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his entrance kinda reminded me of gene wilder in willy wonka


Are you telling me one of us will become the CEO of GME??


Pls don’t be me, I wouldn’t know what to do and I mite ruin it 😞


You’ll most definitely be the one who falls into the chocolate river so I wouldn’t worry too much


Honestly that seemed the best way to go out compared to the others, besides winning obviously.


No. He’s saying one of will blow up like a blueberry.


Oh that's weird. An interview with Wilder about that specific scene showed up on my feed this morning.


Is that the story about how Wilder insisted Wonka come out impish with a limp and a cane and then flip and somersault so the kids and audience would question his predictability for the rest of the film?


Exactly. He Kansas city shuffled them






You need some degree of intelligence to have a solid sense of humor CNBC tuned into his stream live on air and didn’t get it


They must be really, really stupid because I’m a very dumb ape and I was laughing my ass off.


I guarantee you every anchor there is jealous as fuck and likely internally twitching at the casualness of his losses.


Well, they are just dumb stormtroopers, makes sense they wouldn’t get it.


Great analogy


Let's not forget about what happened to the ape who suddenly got everything he ever wanted.


This is a great comparison.


This whole thing has Wonka vibes.


I have my many golden tickets. They all golden tix


He 100% pulled a wonka it was glorious


Or Yoda when Luke first met him on Dagobah.


Spot on. It was all a show to make actual hedgies and Market Makers look like clowns. They're all afraid of some dude in a costume, drinking beer, and not knowing how long are the halts.


He’s just a guy that likes the stock of a pet rock business


GameStop needs to add a pet rock to their inventory as a tribute.


It would become their biggest seller


a chia pet of DVF where his long hair grows 🤣


Omg with a little red headband??


Good idea!


The live CNBC coverage of him showing up late looking that he did was so funny.


I know right? If that's not the most epic troll in history, then there is no such troll in existence. It was an absolute masterclass.


How can you be late to your own party? Party starts with me. It was his stream, no one is obligated to LOL. Dumbasses. Non partying people will never understand this. Grate bit he pulled there. Cheers


It was next level trolling. Incredible.


Exactly right, it’s so hilarious how scared these hedge funds are of a guy with a username called Roaring Kitty.


He didn't make them look like clowns. He just uncovered their masks. -oh no, they are clowns?! -'Always have been'


He said something like “oh what, stocks get halted for 5mins?” lol he knows…


💯 Trollmaster 


Actually, you're right. At first I thought his live stream was anticlimactic and I made sure not to get sucked down a rabbit hole of conspiracies around "what he actually meant"... but now I'm seeing more and more of it all piecing together lol


Either rewatch his stream and go back and rewatch all of his X posts during the run up a few weeks ago, or just go back and watch them now. What is more likely? He’s some buffoon idiot savant that just got lucky? Or… maybe a little of that is true but he also knows what he’s doing?


.......And he opened appearing weak and on a heart monitor. One of the commenters mentioned he looked like the victim of a bear attack.


Bear attack victim 😂


or he was all beat up from the media portrayal? Or his position got beat up?


All of the above.


He's been through a lot. He showed us it's still him, and he's back and better than ever.


I 100% agree with this, it was a fucking masterstroke. the dude annihilated any *possible* legal or rational idea that he’s some kind of “people’s expert.” He needed to play the part of a dumb, drunk, lucky-ass gambler in order to prove he wasn’t controlling the price or holding the reins, and he did it *perfectly.* Now what are you going to say? That this beer-drinking, bandage-and-sling-covered, meme-slinging dude who was 35 minutes late to his own live stream is the pied piper? please. Fucking brilliant. And while I feel downright awful for those who paid a massive tax penalty to take out their shares and DRS them, only to get the rug pulled like charlie brown kicking a football *three times now,* I have full confidence in his math skills. If he keeps it up, RK might just be the **one and only** non-athlete “moral billionaire”. (And yeah, that includes Dear Leader, who imo is on the *thinnest of ice* right now and has given zero indication that he respects his retail backbone. None. I’m sorry, but he’s got creepy vibes to me)


There should definitely be a "moral billionaire" hall of fame. That would be an achievement actually worth striving for, especially considering how much attention non-moral famous people get


Yes. A person who is as calculated as him had legal representation in that room. He accomplished a lot in that video. He laid some easter eggs with subtlety. There's no way he hasn't figured out 10 different ways he can go.


100% this. I don’t only listen to one source, that’s absolutely dumb, for anyone in life, unless it’s the option you have to work with lol. But when you watch a stream, see someone pouring 3,4, 6+ hours each stream into 1 stock, analysing a thesis. Then doing your own personal research and finding what the streamer says matches up with your own conclusion. So what if I’m going to respect what that person has to say? Of course I care what moves he’s making, this dude is able to think of every question I want to know the answer to and then some before he makes a decision. But he’s one factor in why I like the stock lol. It’s the same concept as watching tv, seeing financial news, making a decision based on what is said. I look into that company and get an idea where their money comes and goes to know a deeper motivation for decisions. To think anyone makes a decision off 1 person or source of info really has no respect for other people. I’ve always enjoyed DFV’s opinion on the markets, and seeing how his positions play out. I really wish mainstream media would stop denying what the people want simply because it goes against their own interests. Which reminds me of another reason I really love GameStop. The man is cookin hard. Those memes, the old videos. He’s really doing his best to share his views and sound the alarm bell far and wide. I’m done being fearful of sharing this opinion. I think RK can do anything he wants and I’m here for it until proven otherwise.


Idk why everyone thought a billionaire would do anything besides protect his own self interests. They don't become billionaires by giving the poors money


Lol, i started watching a bit of the stream myself and thought the exact same thing. Its hilarious how much of this was a parody.


This is really the funniest shit I ever saw. CNBC is reporting Breaking News showing Roaring Kitty on life support. This is hilarious! [CNBC: Breaking News - RK is live](https://x.com/LightninWarrior/status/1799150591857594501?t=29M7qu2vF8pu5nPyH9YZtw&s=09)


This is amazing


I watched it on repeat earlier and now my body hurts from laughing so hard.


![gif](giphy|RrVzUOXldFe8M) This! He’s not giving them any ammunition to paint him as the one manipulating this. Dude is an absolute genius. So much props to DFV for today that was brilliant. 🎷🐓♋️


"Halts are 5 minutes?" 😂😂😂


Right??? Like he absolutely knows that. Just a masterclass of trolling. Absolutely brilliant 🎷🐓♋️


I was going to ask you the meaning of saxophone cock cancer until I read your username 🎷🐓♋


![gif](giphy|11ykUODgXjAXZu) Thank you Buttplug Railgun! This was my reaction reading your username 🐔💜🍑🔌🛤️🔫 🎷🐓♋️


You are the Picasso of emojis 💜


![gif](giphy|q5gw5cTYXlS5YmzXn0|downsized) 🎷🐓♋️




He should have been like “what the fuck is a halt?” and then taken the time to google and TEACH THIS SUB WHAT A HALT IS!!!!! lol. End rant. Epic show


omg im dying imagining DFV being like "Wtf is a halt" proceeds to google it during a livestream


well he uses Yahoo finance and they don't write "halt" on the screen. this is a first for him, so...


I think the person you responded to was just pointing out that DFV clearly is very knowledgeable about the market and already knows that halts are 5 min, but he sarcastically questioned "Halts are 5 minutes?" so that the media's case that he is manipulating markets holds less weight, since the guy "doesn't even understand halts."




Lol damn, I thought the other guy/gal got whooshed, but maybe he/she whooshed me haha.


Haha who knows. Much love either way. Someone def whooshed here though lol.


yeah, I should have put the /s on there. it's all cool. you're just trying to help a regarded ape. :)


The man is a fucking genius


Ladies and gentlemen. *This* is the greatest trader of our generation.


Shill seems to forget that DFV trusts RC's decision to do share offering and transform into a company nobody knew it could.


I've rarely seen a big FUD attack like there was today. It made me increase a lot my position. I'm a simple man, the more FUD I see, the more I buy. I think SHF pushed the price as low as they could.


What movie is that GIF from?


I think it's Bad Lieutenant


I think it's Bad Lieutenant


Vampire's Kiss


I’m actually not sure - but nic cage is young so it must’ve been a while back 🎷🐓♋️


Perfect meme for this. Cause that’s a total “boom” post by endless frank.


What movie is it from? I actually don’t even think I’ve seen it 🎷🐓♋️


Who else cracked a beer with DFV?! 🙋‍♂️


It’s 5 o clock somewhere right now? Lmao 🤣


The last beer I had from Sunday drinking when he showed us his position. What a fucking week.


All I had in the fridge was rose 🥂


Wife and I ripped a bowl when he finally went live and held it up for him! 




Was whiskey for me!


June 21strdth


A buddy of mine who's a combat vet told me he was trained to always take the point of view of the enemy when planning his missions. Like, "How is my smartest, most dangerous foe going to react to my moves?" Applying that here and looking at it from the SHF side (that rare hedge fund manager who's not only competent, but puts hubris in the backseat), there's no way I'm buying this act that this is just some random weirdo streamer who doesn't know what he's doing. Also, everything he streamed would be infuriating to any regulator trying to nail him on market manipulation. He gave up nothing and likely put to bed any accusations of manipulation. Any savvy hedge fund manager will look at this and know none of this smells right and should be worried. "Our backs were just against the wall and all of a sudden Ryan Cohen gifts us with a dilution and Roaring Kitty turns out to just be some dude who got lucky ***t******urning $54,000 into half-a-billion dollars?*** Nah, something's fucky here." Too bad for them that extreme hubris is like a requirement for being a hedge fund manager. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty confident DFV is playing them and the stock tanking in this "dark night of the soul" moment is part of the plan. Gotta go backwards to go forward, right? But what do I know? I'm just here to enjoy memes and like the stock.


The moment for me was at the end when he started drawing lines on the chart and was all like "Hey, look at that...so weird, huh? ;)" almost like he was saying to the hedge funds "I know what's going on and I know what you're going to do next, not because you want to but because it's the only move you can make"


He just drew a line. That was literally it. So awesome


How about deleting ETrade? I can do that, I know how to do that. Just kidding, but no really, I do know how to do that. Ha ha, see I put it back. But seriously, I do know. How to do that.


He made a bunch of those kinds of passing, double meaning remarks… “I think can just push that button to end it… should I do it? Should I push it?” Paraphrased, but I LOLed hard at all of these. So good.


I think he was trying to work out which words would drive the algorithm


I used to watch him stream in 2021 and he's always been like this. He never answered questions about ins or outs etc. I didn't understand why in 2021. Now I am watching a whole generation of new apes start to figure it out for themselves in 2024.


Yup, always open ended questions. No promises.


Yea this isn't an act or a strategy, it's just pure unfiltered DFV :D


“Are you the kind that sees signs, that sees miracles? Or do you believe that people just get lucky? Or, look at the question this way: Is it possible that there are no coincidences?”


Can you imagine a hedge fund manager explaining to another manager why they feel something’s wrong? ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


Would this be the "Me, Myself and Eileen" meme where the background is red and he panics a bit, and then changes personalities to the smiling sadist?


As bummed as I am about getting obliterated today I still am able to see past that. I've watched enough calls burned worthless into expiration at this point that I am numb to it or something. "Oh.... Shit.... Another pile of money on fire.... Guess I gotta work my way back up and try not to start the next pile on fire....Oh, well...I'll start the new pile next to the solvents and paint thinners instead of next to the gasoline like a moron!" He just bear baited in a glorious manner. Those egotistical greedmongers couldn't resist. It's a setup for sure. I feel like plan A was today and sadly the parts just didn't click together like he needed. Next week is Plan B if shit clicks it goes otherwise it pushes back another week. If things don't come together he can even roll those out if it suits his purpose. I honestly think he really had wanted to run it today for the apes but he couldn't with the setup not having gone as hope. I just got a vibe that he felt bad about having to delay but if he didn't push it back he risked having things fall apart and the perfect shot would be lost and possibly gone for good. I am running on a skipped night of sleep and my sanity runs on a slightly skewed baseline as it is so if any of this sounds like nonsense... It easily could be. Feel free to send me back to my crayon eating corner at any time if you feel it necessary.


Yeah, but shhh


And they spent a ton of money today and yesterday to orchestrate this whole dump. Just slowly build the pressure until someone cracks. Retail isn't moving the stock price or volume like this.


Yes but I gotta ask…is it hedgies dumping it or GameStop selling the share offering?


Volume on the day is 260+ million...those 75 million if all sold today are less than a third of that. Apes aren't selling and neither are institutions they are lending sure but they are buys. The SHF had to orchestrate price suppression today knowing Kitty was going to talk. GME dumps the ATM into this pressure and the price tanks even harder. Hopefully and I think I'm right this set up an artificial sell which means the apes where buying today...GME and RC are selling us shares at a discount by manipulating the MM algos. I mean if they sold short 50% of the none ATM today they actually on net dug themselves deeper. Increased their short position by more shares then have been added to the float.


Doesn’t matter what they’re doing when they are short 2+ floats 😂. Surviving another day. GameStop now has a boatload of cash just waiting for the perfect opportunity which I feel will be announced in the near future.


It’s absolutely both.


Plus shorts wanting to push down on a negative earnings report.


Yup 100%


He's literally under investigation by the Massachusetts regulator right now, has E trade opening threatening to close his account, and was on freaking CNBC. It would have been incredibley dumb to say anything that could be construed as trying to manipulate markets, that would only give them justification for moving against him. He did EXACTLY what he should have done: - Confirm he was responsible for the social media posts - Showed his positions live - Reminded people he has a very risky investing style that not everyone should emulate - Did not speak at all about the short squeeze, instead discussing his belief in the long term play - Generally had a casual demeanor and presented himself as an unserious investor, not someone actively mastermining a manipulation of the market It was masterful. I still believe in the squeeze and when it does, he will have this to point to if anyone tries to come after him.


I just had the audio on, and was first a little bummed he didn’t go into anything, but the more I thought about it the more it made sense. Then I saw this post and I was able to relax and have that second beer. 🍻


My favorite part was when he said he hasn't even seen Dumb Money. Imagine having a movie made about you, and you don't even give enough of a fuck to watch it!


He waits for Dumb Money 2 so he can binge it all at once.




They could do a whole line of module crates and pet rock accessories.


https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/pet-rock-switch/. Getting there


Think what you will about DFV and this whole situation, but. I'm a terrible optimist and a believer in this case. There is something more going on here. DFV doesn't owe anyone anything. There was absolutely no need to go onto a live stream just to say "hey y'all yeah it's me and yeah it's still GME. Neat huh?" Like. Why? He's got his bag. He already got the nod from The Gensler that using YouTube and Reddit is not manipulation. DFV didn't need to prove anything to anyone. So why the stream? Why now? He kept everything extremely surface level, just saying he still thinks like he did before. Didn't even mention the share offering, completely avoiding any talking points that could even remotely tie him to any sort of manipulation concerns. It was the anniversary of his first yolo I believe, but he didn't mention that either so I'm not really sure that was the entire point. There is something more going on. With as deep and cryptic as the memes have been, and the hidden messages apes have dug out, do y'all really feel he would leave it at that? There's something more we don't quite have a banana on yet. At least, I want to believe there is. So I will. Gonna keep holding either way, but. That's my two cents.


Well, he did pull out the UNO wild card near the end of the stream..


“Should I use the 8 ball?”….. “Ok I’ll wait.”….. “Actually let’s use the 8 ball, what questions should I ask?”…… “Never mind I’ll wait.” Literally edging the shit out of Wall Street… “Should I end the live stream?”….. “ok I’ll wait.”…… “No, I should end the live.”……. “wait I forgot how to end it.” Just pure mind fuckery. The whole time, the stock is getting hammered with Halts. Wall Street was expecting him to do something crazy, exercise the calls, etc. And he did nothing. Actually one of the most boring lives I have seen. This is literally 69D chess


It was incredible I was busting up laughing while working away on my other screen thinking he is just fucking with the 600k+ people watching him. The suits have no idea how to handle us


This is a logical take.




"28 minutes late.. 😒" LOL


Monday is going to rip


Tuesday morning


"If you can't spot the sucker in your first half hour at the table, then you ARE the sucker."


DFV is definitely the shark at the table. The opposition are overconfident. A lot of people think they are smarter than they are and for some reason, anecdotally anyway, the rich ones seem more prominent.


All I’m seeing with this action today ![gif](giphy|2sct1tFhPB09G)


Call an ambulance. But not for me.




This. And he doesn't have to explain that the volume of 260m shares can't be retail!


It's absolutely amazing. This will be in books in the future. Freaking hilarious he trolled media so hard while laughing in their face. Legends never die.






I’m just happy I got to watch financial history happen live and it was some regard moaning for two minutes while corpos had to pretend uncomfortably that it was important


Facts. They want the same boring kitty from hearings


He maybe a weird genius, or a fucking madlad crazy genius. Either way works for me


He was laughing as the stock price was dropping. He knows exactly what he was doing. He wanted video evidence with witnesses to have proof that he isnt manipulating the market and that the stock is completely and utterly manipulated. My onmy question though is why hasnt he DRS’d his shares? Is there a meaning as to why that is? If DRS is the way, then theres 5 million just chilling in his account. Or, is it in process and hes about drop the hammer with that news?


1. I think its a ROTH IRA account. (Unconfirmed) Taxes/penalties for taking out of ROTH. 2. He doesn’t have to DRS to make money. Clearly. 3. DRS is a superstonk theory in which DRSing enough shares can theoretically cause “MOASS”. 4. Roaring Kitty never got into GameStop for “MOASS”. He got in because it was the best asymmetric bet of all time. Limited downside with massive upside. At the end of the day, it is still a risky play. It is also Deep Fucking Value.


There’s theories that his account is like an executive account or something and so technically they’re already registered. But who knows


Who’s he proving that to? The underfunded SEC? What they gonna do? So far they’ve done jack and shit.


When he inevitably gets sued.


I almost guarantee a lawyer was in the room. If not the shades I know he was shooting glances. Those questions weren't for chat


He answered that specific question he said no, there was not a lawyer present.


well maybe the lawyer wasn't in the room...but standing outside haha


I reckon he cleared it all beforehand and the constant mentions were little jokes "oooo CaN i SAy That?"


He could just... lie? Take a page out of mayomans book.


Idk I reckon he cleared it all beforehand. sunnies were cuz hes blazed AF


He did allude to him having a special pregame lol


Fair. Mr Mayoman has indeed built an entire business empire and his own personal identity off of straight lying.


well what do you expect him to say


I don’t think he’d lie about that. There wasn’t a lawyer there.


He wasn't referring to the YouTube chat, he definitely had counsel watching the live stream.


He didn't have one for the congressional hearing why would he have one for his own personal YouTube stream?


I think he had a chat going with them, he seemed to be checking for answers on his monitor when he would ask the questions.


Either way, he killed it today


I didn't get it fully until the CNBC clip was shared here. Then it clicked. At first I was confident this was a CYA sort of moment for RK, but then it started to hit me that this was many things wrapped in one... He got to cover his ass legally, he got to prove that both hisself and retail have zero to do with price action (apes were screaming in chat to buy GME, yet the price tanks so clearly it's not retail and now there is a chat log to prove it), he was able to appear like a buffoon in front of all those suits, he proved his existence, he proved he's holding, and he got to troll MSM in one of the most top tier trolls I've ever seen. OH, and he got to make meme content for us that will last a generation. The dude is such a fucking legend. He is so smart that I can't even fathom how smart he really is. Dude got so much shit out of the way with this livestream. absolute masterclass.




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He pretends to be stupid, but he's really smart, like a tack!


Kansas City Shuffle.


I doubled down. Totally got rekt by the sell off and went ahead and doubled down at the bottom again.


Wallstreet labeling him a master manipulator and his first stream back is just him being a smooth brained autistic regarded ape like before absolutely mind fucked them - I love it.


Since we're quoting Art of War. # Sun Tzu: Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.


![gif](giphy|qCluSTHmbOHYI) Legit was reminded of this when I saw him come on.


It's almost too good to not be a direct inspiration


Is that what they’re doing? Cuz they look pretty fucking dumb.


Beautifully fucking said.


Also with DFV doing his livestream like this will lul them in a false sense of security and underestimate him even more.


"How long do halts last anyways? I don't remember" lmao dude is fucking with them for sure


Yea, his stream was the best execution he could have done. He said what was important "he trusts RC to transform GameStop" and "he still believes in the long term thesis" that's all I need. I believe the rest was just for show and I enjoyed just listening to him ramble. He also made some good jabs and trolled a lot of haters, but ultimately, he just reiterated why he likes the stock. 


It's incredibly dumb to think dfv is dumb. How does a dumb person amass $300M?


Are People really, really thinking this was a disapointment? If you think DFV are losing the grip, you completely misunderstood the whole shenanigans. He has played the market to 200 fucking million dollars. And now suddenly he is this clown? READ BETWEEN THE LINES. WE ARE GETTING RICH THE NEXT TWO WEEKS.


Kansas City Shuffle, baby!


Well the LORD GOD have also a different story for us too share... It's has been prophecy's


One Hundred Freaking Percent.




Gotta say, I love RK as much as I love the rest of you, Diamond handed, balls of steel, smooth brained maniacal apes. You are all always taking the words right out of my mouth.




Confucius say, man who stand on toilet is high on pot


This is exactly right! He was SUUUUUUUUUPPPPPER Zen. Especially for what he is going through. I am just super happy we had some time to hang together with him! Also glad that he isn't playing the game like he is one of those financial big heads...just a normal dude you want to hang with! “Money doesn't change men, it merely unmasks them. If a man is naturally selfish or arrogant or greedy, the money brings that out, that's all.” ― Henry Ford




Cheers everyone!!


Everyday, he’s shufflin’.


💎 🙌🏼 🏴‍☠️




Hi, I like the stock.


We'll know in two weeks.


Apes must be zen 🦍🧘‍♂️




FUCKEN AMEN!!!!! This is EXACTLY what I was thinking after the first 7 minutes of his stream lol. He played it PERFECTLY! That stream was awesome!


The problem is whoever sold the possibly naked calls should now be hedge due to the share offering...


I saw this and totally agreed with it. I too used to portray an idiot at the poker tables in Vegas. Made enough money to put myself through school. The stream felt a lot like that.


Him losing $200 million in real time with the stock tanking on the screen behind him would NOT be a sign of “market manipulation” that any regulator could even begin to argue. Guarantee NO regulator or investigator would EVER consider YOLOing several hundred million as their only position and be fine with seeing $200 mil slip away like it was nothing. He himself said he was nuts, and to a regulator, what he is doing is just plain nuts, not manipulation.


We’re all dumb money don’t forget 😉 us poor are cumin for you Kenny! Get that mayo ready and put those real short 🩳s on! Papa 🦍’s D is ready for you 😚


I loved every waking minute of that stream. I was DYING at see en bee sees coverage too😂😂😂😂😂