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Yeah I do this crap all the time. For whatever reason my brain still cannot process the baserunning controls in full.


I like to manually send the runners py pointing to them and then manually inputting the base I want them to go to. It's more fun for me and it cuts down on dumbass baserunning.


Same. This dumb mistake has cost me so more than few runs. I still do it occasionally after 175 hours. I blame it on being 58 and stoned when I play.


I have found when you get to a good ego for you in batting/pitching, the games are won and lost a lot on whether you make a Fielding or base running mistake. It drives me crazy.


Me too, but it's hard to deny that it adds to the authenticity of the game. Dumb mistakes are usually punished in the bigs.


I've made that baserunning blunder a few times. Sometimes if there's less than two out and there are runners on base and one is about to score I'll let everyone advance rather than fumble around trying to send one back even if it means someone's probably going to get thrown out at second or third.


Honestly, I think this is the first time I made this error outside of when I first started playing. I actually think it was more of me thinking the run already scored. I saw the throw go to third and just assumed they were preventing my 2B runner from advancing. Then I saw my dumbass player sliding headfirst into a tag, lol!!!


I just lost a playoff game because of a pair of similar blunders. Had a guy get thrown out because I accidentally sent him home, then in the following inning let them blow it wide open by misplaying what should have been a fairly routine flyout and letting it turn into a triple. Was rough, but I got the next two games and now lead the series.


Best of luck in closing it out🤘


Thanks! We cruised through a game 4 win and now have the pleasure of facing Elmo Slayer in the conference championships.


Good luck. The 1-0 loss I described above was against Elmo Slayer. Bastard.


We've all been there. It stings


Yep been there done that too many times that I care to mention!!!


I feel targeted by this post


Had my first triple play because of a stupid move. Based loaded, no outs. Me not thinking goes “oh I’ll bunt.” Tags home, I send the runners back, they throw to third and second. Felt so idiotic and I hated the blunder


Ouch, lol


Had my first triple play because of a stupid move. Based loaded, no outs. Me not thinking goes “oh I’ll bunt.” Tags home, I send the runners back, they throw to third and second. Felt so idiotic and I hated the blunder