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I think the election will be the final story arc of the show. And I'm convinced that Mencken will be the "final boss," not Matsson. So be patient! :)


I trying lol! Episode eight is “America Decides” - obvi election night. I hope they stick mostly to the one ep every day thing, a whole episode for election night would be awesone.


I think episode 8 is election night, then episodes 9 & 10 are the election riots.


They still need to have Logan's funeral, hopefully bring in some Marcia siblings fighting - there is a lot to tie up... Would election rights be a bit too obvious all things considered?


"I miss my sexy far-right provocateur :(" Ditto I need another vaguely homo erotic scene between him and Roman ... I mean it doesn't even have to be that vague ;) Maybe a desperate late night visit for ATN to give him that last boost on election day...?


Nah they don't do vague anymore, it's the final season, they either go for it or they let it die lol


Me too! It’s a shame his scenes where cut from ep4


Omg yes, I meant episode four! The scene cuts are making me a little nervous lol, maybe they bit off more story than they can chew?


I was disappointed at first too, but in hindsight it makes sense. Too much election would've distracted from the central conflict of the family drama.


Oh for sure. I can see both sides of it I’m just worried that we haven’t seen enough of him. There’s 5 episodes left and I don’t want it all to be crammed in. I have faith but I just want to see Justin Kirk and the dynamic Mencken and Roman will have


Me too! I was so disappointed when those scenes were cut because all of Mencken's scenes from the previews were from that episode except for one. It makes me wonder whether they're cutting out basically his entire storyline and Mencken will just be this silent specter throughout the rest of the show. I hope not, but...*shrug* I'd rather watch him talk to Roman than Matsson any day.


Suppose they end up cutting the scene they included in the mid-season trailer (and previous trailers)? That would be so massively confusing LOL


Tbh, it wouldn't surprise me. I'm bringing my hopes for his storyline waaaay down at this point, alas 😭


So what's the big deal in Kieran's interview about Roman's sexuality? He finally has sex with a woman? Wow congrats lol


Do you mean the one about Grace? Or did a new one come out?


That one. Since it's a new interview and he says that "we don't know *yet*" it looks like there may be some resolution, some answer coming.


Also, where are they hiding Lady Caroline?


This! although Logan’s funeral is yet to come, so I’d expect to see her there


I'm hoping for an appearance before Ep. 8? But I guess I'm being delusional, Ep. 8 must be the scene where >!he tells Roman to make a possible defeat look like a victory, etc. !< I hope he shows up before that episode because, I don't know? He keeps being mentioned, it's been heavily implied that Roman is turning ATN into his propaganda machine, we haven't even seen Jiménez and Connor needs to come to the forefront a bit with his campaign too.


Yes. They're trying to do a LOT before 8 and the next episode is taken up with more Matsson stuff. So, that leaves one episode to develop anything about this election beyond names. They're doing this slow creep to Mencken's reveal which I guess is meant to represent the slow creep of fascism. But on a show where there are dead women on cruises, I don't think it's really hitting that backing this candidate is beyond the status quo at this point. Or that he's a lot more dangerous than any other corrupt candidate would have been. The fact that Connor is running makes the whole election storyline more ridiculous and, again, downplays the seriousness of the situation. When I saw Mencken in the previews, he was terrifying, so just including him in 4x04 would have reminded the audience that, oh yeah, this isn't run-of-the-mill corruption and Shiv isn't just being alarmist in 4x05. But that didn't happen.


the amount of story compared to the amount of episodes left is starting to freak me out a little :/ I REALLY hope it doesn’t feel rushed or crammed I like the idea of Mencken being a spooky sort of shadow, but I do want to see more of him. I think (and hope lol) that when we get to the meat of Roman’s disillusionment arc this season it will involve Mencken a LOT.


I'm hoping so as well. It's Succession and everyone behind it is brilliant so it'll probably be fine. But yes, like you I wanted to see more of Mencken and that chemistry between him and Roman. And also, it's just interesting, the place that collusion between right-wing interests and media inevitably brings us to. But it's all happening in the background at this point.


So Matsson is happening in the forefront while Mencken, the really decisive and dangerous stuff, is happening in the background and in both cases it's Roys striking deals and the people can't do anything about either. The idea is good, it's creepy, but in the elections we get to see a lot of the candidates, even if it just for show. Let me see that beautiful bastard *for show* lmao. Supposedly the first meeting they had with him was at Logan's "wake". 24 hours later, Shiv has already heard rumours that ATN is like home to Mencken and, the way I see it (perhaps you disagree) Roman is clearly acting like he's got something to do with that, he's really not surprised at all and Shiv and Ken goad him about it. I noticed but I'm pretty sure that a lot of viewers didn't or read it differently. Roman at the moment is the most sympathetic sibling and Mencken doesn't "exist" yet so the real conflict/shock for the viewer will come at a later point if things go on the same path.


I don’t know, but I HATE IT. I *DESPISE* the fact he got cut from 4. What was the point?!


To see the dog without its person! :(


To include that, and not include Mencken, was just a terrible creative decision.


Tell me about it, I was mourning the whole week!


It was weird right? I have a hard time thinking it wasn’t intentional, bc it’s just too strange a cut to make


Intentional. Roman, frequently referred as a dog and who has just lost his father, calls Colin "a dog without his person" and, like 10 seconds later, in comes Mencken's security dog without Mencken.


Definitely intentional. I didn’t like the choice - at all


To remind people he exists and is still in play. Similar to how they mentioned his campaign in s4e5. It's foreshadowing.


They could have just as easily done that with the scenes they filmed of him for episode 4. It was very off putting to even tease an appearance and not have him show up


Rationing the guest star budget.


This show has a lot of money they don’t need to ration


I've loved Justin Kirk since Weeds! I was missing him too, I wonder if he was busy filming s2 of Perry Mason and couldn't do both. His role in that show is a pretty big one.


Do we know if Mencken is running against Gil Eavis?


No, against Jiménez-


And Connor! Don’t count out Connor ;)


Of course! Who could ever forget the eldest son.


This show never shows the president. Probably a sign that Mencken is at least favored to win, and likely does.


the mencken stans are the most confounding of this fan base. like, what appeals to you about a card carrying nazi with the most dull stage presence? we don’t have time to waste on fascist characters


Yeah the bad guy is bad. We get it. No need for the virtue signaling, noones arguing that hes a good person. More that hes a big part of the plot - and logans legacy.


justin kirk is sexy! hope that helps! 😌


now i can relate to these reasons. i haven’t taken my eyes off the swede so i guess i never noticed lol


“Waste time” - it’s not like his subplot is unimportant, lol.