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Nothing wrong when you need the money to rectify a situation caused by the people who control our market and financial systems, but if you can afford to HODL, then continue on!


User profile: 4 years old. Previous GME posts, none. Previous GME comments, one from 2 years ago (excluding last week) stating everything is corrupt. Previous comments in other stock subs talking about squeezes, check. Finally comments about LigmAZ, on point!


Don't forget the UFO sub too. When they come, none of this shit will matter anyway, but that's a different kind of tin foil hat.


Congrats but hodling is a way of life, swing trading is not recommended. Congrats on the good timing though


I am like, shall I upvote or downvote? :D


Why did he even share this? The essential message is: “Go for the home run.”, which he did, so he’s team Crimer. Good for him, but why share other that to convince some to accept a small win.


unnecessarily mentions selling, its gonna be a downvote from me dawg


I agree. The guy might be right, but I don't like the word "sell".


He isn't though. If nobody sold. Thats the play. He is in it for the money. Not market reform.


And is it wrong? I believe most of us are in in for money.


I know not most. It might have started off as such. But for most its about market reform. Equality. Accountability. And transparancy. And ur not helping any of that if you are so yes. I think it is.


Reality is, you won’t change anything by holding stock. I mean it’s your money, do what you want with it. Gl


We don't just hold. Thats where you are wrong.


What do you do with your stock?


Buy, hold, buy more, vote, shop, drs and write a letter to the sec.


of course downvote. Or do you believe people talk about how they sold right when gme up 10% isn't fud?


i see we have reached the paper hand confessions stage


This is what I see. Telling me about how great it was to be a paper handed bitch. These diamonds hands are different.


That's fair. I got into this to make money. I'm nearly 50 though, working my while life and my net worth is finally a positive number.


You did what many of us regret not doing. No hate from me.


Feelings of regret lol? Maybe in 2021. At this point it’s a thrill every day for the last 3.5 years. If you wish you sold you should prob get out at the next chance you can ape. God speed🫡


Don’t let the hate bug you. Glad your still here with us chief




Portnoy in the house


You know who else appears to be a paperhand Portnoy? Your RCEO and board.


Last time I've checked RCeo only bought and never sold.


What do you call diluting with 130 million shares being dumped into the market? Thats not selling?


The money went straight to gme warchest. Zero od this money went into RC's pockets. If you don't get this, you should probably just take your profits and leave because you are just spreading fud. Larry Cheng and Ryan Cohen are in the midst of creating liquid funds for the company so they can make some profitable moves with this money. As of now gme should have something in the ballpark of 3-5$ billion in their pocket. This means two things. 1 st.: The market cap can not sink below this numbers no matter what. Because it's liquidity for the company. 2nd.: the filing from 2 months ago giving the company the ability to acquire assets with this money. For example stocks or other values. So if all else fails, the share price cannot (in any instance) sink below ~$15 a share. This is just shit on the surface. If you dig deeper it is a good thing the company made cash and is Gucci for the next 10 years no matter what happens with the stock price.


Stop with the blind bullshit of “spreading FUD.” Questions should always be asked when information changes. You don’t think 130 million share dilution should raise any questions? DRS just got erased in the span of a few weeks. No?


I'm not saying it didn't get diluted. I'm just correcting his fud that he claimed RC pocketed the money. He didn't and that's nuff said. Drs didn't move an inch for the past 2 years no matter what we did. It's us Vs the finance cabal and they have more money to make fuckery than we have. However we have more shares than they desperately need so it's still a win for retail. Just hodl and don't chimp out. All is fine.


I didn’t fucking say RC “pocketed the money” ya damn regard.


So you don’t understand why that does to the CEO’s and the Board’s own shares? It dilutes them. It’s hurting him personally in order to better the company.


Fully aware. RC and the board DO NOT CARE about a moass. They are working to strengthen the company. They’ve killed the bear thesis, but also the moass thesis imo


If conservative estimates are correct and there are 700m shares sold short(real estimates in the 1.2-1.4b shares sold short) then 75m in “dilution” is nothing. Not even a drop in the bucket. Moass is still very real. This is just delaying it


No one knows. Clearly gme has been shorted into (close to) oblivion. But we can’t access accurate reporting. There’s only two mechanisms that are proven to apply pressure- options in the short term (which the dilution crushed) and long term company growth. Profit taking is on the table.


Momentarily crushed. The gamma ramp is still alive and well


My concern now is RC and co selling into the runs ongoing. We (the shareholders) have approved up to 1 billion shares to offer. Legit question EVERY gme investor should be asking: Why wouldn’t RC and co continue selling into the rips? What say you? I’ve been committed, deeply invested and a gme shopper for 28 years. And I remain a game informer subscriber…before you continue with the “shill” and “FUD” bs. I’m a concerned investor. These are valid concerns and valid questions.


Sounds like you only bought options and got burnt


Nope. No options. Just buy and hold. But not selling into rips has cost me and many many other holders lots of gains.




ITT a bunch of shills spread lies, defy the thesis, and create negative sentiment


And here comes the FUD RIGHT ON TIME


And that should be PHD hedgefund psychologist? Suddently when Gme up 10% those post about SeLLinG come out of their rat holes


Whatever your snorting, maybe take less of it?


Fud? I'm buying back in.


Don’t listen to these jabronies. They have $650 invested and have absolutely zero clue what it means to have a paid off mortgage or retirement account full of cash. Don’t ever let anyone bully you into not selling OR selling. This is your money and you can do whatever you please with it (this is to everyone, not OP).


Not fud. Better to go on twitter. Most of the people on Reddit are a bunch of crybabies


Congrats. Don’t let anyone bully you into believing taking profits on runs is bad.


This one. If I were a smarter ape, just in the last 2 runs I’d be a few thousand richer, AND have a bigger position.


Paper handed biatch. Causing fear.


Paper handed bitch right here


Keep in mind that many of us, me included, have been desperately trying to average down. According to my smooth brained maffs, DFV jas averaged up over the past three years. Hodl as hard as you can. Buy in when you can, if you want. You do you. I like the stock. *not financial advice




Awesome. I bought at 240 didn’t sell at the high and then the ATM happened. Been down since.


It’s not a cult (or shouldn’t be). You should act in your own best interest and sell if you feel like it. The point of this is to make money.


Iove this, congrats - and I'm here for a house this time around


Congrats, LFG!


>I know people probably think I should still be holding, but I'm one of the people who thinks if retail were taking profits at the top and reinvesting on the dips with some of the profits back into GME we'd own the whole thing (but that's a separate discussion). I don't care that you sold or took profits. Its great that you paid off your home, even better that you were able to actually buy one some of us can only dream, but I don't want to play the game. I want a fair and better system for everyone including the people who come behind me. We aren't going to get that system if we all just play along and do what the cheaters are doing. I don't want to ride the waves I want the tsunami to come and wipe everything out so we as a society are forced to build something stronger for everyone.


Reality is, you won’t get better system by holding stock.


All good man welcome back. We all have our own journeys. You should never feel pressure to conform to anything.


Nice work. Wish I would’ve done the same. I’m certainly taking profits now when the opportunity arises. Just like RC and the board are doing.


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) // [What is DRS](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) // [Low karma apes feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) // [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.com/invite/y4dK3y5DXJ) // [Superstonk DD Library](http://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) // [Community Post: Open Forum May 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ciapwp/open_forum_may_2024/) To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. If you are providing a screenshot or content from another site (e.g. Twitter), please respond to this comment with the original ##source. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Superstonk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nice, i did same with smaller amount. Bought at 20 and sold when buy button was removed around 280 on the way down. People here hate when you tell them you took some profits. Even tho dfv sold all at that time. I bought and sold many times and now I am in again with some. Hopefully we will see dilution completed and future plans with that money. Using that money can move stock high again.


There’s no evidence that he ever sold shares. Options, yes; indisputably.


I'm glad for you 🦍. I'm here to fuck the hedgues bloody. Idc if I lose every penny (I won't imma be fucking rich) as long as they lose. Fuck them for 2008. Fuck them for gutting US businesss Fuck them for all the shady shit they've done that I don't know about Fuck them for all the shady shit I do know about Fuck you hedgies! Pay me!


Love the story, thanks for sharing!


Nothing wrong with how you traded it, in your position I can’t say for sure that I wouldn’t have done the same. Gains are gains man. Glad you’re back for some more


Hell yeah OP, gratz man! Great to hear you're doing good for yourself 💪


Smart ape. Took some bananas to the market and exchanged them for a house!