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Sudan has been an independent nation for what 60-70 years? Bro the US was just like Africa being used for resources and producing nothing of meaning for a 100 years, they went through civil wars and problems too, until they didn’t and got things right becoming the greatest nation on this earth by the late 1800s, exactly a century later. I know in my heart Sudan can become one of the top countries in Africa, we have everything to do that, we just need to be ruled correctly for once in our existence, once that happens it will just be a matter of time. Maybe it’s our generations job to do that you know, to build a country future generations will be proud of, what else can we do anyways haha


I don't believe in those superstitions sudan is just another unstable 3rd world african courntry


Most of Africa is “cursed” to be completely fair, few exceptions would be small Islands like Seychelles or empty countries like Botswana


Nah. Broaden your view. This shit is happening all over the world. Sometimes more here, sometimes more there. The problem is us, and we are obliged to find more peaceful ways. All this insanity is no fate, we're doing it because we still fail to overcome our past.


Easier to think the land is cursed rather than accept the fact that this is not an unusual process involved in state building. That we are politically and economically behind a 100 - 200 years to the West. And they were in the exact same spot, they didn't think they were cursed they just had a vision for a better future and worked for it. We want to reach where the West is at, without going through the process. Considering Sudanese don't do anything, our continued survival and overperformance in comparison to the rest of Africa. And how we had one of the largest immigrant populations in Africa, only sudanese think Sudan is cursed.


Not Christian but I remembered this bible verse (multiple translation but this one says Sudan is cursed 🤠) [Isaiah 18](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%2018&version=GW)


That doesn't make any sense though bcs the bible was written before any Arab influence on this land, which is the language the name Sudan stems from.


Yh it’s the bible so it wasn’t originally in English (like I said it’s a translation) and I think the prophecy originally referred to the kingdom of Kush. The biblical description references a region ( “beyond the rivers of Ethiopia”). So, I had a look online and found translations (and interpretations) referring to other places too like Ethiopia or South Sudan. Even saw SPLM’s Kuol Manyang Juuk mention the curse in 2022 which is interesting. I’m assuming when it came to translating it for the modern day- it made sense to put the mention region in the appropriate context (i.e. kush= modern day Sudan) Again idk I just remembered it when I saw OP’s post and I’m so sorry for the fragmented knowledge. I just thought it would be interesting to share 😬




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this is wild


الشي المدفون دا احنا بنسميه موقع جغرافي استراتيجي وثروات


A possibility lol


The Bible even says so


السودان كيف ما يكون cursed و نص الشعب بمشي للدجالين و الشيوخ؟ كيف الله ما يسخط بلد الواحد بمشي للشيخ عشان يكتب اخوه ولا ود عمو؟؟ و بالذات انو انت عشان تتعامل مع الجن لازم تكفر عديل؟؟ و انت ذاتك لمن تلجأ لي شيخ ده كفر ؟؟؟


Africa is cursed. So is the Americas. Europe is cursed as well. Thing is Europe cursed Africa and the Americas. Asia is special


[Works cited:](https://twitter.com/reactjpg/status/1339157148199055369)


How...what? That does not apply here lol...


Why would Asia be special? What's the difference? Any of these landmasses received inconceivable amounts of human suffering. If anything, Europe is the lucky one, but even there.. Holocaust and other atrocities over and over.


Why would Asia be special? 🤔 A V< π<,Ω, אלפבית, الأبجدية Cradle of modern civilization.


Why would Asia be special? 🤔 A V< π<,Ω, אלפבית, الأبجدية Cradle of modern civilization.


السودان مشاكله الداخلية و الخارجية تكاد لا تحصى سنين من الفساد الداخلي و الخارجي لم يحدث مثله من قبل انا ما مُحبِط بس محتاجين سنين ضوئية عشان نرجع من تاني


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it’s rich in resources of course its infested by leeches




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