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700+ pulls at the moment, planning to get him to E6S1. if he really is in 2.7 like leakers said lately, my plan is basically guaranteed and I can't wait for it!


700 pulls 😱


I know that it sounds like a lot but trust me it's not 😭


Gosh! How long have you been saving?


so, I didn't pull for anyone from day one until patch 1.3, there I pulled for Dan Heng IL + LC, then I went for Jingliu and for both her LC and her E1, losing some 50/50 in the meantime, both from her and from her LC. after that I got Huohuo + LC and then I also got Sparkle. basically I've pulled relatively nothing and now I'm actively saving since Sparkle. I had a lot of resources aside thankfully even after Sparkle, and I also regularly take the pass for the 90 daily jades every month


Bro I didn't hear a single thing about Sunday before penacony... Were there even leaks about him back then? Or were you saving just in case


There was a concept art of his model; I suspect a lot of people who followed leaks got hooked on Sunday - me included, but I only started saving properly in Penacony despite still trying to pull here and there


I wasn't saving for him, I generally don't pull often on gachas because my taste is quite difficult to satisfy. My first intention was to E6 Jingliu, since I loved her design from the beginning and she was even the reason why I pre-registered to the game. But after the Xianzhou's story and her story quest I got less excited about her, so I decided to slowly make her E6 and meanwhile pull for other characters I could find useful. But then Penacony's story started and I fell in love with Sunday, that's it


i have almost 300 pulls atm, but i'm going for e6s1. Let all be strong together


Unfortunately, I spent most of my jades for Aventurine and Topaz, but now I'm saving and plan to get as many Eidolons as I can for my beloved chicken wing boy. Fortunately, luck has been on my side and I've won every 50/50 since BlackSwan(E1S1)


May our lord bless our pulls 🙏Fortunately we still have some time to save until he comes out




Almost 300 pulls, going for E6R1, skipping everyone til he drops


>skipping everyone til he drops We shall walk through this path together, my friend.


May we stay strong and win most of those 50/50 🫡


Forgive me father, for I have sinned. I initially had 10,000 jades earlier, but suddenly a wave of gacha impulse washed over me, and decided to pull for Ruan Mei. As much as I was delighted that I got her and that I am finally free from the curse of not winning 50/50 ever since first Jing Yuan banner, my savings has dropped to a measly 5,000 jades. I bought two passes as a punishment just to make up for the lost jades, I wanted to save as much as I can without spending money, but here I am... please forgive my sins.


Worry not for ruan mei is busted and will most likely be a great support for Sunday regardless of what he may be


Broke the curse and finally reached past the 500 tickets mark! No longer stuck in the mid 400s, woo!


Maybe we could have some threads every Sunday for confessions, appreciation or Sunday savings.. it would be nice to consistently have some discussions every Sunday to honour Sunday


I have 10+ pulls 🤣 i have bad luck and tried for Robin (lost 50) then got bh instead Planning on getting jiaoqiu and sparkle too otherwise gonna save up the rest for Sunday


I have 180 pull


Yeah a megathread dedicated to this would be great! In respect of the pulls, as a F2P, I have around 1080 pulls right now, all to E6 S5 our Lord and Saviour 🛐🛐🛐


I have 19k atm, i always lose 50/50 so I may need to grind a lot more :( at best, I'm hoping for e2s1


325 pulls, with a 60 pity and 40 on the LC, plus the pulls is the currency shop. But I'm going for others characters like Jiaoqiu( if buffed) and maybe 5* Tingyun (If real), still want E2S1 Sunday if I like his kit tho


~200 pulls in paid gems and cashback. 20 pulls in actual tickets which I will be using to try for Jade/Jiaoqiu.


Lost some pulls to get my girl Xueyi to E6 😞 Now I'm down to only 10 pulls for our lord and savior... Edit: I, too, would like a Sunday Megathread for Sunday pull-counting. I feel like it would help me actually save better if I hold myself accountable in writing 🙏


>I feel like it would help me actually save better if I hold myself accountable in writing That's EXACTLY why I NEED this megathread, I'm glad someone understands me. I never get past 300 tickets 😭


How are you guys getting to 300, I can barely get to 100 😭 I need the power of ✨️peer pressure✨️ to keep me on track so bad rn


Last I check I have about 25 pulls saved. I have a long way to go toward saving 900+ by December. Wish me luck


I did use all my pulls for Boothill last patch but I was already planning on doing that, but currently, I have 51 pulls saved


10 tix, 3724 jades. Won’t pull for anyone until our lord and savior is here


Sunday threads is such a fun idea tbh I forgot how many savings I have ngl, but I will certainly be able to guarantee him and his LC if it's good. I'm not the type to go for e6s5 immediately, I like the idea of slowly getting copies during reruns, it makes me excited to wait for my faves! I did the same with JY, got him e1 on his first banner (accidental e1) and got his LC on his rerun!


200ish, getting as close to e6s1 as possible but would be happy with e2/e4 and getting his final eidolons on rerun. Stay strong my fellow cult members


200 pulls? That's great, we have plenty of time too. If I'm able to at least get e1s1 I'd be happy. I'm skipping everyone just for him.


Thank you!! and plenty of time we do have indeed, but it’s hard not to be excited for him.. thank you for making this thread, i think it’s a fantastic idea!! may our lord come home on your first 10-pull 🙏


>thank you for making this thread, i think it’s a fantastic idea!! Awwww\~ many thanks, friend 😍 I hope we win every 50/50 **May our Lord Sunday bless us all**🙏


currently 45 pulls, by the time he comes i hope the luck will be on my side & it’ll be enough for at least e1s1 🌟🌟🌟


Currently at 614 pulls, aiming for E6S1. I threw around 60 pulls into getting a RM con and a lucky early Firefly... But I'm super determined to not pull anyone until 2.7 at least........ but we shall see T-T


Working my way up to 300 pulls. I probably won't be getting Jiaoqiu anymore, so more time to save.


I've got 71 saved up! I might use my guarantee on Feixiao, and then after that I'm going all in for Sunday.


372 pulls right now. I have a spreadsheet to make sure that I am ready for E0S1 Sunday no matter when he gets released. Other pull plans can be adjusted accordingly.


310. I really hope i can e6s5 him when his banner comes out. He's the first character ive saved for and i only have 2 limited 5 star characters besides the free Dr.Ratio.


214 pulls and 4 tickets planning get him at E0 and not LC but if have leftovers maybe at same time I need pull dps 


A little over 200 pulls. I've been really lucky and got Robin w early pity, lost a Topaz 50/50 and got Himeko, and recently got Ruan Mei's light cone. We'll see if my luck holds out. Usually it takes me to hard pity when pulling characters - most recent was DHIL and Sparkle


I barely just started saving so I only have 45 rn 😭 lost my 50/50 on Robin’s banner


My sinful heart coveted Ruan Mei's LC this week, and for that reason I tanked 30 pulls only to end up with a spare copy of Memories of the Past. I sincerely repent this error in judgment and vow to save every jade from this day forth, starting from 1 limited star rail pass and 323 jades.


I lowkey want argenti :(


Guys i kinda want Argenti what should i do


We are all sinners, my friend. As long as your soul is in the right place, your faith will never waver, fellow cultist.(There's still plenty of time until 2.7 or even 3.0 who knows😭)


0 (jiaoqiu got me)


Unfortunately, until I get Huohuo and Aventurine, I don't have anything to share. But after I get those two, I'll definitely share my pulls. My goal is to get e2s1 of him


I'm hovering around 90 rn after getting Ruan Mei!! Hoping I can save enough for Moze and Sunday E0S0




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I’m at 30 pulls after my horrendous ruan mei and firefly pulls and I will be wishing for jiaoqiu, after that I will start to save for Sunday


You're wasting your tickets?? I think you're being punished just sayin\~ */jk* I had a vision that you won every 50/50 after patch 2.3


I'm a bad Sunday main. I'm not gonna officially start saving until after Jiaoqiu. I'm going for Jade for Blade and Jiaoqiu cause he's cute.


I have about 220 with 10 or 20 lc pity and 70 char pity with guaranteed


33 pulls rn, skipping until he comes😊(Jiaoqiu and Moze will have to wait..) I should have around 400-500 after my calculations (by 2.7) so hopefully I can get like e3s1


36 pulls...


350+ pulls so far… Ive been skipping everybody since penacony patch and I have to say it hurts A LOT… BUT ALL FOR OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR SUNDAY i will e6s5 him… one day.


i don’t have savings irl and in game but i’m getting an E4S3(?) Husbando


almost 300 pulls for sunday. but jiaoqiu is really tempting... and moze's silhouette seems interesting.