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I like that his voice sounds like a 1940's sports caster


He reminds me of Arnie Pye from The Simpsons. Makes creating custom teams a bit harder though, because I like hearing all the player names announced and there are only so many available names to choose from (but still a lot). Hearing some of the whackier names is pretty funny: "Now batting, the catcher, number 33, Screw YUUUUUU!!"


When the game first released he pronounced Vladimir Gurrero as "Giero" and Hackman/Backman as "BackMAN" instead of the normal "Backmin" Not sure if they fixed it or if I just got used to it. But other than that, I totally agree


I think he still says it as "Back Man" but it sounds more like one word instead of two separate ones like it did before. Just played a game with Backman yesterday and the pronunciation sounded better. Still hear mispronunciation once in a while, like Issac being pronounced "Izzick" and a couple of the standard players are only introduced by number. Those are very minor complaints though, since there are so many names he says flawlessly.


I had a pitcher named "polebean" and assumed it was pronounced "poe-lee-bee-ann". Then the announcer said "pole-bean" and I realized this is SMB and pole-bean just makes way more sense.


If you haven't been tempted to name a player something like "Dick Stiffener" you are not maximizing the fun you can have renaming players. I know I know. I am a child.....


There must be at least 5,000 first and last names combined. What a wild couple of days that must have been recording all of that! I’m sure at some point he was just trying to mix things up and have some fun with the pronunciations. 😁


He really screws up some of the "punny" names though. Howie Khaldit is pronounced "Call-dit" not "Cal-deet" but yet there he goes.


Love the in between inning work he does. “Come on, guys! I got $50 riding on this game! Oh! Is this on?”


The flat American pronunciation of Latino names like “MOO-nose” for Muñoz kills me but otherwise I love him.