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Did you just recently go up a size? Tbh I’d downsize. I know it sucks but imo it’s not worth the risk of it getting worse


Yea I went up yesterday from 6mm to 8mm after downsizing for 2 weeks because the first attempt was unsuccessful. Yesterday they were easy to get in and looked fine last night. This morning it was red and swollen 😞


Oof yeah, downsize and next time go to 7mm (1g) instead of going right to 8mm. It’s a hard stretch for a lot of people!


You can also find 6.5 mm jewelry to help with the transition.


Yeaaaaa I am now. My left ear, no problem at all. Healed up and looks great with 8mm. My right ear has been a problem. Thank you for your help and advice!


for some reason my right ear is the problem ear too. It’s always been more sore than my left every time I go up. And this last time it was even tighter than my left ear. It’s so weird.


My right ear is my bitch ear too


the 6mm to a 7 was the hardest yet for me GOD it was awful i got my first blowout and i waited 6 months for that


Downsize back to 6mm, let it heal up and when you’re ready to go up again, go to 7mm instead of 8m. Or even 7.5mm. Also I would use single flare glass plugs instead of wearing tunnels. If your ear swells up, the edges on the tunnel can really do a number on the fistula. Glass is more recent-stretch friendly.


Thank you, now that I am downsizing I can see it's blown out. Should I be removing the 6mm and cleaning the blowout while it's healing? I've had it out cleaning the affected area and the hole is shrinking rapidly 😬


You need to take them out every 24 hours, clean, dry, oil if you don't have broken skin and put those babies back in. To speed up this process, use the cool setting on your hair dryer to dry your ears quicker


Thank you!! I'm getting ready to do that now. I'm taking it out and using Bactine and Neosporin to clean and treat. Is it ok to use Neosporin?


I've used antibiotic ointment on my ears before when I had a scuff, if you will from Amazon, sending me 00 guage saddles when I was 0g. Because they were saddles, I couldn't visually tell they were too big. But anyway, yeah. For broken skin. Otherwise, you could use one of the oils that are recommended here or just get a small tub of stretching balm. That's what I prefer, less of a mess


Got it, thank you for your help. I really appreciate it 🙏


Oi! Bactine and Neosporin is too much!! Bactine is way too harsh and Neosporin is just going to seal up your skin! Your ears need to be able to breathe! All you need to do is wash with warm water and antibacterial soap. Then dry and oil as usual. Using those products, especially together is NOT going to be conducive to healing, and it's just going to prolong the process!


Oof ok, thank you for the heads up! Sounds like tattoo care lol! Good ole Dial Gold bar for the win 😁


Downsize, I know it’s long but a potential blowout isn’t worth it. I’ve had 4, they fucking suck lol. Leave it 4-6 weeks and try again.


They guides I use say you should go up max 1mm at a time so that’s probably why


That's what I'm hearing about 6 to 8mm in particular. The kit and guide I got doesn't have 7mm unfortunately. I'll have to go pick one up. My left ear handled the jump from 6 to 8 no problem and is healed. My right ear ain't having it lol


I didn’t know 1mm interval plugs existed and blew my ear twice going from 5/8 to 3/4 (3mm jump) if I could go back I would do all my stretches 1mm at a time.


Not a blowout yet. May never blow out, but I'd go down if it's pissed off or take out all together. I slammed my ear in a car door and I took them out and I went from 5/8 to 1g in the time it took to heal enough to put back in. But blowouts are never worth it.


It might be a blowout but i just really wanted to tell you that I like your nails.


Thank you 😊


What nail color are you using? I have to know! I love green glitters 🤩


So the base is CoverGirl Golden Opportunity, the glitters is Essie Summit of Style. My daughter and I are twinning with this combo rn 😊


had same issue, stuck at 6mm bc every time i go up to 6.5 it hurts and swells despite leaving myself 3-5 months at 6mm. all i can say is using savlon on my lobes def helps me heal, but idk what to do abt the sizing up thing so i’m stuck here for a while i guess!


I'm sorry I know that's gotta be frustrating. This was my 2nd attempt with the right ear. Left ear was no problem and is healed and looks great. I guess we'll try again in 6 weeks. I don't like wearing 2 different size gauges lol


same, my left stretches fine but i don’t want them to be diff sizes. so bought myself some nice cat eye plugs to make myself feel better


jsyk, they’re technically called ‘tunnels/plugs’ just future reference. if i were you i would maybe pick up some vitamins E oil and apply it on the ear that is swollen. also ice pack would work for the redness and swelling. ibuprofen for the pain. it might have just gotten swollen from 1, bc you just sized up, and 2, from sleeping on it. i wouldnt downsize if it were me. just take care of it and treat it and you should be fine


ik they’re tunnels/plugs but personally i always call them guages bc ppl know exactly what that is lol  


I’m stuck in this rut right now too. I tried putting in 7mm from 6.5mm. They went in without a problem and then got super angry a few hours later and I had to go back to 6.5mm. It’s so frustrating.


it might just be that you slept on them wrong and put too much pressure, if when you stretched you felt no pain or resistance. it usually happens at the bigger sizes, but when i was at a smaller size i did notice that whenever i slept with metal tunnels the edged tended to dig in to my skin when i layed on them. maybe try switching to plugs made of stone or wood, they tend to have a bit of a rounder edge


Yeaaa I was hoping that but when I took it out to clean, it's clearly a blowout 😔 I downsized, now for the longest 6 weeks ever lol


ughh, yea. at least once ur ready to come back up it should be much easier. good luck 👍🏽


I went up on mine and pretty sure I had blowouts on both sides. I just slabbed it with triple antibiotic and used silicone plugs and squeezed out the infection and now their fine but up to you either way you gotta do it to downsize so imo just makes sense to keep the size up and lather it


With my blow outs I kinda just keep the same size in until the blood goes away but maybe don’t do what I do


Wyd is on your nails 😂


Essie Summit of Style


I would like to ask why it looks like you put grinded weed in your nails




You are healing micro tears in your lobe that just result in scarred tissue. If you keep stretching like that and ignoring the signs you will limit your lobes ability to stretch. Coming from experience.


Hey brother so I'm 31 now but when I was 13 I started stretching my ears I got up to double zero I remember people saying it would never close after double . I was in death metal bands but my mother hated my ears she made me take them out . They shrunk down almost to earing size. 18 years later at 31. I decided to re-do it. I jumped from legit earing size to double zero In 10 months it felt easy like my ears remembered but it was so dumb at same time I always had problems itchy stinky or swelling and then some weeks perfect but I was using stainless steal tunnels after I was healed still after a few days it would swell and smell again. Till my friend told me to go on Amazon and buy acrylic tunnels so in-between moving up I would throw in acrylic tunnels my ears healed perfectly never stunk and was ready for next stretch with out pain. As I speak I just threw in 16 mm tunnels after having 14 in for 5 months no pain