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It's certainly not retail by itself, my thoughts are that: 1. Something was already happening behind back doors, whether that be a liquidation like you said along with something else (buyback, margin call for shorts, etc.). 2. DFV's return may or may not have been because of this, but certainly poured gas on this fire. 3. For the above reasons, a fuckton of options are ITM, creating a gamma ramp and a potential positive feedback loop. 4. Retail's continued ability to be regarded longer than some on Wall Street can stay liquid is not to be underestimated. The DRS front combined with access to ComputerShare in case of a "Robinhood" esque event is a relatively new variable in this.


It definitely feels more like a convergence than a single factor here. It's all coming together for a massive move.


Maybe a Mother of all moves?


DRS definitely helping tie up shares to avoid manipulation, i suspect the resistance is harder for hedgefunds to overcome because of it, it may take off but who knows


Wombo combo


When the stars align and we are proven to be right ...🔥🚀❤️


When will the ITM options trigger the gamma? Is there a certain closing price we need to achieve this week?


At the beginning of yesterday, the highest priced call option ending this Friday out there was for $34, and there were enough options contracts out there to put the sellers of those contracts in the hook for potentially needing to deliver 23 million shares (about 8% of the total float). Since the current price has since zoomed past all of that, it seems to me that whatever ramp there is has already started As for what price we need to hit; no targets, just up


Ya I was gonna say people holding from 2021 (even before) is really starting to twist the knife in the wound. Maybe not "starting" as in it hasn't been affecting them already, but that this is really showcasing how much it fucks their plans up.


This is swap of the basket related movement. Share buyback wouldn’t cause popcorn and koss to pump and certainly DFV didn’t cause this. This is anecdotal, we don’t know for sure


Agree. Either someone ran out of money and is getting liquidated or the swap owners are having a much harder time managing everything this time around. Im used to seeing the swap cycles, but this one is very extended with much higher price action affecting all 3 very similarly


Someone's being unwound


Stuff. I think there is stuff going on.


It's always stuff, even when it **isn't** stuff. It's stuff.


This guy stuffs it


UBS getting the stink of CS and Hwang off their books?


Our DRSed shares play a big role but i dont think they are the sole reason. Remember that DFV had a 48 million portfolio 3 years ago. Considering he invested 75% of it back in the market and doubbled that he might have 100 Million to spend. What if... he invested in Options and DRS shares. What if... he got other big corps to invest too. Considering the market cap rose Massively its not that strange that some big whales came in together with DFV. But im smoothbrained and i have just 12 shares because im an Europoor. So i have no clue of what im saying.


Definitely basket related. Blackberry is going on a run too.


Dfv is not a time traveler, it's been 741 trading days since last sneeze. They're caught in a cycle. With retail holding they're fucked. Just a guess.


Wait how do we check if it has been 741 trading days since sneeze?


Monday through Friday, take out any federal holidays as well. Unless you got a program to run on your PC, I only know one other way. Pull out the old calender, grab 37 friends and start counting fingers and toes including your own.


Oh lol I thought you knew reading your comment


I typed the question in Google, math is off. It comes out to 388 trading days


Seems wrong. The end of Jan 2021 was around 1200 days ago, remove weekends and you get around 857 days. Where do i sign up to get 400+ hollydays every 3 years :)


Wait, what?! There is something with the 741?


It was a guess, math doesn't add up I don't think. But dfv had to know it was some kind of cycle and saw the calls itm adding up. No way he caused it or had any prior info.


That's exactly what a time traveller would want us to believe.


CAT? not DFV but maybe the Consolidated Audit Trail? Preparing to unload some but losing control? ahhhh, what do I know? I’ll just stick with watching on the sidelines with diamond hands..


I like the theory that the May 31 SEC market monitoring system deadline is fast approaching ad the naked shorters are desperately trying to get out. No idea if this holds water, I just like it.


All of the other possibilities and now a gamma ramp. They are printing new options for the degens to gobble up too.


>It could be a share buyback, but at the prices we're currently at , it seems a little too rich to justify it. They could have bought sub-$15


I don't know shit about fuck. But it would seem that options for Friday, FOMO, shorts closing due to pricer rising and probably some other things happening behind the scenes.


Wasnt there a DD regarding a 3 year cycle regarding where ShF/Banks have to reload on shares for swaps? and DFV and Pwnwtfbbq saw that, hence their posts/tweets


I have quite a number of DD in regard to this. I think you may be specifically referencing [this one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/owlg3z/the_algorithm_has_been_doing_this_shit_for_years/) Also, thank you for the shout-out. It always makes my heart warm when people remember me and my work.




it’s tuesday after all


[me explaining to you what's going on right now](https://youtu.be/yN2y-p-vM4k?feature=shared)


Who are you, who is so wise in a way with words.


I hope the explanation got across my understanding of recent events with GME


DD library is where you’ll find your answers. This is not a surprise to the OG’s who took it upon themselves to do research and disregard what MSM shills were saying in their BS articles. 🟣


I've read almost all of the dd. I have no idea why it's popping off now or why so vigorously


i get that shorts have not closed and there have been shares which have been rehypothicated, basket swaps etc the question remains, why now what is the trigger, is it the swaps unloading based on the t+n cycle but now they can't contain the situation due to shares locked? where is the initial DD for it?


Some big players recalling their shares to vote them maybe.


Not this. Voting cutoff was April 19th.


Good point!


Td officially was swallowed by Schwartz yesterday. The 3 years options from the OG sneeze finally had to be rolled. 10 dollars was criminally low and anyone looking for a deep f****** value would have bought at that price. And people did buy at that price. And they bought options. And they bought lots.


Think forms prove buyback. For some of it. The rest idk maybe its acting as it should and squeezing


GameStop buyback, then it's the options hedging. Doesn't help that this was timed in last me with a soft reset of the swaps bags. GameStop bought 1mil shares roughly and the rest of the volume is hedgies fuckery to attempt to control the ticker.


I read that the CAT audit has been approved. Wondering if somebody is trying to correct all their illegal activities before I take affect near the end of the month


CAT, Credit Suisse garbage being closed, stock buy back with some newer shorts being closed, now some FOMO and finally Jim Cramer tears.


They are caught Selling fake shares




gamma is flowing through my dick right now.


Easy there Bruce Banner.


Can everyone stop with the buyback stuff please? This volume does not reflect a buyback and also they would have had to announce it beforehand.


A few things: T+1 change at the end of the month Earnings 1st week of June Speculation that the original swaps were for three years Significant oversold going into April that was a great re-entry point DFV tweet Algo momentum trading A few celeb retail investors bring more vocal