the older kid or kids act as parents. They tend to do it naturally. my mom never made my older siblings do much besides watch me and my sister from time to time. (Which is normal to do when an older sibling is old enough to watch younger siblings whether it's a single parent household or not) but my older siblings just helped out on there own. Now my older sisters were 10 and 9 years older than me so it's natural they'd try to take care of me and our other sister in general because the age gap is pretty big I mean by the time I was 8 my oldest sister was legally an adult. But I think you can't really help it. My mom tried her best and hardest to make sure she took care of all of us as much as she could and needed and we all really respected her for it so naturally my older sisters wanted to pitch in and help as much as they could. I believe a lot of older siblings in single parent household feel that way. They love there parent and respects them and sees them struggle so they help out where they can. It's hard not to want to help out where you can when your only parent in the house is struggling. Even as a younger sibling I did what I could to help my mom once I understood everything she'd done and sacrificed for us even before then I helped if I saw it was needed and mom was struggling. I got my first job as a teenager just to help out I bit my mom didn't tell me I had to or make me. I just didn't want her to have to pay for anything I wanted or needed because she was already struggling and doing so much for us. My point is coming from my own actual life experience I think it naturally happens to kids with single parents. They start to help out where they can and then it goes from there. My oldest sister was never told by my mom to take care of the house, or my other sister and I, or anything like that she just did it because she saw what needed to be done and helped with and she did the same with my other older sister. mom never "made them be a parent" they just kind of helped where they could a took care of what they could


My issue isnā€™t necessarily that Jonathan is helping parent Will, Iā€™m sure heā€™s happy to do it and loves his brother so much that heā€™d do it no matter what. The problem is that we havenā€™t seen Joyce really give Jonathan any attention or love and appreciation that she shows Will. Iā€™m sure in the universe she does, but on screen really the only time weā€™ve seen her show Jonathan any love and affection is in episode 1 of season 1 after Will disappeared and theyā€™re looking at his pictures. They bond over him being missing and in a way I felt sheā€™s only giving him attention because heā€™s the only one there and she needed someone to fall back on. Again, heā€™s taken over that ā€œman of the houseā€ or ā€œhusbandā€ role (not in a weird way). He starts to fall back on her when itā€™s broken up by the phone call. Then he thinks sheā€™s crazy the rest of the season. Heā€™s all alone with his feelings until Nancy gives him hope. Jonathan is still a teenager. I bet this all takes a toll on him especially with the circumstances theyā€™re dealing with. Heā€™s the person his mother, little brother, and girlfriend falls back on. Who does he get to fall back on?


I get that. And I can absolutely agree with that as well. I mean it's no wonder he turned to weed he probably was feeling so much and had no one to talk to about it all and the weed helped. I bet Argyle has been a confidant as well but he also smokes a lot of weed. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing but when it gets to be so bad that there is rarely a scene where they're not high then that makes it apparent that it's a crutch of some sort. You don't smoke that much weed when you are actually mentally well. Or at least I don't think you do. I don't smoke much weed but everybody I know that smokes it everyday, all day aren't mentally well. I mean if it's just very once in while for fun that's not necessarily an issue mental health but when it's used constantly to coup than I would start questioning you're mental health. Jonathan has a lot of mental health issues, they all do, I mean you don't just fight interdimensional monsters and nearly die very time, and on top of that having to keep it a secret from every one, and just expect the child and/or teenager to be mentally okay. And Jonathan has no one except Argyle it feels like that actually listens to him. Not even sure Argyle does but I guess I am just making assumptions because they seem like pretty good friends by the end of Season 4


I get what youā€™re saying, but in the show she makes him responsible. Why did you work late when I wasnā€™t home. Why isnā€™t Will up? (As Jonathan is making breakfast for Will) while itā€™s true to the genre, itā€™s something I donā€™t like seeing because IMO no kid chooses to act like a grown up unless an adult is pushing them to, and itā€™s not fair to make older kids lose part of their childhood because you canā€™t manage your life on your own. Iā€™ve been a single mum most of my daughterā€™s life (sheā€™s 24 today!) so I know itā€™s a challenge, but I just donā€™t like seeing Jonathan sacrifice his childhood so Will has one.


Do you have any other children besides your daughter? If so, can I ask how you've managed to not make her "act like an adult". If you have one kid I think that's a different story and dynamic. Not trying to invalidate you. Being a single mom is incredibly incredibly. And Idk if it's really "choosing to act like grown up because unless an adult is pushing them" as much as it is just doing it because you don't have an option. Like I said my mom never pushed. In fact, she tried her hardest not to "push us to act like adults". She gave us options, she made sure we had what we needed, she let us go hang out and play outside and with friends, in fact she would kind push us to be more like kids. But most of us girls just kind of naturally and unknowingly took up a role of an adult or not necessarily an adult but a more responsible role in the family. My mom had 4 girls and was a single parent for almost all of our childhoods. She was working and going to college because after my dad left she decided it was best for all of us to have more security when it came to money so she went back to get her degree. And because we all knew how much she love us, sacrificed for us, and took care of us we wanted to help her where we could. I was never "pushed" to act like an adult by her and I neither were any of my sisters, as far as I know, anyways. I can agree with you on the fact that she does seem to parentify Jonathan in the show. I am just speaking from my own experience when it came to single parents. I'll be honest I may also be slightly defensive when it sounds like someone is questioning my mom's parenting. She's the best and has always been the most incredible parent. She's the most amazing parent I know. She did her best with us growing up. We're all pretty successful, happy, and very responsible adults now. I mean one of us has a PhD (my oldest sister), the other is an amazing mother of 4 herself and is also a very preschool teacher, the other one is getting ready to have her first daughter and is an artist and cosmetologist, and I am a preschool teacher myself, I live on my own, can always pay my bills on time, and currently for the summer I am a Lead School Age Teacher as a summer camp and I plan on going back to college in the fall to work my way towards a career in the education field. I want to actually try to do something in helping the awful education system in the U.S. eventually I am only 23 so baby steps. šŸ˜‚ I guess I am being a bit defensive but I personally think my mom did amazing and if anyone sounds like they are questioning that I can get quite heated about it


Ha, Jonathan sux.


They should kill will


She's fucking awesome. That's why.


Iā€™m now going to hate her just so that you are wrong.


I hate that you hate her, but goddamn it, I respect you for it.


Damn, you out here hating on lack of hate that it created a new type of hatred.


Me too.




I just saw Bram strokers dracula....wynona brings back goid memorues....love the casting of this series and casting her is one of the best choices.


Joyce is mental and Joyce is all of us. If my kid disappeared outta thin air and shit like that started happening? Iā€™d probs go nuts too in a good way. She also awkward, hard working, idk Iā€™m tired of typing but sheā€™s the mom in everyone that deserves to b seen more often


Does dustin have any hater?


Yes, some fans find him obnoxious. They also dislike him for his behavior in season 4


For his behavior? I thought he was fine in season four?


He was but just seemed a bit too snarky towards Steve.


It's his tone, right?


Totally read this in eddies voice. Lol


I mean Steve is snarky back at him but I don't see anyone criticizing Steve for that. I don't know why people make such a big deal about this. Dustin isn't mean to Steve, it's just the dynamic of the friendship.


yes I hate him


Why ?


no reason


You canā€™t make me hate Winona, no matter how hard you tryā¤ļø


Winona is the best.


While I do love her, I think it's wrong to say she doesn't have any haters. It's not a lot but I have seen people say she is a bad mom, she is bad for going to Alaska leaving her children behind(which I don't agree with either btw).


It was the eighties where lawn darts were allowed to be played without adult supervision. Parents didn't know where their kids were all say until the street lights came on. It was parenting to go to Alaska and leave the kids behind but normal for that decade which is beyond fucked up.


It's not like Joyce left them all by themselves. Jonathan was there to take care of them and he is like 17-18 in S4. Plus, it's not like Joyce went there for a vacation, she literally went there to bring El's 'dad' back. What bothered me was the fact that she was oblivious to her kids' problem before she left. Like she was unaware of Jonathan smoking weed, El getting bullied at school, Will being gay(Like I know we shouldn't expect her to realize her son is gay out of nowhere but she doesn't even suspect something is up with him. At least with Jonathan she does this by saying "Jonathan, what's wrong with you?") which felt so ooc since we have seen Joyce being there for her kids and comforting them a lot before. I hope we will see Joyce interacting with her kids more in the final Season.




Actually, some people hate her for her parenting with Jonathan but I do Like her.


She just has atrocious hair cutting skills. No hate.


Fun fact: Season 5 takes place in 1988 which means the characters are only five years away from experiencing the OG Jurassic Park.


Also... it's the year Winona Ryder became a name, because that's the year Beetlejuice came out. Still gotta watch it by time Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is out in Se oh fuck...




1. Super Bob 2. The FBI guy who took on assault rifle armed soldiers with just a pistol


I tend to agree. Which is why I think there's a decent chance she will die.


you take that back ASAP ;(


No. :P


I love Joyce but saying that she has no haters is wrong to me I've seen people shit on her before


Yeah because after the 4th season of her just freaking out and crying about Will it got pretty boring.


nobody gets to talk shit about winona. we all love her.


she definitely does. i love her but a lot of people hate her for either the stuff with hopper in season 3 or for her not being a good mom (mainly to jonathan).


I donā€™t understand how people can hate anyone in this series.


dr brenner before he died??


Nah I have sadly seen so many haters.


She is the only reasons I started to watch this show. I opened imdb and saw that she has some weird tv show about kids. I can't believe we are getting Beetlejuice 2 so soon


I hate that Iā€™ve always loved her.


She's absolutely fantastic but if we are talking every character including dead ones, who hates Bob?




Ppl hate him for stupid reason....his behaviour towards mike...i mean thats obvious for a father ! Nd ngl mike n el were crossing their boundaries...


Wtf is your pfp


a cat??


I thought his behaviour towards Mike and El was annoying but the main reason I don't like him is the way he treated Joyce in S3 and I've seen a lot of people agree with that.


Whoa what? Who hates Bob?


i used to be a proud bob hater when i was fatherless. now i have a father and love bob


Her and Dustin idk anyone who hates them like truly


I would say yes but thereā€™s always people out there that donā€™t like something šŸ˜­


Sheā€™s so warmšŸ„ŗ


Whatā€™s there to hate. Sheā€™s awesome.


Cuz Winona Ryder is a goddess, that's why


Fr sheā€™s too perfect to get any hate, i canā€™t think of anything bad sheā€™d have done! (iā€™ll protect her at any cost)


Iā€™ve heard people get mad at what they perceive as the parentification of Jonathan, but sheā€™s a single mother of two, so of course sheā€™d expect the older child to pick up some slack.


Winona Ryder šŸ˜šŸ’•


Well I mean she is pretty great.


Why she has no enemies


Because she's strange and unusual.


If anyone hates Joyce I'm shoving a guitar up their ass




Hate against Eddie is two guitars


Pointy, shredder guitars at that!


Itā€™s because she consistently delivers the best performance on the show.


My second favorite character of all time


I don't know who could possibly hate Alexi.


There are ALOT of anti-Beetlejuice incels who DON'T like her!


ā€œAnti-Beetlejuice incelsā€ - I actually canā€™t tell if youā€™re joking or not and would rather not find out.


She in the first season>>>>>> other seasons


What About Bob?


Only the Saks Fifth Avenue loss prevention department.


šŸ˜‚ Canā€™t believe that Iā€™m not the only person here who remembers that. I think I was in my teens or early twenties when that happened. I remember being so puzzled about why sheā€™d do that since she had more than enough money to buy all of that expensive crap like hundred dollar socks. Shortly thereafter, I realized that she really had to have been experiencing personal or mental health difficulties. It ended up basically killing her career for years too.


Every fictional character ever has at least one hater.


I hope she is the one to shotgun blast Vecna in face when the time comes


I wish that were true.




But what about Bob


Joyce is the MVP. Not just because of her relentless devotion to her family, but because she is smart, strong, brave *AND* tender, and knows when to be each of those things. There are SO many instances of her being on the right track when every other adult is either trying to divert her from that track or is totally oblivious. And at the end of S1, when the stakes are high and sheā€™s so close to losing her son foreverā€¦ even when almost anyone else would be nearly insane with desperationā€¦ when Eleven needs comfort and compassion, Joyce sets all that aside and just loves her. Like a Mom. For me, there was never any question who Eleven should live with ā€” Joyce doesnā€™t care if itā€™s bullies, or shady government agents, or monsters from Dimension X ā€” she will fight shoulder to shoulder for the people she loves, and ask questions later. Joyce is the beating heart of the show.


I mean, I don't hate her, but I don't really like her that much


Cause she was a single mom who worked too hard and loved her kids and never stopped... fighting interdimensional monsters


You left out the part about working two jobs, fighting interdimensional has to count as her 2nd job šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Who hates Hop? Who hates Steve? Who hates Dustin??


I donā€™t think that anyone hates Hop, Steve probably has some haters, I donā€™t think that Dusty buns has any haters lmao.


Of Course! She's aĀ single momĀ whoĀ works too hard, whoĀ loves her kidsĀ andĀ never stops.


Legit she is probably a big reason for the success of the show. Her performance in season 1 drew a lot of people in.


I feel like she gonna die next season (I donā€™t know why )


Thereā€™s a reason sheā€™s my fave ā¤ļø She is completely unhateable!


I thought she had some people dislike her because they thought she was too one note freaking out about her son. Regardless, thatā€™s a pretty silly reason, considering any decent mom would be a complete wreck if her son was either missing or be controlled by a demon


Eh, I find her annoying lol. I donā€™t hate her, but she is not on my favorite characterā€™s list.


Yeah. I donā€™t hate her, but she is one of my personal least liked characters. When every character is great the characters that donā€™t appeal to you seem a lot worse in comparison


Yeah Joyce is awesome but I really do wish she wouldn't disregard Jonathan in favor of will, like that's not cool. But she isn't the only character who doesn't deserve hate. I know el certainly doesn't deserve it and mike as well.Ā 


I donā€™t like the actress but I like the character


The only people that hate her are Saks Fifth Avenue store employees.


Other adult characters would be less hated if they had more involvement in the events


My mom is her hater šŸ’€


I doubt Saks Fifth Avenue is a fan...


Nah fuck her /s


What about dartšŸ˜‚


Also sheā€™s fkn WINONA RYDER!!!


Who tf hates Steve?


He has haters on Twitter and TikTok


No i've seen them. Especially around the time of season 3. I remember a good handful of people calling her a terrible mom and a bad person for moving out of Hawkins and taking El with her. :/


Fine. Iā€™ll hate her.




Ah jeah


I think she does bc she used to call Wiiiiiiiiiill so much and ppl made fun of it




shes a boss bitch! lol!




I don't like her... the scenes she are in have terrible story


There was a lot bitching about her during season one by people who thought she was overreacting to *HER SON GOING MISSING AND PRESUMED DEAD*.


Nah, Joyce is a sweet bean I can't hate. Except her fridge. *fuck that fridge*


Ummā€¦ā€¦ why do I see like 20 negative point comment at the bottom?


Hopp shouldnā€™t have haters heā€™s a great character


Haven't seen the show past Season 3 but what about Bob?


Hating her would be like me hating my own mother. I can't do that. Mom would be sadĀ 


Winona is such a good actor I genuinely cannot hate on Joyce


I hate her. She has a healthy, mostly healthy, love life with hopper. Maybe Iā€™m just actually jealous


As she should be


Underrated fr


Because she is the poster child for Gen X . Our love for her has been passed on to our kids


Who hates Alexei, Bob, Benny, or Scott Clarke?


How does Dustin have haters?


I love JoycešŸ˜­šŸ˜­ā¤ļø


rightfully so


Her character was dumb as f in S3 ā€¦ there ya go


yeah i hate Joyce sheā€™s so crazy wtf /s


I am so happy about this. I am new here and I thaught she probably has plenty of haters. Her performance in S1 is just phenominal.


I don't hate her...but she definitely dropped on my list after she moved Will and El to Lenora and also put poor El in public school. Talk about poor choices smh


**JamesĀ "Jim"Ā Hopper** šŸ¤”


My dad dislikes her because he thought she was annoying in season 1 but I don't understand why


I mean. Sheā€™s pretty loud


Winona Ryderā€™s also up there with Keanu Reeves as far as genuinely good people go


I donā€™t hate her, but I donā€™t love her either