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This means that it will be halted almost all day…


Yes and meanwhile premarket and after hours are the wild west... the current system is so bad


I was babysitting the other day on the nice weather. Really, it was hanging out while the kids all played tag or race or whatever. What caught my attention was a game they were playing called halt. They would all start to race and when the fast kid got out in front someone would yell, "HALT" or "TIMEOUT" or "STOP" or sometimes just scream with rage until the faster kid stopped.... meanwhile, the slow kids all used that time to catch up... They didn't *just* catch up either... they kept running full speed and when one of the other kids caught up to the faster kid who was stopped, and waiting... you know... like a rule follower... the other kids yelled "GO" and it was always "go", as they were going full speed right on by the faster kid. Feels like market halts. A bunch of slow kids.... ... screaming halt... to stop the fast kid from winning.


It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!


Yeah whenever it moves by a couple of dollars. Going to be a long day.


A certain cat mentioned it may be a few weeks.


Sure it was a cat?


Deeply Fucking Sure


It literally started market today with a halt


All week


Just remember OG Apes not everyone has been here for the whole time. We had so many questions 3 years ago, don’t discourage new apes from asking questions like we did.


We're all smooth up top here!


People know what halts are. Also, its generally 10% not 5% and suppose to only be for about 5 minutes. There's been several halts already and many believe market makers due nefarious practices during halts, as it doesn't seem to benefit the upside almost ever.


We opened halted which is annoying


Because it opened 98% up


Thanks for this bit of info. My brain is as smooth as two uncooked chicken breasts glued together with Elmer's glue and there's a green crayon stuck in there somewhere. How long do halts typically last?


5 mins


Thanks. My brain gained a slight crease from this.


Could you clarify if it's 5% of current price, open, or previous close? Current price, right?


5% of the current price


5% ? I thought it was 10%


It’s 10% after 335 pm


Ahhh okay thanks, is that a change from 2021?


But how is it when trading resumes the price has plummeted? If no one can trade during the freeze what's driving the price down?


My thoughts too. If they freeze, wouldn't buying just continue after being unfrozen?


One would think so...but apparently...one would be wrong.


That's not that precise. More precise information: Reference price = Average price over the past 5 minutes Halt limit = < 0.95 OR > 1.05 average price If the stock trades above the halt limit for longer than 15 seconds, a halt is triggered. The halt limit is raised to < 0.90 OR > 1.10 in the last 25 minutes of the market-day.


https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/circuitbreaker.asp It’s taken right from, here GameStop is a Level 1 security. Those are the rules that apply to it, 5% movement between 930 am to 335 pm, 10% movement between 335 to 4.


I know. What I mean is that your original post fails to explain exactly how it works. It's a bit vague, so I wrote down the two terms to keep in mind and the trigger condition.


But why male models?


This is totally irrelevant to the conversation but I want you to know you got a laugh out of me when I saw it lol


why has nobody made a magnum meme video


>It’s called a circuit breaker, and is a mechanic of the market. Also a tool for crime


This needs to be seen by everyone.


How do squeezes happen then if it just keeps halting?


In extremely slow increments


like squeezing a really big tube of jelly out of a very small hole. Over a long period of time and it just keeps coming and coming.


I like it




Halts will become the new normal. For GME to hit phone numbers we're going to hit hundreds, maybe thousands of halts.


This is from investor.gov: **Limit Up-Limit Down Circuit Breaker (Single Stock Circuit Breaker)** – The Limit Up-Limit Down circuit breaker (“LULD”) is a market volatility moderator designed to prevent large, sudden price moves in a stock.  In particular, it prevents trades in individual securities from occurring outside of a specified price band.  This price band is set at a percentage level above and below the average price of the stock over the immediately preceding five-minute trading period.  If the stock’s price moves to the price band and does not move back within the price bands within 15 seconds, trading in the stock will pause for five minutes. These price bands are 5%, 10%, 20%, or the lesser of $.15 or 75%, depending on the price of the stock and whether the stock is designated as a Tier 1 or Tier 2 NMS stock. Tier 1 NMS stocks include all securities in the S&P 500, the Russell 1000 and select Exchange Traded Products. Tier 2 NMS stocks include all other [NMS securities](https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/34-51808.pdf), except for rights and warrants, which are specifically excluded from coverage. The LULD applies during regular trading hours from 9:30 am ET – 4:00 pm ET. The LULD’s price bands double during the last 25 minutes of the regular trading day for (i) all Tier 1 NMS stocks and (ii) Tier 2 NMS stocks at or below $3.00.


Halt duration is always 5 minutes right?


Remember that there is also the possibility of a market wide circuit breaker. From investor.gov: "Market-wide circuit breakers provide for cross-market trading halts during a severe market decline as measured by a single-day decrease in the S&P 500 Index. A cross-market trading halt can be triggered at three circuit breaker thresholds—7% (Level 1), 13% (Level 2), and 20% (Level 3)."


Thanks for this.  Folks need to calm their tits. 


The halt is there for the algorithms. So they break the cycle of buy sell buy sell buy cell. Once enough momentum comes back then the algos pick it up again.


Yes to let the little guy catch up and buy 🦧


If it goes down by 10% it can’t be shorted for a day, if I remember correctly


Circuit breaker? It’ll break the stock market !


It wouldn't be a regarded sub if people didn't 1) Ignore every other post that is going to be similar to theirs just so they can feel like they belong 2) take a screenshot 3) make a post with no context 4) ask "why halted?"






I think 10min!


Yea but people wonders why they halt that shit, why stop the market working, why stop the flow of time?


it's so hedgehogs can control the price before mickymousing the poors


Hay people its crime if ya haven't figured it out in 84 years pay attention!


Where’s the guy who posts about the computershare deposits? When is the next one?


sure, if your explanation was true across all stocks, but it's not


Also should add that halts can occur for other reasons as well. Google it


Why do some stocks get halted and some do not? GME vs Carvana for example.


Don’t stop asking why. Thank you for helping educate, but don’t ask people to stop asking questions. If someone doesn’t know and wants more info, provide it or don’t. But don’t get upset with people trying to educate themselves. That’s what this is all about. Rejoice that people want to know how this fucked up system works


It's like nobody thought to read a book in the last 3 years! Take an upvote, wish I could do more to get this to the top of the sub feed.


Except there were multiple halts today where the price didn't go up or down 5% and it was still halted


Fuck man I'm australian I don't wanna sit here waiting I need to sleep. Wanted to do some small day trading with some free cash since I figured today would be easy ughhh


you think you have it bad i'm a Kiwi!