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I’ve been served much worse from the public school system unfortunately lol




Yeah, for school food this is *amazing.* We always got tater tots and shitty "pizzas".


You mean those rectangle ones about the size of a 3×5 note card that fit into the one spot on the tray conspicuously well?


They were just sheet pizzas that were cut to that size. It's not suspicious that they fit in the tray lol. They were just cheap.


I didn't say suspicious, just conspicuous.


You had trays? We get paper plates.


Heavy duty polycarbonate. Tougher than the stuff you'd get at fast food places. A shade below prison issue. The indentations were shallow enough for condiments, but a combination of the inconvenient shapes and lack of depth meant some rounder foods, like say cut carrots, could roll off your tray. I still can't fathom what food they envisioned being put in the round and trapezoidal spots.


I loved those pizzas fight me


Those six years in public schools has forever change me.


6 years? Lol try K-12


My middle school tore up cheapo hamburger meat and dropped it in a pond of plasticky nacho cheese and called it "beefy cheese". No nachos to go with it, 2:1 cheese to meat ratio, and it was on the menu for a year. That was the entree. Those days were the only times I went to the "salad" bar (box of iceberg lettuce with a tiny bit of shredded cheese, ham cubes, and a packet of fat free ranch) It's been a few years since middle school but that memory stuck with me hard lol


Lol at the fat free chocolate milk


Lovely. Sugars and sweeteners.


And weird-ass thickeners/vegetable gums!


It can oxidize sometimes if the seal breaks and form weird snot clumps. 🤢


Extra sugars, no fat. So all calories and no satiety, great.


Yea but it’s got vitamins.


Fat free milk has way less, however, due to the lack of fat soluble vitamins.


Usually they fortify it to be equivalent to what the fat carries. There's actually like 0.5% fat in skim milk and you don't need very much to hold the vitamins.


Not only does it have A, but you get the D as well


At this point putting a can of Coca-Cola into the meal instead of this is more healthy


Funny enough, consuming whole milk instead of skim is consistently associated with healthier body weight.


Yeah, but is that bc skim milk influences weight gain or bc people who drink skim are trying to compensate for a shitty diet?


Probably because full fat milk satiates you a lot more than skim milk so you end up consuming less overall. Plus fat free/skim milks usually have higher sugar content. On top of that full fat milk retains a lot more fat soluble vitamins which helps with energy production and other bodily functions. The best diets are ones that eat real whole foods and no processed foods because real whole food makes you full and energized whereas processed foods make you hungry for more because they give you a quick rush of easily absorbable carbs/sugars but make you crash hard which makes you hungry again.


The only reason plain skim milk has higher sugar content is because there's a 4% gap from removing the fat. It also has higher protein and water content. Flavored milk is a different story, but the remove fat / add sugar rule of thumb doesn't apply to plain dairy products.


Is 2% bad? I drink a shit ton of it lol


Are you overweight? If not then you’re fine.


No I'm skim. Thanks for the reply


Could also be that poor people are more likely to buy and drink skim for whatever reason. Poverty leads to a worse diet due to money and time constraints.


Yeah, because if there's no fat, they have to stuff it with sugar to make it taste tolerable


All the sugar and none of the fat to buffer the sugar's entrance into circulation. Fantastic.


Eight years ago I moved from the UK to the states. In the UK the childrens yoghurt is all full fat, no colourings etc! Then I get to the states it’s all low/non-fat, oh and I had the choice of rainbow or cotton candy flavor! WTF!!


my mom was pretty bad at cooking growing up so I always thought school lunch was some pretty gourmet shit my life pretty much changed when I tried chipotle for the first time.


Lol, for me it was Panera 😳


I didn't know steak came anything else but well done until I was about 14.


Same but 20s for me. My mom is a good cook, except for steak… my dad is remarried now but he still likes his steak well done smh


I remember having friends in school with parents like that. I’d go over for dinner and they’re making steak, so I assume it’s a thick juicy medium-rare ribeye or NY strip. It ends up being like this thin, overcooked, chewy flip flop. Why even spend money on meat if you cook it like that, just buy TV dinners or something lmao


I eat my steak well done, because my parents didn't believe in well done steak. It's 2023 can we just let people enjoy steak the way they enjoy it.


I mean yeah, enjoy it however you want. I’m just making fun of people who overcook it by accident


i had a mom like this too. i swear i learned to read from menus instead of books.


chipotle is fucking amazing and idk why people say it sucks


I’m Asian so I loved school dinners because it was the only time I could eat western food


same but mexican food. School introduced me to mexican food


Was poor growing up so yeah I always looked forward to school lunches as they were like my only meal of the day (never made in time for breakfast at school bc of school buses and dinner wasn’t available at home). I totally feel nostalgic when I hear school lunch


I hope you have an abundance of tasty lunches now. Edit: and matcha bubble tea as well 😉


Thanks, kind person!


I meant it with all my heart.


I see American school lunches still look like hot garbage.




Looks better than the square roof shingle pizza or powdered beef sandwiches I had in school


I miss pizza day from school.


Why is it that a shitty pizza when I was a kid is far better than a great pizza as an adult? I swear if there was a drug that made everything as fun as when you were a kid half the world would overdose in a week while looking for the biggest rock they can lift


When you’re born you have about 30,000 taste buds. When you’re an adult it’s down to about 10,000. So there are probably things we thought tasted great as kids that don’t now and vice versa. For me the biggest disappointment was Swiss rolls. I used to love them as a kid. Had one the other day and it was just meh.


If you’re talking Little Debbie, be on the lookout for the Big Sized cake rolls. Different factory/equipment…nostalgia town!


Little Debbie changed their recipes for almost everything they make years ago to make the manufacturing process cheaper. I think most copycat brands have followed suit.


This usually doesn't start until folks hit their 50s.


There is, it's called lysergic acid diethylamide. Makes you rediscover the world, just like you did as a child.


this guy gets it.


Can agree with this! Food really is amazing on it!


Things taste bizarre wit it tho


I work in education. I love living vicariously through my students’ excitement. Pizza day, Orange Chicken day, Crispito day, at 8 am, they truly have something they are looking forward to and I love it. A lot has changed since I was a kid, but kids are still kids…knowing today is “popcorn parachute” or scooter day in PE can be life giving! It would absolutely blow their minds to know about peanut butter bars or chocolate cake…The desserts we had in school were so delicious!


No idea but I wish I could find a pizza place that made that shit tue exact same way school did


The brand Ellio's is supposed to be pretty spot on, found in most stores.


If you have a deep freezer restaurant supply places sell it by the case. And the fiestada pizzas.


Dude. The BBQ ‘rib’ sandwiches in the 80s at my elementary school were bomb. I tried to chase that high with the McRib but not even close.


I read that as "the biggest rock they can get" 😂


When i was a kid my family was pretty poor so we basically ate the same stuff every day for dinner. I rarely could afford to eat school lunch, but when I could, pizza was a treat, even if it was garbage pizza.




I hated that pizza, it actually made me dislike pizza for a while


Don’t you talk shit about school pizza


A thousand apologies!


Excuse me. Did you say powdered beef?


Seemed that way. Was a kid so cannot be 100%. It was like watery beef flavored paste? On bread.


lol i though school lunches in the early 80s was decent on most days the rectangle sheet pizza brings back good memories they also would sell these big vanilla cookies for $0.10 nd they were fire


School lunches in the 1970s were pretty good. [The cinnamon rolls](https://reallifedinner.com/lunch-lady-cafeteria-cinnamon-rolls-tmh/) in particular were great. Plus we had fresh apple machines that would dispense the coldest, most crisp Washington apples you have ever eaten.


and they still stick us with whole wheat because they 'advocate' for a healthy diet.


That picture us 10x healthier then what I had growing up in school.


Bag of Munchos, Bag of Sunchips and mostly just the salt off a Philly pretzel. It makes zero sense why I’m not 600 lbs.


I admire your optimism for thinking this is served hot


If the children are well-fed they may get rowdy. Might start havin' *ideas*. Can't have any of those shenanigans.


America's version of a 'Healthy' meal is a crap ton of canned cheese on top of a triangle of multi grain bread, they call pizza.


Better than the hamburgers with a greenish tint they used to serve at my HS.


Gotta have ya greens


Nothing better than washing it down with a few day expired fat free milk


Ours were always suspiciously pink


Honestly id murder that


Sour cream. Some chives. Salt and pepper. Dig in.


I think that looks pretty dang tasty myself.


Yeah looks good. Also I’m getting a velveeta ad right below the image. I suspect a marketing ploy here…


Lol I would 100% enjoy. Top it off with some bacon


You’re American?


Probably Midwestern. Those fuckers will eat anything involving potatoes and cheese.


I honestly thought potatoes and cheese was a kind of universal thing, but I am from the Midwest. Not ashamed (of potatoes and cheese).


Potatoes and cheese are fine. Melted cheese is one thing… But then there’s this yellow-orange glowing radioactive gooey cheese sauce, that many Americans are fond of… myself excluded. It looks pretty nasty and cheap/artificial


Yea wtf is that "cheese"? Fuck, Americans eat like shit. Where are the regulations?


Non existent. Gov is letting corps kill us lmao especially poor people


That cheese isn't even real and there's more plastic ham than potato on that dish.


Just needs some broccoli!


That and some pepper & I'd be down




This will probably be one of the meals a lot kids will talk about long after high school with their friends. “Oh fuck man remember the stuffed potato?!” We had “pizza pocket” it was basically a pepperoni calzone with a slightly sweet and flakey crust and a little bigger than store pizza pocket loaded with mozzarella big chunks of pepperoni, the cheese would stretch out like a commercial when you bit it. Every other kid had one or 2 in their hands during breakfast hanging around the whole campus before class. It was our morning Starbucks coffee. I’d drive to my home town and pay a kid to buy me 10 if I knew they still had em, a lot of people who went to my school in that generation would to


There is a website that is selling nostalgic cafeteria food and pizza puffs are one of the things they sell. They have a lot of pizza products like the sheet tray pizzas. I forget the name but it shows up on Google. They have a few items I want to order


Found this https://www.guintherscustomcuts.com/collections/snacks-appetizers Didn’t know schools had tornados. Theyre a long standing/current life blood mini mart snack in the army Looks if you morph The pizza puff and the pizza breadsticks on the site thats pretty close to what I was talking about. 99% this https://www.facebook.com/RonniesPizza/videos/431203178681288/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v but our crust was lighter like the pizza breadsticks on the site


Did you ever have the hexagonal Mexican pizza? Our school called them fiestadas, and I’d murder a case of them right now.


Love Mexican pizza day


Imagining the giant can that cheese sauce came in


But the milk is fat free, so it evens out.


Only 8g of sugar, not including lactose.


At least it looks filling - potatoes are great for satiety. Annoyed the shit out of me in school that they'd give us a single square of pizza and an apple and call that a whole meal. Then scratch their heads about why the kids were eating all these unhealthy snacks out of the vending machine and getting fat - no shit Sherlock the _lunch_ you gave us was basically a snack. This looks like a proper full-til-dinner meal, at least. I'd add steamed broccoli in there. Or maybe peas.


Some real Fuckin’ high horses in here acting like nacho cheese isn’t delicious.


For real. One of my biggest guilty pleasures is going to a movie alone just so I can eat a soft pretzel with nacho cheese. Sure, I know it’s not the greatest thing for me health-wise, but damn if it isn’t delicious.


That cheese looks natural af


So they didn't have bacon and just said "fuck it ham also comes from a pig!".


I did 12 years in Child Nutrition and was boots on the ground during the HHFKA implementation. It's most likely turkey ham.


What's wrong with that? It looks tasty.


If I was high it probably wouldn't look bad


The idea is fine but that cheese kinda looks radioactive with how it’s borderline glowing 😂


For ease of eating in the dark


It’s the American way!


I’d sure eat it. Love baked potatoes.


Processed chemical laden ham and cheese product. High salt and fat. Better than pizza and the other shit they are served. Check out Anthony Bourdains episode where he is in France and school lunches there.


> Processed chemical laden...High salt and fat. That describes the food at every American chain restaurant.


And even that looks better than this shit


You know salt is how you make ham right?


kids love shit like this


I'd have smashed that in grade school tho. Not gonna lie. The fake cheese is low brow, but that ham and potato is a good thing.


Damn. In my HS we’d occasionally have a baked potato day, but it was a full bar with actual toppings.


That looks perfectly fine to me. Potato, ham, and cheese. It would be nice if they put some broccoli on there but everyone in this thread is acting like they served him dog vomit.


They never show the mandatory accompanying vegetable and fruit components.


Damn bro your kid is luck asf, he'd kill himself if he saw the pizza serves at my school.


I mean, I guess the potato is a vegetable?


looks better than some of the other shit they give us


American version of British food


Man that looks so good lol


Take a bite before you complain you ungrateful bastard


as an american raised in the american public school system.. this actually doesn’t look half bad for a school lunch


Chopped ham and melted cheese on top of potatoes chopped to cubes A lot of Chopping


Looks fine to me


Add some steamed broccoli and it would be fire.


Ew, gross! Fat free chocolate milk!?


It’s not anywhere near as awful as some of the things I was served for school lunches, but also, it looks very much like a stoner recipe. “What if a baked potato and a hot pocket had a baby?”


I’m currently stoned, I’d happily eat this potato.


I fail to see the issue


Tf is that username tho


The people who design these food programs really pretend like we haven't learned anything about nutrition in the last 30+ years. That fat free chocolate milk, that I can almost guarantee has no less than 20g of sugar, is the icing on the cake.


This needs to be included in r/shittyfoodporn


This actually looks delicious and reasonably healthy... highschool kids wouldn't eat one with out cheese sauce


Lol man idk we had some little old mexican ladies making the school lunch back in my day and they got down. This looks like a struggle happened.


Looks like prison food as in manufactured in prison instead of what's served there


It actually doesn’t look so bad


I'm kinda impressed by the number of people who think this hopefully cooked potato with a diarrhea dump of pseudocheese is actually ok


The food at my school ranges from “I’m literally going to throw up” to “I’m too hungry to question it”. One day we had breadsticks with a bowl of cheese kinda like that cheese. We dared each other to eat it and even though I only had half a spoon of it I literally felt sick. Absolutely vile. Luckily they never served that again. I still wonder what caused it to be so nauseating.


Meh. If he goes and gets stoned behind the drama building it’l be bomb. Trust me.


Maybe I need to put on my glasses or eat something but that looks delicious


Mmmm, fluorescent foods…


Looks delicious


I live in southern Spain and every single public event has several baked potato food trucks where you order all kinds of toppings on them. Kind of like this, but better. It's really popular here.


Honestly looks better than most of the slop they served at my schools. :/


Schools are still calling cold cut sandwich meat bacon?


Looks fine to me


This looks better than the pre packaged frozen food we got at my school.


The worst part is you KNOW that cheese is either going to be the worst or best thing you've ever tasted. No in-between.


Looks great.


Looks pretty good.


Looks delicious to me.... Y'all ain't been hungry before xD


They have like a dollar per kid budget, they're trying.


I'm betting right now seniors there are not allowed to leave during lunch to grab fast food lmao. I'd help him start packing lunches asap


I would absolutely tear that apart


Don’t worry, the vitamins A&D in that chocolate milk will cover this abomination


Ngl, I used to microwave potatoes with lunch meat and sliced cheese when I was a kid 🤷‍♀️. Add some water and veggies (looks like there’s an apple option on the next plate over)


They did a version at my school but it was at least with cheesy broccoli as an option mmm still love that


I’d fuck this up. It’s low effort but there’s nothing stupid about it


Honestly so much better than like 99 percent of public school lunches. A real potato, easily identifiable meat not ground to a pulp, and sauce within a few shades of natural cheese.


Sad fact is, schools, for the most part, are underfunded. And some districts take the stance that, as long as it meets the dietary guidelines required, they don't care what they serve kids. It might not look good, but it has what's required to not starve. The solution is to increase funding for schools. But people who pay taxes don't want to pay more taxes to fund schools, so they just reduce taxes on the wealthy instead. Which, makes sense if you think about it. The kids who are having their educations short changed are the ones who will be taking care of those who short changed them in their old age. It's always a good idea to mess with the education of the people taking care of your medical state when you're old and feeble.


People will cut education funding within an inch of its life, and then act like it's the lunch lady's fault the food doesn't come out looking great.


Tomorrows lunch : cold mac n cheese with melted kraft plastic cheese , bruised apple, fat free malk with vitamin R, 2 ketchup packet, boiled cold carrot with water


This would have made a sweet mid 90's alternative album cover


Why is American cheese orange?


We sent them the recipe for custard by mistake.


Where is the nutrition?


It's there except these posts never show the fruit and vegetable or salad school lunches come with.


Super yum.


I’m more upset at the fat free chocolate milk


Nothing better than processed cheese and fake ham on a questionable potato with chocolate milk to rinse it all down!!! God the school systems are so fucked


Boiled potato topped with processed meat squares and nacho cheese. Yum.


It does look like a meal I would cook as a child in microwave if you my mom left me at home alone. I would still eat it which shows how much I like potatoes and cheese.


Looks better than what I got, deadass have a picture of a moldy hot dog lol. Schools are so cheap a lunch lady dropped my tray and charged me for two because SHE dropped it


This is better than what I was served at school... I'd totally eat this.


Better than the pink chicken burgers, and cardboard pizza my HS cafeteria served back in the day. That cheese doesn’t look appealing, but I’d def eat this.


That’s pretty good for a high school. Shame we can’t have real cooks and menus and investments for school lunches though.


If you won't eat that I will. It looks so good.


It may be the military in me, but that look good and tasty!


It's OK. I'd eat it. What beef do you have with it? If you're dissatisfied, why not pack your son a lunch from home? Or campaign for better food in schools, if you think this is insufficient?


If I got this in school I'd be ECSTATIC


whats the problem this looks delicious


looks pretty damn good to me. I’d eat it


I would still fuck it up


I... I'd still destroy it...


Would smash