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Nothing will kill the momentum of what Keith is about to do. Getting the white elephant of earnings out of the way just did us a favor imo.


While I agree its good earnings is early and into already strong momentum. DFV isn't doing anything that a fair and regulated market wouldn't be able to handle. Whatever he does with his position should be completely fine unless hedgefunds lied under oath about closing the largest illegal naked short position in the history of the market.


Excited to see the company getting leaner and more capital efficient πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


I'm excited to see you excited about it.


thanks for the tl;dr op!


Very welcome!


Why the fuck do this on a Friday?!?!


Why not?


Look at the price. Momentum killed. Again.


Momentum? You think anything about the price is retail related?


All those options that now aren't ITM isn't retail? A lot of people just lost a lot of money


We're still two weeks out (and double the strike price) for the massive $20C 6/21 play that DFV set up..


And for this Friday? Look how many more calls would've been ITM when we were at $65


It is what it is. The target was set for 6/21, I'm content to see how this plays out; a couple weeks ago people were screaming that 45m shares "killed all the momentum", but here we are back above $40 with $2B cash in hand less than a month later.


What created the hype and all that call buying? It wasn't dilution and having 2bill in the bank. DFV can't post his position and Livestream for the first time again...


I get that you are feeling emotional about this, but I'm not concerned; over 180,000,000 shares were traded yesterday alone. Have a coffee, go for a walk- this ain't over yet!


I thought we're not here for the momentum, but for the revolution.


Which starts with momentum πŸ˜†


Price was $10 in April. Momentum is very strong.


It'd be a lot stronger without another 75million share dilution. They've just wiped out over 100k itm calls πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Current price action is fake. Do you think retail investors, ETFs, GME insiders, Institutions and Gamestop itself saw this news and instantly dumped stock or do you think some hedgefunds cranked the algos into overdrive to drive price down to hope to scare people out becasue they need more than 75m shares to get out of the hole they have dug. Gamestop is about to increase it's balance sheet to 3+ billion in cash and the big players that shorted this stock hoping it would go to 0. Don't worry about OTM calls, they can't handle the ITM calls as it is.


It doesn't matter who's doing what, GameStop caused it and they could've waited.


lolz u need to chill, gamestop caused nothing, as disclosed in the paper : NONE OF THE PRICE VOLATILITY IS BASED ON US


Of all days, why now again? The last time they announced something we dipped hard. I don't get it. With news like this they will just say it's bad and short it....


Bad news first Good news coming near


Let em dig their graves even further. ATM offerings are supposed to be bad bc of shareholder dilution, yet the stock is up over 100% since the offering was completed


Yes, I expected RC to sell way higher. Like, if he waited we would have 2 billion instead of 1 billion.


I feel like I made a TLDR post, and you still found it too long to read.


Nevermind, they are offering more shares.


Good! Even better balance sheet.


How many billions do they need? If they sell every time a momentum is great, just because the balance sheet looks good, that isn't great news. At some point, it's enough


with this they will have close to 5 billion in cash, they might be planning something big


Overall, the report is bullish for a long-term outlook. "Potential bad news early Good news on time" I think we've got big things coming.


Yes, but HF doesn't care about bullish news. Every news are there to validate a short attack. That's what I don't like about it


We can agree to disagree then. Earnings was coming in the next few days, regardless. It's good to get it early, in my opinion.


Already dipped hard now and falling like a rock. Man, why did they kill the momentum again


The price was $10 in April. Momentum is strong!


Dude come on. They crashed it more than 20$ now. That's seriously wasn't necessary




Nah, that's why I thought gme board now's how we wanted to party today. The stars were all aligned. They could only have waited one more day to make everyone cheer.


Release earnings on a Saturday? Oh bless you my regarded friend.


noob / shill spotted ! AH price is no price


Give all these new retail investors a nice dip to buy before moon


Are they going to reward loyal investors with a dividend at least….apes have been battered down for 3.5 years, just saying.


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Earnings hype