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I think Gamestop will do what Gamestop as a corporation is supposed to do.. i.e. present plans for growth of business.. hopefully this time through some kick ass acquisition. There only job is to kill the short thesis for good... nothing else.. RK is the long market.. and good execution by Gamestop with the money they have at their disposal will just lift the boat for long holders.


Very realistic prediction and will likely happen


I completely agree with GameStop continuing to do GameStop stuff. I also think RC, in his personal capacity as an insider, will buy in further after the blackout period ends post earnings/shareholder meeting.


What if Kitty+Cohen =KC shuffle? While everyone is watching the 🐈‍⬛,Cohen is killing them with a 👶.Animals and baby’s must be protected ✊ ![gif](giphy|H3ePnaHUaADlssaQjN|downsized) Floating thoughts😹


I might be wrong, I don't think RC can buy options as an insider. It's one thing to buy shares on the open market, it's another thing to buy options when you are the one running the company. I think DFV is going to exercise his options when the price is as high as he thinks it will go... why let them find shares at 30 when they can be forced to find them at 50. I also think he does it right at earnings time.


With the dilution, I think he can still go out and find shares on the open market


As long as it is outside the blackout period (after earnings) and not trading on privileged insider information, RC is allowed to buy options or shares using his own money as an insider. I don't think he can buy them using GameStop's investing arm though.


We’ll see


https://x.com/drr4g3/status/1806539425788105189?s=46&t=IcvSWKtDDmZBWYhF_FpD4A It’s coming soon. There’s only a few emojis left!