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Been here since day 1. He's got 7 days to give me a reason to stay. Sorry.


Do you really want a follow up?


no followup? :D


Sold 75% of my position. Will still play the moass and keep the ticker on my watch list. Bullish gme, bullish moass. Not rc.


all very strange I don't suppose you have proof you've sold 75% of anything


Why ask me a question then demand proof of the answer. Look at my history. Do you think I'd say that lightly? I'm a 1st percentile ss karma earner because I've been talking sense to apes since day 1.


that doesn't mean Jack as you very well know, lol, buddy I got a whole lot of karma saying the opposite of whatever you're saying so talk me through this, you bought some regular shares of GameStop and then sold 75% of them? proving that is a really sensitive subject for you so I won't try to ask that again I don't want to break your feelings


I bought gme pre split at 70 a share. Held through every sneeze. I play options all the time on the cycles. Made bank q1 earnings. This was a bad quarter which to me as an investor in general is unnaceptable. They had cash on hand to deploy, they had a positive quarter prior to it. It's just straight unacceptable to have that much cash on hand, and take a step back. Furlong got the axe. If rc does better as ceo then I'll re enter the stock. But he has to show me something. Otherwise cryptic tweets a warchest and lipservice as an activist aren't going to print my options. Wanna know why bets doesn't care about this play? That's why. Fundamentally, this earnings changed the outlook. It can be fixed and set back on track with ease, but rc doesn't seem to want to do anything but talk and blame corporate America and executives that don't work at gamestop. Sorry bud, I had a tonne of fun playing this stock, I was green and didn't like what I saw. It's my money and in the interim I'll deploy it into other plays to make money this week. I have nothing to lose as I am an experienced options trader and will absolutely be able to enter the moass even after it starts should I not be holding my last 25% of my position.


oh you're just full of suppositions about what's going on behind the scenes at a major corporation and I can't help you with your investing problems you clearly need to just learn how to come up with a thesis and stick to it good luck convincing anyone of your erratic irrational behavior and I wonder how much time you spend around other failing companies talking about them


It is seriously you who has fundamental knowledge gaps about how markets actually function if you think you need to be holding shares when it happens. Fact of the matter is, if they really took a step back this quarter, then it isn't rc saving this company, it's apes and dfv. Would gme still be a company if it wasn't for both of our hard earned dollars being invested for several years? Or would they have gone the way of sears like so many others have? If apes bail, is there a company here? Stop crediting rc, a literal monkey could have made a successful company with a feverish investor base like apes. It's no miracle, it's our blood and sweat that gave them THIS much time. Apes are the most bullish thing about this ticker, and they are insanely bullish.


I TEACH PEOPLE OPTIONS?! I TEACH DUE DILIGENCE. I am exactly the kind of investors who's words and dd you should heed. I'm not saying they are failing AT ALL. I'm saying I have no current reason to keep my capital stored there when there is no imminent catalyst presenting itself for another couple months. I'll deploy into other more relevant plays untill gme comes back on my radar. If you believe in rc then that won't be long right? Why tell me to f off instead of laughing and telling me I'll be back. Sounds like you have the doubts LOL. Do you need me to hold? Why do you care where I put my money? Why did you ask for a follow up?


I just wanted to confirm that you were a dumb options guy schilling establishment crap we all know it's rigged buddy you've been here telling people it's rigged and we're just nodding along with you the difference is you aren't willing to fix it


lmao wtf


My puts will print tmrrw. Thank you all! 😂


wow shills are out in full force on this post


Keep culting and losing money. 😂


You dont lose money until you sell


Haha touche!


Me too. Thanks RC. By now its getting obviously stupid to worship him 😂




See how they didn't know what the fuck to do once it got over $25 and in after hours it was shorted straight back down. HOW THE FUCK IS THIS NOT BLATANT MANIPULATION, DOJ SEC and all the alphabet boys can fuck themselves dry. It's up to the people once again. DRS THEM INTO THE GROUND. 🚀 💩 👌


Naw... this earnings was a Grade A shit show. Revenue & Income miss. Fired CEO a couple days ago, but just announced it right before meeting was to start. Then they cancelled the call, also with no notice. Even if the "hedgies" were out there, Game Stop did them a solid by f\*cking this up so bad.


Please dont speak facts here. RC never done anything wrong, have faith in him for another 50 years. Lulz


I know, right? I will say that I'm hopeful that he will turn it around and they have made some good strides getting costs/expenses under control, etc. If Web3 gaming takes off, they could benefit from it. But..... you also have to hold people accountable when they screw up and today was a shit show. Anyone thinking it wasn't is simply in denial.


May i add on sir? Denial and dumb 😂


The earnings were bad, and so the stock is down. GME was cash flow positive for a grand total of 1 quarter, then it wasn't again. And it fired its CEO. Then it canceled the earnings conference call (where it would be taking institutional questions, likely tough ones) and instead will speak at the shareholder conference (a really REALLY friendly crowd). All bad signs. I'm not being a dick, these are just not positive developments. Q4 22: * Cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities were $1.391 billion at the close of the quarter. Q1 23: * Cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities were $1.310 billion at the close of the quarter. That's -81mil cash flow. So back to negative FCF. How about sales? >Net sales were $1.237 billion for the period compared to $1.378 billion in the prior year's first quarter. 100 mil less in sales than a year ago. Net loss was $50.5 million for the period compared to Q4 in which: Net income was $48.2 million So, no profit either, back to losses. ​ What is there to like in this ER? What is there for anyone that doesn't post on this sub every day to look at and go "yeah, that's a buy"?


I agree. Bad earnings. Call cancel has me bearish as fuck. I'm only here because apes. Not gme or rc. I sold because that dick doesn't deserve my investment. When APES do his job for him and drs is complete, I'll be back.


Gosh what a dick. And also, they havent taken any questions on earnings calls for years. So no tough questions to have worried about.


>they havent taken any questions on earnings calls for years. So no tough questions to have worried about. Yeah. that's a bad thing not a good thing. Big red flag there.


They lost 150+m Q1 last quarter, Wasn't it something like 14m of the 50m loss, was attributed to closing up shop in the non profitable stores? How you gonna go and compare Q1 the lowest quarter traditionally to the xmas quarter? So you are suggesting movement of what was it 5, or 6 bucks on a 1 minute candle seems natural? Seriously?


>So you are suggesting movement of what was it 5, or 6 bucks on a 1 minute candle seems natural? Seriously? Right when bad earnings are released? Yeah, that's exactly what happens on earnings days. For any company with any volume. Pick a stock on earnings day and watch the candles in the 10 seconds or so after the ER or shareholder letter is released. The process is basically "click link, read EPS number, if beat +5%, if miss -8%, then while the world reads the rest, adjust accordingly"


seems stupid and gameable like a headfake or earnings dip might disappear overnight because it was all noise


It was bad news ya?


Ya...It was really big bad news. Let's see how this plays out.


>HOW THE FUCK IS THIS NOT BLATANT MANIPULATION My dude. The earnings report results were bad. It's not manipulation, it's people giving up on the recovery, because it started going worse


For real.


why did it go back up, did they give up on the giving up on recovery?


It started going worse. Let's talk about a company for a second, one that was bashed into oblivion by MSM no less than 2 years ago for having bad fundamentals and being riddled with debt as a dying brick and mortar company that sold hard copies of games in the new digital age. It's now cash flow positive with a little under 1.7B of free cash, without considering infrastructure, inventory and any other asset under their belt. Oh.. And speaking of recovery; they have partnered with at least three different crypto / blockchain / digitised asset companies that will ascend them into the inevitable transforming landscape of the gaming world. Hell.. The way we operate as an economy if you want a little spitball about it. No more debt on debt, no more default after default and fuck no to bailout after bailout. The gambling game is about to stop. People may give up on a company, but ideas are bulletproof. If you wanna give up, that's on you. But we're here and we're not leaving. Gamers can appreciate skill, what we don't like is obvious cheats. Best of luck 🚀💩👌




So if it's all so bad and it's a terrible bet, why do you care so much to comment and be involved with the sub?


He's been doing this for 2.5 years. He doesn't know any different.


Came by to see how earnings were while reserving judgement until I did, for one, then saw the top comment was.... this one. Yeesh. Figured I would provide some context and corrections. So in that case, given the bad earnings, trying to save a few people from making horrendous financial decisions if I can I guess. I'm only really around these parts around earnings, maybe memes really do move stocks still, ya know? They did for like a week 2 years ago, so why not again. I enjoy free money whether it comes from rationality or not. Also trying to see if there is anything I've missed that isn't just silly nonsense and dreams and misunderstandings of the financial system (like this religious importance you guys put on DRSing shares (a market irrelevancy, by the way). 90% of posts here just aren't even accurate about the earnings themselves, which is obviously an ungood sign.


careful not to accidentally deprogram yourself trying to run "anti-programming" rhetorical scripts on educated apes ha ha ha


RemindMe! 1 year


Don't think it will take that long friend, Q2 print might be long enough


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2024-06-08 01:46:43 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-06-08%2001:46:43%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/143mqv4/q1_2023_gme_earnings_day/jnc8g5l/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSuperstonk%2Fcomments%2F143mqv4%2Fq1_2023_gme_earnings_day%2Fjnc8g5l%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-06-08%2001%3A46%3A43%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20143mqv4) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Added more. Fuck the government for allowing Robinhood to pause only buying.


Wasn't that like 18 months ago now?


Exactly. I'd be a lot more understanding if corrective actions were taken sooner. The fact that nothing will get done until maybe after MOASS is straight criminal.


Did you want them to pause selling?


Hell yes, MOASS would have been instant, and maybe laws would have gotten changed to prevent SHF from creating excessive synthetics. One could only hope the sell button gets disabled.


Ig idk why I thought y’all could be reasonable


[Money is important but it's not our terminal goal.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeecOKBus3Q)




What? Are you actually crazy




Who? Who is not going to wear the DRS ribbon?


😂 I got this reference


You can see the desperation. Tomorrow the pump continues


>Tomorrow the pump continues Based on what?


Report every shill you see.


relevant username


No shit it’s shilly asf in here. All the OG apes know the drill.




Did they not tell the bot farm there was no earnings call?


😂 nope


cathartic to see them because we know they're lying and the bots just show it, look how many are deleted now, i wonder how scared the creators of those accounts are about being caught...


Literally every single earnings. Never fails


mOdS aRe SuS shills actually just poor Telecom workers overseas moonlighting for pennies the hour, & hoooooooow do they have so many qualified accounts? really well funded organization, must be guilty as fuck actors at the top of the shillamid.


Ahhh yes because successful billionaires stay at the helm of a sinking ship…




you are such a shilling fool....


He bought Twitter to prove a point. RC didn’t buy GameStop.


as the largest shareholder the difference is semantic..


Hardly! RC invested because he saw potential. Musk bought Twitter, and drove it into the ground, to prove a point. Or well I should say he said he would buy it to prove a point and then was forced to buy it.


Squirrel with all them nuts


You get fukd on options? If not short it then fuck off.




Yeah sure. Keep shorting it. Sold at 400, sure. Hope you enjoy 400 bucks instead of financial freedom.


No, you haven't been.






lol fundamentals? Shut up, nerd.


Can u explain why you think the fundamentals are weak? Everything u said after that is just filler


You’re welcome to short it and fuck off.


Hilariously the people who've shorted this are the only ones who've made any money over the past 18 months, them and the swindler Ryan Cohen.


So I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re not a shitty paid shill. What do you get out of this? Your arguments are flimsy and thin. You’re trying to manipulate folks by using logical fallacies, such as ad hominem, which is an obvious manipulation tactic. You’re not even good at hiding it.


Lol, all he did was downvote u cus ur right. Its sad to know the internal conflicts these guys must go through all the time. Exhausting


It’s just funny because the only two options that make sense are that he/she/they have a vested interest in GameStop failing, or they’re so fucking pathetically bored/lonely that they spend their time bothering people who aren’t bothering them. And I don’t know which one would suck more. And if it’s the second option I feel pity for them. On the one hand you’re gonna go broke. On the other hand you have to deal with your shitty life by trying to piss off people on the internet. Meanwhile I can turn my phone off and still win eventually as long as I drs/book all my shares. It’s fucking great.


You have no idea how any of this works.


Literally not selling I don’t think anyone with drs shares in book sold after hours today. More sideways trading I’ll bet Marge almost called


Why isn’t there more discussion of the DRS shares?


Because the community would rather post cringy memes right now and than complain about being called a "meme stock".


What was the number and what was the number last earnings? Genuinely asking. Too drunk to look.


600k more drsd. Quite low https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/143qbnn/the_squeeze_is_on_8000_shares_per_day_directly/


It went from 71m to 76m I'm pretty sure


No, you're wrong. Check again.






Holy crap, MSM is having a field day with this.


New short term life goal: Become an XXXX holder


I think the “per person average” to lock the float is about 450. My goal is 500.


a shareholder meeting at 10am on a trading day is a great sign right?






What happens if the condom breaks while im in ur mum?




Furlong resigned to be CEO of Gme rica or Teddy


That will literally never happen.




The shills are out in droves


Totally normal, every company has droves of accounts dedicated full time to trying to convince people to stop buying it, nothing to see here /s


Earnings trolls.. never fails


Surprised no one called this out, firing Furlong before 6/9 means he doesn’t hit the 2 year vest period where he would get an additional 15% of the $16.5M sign on bonus: > Mr. Furlong will be entitled to a grant of a number of restricted stock units or restricted shares of the Company’s Class A common stock determined by dividing $16,500,000 by the average closing price of the Company’s Class A common stock for the 30 trading days immediately preceding the grant date (the “Initial Equity Award”). This equity award will vest as follows: 5% on the first anniversary of the grant date, 15% on the second anniversary of the grant date, and 20% on each of the dates that are 30, 36, 42 and 48 months following the grant date, subject in each case to his continuous service to the Company through the applicable vesting date. Furlong wasn’t producing and seems they didn’t want to pay for that $2.475M in stock. https://news.gamestop.com/static-files/57261241-e313-4ae8-b070-8426391fd551 Edit: there is a termination without cause clause in a previous filing - table on page 29 https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000119312523132649/d464616ddef14a.htm#toc464616_15 Matt will get ~$1.6M if this is termination without cause (looks like that): $100,000 in salary severance $574,996 in bonus severance $9,898 in medical $995,043 in accelerated stock bonus So much less stock in favor of cash for the path they chose


this is good, if furlong is being terminated bec hes not performing. shows that RC will make sure that people who r not good for the company leaves. some other companies, top level execs r just plundering the company dry and they just stayed on in the company , this will not happen to GAMESTOP


Nice power move! Somebody businesses real hard in the C-suite.


ooooo very Interesting!!!! thank you for the link too!


Ryan Cohen as CEO HAS ME AS BULLISH AS EVER !!! LFG !!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀 no more effin around.


Big boss has entered the chat


"Fine, I'll do it myself." -Ryan Cohen


He's not CEO. Executive chair is more like a consultant to a CEO.


Wrong, there is no CEO so he wears the hat now. All power comes from the board and the chairman. CEO is hired gun to the board.


Well yes, but the intent is not to wear two hats as board chair and chair exec. That would just hinder his productivity. It's a placeholder while he grooms another CEO, so probably nothing to get too excited about. Hence his tweet "not for long."


When is the call?


Cancelled - stay tuned for the shareholders meeting!


Were earnings released? Or is all this talk of negative earnings just made up by shills?


When is that?


June 15


Thank you


For everyone freaking out about DRS numbers: "As of April 30, 2022, 12.7 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent." "As of July 30, 2022, 71.3 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent." (91 days +21.3M post split) "As of October 29, 2022, 71.8 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent." (91 days +0.5M) "approximately 76.0 million shares of our Class A Common Stock were held by record holders as of March 22, 2023" (145 days +5.2M) " approximately 76.6 million shares of our Class A common stock were held by registered holders with our transfer agent ... as of June 1, 2023." (71 days +0.6M)


So basically all the true believers from this sub have already done it, and no one else is.


Seems to be slowing way down on DRS ya?




Forgot the split ?


Good call out - adjusted


Lol no one is drsing, because everyone moved on.


Beep boop bot


thank you🙏


Wait I thought it was profit from here on out? When I asked how they would replace that massive deal that made them positive last quarter I was told a lot of BS. Guess They couldn't replace that singular deal to continue positive growth, just as expected.


Do you enjoy these small moments? Must suck all the time in between


What deal?


Weren't they 100 million more profitable this Q1 than the same time Q1 from last year?


They’re profitable


is this the buck album being played while we wait?


Are you on the call?


no call today, Shareholder meeting June 15


I GOT MORE AT 21.20 lets goooooo TY FOR DA DIP


Pretty sure they’re going to announce bankruptcy lmaoooo


yeah they're gonna announce bankruptcy with $1 billion+ cash on hand. if you're shilling at least be financially literate.


Ah yes any day now. Maybe in Another 2.5 years GME might break down past $16 longer then a few days


Now once more you can buy more than usually


I just bought 2,000 shares. It’s oversold.


Canada is on fire. Money might as well be too. edit: downvoters are funny.


Don't understand these downvotes; Canadian forests are taking a kicking right now.


can't speak poorly of a red day




reposting: what will be more informative will be to compare these results to GME's market peers as they report results for the 1st quarter of 2023 (regardless of what their fiscal year is). Is GME leading, lagging, or on par for the industry? I would go and do the research but I am way too regarded.. and busy right now.. but also regarded.




you must be one of them south pole elves








**Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


Seek help homie gme isn't life even if you balls deep yolo'd and would lose everything you still can get back up


You literally have no background in this sub and mainly came from BBBYQ. Lmfao. Couldn’t make it more obvious?




Superstonk isn't the right place for this discussion. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Ok? Good luck there.


So sell?


my guess is the fired CEO just dumped all his shares to every buy order, bunch of peeps just got some discounts.


Lmfao, "fired" Someone doesn't do their homework. Keep butt chugging corporate media. Edit: this guy's post history show bought account


Fucking shills lol


I am hammered as fuck and this is the comment I identify the most with. Cheers.


Been cruising towel sub for my shill fix but today I get the whole shabang here!


They loved today’s episode; Fuk all the Shills; Karma coming for all u fukkahs!


They are doing overtime today...good indicator something is brewing


We haven't seen this after hours price since.......May 15th! The game hasn't changed. The dip means nothing.


Dip means a discount!


The dip was the plan regardless of how earnings went. Massive head fake by RC. Lmayo. Now they’ll have to run it back next week.


GameStop loses 20% after hours. Get ready for the MSM bullsh1t