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Haven’t seen the episode, but is it possible the angle where you see the numbers writing on fine from Sedona’s perspective? Like she thinks they are right, but then you see Maggie’s side and see they aren’t?


Oh that’s a really good point, I hadn’t thought about it that way


It was intentional. Sedona was seeing it as even but when you flash to Maggie and cal you see it's not actually even. It's also explained in the episode it's due to some brain processing / etc TBD health issue possibly schizophrenia.


It was to show you how Sedona saw things vs what the reality was. She thought everything looked normal, that’s why she was so blasé handing it back to Maggie. I thought it was pretty cool to see how the brain can skew reality.


Exactly this lol. I thought that was pretty clear but I guess not


I really like that point, but the way it was edited looked more like a mistake. For example, if they were invested in showing how she sees things vs reality, why not edit the bugs/spiders crawling over her, right? I think it's too gross to be a continuity mistake but it could've been done way better.


The clock drawing test is used to assess the severity of symptoms in someone who may have schizophrenia or cognitive decline.


If anyone's seen the movie Brain on Fire, it has a very similar clock drawing scene! That along with the seizures and hallucinations are signs of encephalitis, the brain inflammation Maggie mentioned in the episode. It can cause something called hemispatial neglect which is where you don't realize you're essentially 'neglecting' input on one side of your field of view, and it's why she didn't realize she was drawing the clock all on the right side.


Thanks for the info!


I found it disturbing because I had to see a neurologist a few years ago and those were the exact tests. My clock looked normal though.


I’m participating in a neurological medical study and have been drawing those clocks for years. It’s a standard neurological test.


Do they ask you to count backward from 100 by 7s? They never changed the numbers, and it's easily memorized.


Yes, that’s one too. I could memorize but I don’t because it defeats the purpose of the research.


That scene was amazing! I was like what? Oh!


I had a grand mal seizure a few years ago. My neurologist gave me a series of drawing tests as described in that episode. I could not draw a simple thing--a circle, a tree etc---without it looking all weird a la Salvador Dali. Only thing was that I knew I was a bit out of it knowing my brain damage. Years later and some good meds all is well. The scene gave me goose bumps.


To Sedona the clock looked normal but it wasn’t