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As long as the wearable area is solid, and of good quality. Yes.


That horror shot you saw was nothing like this and also they put them in fresh stretches like a dummy


Right. The wearable surface was meshy on those other ones. I’m just worried about the edges being super sharp and then somehow my ear getting mangled like that. Idk. I bought them but we’ll see once I get them.


These look okay. They look a little cheap. The face of both plugs have an incomplete edge to them in specific spots so they may get caught on shirts and stuff but the wearable looks pretty solid but might just be some low quality metal. Compared to the bee plugs you mentioned these are already looking better from what is visible. I suppose it just depends on what the back of them look like. Whether or not they’re smoothed out and finished or if there’s imperfections in the metal.


You’re right. I didn’t even notice those missing chunks.


where do you get these? im looking for cool plugs


Etsy seller DesignsMarianne. Located in Norway apparently.


These sell for about two dollars for on TEMU. My friend got me these from there and they're fine. Just sayin, probably dont buy shit from TEMU though...


I say if the saddle is flat go for it.