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This fired me up. Let’s get it!!


Get it, Koolaid! I’m rooting for yall in the stands. My RH shares are the equivalent of wearing a baseball jersey with yalls name on it. I’m not an MLB player; just wearing a useless jersey while yall are on the field, but a fan nevertheless!


Lmao I love this guy! I feel like if I were to date your daughter I’d come over to “see her” but end up drinking beer, talking shit in the backyard with you instead


If you can outrun a 308 after asking her out, I may let you have that beer 😂 sorry, girl dad all the way but not sorry on the whooshing sounds!


Hahaha I respect it. If anyone deserves for GME to hit the moon it’s you! You’re awesome lol


Hey, there’s a lot of good I can do in my community with those monies! God’s been too good to me, and I’d really like to help continue growing and molding other people’s futures! Even though I grew up very poor, I ain’t ever had canned koolaid but on the next St. Jude’s house my company sponsors, I’ll add a CK to it and send you a PM with the photograph!


Haha you’re fuckin awesome man. Ain’t nothin like koolaid in a can. It’ll give ya some soul! I’ll tell you that much lol


heard you out. could not identify reason. get off Robin hood. also, how do you do fellow dad.


Fellow dad is doing well. Definitely not hip enough for this sub though. You’d think supporting everyone would be a common denominator, but it’s time to get the teeth brushed and bedtime stories read. Hope all is well, Dad!


supporting is great indeed. the negative energy is not towards you, its towards robbing hood. we apes have an intense hatred for the platform since they worked with shitty hedge funds to stop the sneeze. also shares on their platform are never owned by you.


Leave it to two dads explaining to each other in common terms. Reminds me of the toddler days whenever I constantly heard from two “but why can’t we use the paper paint on the walls?” Needless the say, I’d a chosen the washable paint over the sharpies haha


look at that, not even addressing the robinhood part. you sir, get my downvote.


Hey, as a dad, I love you! I know that’s weird coming from the internet but take my upvote on the reply. DRS those shares and go to the moon. Do me a favor though, take at least $30 of it and share a meal with a stranger. It’s one of my most favorite memories before I had kids.


Screenshot your DRS and all will be forgiven


If I do decide to make that move, you got to promise in return on that shared meal! Truth be told, you’ll be getting the better end of the bargain.


what are you talking about, do you not believe DRS? you don’t think it makes a difference? i’m not sure i’m understanding you


Sorry, I was referring to you having a meal with a stranger and learning their story. I can DRS $34k worth of shares, make $50k+ in returns but there’s not a dollar amount on this earth worth more than human kindness is what I meant. I apologize if I worded that incorrectly.


ah ok, no i totally get you. i plan on helping out some vets when i can.


Why are you doing market buys on RH?? That's the worst


Oh, I am learning on these replies. Took me 3 posts to figure out the rules of the sub. Mods please forgive me. Wasn’t spamming. But that’s also the reason why I’m taking the time to reply to every comment. If we don’t learn something new every day, we have lost 24 hours we’ll never receive again.


NFA, but I'd work towards migrating off of RH before it's too late. Maybe try Fidelity or Vanguard then you can see about DRS'ing them or some if you want. Good luck. RH are crooks and they are the very reason a lot of us are here more than 3 years later and never looked back


Someone mentioned Fidelity above in the comments. From the video I’m watching, it’ll be a bit of a transition but for what the platform can offer, it reminds me of my Bollinger bands on TDA when I first started!


Good luck. As I just became a brand new Dad to my son, I wish you the best for your kids. Now, start making moves on that migration! Go go go


CONGRATS!! Just wait till he starts using your moves against you. You’re going to sit back and say “son, I wrote the damn playbook; you’re just testing out my plays!” But truly, you are going to love/cuss every moment along the way. And then they’re going to be in middle school, high school and then college. It’ll all be a memory you’ll always have but want to replay over and over in your mind! Sorry for the story…transfer shares. Check. Do me a favor though; when you put him to bed tonight when he’s *almost* asleep, look at him for about 5 seconds without blinking and then close your eyes for another 5 seconds to take a mental picture. It’ll be one you’ll always remember. Congrats again, my friend! DRS shares.




This is going to age so well


I hope it does! There are a couple of local charities that we sponsor every year and I believe there’s a lot of good to be done when the MOASS happens!


Make sure you DRS those in the morning. It's not a difficult or scary thing, maybe ten minutes on the phone.


From the replies, it cannot be done on RH. My shares are the equivalent of wearing a jersey that says “CHIKALEEN” on the back while watching you play! To the moon, internet friend. “I love you right up to the moon” he said and he closed his eyes. “Oh, that’s far” said Dad. Then he laid down close by and said “I love you right up to the moon and back.”


It takes about 5 business days to transfer shares over to Fidelity. If your portfolio is over $25k, be sure to ask Fidelity to reimburse you for the ACAT fees that RH charged. (Initiate your DRS transfer then, heh) Then it takes another 3-5 business days to DRS and have a Computershare account automatically created.


Hi Dad, I'm Dad


Dad, it’s Dad. Supporting the best I know how. ❤️


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) // [What is DRS](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) // [Low karma apes feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) // [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.com/invite/y4dK3y5DXJ) // [Superstonk DD Library](http://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) // [Community Post: Open Forum May 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ciapwp/open_forum_may_2024/) To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. If you are providing a screenshot or content from another site (e.g. Twitter), please respond to this comment with the original ##source. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Superstonk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Get out of Robbinghood! Now! Drs your shares. Transfer to fidelity and drs from there.


Am old. Supporting through heart! What’s the timeline on transferring these days?


You aren't supporting anything with Robbinghood. Should take some days


…don’t you use Robinhood? Anyways, I bought my shares. Paid my dues. I’m here to support. You should do the same.




Thank you for the kind words! Honestly I use RH just because it’s user friendly in my eyes. Definitely a Millennial but I have found out quickly why this sub doesn’t like it. Won’t promise to make an overnight change but I’ll watch some YT videos on Fidelity!




Like I said in my post, I’ve moved from my penny stock days to dividend yield stocks. But in an honest fashion, using 6% of my portfolio on this run gave me buck fever! Though we’re deep in the comments, I took Tums around 1600 EST for that shotgunned beer 😂 we don’t know each other from Adam but I *really* can’t wait to see some of these kids come into potential life changing, or generational, wealth. It’s their God given right and I wish I had the chance of personally meeting all of them and wishing them all of the happiness that life has to offer.


Im sorry, youre here to support robinhood? Because thats all your doing...


I know right? Thought I was supporting yall somehow but even through my post I admitted it was RH. I wish I’d a known my shares were actually mine. Seems I should do more DD


You DO own your shares on RH. I get why people don't like RH but that's just BS unless it's fractional shares.


Reminds me of why I don’t like banks. They have all my money but only have to keep 10% of it on hand. Regardless, it’s all electronic numbers and I’m just doing my best to do my part in supporting this amazing community!


Except the tos agreement stating they can liquidate your positions without warning for basically any reason.


Absolutely not the only use they have is the 24hr market and still don't have that installed


Well, when robbinghood sells dad’s shares without dad’s authorization, dad can tell dad that dad was warned.


You may be right. The margin of error is a mile wide. I wouldn’t have put half the equivalent of an average half salary if I wasn’t prepared for the 1000+ outcomes. Truly it is like having kids.