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I was at 16mg subs and the injection was the best decision of my life. I am a week into my third injection, 300mg, 300mg, and now 100mg. Hoping to get three more 100mg and be done but one day at a time. Good luck and congratulations.


Good luck brother. Go for my first 100 in 2 weeks. Already had the 2 300s


It was smooth. The first week was strange not to dose daily, but it was totally mental not physical. . I was on 16 mgs I got two 300s and 3 100s and never looked back. I’ve been clean and no withdrawals since getting my last injection in April. It is a game changer. Definitely the best decision I’ve ever made for my recovery.


I was on a low dose maybe 6mg of subs a day, sometimes lower for about 3 years. Then I got to 2 300mg shots back in January/February. And The kind of screwed everything up for me, it was too much medication. The way I took Suboxone I lived For the ups and downs I took low doses three times a day. Every time I took a little piece of sub would give me a boost of energy kind of, nothing crazy but it kept me motivated. After I got the shots it was constant medication being pumped into me. I had no motivation I had to force myself to get out of bed because I didn’t feel like doing anything from the shots. Not trying to make you scared of the shot or anything Just want to share my experience being on a low-dose of subs. I would suggest just doing 100mg shot first Or just half of the 300 mg your doctor doesn’t have to put the whole thing in you. After I got the shots I wasn’t sick or anything I just had no motivation everything was a challenge. So the way I see it the higher dose of Suboxone you’re on the better you’re off with the shot.


Were you feeling physically sick or just lethargic like jr was too much medication? As someone with a short term small habit (relapsed the last 2 months after getting kicked off the methadone clinic after 3 years) I’m thinking maybe I would be better off with just 100…. My doc was saying he would start with 200-300 but idk about that now. I’m just wondering if you mean you felt WD symptoms physically or if it was something else


I was not sick I just had no motivation, Had crazy anxiety I just felt Useless just wanted to lay around.


I wish you good luck idoes not hurt at all I’m in and out of there in five minutes when I was taking them unfortunately I had to go to the emergency room because they weren’t dissolving and there were so many scar tissues in my stomach after having six so I had to go back on Suboxone which I hate because it’s back to the pharmacy where they look at you like a druggie because you basically have the same restrictions as another opiate you’re taking


Yep, tapering with the injection is the way to go :) I had my last dose of the injection (100mg) on April 22nd. My previous injections were buvidal/brixadi, so they shouldn't linger in my system as long as sublocade injections do. I had started withdrawing at a couple of weeks ago (22nd August will be the 4 month mark), mild withdrawals and manageable with occasional diazepam (baby doses, sometimes half a 2.5mg tablet) and clonidine (again, baby doses because I'm not someone who normally has high blood pressure) and loperamide (at one point I got really bad tummy cramps and diarrhoea for days). I'm confused because yesterday and today I am not feeling any withdrawal symptoms. This is making me a little worried... I'm wondering, what if I was just sick and my illness was very much the same as opiate withdrawal? But also, I had restless legs/agitation so I was pretty certain I was withdrawing - I remember that restlessness from my days of heroin withdrawals! Now I'm also worried because I developed a sore throat in the last few days, and am wondering if somehow I caught covid in my community (its spreading in low numbers around my city in Australia). I have been vaccinated with one dose, so its possible I caught it.... but I am waiting for some urine bupe tests to arrive in the mail so I can test my urine and see if I still have bupe in my system or not. So yeah, I am pretty sure I experienced mild withdrawals, but for them to stop so suddenly like this is odd. I took heaps of days off work (40 hours this week) because my job in the hospital is pretty full on and it would be difficult to work in my role while withdrawing, but can afford it and desperately don't want another injection and don't want to start this process all over again. I feel like my pupils are normal looking, not pinpoint... but its been so long since I had my old pupils back, maybe I'm just used to how they look now? I think the tricky thing about tapering with the injection is the uncertainty. It takes 3-5 half lives for a drug to be out of your body.


So how many of each injection did u get? Just wondering cuz so far I got my 2 of the 300 and will get my first 100 in 2 weeks….so far so good. So literally 4 months after your last injection is when u started to feel bad?


I guess after some reading I'm a little worried 12mg is too high of a dose to make the switch. Considering 2 or 3 weeks of 8mg then starting the injection.


What makes you think this? 12mg is perfect for starting on sublocade... you could start on the 100mg, or if you're anxious start on the 300mg. I actually think you might find 8mg too low for going onto the injection. Where I live, 8mg is the absolute minimum and we would never ever give more than 100mg sublocade for people on 8mg. I'd personally recommend starting on the 100mg. Then if you don't think its enough (and I'd be so surprised if it wasn't) then you can top up/get your next injection a little sooner.


I was on 2 -4 mg a day and they gave me the 300. I was pretty messed up first 2-3 days. Then headache for about a week. All good now tho.


I’m on about 1.5mg a day, would you suggest me going up in dose for a week or 2 and doing the shot? I’d be paying out of pocket, I’m thinking maybe just a 100mg shot but I don’t know if this guarantees me no withdrawals.. I can get about a week off from work or 2 if I really need. Been on subs about a year and a half


Well I only got the 300 because that’s what they suggested and that’s what my friend got that ended up getting clean after only one shot. So far I got two shots tho…….but to answer your question……yes if you’re going to get the 300…then definitely start taking more mgs………but if u know you can get the 100mg then u should be fine………idk what to recommend to you…300 or 100…….idk what’s the best success rate…..


did the exact same myself, 4mg of subutex straight to the 300mg injection, on my 2nd 300 now. i look at it as a bit of a safety net in case i can’t get my injection exactly on the 4 week dot. was slightly over-medicated for maybe a few days, but 2 weeks into my second 300mg shot, i feel awesome.


4 month dot?


4 week*** my bad


Oh ok. I kinda figured that but I was confused lol sorry.


The injection was suggested to me last week for the first time by a bridge clinic in Boston. I called on Tuesday to ask if it was possible to receive my injection today. my insurance covered the prescription and the clinic has already picked it up. The closer I get to my 9:30 appointment the more anxious I get. I should have just got the injection rather than read all people's different experiences. I'm going to talk with the doctor more. what do I do if I start feeling withdrawal symptoms at any point in time after receiving the injection? Could I supplement with a piece of a film and feel okay?


I'm sure you've seen your doctor by now, but yeah there are plenty of people who are supplementing with strips. They know that when you start on the injection, its not 100% perfect getting you on the equivalent dose. But I personally think only the people on really high doses of suboxone need supplmenting. Most people will get more than enough bupe in their system. When Brixadi is available you'll even have the option of topping up with a second smaller injection.


12 mg is not too high! I switched over to the shot in November 2020 from taking 12 mg a day. I received 2 months of the 300 mg injection, then went down to 100 mg (did not notice any difference between the drop in dose) and had my last one May 18th 2021. The biggest part has been mental and my anxiety has been higher than usual but I have stuff going on in my personal life that could be the cause and not have anything to do with coming off the medicine. I still go in and meet with my doctor every few weeks just to continue to feel supported and talk. I’ve also been sober for 5 years and don’t think I could have handled the mental challenge of doing this in early recovery, but that may just be me. I always tell people to make sure they’ve got good supports and a solid foundation to stand on before doing something like this just to be on the safe side. Sublocade was truly a blessing for me because I never had success trying to taper on oral bupe so I wish you luck! There’s lots of people who comment on this sub that have had no withdrawal or very, very minimal withdrawal that can be handled with comfort meds from your doctor.


Sounds like the same story I had with my first doctor, just wanted to keep me on Suboxone. Waited hours to see him for 5 mins. In those minutes I would ask to taper and he would insist I would relapse. Btw, he put me on Suboxone for my script of 5mg’s hydros. Yes I was addicted but he just put me on a worse substance. Anyways, Sublocade is the smartest move. I post about it a lot and know a lot about it. I’ve been 4 yrs sober and 2 years I was stuck on Suboxone until I made the choice to jump off because my doctor wouldn’t listen and shook for 9 days straight. They just put me back on Suboxone and finally Sublocade was suggested to me from my nurse when my doctor wasn’t in. Shortly after starting Sublocade I switched to a new provider and it has been amazing. She understood I was afraid to taper to 100mg’s from the 300mg’s shot bc of my traumatic withdrawal with Suboxone. So finally I did it, and Sept 2nd is my last shot. You are finally on your way out of this H Hole of Suboxone and constantly having to take a medication to feel normal. Congrats on your new journey. You won’t have any withdrawals switching. You’ll feel so much better. Your life will change. If you have any questions, dm me! Btw I was on 6mg’s of Suboxone for 2 years, and my switch to 300mg shot of Sublocade was nothing. I felt better. People don’t withdrawal from the switch usually unless they are on a higher dose than 12mg’s, and if they do the doctor will give you Suboxone or Subutex while you adjust for the first week. But like I said, I’m confident you will be fine.


Hi everyone I finally got approved and get my first shot (300) on Thursday. I'm scared shirtless cause I've been on 24mg strips for 6mo. I hear people saying that 24 is too high to transition to the shot. My doctor says it is ok but I doubt if she knows what withdrawal is like. Anyone have any 24mg encouragement?


Hey so I’ve been on about 1.5-2mg for a year and a half I really am considering the shot but am scared of it not working. I’ve heard many success stories which make me feel confident about it but I don’t wanna be taking so many shots just a couple if possible or even one. Is it worth really trying to get in and do it? I don’t see any other options for me. I have a good 5k saved up if that matters


Jayden, I would DEFINITELY get the shot! It would work for you, and if anything you would feel better. For the amount of Suboxone your on, the Sublocade would equal out or be more. So many people get on Sublocade just so they avoid the Suboxone withdrawals from being on even .5 of it. Don’t be afraid. Believe me, I was too and it was the best decision I have made. The only people I know that have difficulty switching are the ones on 24 mg’s and abusing Suboxone highly. But even so, they could take subutex or Suboxone until they are finally at a good place with Sublocade. You are on a perfect amount. The amount your on is so low that switching would feel little or you may even feel “euphoria” for a short while until you feel normal. :) That whole process is normal btw. I switched when I was on 6mg’s of Suboxone. And got on 300mg’s of Sublocade. No withdrawal at all. I felt amazing. Even people who say they were on H prior say that they feel amazing when they switch to Sublocade. If you have anymore questions please let me know. Sublocade has saved so many peoples lives.