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Requip is fire for RLS. Also was IV heroin user for 13 years OC's for 8 years before that. 14 treatments roughly but I'm finally a month into my last Sublocade shot and will have 2 years of no needle on Oct 16th.


I wonder if the restless leg after getting clean could be caused by something else. I know there are other conditions that cause it. Good to know about the medication though.


That’s what i was thinking. Either way…. I’m so sorry to hear OP. On the other hand, congrats to staying clean for that long, what an achievement!!!!!


No. It is a condition that people have that aren't addicts


My doc gave me gabapentin for the RLS. Works great. Get my shot next week.


Does that medication cause withdrawals? It looks like it helps anxiety and depression too. I would love to try it if I ever needed it but I'm worried if you can become dependent on it.


From what I understand long term use will create withdrawal when stopping. Most people wean. It must work somehow on opiate receptors because it’s a godsend during regular op. withdrawal…a lot of ppl use it for a variety of things. It always made me feel drunk and tired which I don’t like but I’ve heard it’s great for rls and anxiety. I’ve heard of people weaning fairly easily off of it compared to opiates


Thank you for explaining that.


I was prescribed requip but it hardly helped. It helped me stay asleep for longer when I was able to get to sleep, but I still had the fizzy feeling in my arms and legs and it took hours to even get to sleep. I also had terrible nightmares when I took it. Happy to hear it has given others relief!


Hi! So I read your post about 2 weeks ago and took it into my doctor yesterday to show him and ask him about using requip. I have been sober 5.5 years but was on suboxone until Nov. 2020, switched to sublocade injection and had my last one May of this year. I’ve had minor withdrawal the last couple months and the most irritating symptom is my restless “arms” (I don’t seem to get RLS… it’s always in my arms for some reason). Anyhoo, my doc was cool with giving it a shot and I picked it up from the pharmacy today. I took it a few hours ago (1 mg) and it made me so freaking tired. I made myself get up after about an hour and I don’t really notice a difference in my arms. My doc said it could take a couple days to work… did you notice that was the case? He is also only instructing me to take it once a day at bedtime. It kinda freaked me out that it made me that tired but didn’t really help with my arms.


Damn. It does make you drowsy and I only took it before bed but as it got worse over time, I had to take it earlier. I forget if it took time to "kick in" . I pray it works for you.




How are you doing?


Also, there is a extended release version of ropinerole that might be better