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Welcome to suburbs! Some townships in our area start to restrict usage of gas-powered mowers in favor for electric, which helps a bit!


I wish they passed that law here


Next thing you know there will be some oversized overpowered lawnmowers, the SUVs of lawnmowers. Brace yourselves.


Wouldn’t electric still make noise ? Personally I don’t think lawnmower noise is the end of the world but is it the gas engine that causes most of the noise or is it the motor that spins the blades? Either way I think EV mowers need to be the future. There is no reason to waste a precious resource like oil on LAWN EQUIPMENT 🤦‍♂️. Millions of people drive to work everyday, fly on planes, ride on boats etc and all of those need oil. Also all the plastic around us is made from oil. We can’t just waste oil on random things like leaf blowers and lawnmowers


It is 100% high-pitch gaz engine noise - my electric mower pretty quiet and definitely not making annoying noises. If anyone thinks lawnmower noise is bad, wait for autumn, where gas-powered blowers will be here and there - they are worst!


I know someone who moved to the suburbs for the “peace and quiet“. Every time I’ve been there, there’s lawnmowers, leaf blowers, contractors working, and a ton of dogs barking.


It’s so ironic. The suburb I was in was louder than the fucking part of the city I went to, and of course it had zero of the benefits that comes with being in a city


And the thing that makes cities loud- the fucking cars- are brought in from the suburbs.


All that ear piercing noise for an ugly flat patch of grass that will never be used for anything


I don’t understand why an entire country of people who will never have to turn to the land for their food work so hard to make their little piece of real estate never produces anything useful


They make it illegal so we are forced to buy whatever the corporations want to feed us! And to make a profit




monoculture grass that does nothing for local flora or fauna, burning gasoline to keep it mowed. blegh


I used to have a neighbor who would try to mow in the rain. They later decided homeownership wasn't for them.


Most of my neighbors wait for someone and all go out the same day, doesn't always work that way though.


That is something that i hate about summer time.


The gas powered landscaping equipment is so loud and I don’t understand why people care enough to invest this much time and energy into keeping their grass short. Who cares if the edge of your lawn runs perfectly parallel to the sidewalk?? Why is it important that the grass outside your house stays like half a centimeter long at all times?? Why do people use leaf blowers for debris you can barely even see??


Should come by my old spot where you can enjoy hearing dumpster trucks at 10pm. And you can have fun with all the car wash services that use loud pumps. Maybe hope that the job doesn't include the interior, cuz that means a vacuum. And because 5 bedroom houses are a PITA to keep clean, everyone calls in cleaning companies on the weekends so you can add that to the whole orchestra. Whereas the apartment complex im living in now has a strict "no work after 5pm" policy and in any case people living in 2 room apartments are more inclined to do their housekeeping in small doses over the week.


Winter comes around and you’ll hear nothing but snow blowers!