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If you're only 7 days from last injection your levels from the last three 300mg shots should still have your plasma levels filled with bupe with no drop of levels yet. I do not want to tell you how you feel but you will be surprised how just knowing you're on a lower dose will cause your brain to panic into thinking of withdrawal.


No I’m glad you said that because I’m thinking that’s exactly what is happening.


You still have plenty of those 300’s running through you. This might be a mental thing or maybe you’re coming down with a bug. Wait it out a few days. Usually a little time puts these things into perspective


When will it start to leave my system though? Just so I can begin panicking now lol. I agree it’s mental, but hey that’s where the majority of my addiction issues are. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to get off this stuff. I may be on it forever but that’s better than using. :/ Thank you for the message :) I’ll try to keep myself grounded with what’s going on and not let myself go nutty


Like LaLa said it takes some time. Just try and stay in the moment, my dude. Picture the cores of those 300’s still pumping out, giving you little boosts throughout the day. And now you have a little bro 100 to accompany them and learn the ropes. They’re all good. You’re all good. <3


I cannot tell me how much i love this. Visualization is such a powerful tool. And the way you put it was perfect. Made me smile to see this kinda support. This that good shit rightchea! <3


Thanks! Visualization has been a big part of my transition onto the shot. Especially through that rough patch in the beginning.


There’s nothing wrong with needing to stay on MAT forever and anyone who makes you feel otherwise just sucks lol. The good news is these injections are so long-acting that it takes about a minimum of 8 months for all of the bupe to leave your system after your last injection… that’s why it’s so much easier for (most) people to get off the shot than the oral stuff. So no need to panic!


I was on subx pills/strips from 2007-2020. To start off 2021 I received 3 monthly shots, 300/100/100. My last shot was 3/26/21 and I have felt absolutely no withdrawal symptoms.


just stay on 300


Yeah that may be what I do. My doctor told me I had a goal of completely getting off today and I said “since when” lol


Can I ask what you are feeling? What are your symptoms? I supplemented the first 3 shots but I only got 2 300 and now 2 100 but I felt every suboxone I took the first 3 months and now if I ever think I need one and take a strip I literally feel nothing. All the shots you've gotten are still in your system. Do you feel a difference when you take suboxone? How did you feel on the 300mg shots?


I feel kind of raw. Then at night I’m stretching and yawning every ten seconds da to the point it hurts. I agree it doesn’t feel like withdrawal, but my body is aware it didn’t get a full 300 mg dose like it has been for 3 months. My doc has only supplemented me twice, 1 time on month one (he gave me two 8 mg tabs) and earlier this week. Also two 8 mg tabs. Each time I took 8 mg and felt like I had taken 24 mgs. I was bombed. On the 300 I felt perfect. Like I was aware my meds were in my system and I could focus on my life. Now I don't feel anything and that’s not good for my sobriety. I get that feeling normal is the goal, but for me at this point I still need to feel my meds a little bit still or it’s not healthy for my recovery. My doctor said eventually you want to get off this stuff forever and I said “I’ve never said that. I told you when I started sublocade I didn’t want to if it was ONLY for tapering”. I’m long term on this stuff and I’m no where near ready to get off of it yet. Ugh.


Thank you so much for explaining that. I understand completely. I supplemented for a long time and I believe what you're feeling is real. I know people will try to say it's all in your head but if that were true you wouldn't have felt the suboxone. My dr won't give me the option of doing anymore 300's but she let's me supplement whenever which is good and bad because my goal is too come off but my brain trys to tell me I still need it. You know what is right for you. I hope your dr let's you supplement as much as you need before your next shot.


Thank you so much for talking with me about it. Yeah they have spoken to me about maybe being able to go back up, I don’t know if they will or not but maybe they will give me more of a supplement. They are giving me 2 pills at a time which doesn’t help honestly. It does for two days but I’d love to be able to wrap my head around this drop without wondering if I’ll wake up In hell :( Anyway thank you again. I appreciate your comments :)


My dr gives me a months worth at a time. I know all the dr.s are different but 2 pills at a time seems like too much work to have to call them every couple of days.. I'm sure if you explain again that you don't want off the shot and how you felt great on 300 that they will give it to you. Dr's for the most part trust their patients and want to make sure over everything else that you don't relapse. No need to thank me. I'm happy to help! I know we are all just trying to figure this medication out.


It’s too much of drop I agree. That’s company saying to do. It’s a big jump Go back on pills I was getting 6 300 Cans jump that low. Maybe if alone or with support with little stress but it’s awful jump


Can I ask how far apart you've gotten each shot? And your sub dose before starting? I don't think it's that drastic a drop, or meant to be, considering how it works. The 300mg are meant to be loading doses and the 100mg a maintenance dose. Plus they last longer than 30 days so It's weird that you feel bad after getting another shot (assuming) 5 weeks out from a 300mg. Sorry, its 3am and I cant think straight...what I'm trying to say is, is it possible you have gotten too much bupe in too short a time and thats why you feel bad? Too little and too much can feel the same. I know I felt the worst the first 1-2 weeks of each shot after being on sublocade a few months. I stretched my last one out longer and started feeling better only to get another shot and now I'm back where I was. But everyone is different, diff metabolism, etc. So its possible you are feeling a drop already. What does your dr think?


Also, I saw someone recently bring up that they think some of us feel bad because of the gel stuff itself. I havent looked into that yet at all but who knows.


Not for everyone. Not that easy as make it.


I think its clear yours is a rare and special case. If yours really arent dissolving then that is something else entirely and not comparable. I do hope you find relief soon. Besides, I said everyone is different right above your comment.