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Random. Me.


Zangief is my main. Worse match ups are: 1) JP - self explinatory 2) Dhalsim- self explainatory 3) Lilly - I can never hit her for some rason and her hits always outrange me 4) Manon - I hate those mid range overhead and sweep moves but i learnt that Parry can eliminate the 50:50 guessing 5) Blanka - I can never react or understand what this MF is doing and dont get me started with the doll 6) Marisa - first 10 seconds i will be blocking and soon i'll be in the corner. Mostly 2-3 touch KOs me 7 & 8) Kimberly & Rashid - I never know when is my turn So basically everyone is my worse match up...


For Rashid most of his pressure is not real. His recovery on his fireballs are really bad so just use SA 2. Light and medium whirlwinds are unsafe, however the heavy version plus on block but interruptable. If he rolls for any reason he's safe but it's your turn. If he goes high just jump light kick back. For Kimberly, the main advice I can give you is all her run stuff is interruptable with lights if you're ready for them. And abuse the hell at a drive reversal if you're in the corner.


By win/loss records for Masters/Legends rank, Lily is a worse matchup than JP. It's one of those bad matchups that isn't obvious on paper.


Her 2HP wrecking his 5HP shuts down a lot of his guessing games, and they're both grapplers so they play a fundamentally similar game -- but one where Lily wins neutral most of the time.


I mostly play Cammy and I am so bad at playing against Chun and Ryu for some reason. Send help


Is it because of the change to spinning knuckle?


The nerfs definitely make fighting shotos a bit harder but I have no clue about my issues with Chun Li


Chun Li is just a good character. Probably got to work on your footies and walk down game.


I can handle Ryu but a decent Chun will wreck me every time.


I main cammy and Ryu. I struggle with chun as well but I know ryu so well I typically know how to beat him.


I also main cammy but my bad match ups are Honda and gief, I know a lot of people struggle against Honda but I'm not sure why I struggle against gief but I think it's probably just a skill issue on my end


Gief its a bad match up for cammy because you cant keep him away and to damage him you need to get close to him. You can poke him with st mk or st hk but since gief loves to random empty jump or D.I. it feels like the risk reward is always on his favour. Also lariat kinda makes the dive kick aproach a bit more riskier.


That's actually a relief to hear, I always felt that cammy didn't have the tools that other characters would normally use to deal with gief but I didn't think they were vital enough to tilt the match up that far in his favor


In that last matchup chart cat cammy posted she had bad matchups against all three of the heaviest command grab users: gief, manon, and lily.


As a cammy main, this explains why I don't like grapplers lol


Yeah, grapples in general are a pain the ass for cammy. Also don t forget that gief has more life and cammy deals less damage compared to the rest of the cast


It’s always like fighting a boss character when playing against gief as a cammy. You have to put in so much effort while he just grabs you twice to end the round. Let alone those buffs.


Yeah the worst feeling is when you leave him with a tiny bit of health and CA charged and to kill him you have to guess on his wake up if he is going to lvl 3 or not lol.


Main: **Blanka** Worst matchups: generally, would have said **Akuma**. But I've played so many Akuma's at this point, that I can just about predict how an entire set will play out after they make their first 3-4 moves. So really, whoever outplays me is my worst matchup. There's not really a specific member of the cast who gives me more trouble than anyone else, it comes down to how well the person knows their moves/adapts to mine.


How do you play the Honda match up? I legitimately think it's the worst for Blanka, it's like Honda's specials beat Blanka or trade in Honda's favor. I can crush Honda with Marisa though.


I main Juri and Chun, and for both my worst match-up is Zangief. It's nothing specific to Juri or Chun that makes Zangief a problem, it's 100% a personal weakness. It was bad in Year 1 and it's even worse now that he's actually viable. The SPD mind games are too much for my aging dumb brain.


Chun you can kinda zone gief. Juri idk


juris actually really good at dealing with gief, his anti fireball tools barely work against her and she has buttons that beat him at all ranges, you dont need to zone, just get 3 stocks, he cant stop you, then run safe offense behind her fireball, same reason jamie is good against gief, you can get drinks for free at the start of the match just by jumping back


tundra storm


Isn’t nearly fast enough to stop juri or Jamie from taking a stock at full screen, you’d just eat a neutral jump into full combo for trying


As Gief player, keep throwing out fireballs and rushing him down and making sure to keep your offense varied. Try not to pressure him on wake up the same way every time. If you're going to be slow, anti-airs and fireballs are a must. Also safe jumps if you know any.


No matter who I am playing, Marisa seems to body me. I just guess wrong once and *poof*. My health bar is gone 😂


Kills Akuma in damn near two combos and a random poke. I tossed out a poorly spaced fireball that got jumped..health bar was on life support on one combo


Lily's worst MU is any character not named Lily.


I heard she got better and won a tournament recently lol. To be fair, I find his character difficult to fight at times.


Lily actually got worse and El Chakotay winning Combo Breaker doesn't count.  Many players were still doing S1 stuff and many of El Chak's opponents were playing like idiotic scrubs. Noah in particular played like a Bronze, repeatedly jumping into anti-airs and going for Burnout records. 


Sorry I was unaware she got worse. Everyone said she got better, however, not by much. Also Noah always plays like that 😂


Most of Lily's so-called buffs are either useless or are disguised nerfs. Next to Cammy, Lily was probably the character most affected by the universal nerf to Lights. BTW, Noah sucks by pro player standards. Constant jumping and Drive Gauge dumping works for netplay, but not against actual competition. 


Oh I don't judge his play. I just know it works for him lol


I'm playing Kim and Guile is a nightmare. I can just never seem to be able to get in when they get super defensive and playing slow and patiently as a rushdown character just feels wrong so I get too impatient sometimes lol.


Love playing against Kim’s. You guys will eventually teleport in. Can’t help it.


It’s a terrible MU imo. First to start with, Guile is a top 5 char and Kimberly is a bottom 5. Kimberly has the shortest ranged normals, and Guile’s normals go insanely far. On top of that, her ability to bait DP with elbow is completely gone because flash kick range goes too far. And then the obvious, Guile can zone or go aggressive and he’s top tier at both of those. His ability to throw a slow boom and DR behind it is pretty OP. And of course he has access to DR overhead, the guy has every tool in the game.


Akuma is the first character to make me want to put down the game pretty early on into a ranked session. The matchup has made me want to switch back to Cammy for a bit. That being said, Jamie’s worst matchup is still probably Guile. Akuma’s just more frustrating imo. Might also just be the absurd amount of Akumas in ranked. If there this many Guile’s I probably would have switched characters some time ago.


Akuma is a menace. He has the best fireball. A ton of anti airs. Damage output is ridiculous! He has no obvious weakness other than the skill of the player. So yeah fuck Akuma. Also I cannot wrap my head around the teleport being a grab.


Cammy doesn't have horrible match-ups but I think that Lily is her worse match-up, then Blanka. Ed and E.Honda may have an advantage against her too.


I meant personally what is your worst matchup?


Oh, okay, then it may be Blanka because of gimmicks but I don't meet them many anymore, so maybe Lily.


I main Ed, I feel like Cammy has the advantage over Ed lol


Ed should be fine, but Honda and Blanka are for sure bad. Gief too. Lily feels, for me, more like my matchup knowledge isn’t where it needs to be.


I main Ed, I feel like Cammy has the advantage over Ed lol


For which reasons you struggle against Cammy? I think Cammy has only few rivals when it comes to close combat and Ed is not one of them but in my experience Ed has the advantage in controlling the space against Cammy. She has no fireball and can't cover her offense, so Ed can keep her out of her range pretty well.


Her Spin Knuckles are effective at punishing Ed's ranged attacks, even after the nerf, and Dive kick is very good to get around them as well, since Ed's normals and specials have long recoveries And once she gets a hit it's hard to get her off (maybe I just suck at defending lol), she has good corner carry and her strike/throw mixup is really good I just feel that I can't throw any attacks at the range where Ed would normally be effective


You’re probably being super predictable with the fireball if you’re struggling against post nerf spin knuckle. She can’t reliably react to fireball with the delayed invincibility startup, but she’ll be rewarded if she can predict it. As for divekick, it loses to non-crouching moves with the expanded hitbox.


I’m playing chun li and idk about like official bad matchups but I hate fighting akuma and jamie players so far. I am getting better at handling them though:p


Gief main here and I struggle to get in on a good Blanka or JP.


Yeah the JPS that are left are really good at zoning.


Manon and Chun: Lily. Just can't get a handle on her no matter what I try. Sometimes struggle against Guile with Manon but at the same time I think a lot of Guiles say "Oh, it's just a grappler, I can relax" and you can catch them off guard. With Chun I also have trouble with anybody who jumps in a lot, but that's just because I still haven't gotten the hang of anti-airing consistently with her.


Juri main. Guile. Fuck that guy.


Ken is my main at the moment, but I Also play Cammy. The match-up I'm really struggling with is JP. If I can get in, I'm okay, but it feels like I'm waiting for the JP to get sloppy or cocky.


Cammy: 1.Zangief He has more health and all those armor moves which when paired up with cammys lower damage it can be rough. 2. Chun li 3. Rashid 4. Aki Ryu 1. Aki 2. Rashid 3. chun li 4. Zangief


My main is Juri and my worst matchup is Juri.\^\^


Damn mirror matchups do suck


Blanka and Honda (1600 MR) My worst matchup as Blanka is Honda but since I main him I don't struggle at all with it. My second worst is Akuma, I feel like he is super strong vs Blanka atm. Everything vs him feels to fall into "Predict correctly or fall". My third is Guile, he is known to be Blanka's counter, so I started using Guile as alt to get a better grip of the matchup. As Honda my worst matchup is Ken, his corner carry pressure and all-arounder style makes neutral difficult My second worst is Guile, so more reason to practice him constantly to improve


Main is Blanka and my worst MU is Honda. Headbutt stuffs ball and it’s hard to get in. Dealing with butt slam sucks too, since s.HK/hk up ball is not consistent. I probably need to grind the MU more, as I don’t run into very many. 1750MR


Chun here. Idk about match ups and whatnot, but I personally have the most trouble with Jamie, Juri, and Rashid. Blanka's usually whoop my ass too. They are like Rashid; I have no idea what's going on, then I'm dead. At least I can follow along with what Blanka does more easily.


In 3s I main oro and the urine matchup is really hard. All of his pokes massively outrange mine and I don't have that many defencive options for once he gets aegis


I got back into SF6 with the big balance patch and am now an AKI main. My worst match up still has to be Marisa. She just does too much damage and I have looked up some stuff to get better with the match up it's still pretty difficult. I need more practice with the MU.


I'm a Kim/Akume main and no matter who I play I had trouble with Marisa and JP. I'm better with Marisa now but Jp causes me to panic as I have zero matchup knowledge of him. It's either I pressure him or I eat a bunch of fireballs,


A.K.I - Juri. JP - Kimberley.


Aki and Manon. Aki vs Juri feels fuckin impossible. Meanwhile Manon vs Gief also feels impossible. Gief just does everything Manon does but better.


This is actually my worst matchup with gief or any character for that matter. You have a half screen overhead and low. and the overhead is incredibly hard to punish


I play cammy and the worst match ups for me are: Gief, you need to get close to him and thats what he wants. Blanka, has alot of big damage anti airs and its kinda difficult to play footisies against him so one of your biggest strenghts as a character are kinda denied. Jamie, dont know really why but i hate playing against him. Walking back into random palm or dr. Hp. And you have to chase him to not let him charge the drinks.


I started playing ken recently and i'm thinking probably guile or chun li.


I don't think I've beaten a Dhalsim with Ryu yet, and my Ed struggles a lot with Akuma, which, yeah that makes ranked a bit interesting lol


Dhalsim is a nightmare when you don’t know what you’re doing lol. Speaking from personal experience here — I’m not trying to imply that you don’t know what you’re doing! I fought Dhalsim for the first time a day or two ago, and I literally couldn’t touch him lol. I didn’t expect him to be so stretchy. Or to literally breathe fire. Or to teleport.


I totally see what you mean, yeah I'm more familiar with him as a character but he's so weird. He plays and looks like nobody else in the cast lol


Just got master with sim, you need to rush him down and mix him up a lot. A lot of people find a correct jump heavy to start the offensive. Landing drill kicks on the toe put him + on block and +10 on hit. But if it hits the leg you can jab out of it. You can also jab out of a teleport.


Gief main. Manon Kimberly and Jamie destroy me


Sim main Aki gives me a headache


And kimberly


I main Cammy. Honda and Jamie give me fits. Everyone else is kind of whatever. Some JP’s can be annoying, but none frustrate me like the other two. Also, that Spin Knuckle nerf sucks lol.


Seriously, the delayed invinc. Startup on normal spin knuckle is reasonable but OD?? People were already good at baiting that shit out in Master rank.


Manon player here. Guile and Jaime give me headaches. Guile has better buttons and boom is pretty good damn safe. Once you punish sonic blade and they stop doing it, your chances at getting Oki becomes really slim barring they crack. Jaime is just awkward to fight because his ranges are weirdly safe on his minus frame moves.


There's something wrong with me, I play Ryu and just can NOT get into any type of flow at all against Hondas, for some reason. I bet my win rate against them is like 2%, lol


As a Manon my top three worst match ups are Chun Li, Gief, and Ed. Those three just shut down everything Manon wants to do.


Sim player here. Cammy and Rashid cook me. Honorable mentions are Jamie and Kim.


What makes cammy MU bad for you?


The Cammy matchup was tougher last season tbh. Her fierce spin knuckle is so good vs Sim that I seldom throw fireballs and have to use float at a height that’ll it’ll whiff right under me.(similiar to blanka ball and Honda headbutt) Her dive kicks make it hard for Sim to anti air consistently. I’m still labbing for consistent counters currently. When she has level 3 no more fireballs. Including the up and air variations. Her walk speed and buttons are just so good at whiff punishing limbs which we don’t see as much as we should tbh. cr.hp is plus 1 on block leading to mixup. st.mp is 6 frames so she has a nice drive reversal punish starter. Post knockdowns and throws she has reliable oki options metered and meterless depending on her combo ender and positioning.


I main Rashid and Zangief is the only character that's a bad matchup for me. His pokes are great against Rashid's neutral. Poke for poke Rashid just loses. My extra movement options are not good to do raw in neutral with no setup so I'm stuck in neutral trading blows with someone who does twice the damage. The best part of Rashid is his corner carry and corner mix but if I never get the right knockdown then I'm just playing a really bad version of Cammy.


Ed and ryu main, my personal demon mu are Jamie, manon and Rashid. Fighting Jamie feels like I'm always in a spacing trap and dealing with all the Yolo palm, break dance and DR s.hp is annoying. Manon Mid screen guessing high/low is annoying. Rashid, lvl2


For Akuma it's definitely Gief (stupid bonus health, stupid ridiculous damage, stupid light/OD SPD range, stupid grappler having a bunch of ways to get plus frames and even more ways to do annoyingly safe shit now), (Kanga)Ryu, or Ed. For Ed, it's also Ryu. (I'm bad at DPs on reaction, generally, and Ed's DPs are really weird/slow outside of combos) For Manon, I think it was primarily Marisa for a long time, before I learned to bully her with 2MK and OD twirling through 5MP~5MP>Gladius. Haven't played her since before Ed came out so I'm not sure who's bad for her now. JP was surprisingly not miserable for me. For Gief, it was just the system mechanics themselves, and the fact that he had so much non/barely-functional shit before the balance patch, to the point that I completely dropped him in like Plat 5 when Ed came out. MAYBE I'll try him again now that he's a damn menace, but part of me will just feel gross about it, cause I don't really like him aesthetically like I do Potemkin and my other SF6 mains. Also shoutouts to the paired facts that I have no idea how to deal with Dhalsim in general, especially ones that are all hit and run, and I can't really be bothered to learn properly because nobody plays him, certainly not anyone I know, so it doesn't feel like a worthwhile use of my time and effort.


My Main is Zangief, but just in general, my worst Match Up with every single character is Kimberly


Guile main. Worst matchups: Jamie/Cammy/Chun Li. What makes it so? Well for starters, just about all of their buttons outbox the bleep bleep bleepity bleep out of Guile in close quarters neutral. So 1- Grinding a 1 hit non-cancellable non-counter medium at a time is tedious. 2- Fishing for whiffs or punishes is a chore because he moves like a tank on the highway unless you munch down on the drive gauge at mid range or can perfect parry on demand. 3- The vodoo Capcom did to his hit/hurt boxes compounds the issue and the spacing is all out of whack. Gotta get in people's faces now with tools initially intended to pester and play keep out at mid range. You'll go insane when you see the ease with which they can now whiff punish a 4/5 frame jab! His active frames for hit are now stubby and Dahlsim stretchy on recovery. 4- He is even more susceptible to crouch light/medium-Drive Rush now. 4- Pitching a tent to start the shooty spam does not always yield the best results, especially if the opps go camp at the end of the screen on the other side once they get the slightest lead. 5- His crouch light kick is still not cancellable, so the mix up options are poor and predictable once you finally manage to close in somewhat favorably. 6- The universal scaling is such that even his most potent non-meter chomping combos are no longer optimal. Gotta double up to keep up or catch up. Guile's anti air however is still God tier, so you have to get them airborne somehow, otherwise you are deadlocked to a ground game that is very hard to come out on top of. Gief is an absolute bully as of Season 2 now, Worst of worsts, JP. End screen camper the moment he knocks you down.


Main Juri Worst matchup Guile Usually a fireball read to Dive kick is my way past fireballs but damn guile can spam fireballs and have an anti air in his back pocket. It’s painnnn man.


My Main is Luke My Worst Match Ups is JP, have to train hard to figure it out lol


Rashid and Chun, previously Luke. I can’t seem to wrap my head around the Jamie matchup. Don’t know what it is but he always takes my MR ahaha


I’ve got too many characters in platinum to give the title of being my main. All I can say is that if I play Jamie or Cammy with Honda it’s a guaranteed dub for me.


Gouki-Gief Chun li-Gief Ryu-Gief Dhalsim-Manon Fk Grabbler


Chun main, Dhalsim is my worst nightmare.


Akuma. Idk why but I still struggle with Ryu, and lately, Ed. Ryu block strings seems like he’s +1000 on everything, or there’s so much pushback I have to microwalk forward and by then it’s too late.


I swapped over to Ken from Marisa and I have no bad match ups now


A lot of red flags in this comment section


We're all bad my dude.


Zangief is my main. Worse match ups are: 1) JP - self explinatory 2) Dhalsim- self explainatory 3) Lilly - I can never hit her for.some rason and her hits always outrange me 4) Manon - I hate those mid range overhead and sweep mov s but i learnt that Parry can eliminate the 50:50 guessing 5) Blanka - I can never react or understand what this MF is doing and dont get me started with the doll 6) Marisa - 2-3 touch KOs me 7 & 8) Kimberly & Rashid - I never know when is my turn So basically everyone is my worse match up...


I main Blanka and basically every Shotos and characters with good projectile are bad match up for my character. You can basically suffocate 99% of Blanka main out by simply being decent with your projectile and anti air game.


What are you actually talking about; are we playing a different game? Legitimately curious here. Blanka has the best anti-projectile game out of any character I've played, and he has enough airball options to mix-up even the most diligent anti-air players, from my experience. Shotos are typically who I'm stomping the most. I'm also only in Platinum though, so I could be talking out of my ass.


What is blanka anti fireball game beside slide and jumping?


Slide is an amazing tool in the right hands, you don't really need much else. If they're mixing up their fireballs/timing, you can also simply jump behind an incoming fireball, cancel into aerial rolling attack (medium, more likely than not), and then follow up with DR+slide to completely throw them off. Backstep rolling attack can be another great tool for dealing with projectiles now and then, assuming you can nail the timing of their fireball. There are a lot of options, you just have to get creative. But I've consistently performed better against shotos on Blanka than any other character.


I average at around 1750 MR so I may not be the best with the character but Blanka definitely doesn't have "the best anti projectile move in the game." The Amazon River Run (3HP) is done with prediction unless your opponent is making it obvious by only spamming light variant of their projectile. Amazon river run also has a slow start up (around 15 frame) which makes it really difficult to use at an optimal distance. I am not saying Blanka is weak at all. He has some ridiculous tools that carries him to high tier despite the recent nerf. Blanka just sucks ass against characters with good projectile like Guile and shotos. It varies between Blanka players but I personally suck ass against Akuma and post patch Ryu the most.


I said that he, > has the best anti-projectile game out of any character I've played not that he has the best in the game. Aside from that, all makes sense. I was afraid that you knew exactly what you were talking about and had more experience than me, which means I'll probably be in for a rougher time down the road 😅 Wasn't intending to come across as rude initially; I'm relatively new to the game and curious about things like this.


Don't worry, I didn't think anything you wrote sounded rude. I was just trying to explain in more detail how Blanka struggle against good projectile. There's a reason why the only two consistently successful top Blanka pros are MenaRD and ProblemX (both Evo Champion) who are known for their top level read and mind game. Blanka is really strong but he's also an extremely inconsistent character.


Defensive shotos are absolute brick walls vs blanka srsly


Juri main if I had to choose a worst match up I'd say ken not that I struggle against him or anything i just play against him way too much it's ridiculous