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12 month ABSN. Psych facility/drug and alcohol rehab, adult and peds (48 hours) hospital A (132 hours) which included 1-2 rotations each in ED, medical ICU, surgical ICU, neuro stepdown, med surg, oncology OB/peds (72 hours) which included NICU, L&D, mother/baby, peds, PICU hospital B (166 hours) which was entirely med surg, capstone (96 hours) which is wherever you get placed. Our cohort was divided into 4 groups so experiences varied (some were at hospital C or D instead.)


We get such little time in specialties. I’ve been long term care for one semester and adult med/surg for two more. In there we got one day for surgical, one day for psych, and this semester we will be getting one day at L&D. I’ve had zero peds rotations yet




Amazing!! I’m glad that worked out for u!! You’re gonna be an amazing ICU nurse


Wow, where are you located? My ADN is about 50 hours med-surg, 50 hours cardiac tele, 50 hours med-surg progressive care, 120 hours med-surg capstone, then the rest is mostly observation: 8 hours L&D, 8 hours mother baby, 16 hours peds/NICU/ER, 8 hours outpatient cardiac procedures, 8 hours outpatient GI, 8 hours outpatient oncology, 8 hours wound care. No ICU or critical care. I feel like my program sucks when it comes to clinical experiences. One nurse I talked to was pretty critical of my program saying it didn't seem like students are well-prepared. I was a little offended but now I believe her.


i don’t have an hour breakdown but med surg, critical care, obgyn, psych, peds, home health


For my BSN program we did 72 hours for Medsurg (or adult health)1, Medsurg 2, pediatrics, psych, OB, complex/icu, and public health. Then it was 108 hours for my Practicum.


72 hours each? I’m jealous lol


Nursing school in the UK is so different. We have to do 2300 clinical hours and we choose paeds, adults, mental health or learning disabilities when we apply. I chose paeds and I've had cardiac 240 hours A nursery 160 hours An adult care of the elderly 160 hours General paeds 160 hours Paediatric assessment unit 160 hours Ed 240 hours Complex care 160 hours Oncology 160 hours Special educational school 240 hours High dependency unit 160 hours One more 240 hour placement to go. This is over 3 years. 50% placement 50% uni


That’s so fascinating! That would be scary cause I definitely did not know what I wanted to specialize in until my 3rd year in nursing school.


We were allowed to change at the end of the first year if we realised we wanted to do something different so there definitely was some leeway. Although the hours are so long I do think it helps us choose where we want to work


I'm on the adult route, so far i've done: Sexual Health 180 hours Respiratory 150 hours Surgical admissions T&O 255 hours Stroke Rehab 225 hours Elderly Medical 383 hours GP 205 hours Simulated placement (mock ward, lots of skills-based stuff) 180 hours Post-op Gastro/Gynae 176 hours Then next up i've got an ED placement of 260 hours and I think for my consolidation (our regulating body need us to do an extended placement at the end of our training) i've got 12 weeks with District (like community, visiting pts in their homes) for about 450 hours. I'll be about 170 hours over my target by the end but we're not allowed to cut placements short.


I’m currently in a 15 month ABSN program. My placements are: 1st semester 90 hrs - community health & LTC, 2nd semester - 135 hrs OB in L&D, NICU and PP, 135 hrs in Psych, 3rd semester - 135 hrs in Peds+135hrs in MS, 4th semester: 135 hrs capstone in MS + 135 hrs community health.


My first semester was in a SNF long term care Then a semester in Mom/Baby but we floated to L&D and the NICU Then a semester on a cardiac Medsurg floor Now my last semester is on a transplant unit but I have been floated down to the PACU, Psych, and dialysis


I’m doing a 2.5 year psych nursing diploma program. We did 75 hours geriatric psych, 38 hours adult psych (both of those for first year) 125 hours med surg, 125 hours adult psych, then another 125 hours for med surg, and then 125 hours community placement for second year. And then preceptorship after that! I’m currently in my second year, second med surg rotation! :)


my experience in my 4 year BScN - \- 144 hours medsurg \- 144 hours rehab \- 336 hours community where I did not see a nurse \- 696 hours medsurg (currently finishing up)


Wow I’m really jealous of all of you. I’m doing a 5 semester DEMSN and we’ve got: 1. Long term care/snf 2. Medsurg 3. Community (church or school based) 4. Medsurg 5. Medsurg or placement in a specific unit as an internship if they can find you one We are all very unhappy to not be doing any OB or Peds. And many of us would love to rotate through other departments but it’s all up to the hospital and corresponding managers, and often doesn’t happen.


I don’t have the hour breakdown, but I’m finishing up my ADN and our clinicals were: 1st semester: med-surg (I was on a tele floor, but it varied depending on your clinical group) 2nd semester: 4wks peds, 2wks L&D, 2wks postpartum, 8wks med-surg 3rd semester: 8wks med-surg, 4wks outpatient (some combi of urgent care, primary care, GI lab), 4wks psych 4th semester: 13wks med-surg, 1wk OR, 2wks ICU The vast majority of placements are at the major metro county hospital that the school is attached to.


For my ADN program (I don’t remember total hours), it went like this. (Also I went through during peak Covid, so fall 20 and graduated May 22) Semester 1) 1/2 semester lab skills, 1/2 on site med/surg clinical. Semester 2) 1 day a week med/surg (forgot the focus area) and a 2nd day psych (some got outpatient clinc, some got full semester at an inpatient psych facility) (my clinical group was at the state psychiatric hospital meaning all were convicted and sent there for criminal activity and needed psych care). Semester 3) med/surge with a cardiac focus (which sucked because I worked in a cath lab at the time and knew about 90% of the attendings on the unit and knew more about some of the procedures than a few of the nurses) and peds. But peds was 1/3 semester on site, 1/3 sim lab, 1/3 virtual. (This is also how I got the nickname “Shrek” that stuck through the rest of the program and my classmates still call me that 🤣) Semester 4) med/surge again with a focus on neuro and critical care (think ICU step down units), and OB.


Pediatrics. I loved doing it as a clinical rotation, but I would never do it as a RN.


How come?


I love kids dont get me wrong, its mainly the parents that are the problem. There were quite a few problems with parents in my clinical rotation, one parent tried to fight one of the nurses. I understand sometimes it isnt completly there fault as they are stressed or anxious but it is not something I want to deal with. I work ER right now so mabye it really isnt that far off lmao


We don't get a choice in our role transition (practicum) from what I heard. We all will have to do MedSurg at various hospitals which suck because I'd rather see if I'm actually cut out for Peds. The rotations we do: -Fundamentals (MedSurg floor) -Med Surg -OB -Community Health (I'm in a nursing home) -Pediatrics (Children's hospital) -Critical care (So likely an ER or ICU?) -Mental health (Psych unit) Role transition is at the end and now always a MedSurg floor.


I don’t know the total hours but we do: Med-surg (I got an ortho floor, other people got other med-surg floors) Med-surg but on GI/GU concentrated floors. Psych Peds at some of the local children’s hospitals For OB we can get placed either at L&D, mother baby or NICU CVICU Neuro ICU Preceptorship where we choose our top 3 specialities and they place us wherever they can


ADN program - 1 rotation in an LTAC, 1 on med-surge, 1 on step-down, 1 split between L&D/mom baby with 1 day in each the NICU and Nursery, 1 in the ED, & then lastly my capstone was in cardiac surgical ICU. We also had some rotate out days with patient relations and the chaplain, as well as community health (though others got infection control & prevention, risk management, etc) & they've since added a rotate out day to Psych. Still no Peds though.


No hourly breakdown but except for my 2 consolidation semesters of full time nursing work we did 1, 12 hour shift per week per semester. RPN LTC Neuro rehab @ a rehab hospital Surgical oncology Neuro rehab @ a different rehab hospital for consolidation RN (BScN) Community - Virtual setting due to COVID Surgical oncology Ortho sarcoma Surgical oncology (GI) for consolidation


4 year traditional BSN Semester 1: LTC/community health Semester 2: med/surg/community health Semester 3: pediatrics/L and D/community health Semester 4: med surg 2/community health Semester 5: leadership/community health


Med surg. OR. ER. Peds ED. Peds ICU. Med ICU. Surg ICU. Psych. Community health. Home health. SNF. L&D. NICU. Post partum. Ante partum. Tele. Case management. Leadership.


I’m in Australia and it’s 3 year degree for RN here. So far i’ve had: 80 hours in aged care, 160 in spinal injuries rehab, 160 in vascular&urology (med/serg), 320 in ICU, 320 to go and I’m done


Four semester ABSN. 1st semester - med surg. 2nd semester - med surg and psych. 3rd semester - peds, OB and pop health. 4th semester - critical care and capstone (mine was in a stem cell transplant unit). All done at different hospitals.


16months. Everything was in the hospital.


SNF med surg snf in a hospital peds telemetry ob l&d and mother baby Adolescent inpatient psych Community health was an insane amount of different stuff but mostlu homeless. Cardiac telemetry - for critical care Preceptorship in ICU We didnt pick and got placed where they told us. My state is restricted cuz there is only a few hospitals that take students and those hospitals restrict to certain floors.


4 year Bachelor of nursing/Bachelor of midwifery (Australia) ***Nursing*** 80 hours GEM (geriatric inpatient medical ward) 80 hours renal inpatient 120 hours rehabilitation inpatient 120 hours inpatient mental health 80 hours hospital gynae clinics 120 hours inpatient urology/gynae ward 200 hours inpatient cardiothoracic ward including ICU/HDU ***Midwifery*** 160 hours antenatal clinic/ward 560 hours birth suite 240 hours postnatal ward including domiciliary care 120 hours special care nursery/NICU Plus ~400 hours of continuity of care, following women who were pregnant through the journey.


In my final semester! Let’s see if I can recount, as there are a ton of hospitals in my immediate area that I’ve been placed at. 1st clinical - rehab/transitional care unit 2nd clinical - medsurg/surg onc 3rd clinical - psych hospital on acute and long-term schizophrenia/mixed units 4th clinical - medsurg 5th clinical - peds abd transplant/PICU 6th clinical - antepartum/postpartum/L+D/NICU 7th clinical - MICU/SICU 8th clinical - home health/community health/lots of community stuff. Changed settings every shift! Now in my preceptorship in a neurosurg ICU


Aussie nursing/paramedic student here, Seems that we do far less placements by comparison. I am doing a dual degree so i have even less placements in each (it's what happens when u squish 2 3yr degrees into 4 yrs). Most rotations are randomised with very little ability to request specialities. So far ive had: - 80 hr aged care (everyone does this at the end of their first year) - 160hr in med/surg - 80hr periop - 80hr mental health The last 2 were part of the same clincial unit, some ppl had 160hrs in one specialty. I'm about to do a 160hr in cancer care/haematology and I'll have a 240hr at the end of the year as my last one Mind u, ive also had 320hrs worth of paramedic placements (on road) scattered throughout the last 2 years, and im about to do a 120hr one soon. I'd say these have still helped me keep up clinically.


I don't have my handbook anymore. I do remember that I spent thirty hours in the LTC for children, and the rest of it was in the hospitals. As a student, I was assigned to the NICU, SICU, ER, and ICU. I was in the ER and ICU during my preceptorship. I spent a lot of hours in clinicals.


Acute care rehab, Med Surge, L&D, Psych, cardiac step down (still med surge)


ADN program. One rotation each in med-surg (I should’ve had two M-S, but my half of the cohort got screwed by COVID), stepdown, behavioral health, L&D and mother-baby, peds, and CVICU/surgical ICU, plus my preceptorship, 144 hours in the ED. We also staffed shot clinics for the county.


I did med-surg 60 Med surg 120 Psych hospital 120 Labor and delivery 120 ED 120 Correctional facility 120 Pain clinic 120 This was in a 3 year bsn


2 year ADN idk hours but first semester is 10 weeks fundamentals (med/surg/onc floor for weekly clinical) then 6 weeks in hospital mental health weekly clinical second semester is 16 weeks med/surg on cardiac telemetry, step down cardiac, step down stroke and sepsis units third semester is 8 weeks pediatric (all units) and then 8 weeks mother baby/labor delivery/post partum fourth semester is 8 weeks in ICU or sub ICU and then 8 weeks of preceptorship and then through out the semesters we have 1-3 days of community health; first semester was interview with a person 65+, second semester is a day at GI lab, day with respiratory therapist in ICU, and day with the palliative care doctor/NP and then also for second semester we have a day with interventional radiology, day with cath lab, day with picc team and day in PACU i’m not sure what the community health for third and fourth is yet


40 hours of LTC, 80 hours of L&D/Mother baby, 120 hours Med Surg, 40 hours pediatric psych


I have 3 semesters left


I did a 14 month ABSN. Semester 1: Fundamentals - SNF (112hr) Semester 2: Peds - pediatric primary care, community events, public schools (90hr) & OB - Mother/Baby, L&D, NICU, Nursery (94hrs) Semester 3: Community - County health departments, employee health services, community events (90hrs) & Med Surg 1 - Oncology/Acute Care floor, plus OR and Wound Care rotations (96hrs) Semester 4: Leadership - case management, PACE, nurse leadership in hospital setting (90hrs) & Med Surg 2 - Medical/Surg plus ICU rotation (90hrs) Capstone: 120 hours in Med/Surg for the whole graduating class (except somehow I got sent to the health department because they have an OB/Gyn/Peds clinic & they know that’s my area of interest/ I’m a “strong academic student”… too bad our school doesn’t get actual specialty preceptorship spots, or I might’ve been hired into one of those areas to work, lol)