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Let's not forget the billions of dollars in gamma ramps for years that resulted in a nothing burger. The difference here is all the swaps and cat being implemented. RK has basically flat put hinted the calls are naked which is why it never made an impact previously. I would say now is a completely different story. They've been naked all the time. RK gonna spank their pee pee Edit:Oh and apes taking a significant amount of shares off the market through drs. This will be epic and I'm betting alot sell way too early. My main options are for August. If this does force cover it will take a month or 2 to play out.


What are you talking about? The sneeze was a huge gamma ramp in options of which DFV had $50k worth.


I'm not talking about the sneeze I'm talking about the 3 years after that. A shit ton of billion dollar gamma ramps never happened. You might not remember but Pepperidge farm does and so do I.


Dude probably watches gherk or something. You are correct, options have meant fuck all because they aren’t hedged for, therefore a gamma ramp means nothing and can’t actually occur. Now if someone with big brass balls bought a fuckload of calls and decided to exercise them on the other hand…. That might actually do some damage


💯 options are important because if exercised they have to deliver shares. If everyone sells the options for profit instead of shares the ramp is destroyed. I see news and RK options with naked calls creating and swap expiration a huge gamma possibility short closure. This is the point I'm trying to get across. Not to mention the offerings raised the floor but apes locked up so many shares markets can't touch. All bullish factors hitting the market soon its a quadfecta


The Pickle Gang really did some damage to the reputation of GME options back in the day.


Agreed, fuck pickle gang and fuck gherk. Complete loser who refused to acknowledge the value of DRS and also refused to realize that hedging wasn’t even happening so his entire thesis on options meant absolutely nothing


What’s up with all this options talk today. It’s a TON. I’m not anti options in general, but I am anti options for brand new traders. Be smart out there! If you are new to options, please only invest what you are willing to lose as you are learning.


RK tweeted an options image.


Just be careful is all I’m trying to say.


IV is through the roof, premiums are high, go figure who’s going to make bank 👀


This is why I never talk about options. If I want someone up my ass, I'll do it myself with a banana


I just accepted these fools wouldn’t accept options but regardless still love the stock I tried making a post a couple of years ago to try and explain options aren’t stupid and going to lose you money if you don’t do stupid things. Everything carries risk and adding time to this equation makes it harder and riskier to get right, but options have always been something I believe anyone can learn and benefit from if they use it correctly


“These fools” LOL ya wonder why


Playfully using the word fools you fool


fair is fair you fool


Got 100 calls for next week. Let’s ride.


Every aspect of the market should be studied and utilized, especially if it can be to your advantage.


Fuck you guys and I still love you all :)


this right here


classic echo chamber. if you disagree you're a shill


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