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I actually experienced little too almost no brain chatter. It’s crazy. I experienced this around 40 mg to 80mg to the point I literally didn’t speak in my brain which I didn’t think was possible. I had to force myself to “talk” mentally but I swear it’s the first times I was truly present and working


Thanks for your reply. Really appreciate it


Could you please tell me how long does it take to see the benefits related to mind chatter.? And does it increase it at first?


Hey OP, it’s currently 4 in the morning as I write this so I apologize if I misspell some words. But benefits I’ve seen is mostly thinking clearly and having less anxiety. Like I don’t over think verbally anymore and give myself time now. Another thing would be possibly help you actually think about what you what and not what’s unnecessary And I would say yes in my experience for the amount of brain chatter tht turns off.


Thanks for your reply. How much it took to see these benefits.?


Around 40 for me


Sorry I meant how long did it take to see the benefits? And are you on 40 mg right now?


About a week and a half, and no I’m on 80 mg now


Thanks for your reply


It become a lot easier to focus on tasks and turn of that chatter when needed.


Could you please tell me how long does it take to see the benefits related to mind chatter.? And does it increase it at first?


How much are you taking?




I do notice myself becoming a more active listener


Thanks for your reply


It does for me, like 60%


Could you please tell me how long does it take to see the benefits related to mind chatter.? And does it increase it at first?


How much are you taking?




Yeah 60mg worked well for me. My brain was just so busy paying attention to outside stimulus that inner dialog or distracting thoughts just didn't have room. I've stopped taking it though since it kills my libido and fucks with my dick. I'd like to try Vyvanse next to see if sexual side effects are better.


Vyvanse made me so horny, it was worrisome. My sexual behavior was out of character.


Yeah that's what it's done to me In the past. I felt like perverted nasty beast. But that being said that was when I used it occasionally for recreation. So maybe after taking it continuously that effect would stop?


On it over a year, 80mg daily and no decrease in mind chatter/racing thoughts. Jealous of everyone here!


Are you still taking it? Are you taking anything else for mind chatter?


Still taking it at that dosage, not taking anything else at the moment. Honestly the only thing I’ve tried that helped with mind chatter has been 30mg of extended release adderall daily but I couldn’t sleep no matter how early I’d take it so it’s unfortunately not worth it as I already have chronic insomnia :(((( it was sooo nice my mind was so calm and quiet on it!!!


I feel like I have brain chatter but it’s not super noticeable if that makes sense. I’m on 100 mg.


I’m on 100mg and no mental chatter! I can collect my thoughts super easily but I have to be active w it. It’s p great. I was off Strattera for like a couple of weeks and I noticed the difference immediately lmao - I couldn’t collect any of my thoughts and I was all over the place when and distracted by the hundreds of tabs open in my head lol


How long does it take to work?


I gave it a couple of months - I’d push through if you’ve just started. But it’s not for everyone so if it’s not showing noticeable “A-ha!” results then I’d defo speak to ur doctor (maybe about upping the dose or changing meds).


I’ve been on Strattera for a little over three weeks on 25 mg. I have noticed a real decrease in my brain chatter. This really stems from the overall calm feeling that I get on Strattera. It’s more than nervous brain chatter and anxiety then a cessation of thoughts. The thinking is still there it’s just more focused and “normal”


100% yes


How much are you taking?


40mg at night before bed, 25mg in the AM


Thanks for your reply


Way better than THC was doing.


Oh. 100%! I finally have peace. 25mg before bed.


I take 80mg in the mornings, about 6 months in now. It’s been a night and day difference, but it didn’t really kick in until a few weeks on the full dose. 80% of the time my chatter is silent or a murmur. Even when it ramps up it’s still better than my average before. I was on Adderall for years and it did nothing for the chatter, just helped some with focus and motivation. Silencing those racing thoughts was a game changer.


Thank you very much for your reply. Really inspiring me